The Gang of Five
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Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 138605


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In another part of the city, a tall figure stood at the mouth of an alleyway, cloaked in shadow. A chill wind blew through the night, and he shivered slightly, pulling the lapels of his trench coat tighter against his neck. Marcus' gaze never left the car parked on the opposite side of the road.

A figure approached. Marcus checked his watch. 2 AM. Right on time. He watched as Dr. Tarver unlocked his door, got in... And was vaporised as the explosion tore the car apart, lifting it several meters in the air and bringing the burning wreckage crashing to the floor. Marcus turned away, a rare smile playing across the Doberman's mouth. Another disease spreader eliminated. He vanished into the darkness, and it was as if he was never there.


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you have 72 hours to prove a air-solid case; Brownstreet finally said. ' you must do this legally, no extra stuff. by the book. if you can finger him, he'll be arrested and your first probation will be dropped and your job will be saved. if he is not in custody by midnight Friday, then you will be terminated with loss of pay and benefits. I'm giving you one final chance Echo, don't blow it. you can put your stuff back if you wish..
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One of the officers present at Soren's house looked at Echo. "Officer Echo, with all due respect, there is zero proof that Mr. Almaya is an Augment. In addition, ó despite your adamant belief otherwise ó being an Augment isn't illegal."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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(Ooc: Echo and Broadstreet are back at Echo's office.)

She grinned. "I don't need police help. I can get this done alone."

She dropped her suitcase on the ground. "I'll get Mr. Amalay in 72 hours, Broadstreet. Thank you."


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As Axel drew back from the curtains, he heard a series of thumps above him. He jumped in shock, his eyes making a slight whirring sound as they darted up. He lived on the top floor of the apartment building. Who could be on the roof?

His metallic hands grasped the baseball bat that he always kept in his room. He slowly opened his window and scrambled out onto the fire escape. His trainers rattled the stairs leading up - he willed his legs to stop trembling. Reaching the top of the passage, he gathered his courage and peeked over. In front of him, a hooded figure was staring down in the direction of Soren's house. He squeaked in shock and ducked down, hoping whoever it was didn't notice him.


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clocks ticking echo. get on it..' broadstreet said  he turned and went over to his office which was in a side room. he went to his desk and brought out a large clock ' he pressed a couple buttons and 72:00 appeared on the screen then started ticking down. he set the clock on his deskmm and the n sared pulling out some files and examining them..
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The hooded figure glanced back at the source of the noise, eye glinting, then shook its head and vaulted off the roof, landing with a soft thud and glancing at the building that had been on fire...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Echo quickly left her office and marched back into the brisk evening air. She knew exactly what to do.

"Captain, this is Echo. I need a 24-hour surveillance team to assist me in watching Soren Am--"

"You've got some nerve calling me after that failed sting!" Snapped the captain. "That was disastrous! You remember the arrangement, Emilena! You failed to bring in Soren!"

"Blame the intern who can't fill out a basic warrant correctly!" She snapped back. "And you can't do anything to me, Sargeant Broadstreet has given me a 72-hour extension."

"Why does he give you so many damn chances?" grumbled the captain. "Dammit, all right, but you're on your own. I will allocate no men to assist you and authorize no police equipment. And in 72 hours I'll take your badge from you myself."


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Marita meanwhile had stopped at a coffee shop and do some work on her computer. she ordered a hot cocoa and began searching the megaNet for information.. ' bombing other side of city are Augments to blame?
 Typical anti-Augment slant' marita shrugged as she drank her cocoa..
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When he next looked up, the figure was gone. Sighing with relief, Axel hurried back down, staircase rattling, and threw himself through his window, locking it behind him. Returning to his sofa, he continued tinkering with the new augment modification he'd started on. Maybe Soren would find some use for it.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena tried recontacting the Captain, but he wouldn't pick up. Muttering under her breath, she reconsidered her options. She could personally scope out Mr. Alamay's apartment, but the police investigation would not take kindly to her presence. She decided to go to her tiny apartment and get a few hours of sleep.

She began walking down the lonely moonlit sidewalk, eyes constantly darting from side-to-side and her hand never moving from the can of pepper spray attached to her belt.


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From nearby, the cloaked figure stepped towards her, nodding to her...


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Aaron sighed as he shut off the TV. "Screw this. I'm going for a walk."

He then dressed and got his keys, cell phone and gun. Technically, it wasn't legal to carry any gun without a permit in Lanthae but in truth, there was only one law about firearms in Lanthae: it's legal if you don't get caught.

Failing that: Have some cash or other valuables to bribe a dirty cop...of which there are many.  

He exited his apartment and passed by a homeless Dhole begging for money. He looked over the Dhole for any signs of augmentation before he grabbed his wallet. Seeing as there were no visible augmentations, he placed some credits in the Dhole's collection plate.

The German Shepherd then took the elevator to midlevel, where he stepped out onto one of the many elevated walkways that crisscrossed Lanthae's buildings. Hoverbikers, frame-flyers and a few augmented flyers flitted through the smoggy air.

Aaron took a deep breath. The smoggy, biting air smelt like home to him. He then merged into one of the busier thoroughfares and continued his trek to his favorite late night snack joint: Electric Sheep.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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broadstreet continued to work though his files, involveing 5 sets of augmentation, 3 illegal dealers of augments and 17 corrupt officers..
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena stifled a sigh when she saw the cloaked figure approach. "Oh, god, always seem to know when I have no other options...I wouldn't be surprised if your mechanical filth lets you read my mind..."


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Adrian chuckled a little, letting his hood down and smiling bitterly.
"It's nothing so useful as that.  Hell, if I had my choice, I'd never have had these...damn things in the first place."
He said, looking down at the cold metal of his left hand, then shaking his head.
"Anyways, it's not that I'm here because of that.  I'm here because something seems off about this."
He added, recovering his calm demeanor quickly...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Echo raised an eyebrow. "Not out here, follow me..."

She began walking briskly to her small apartment.


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marita by this time had finished her work and her cocoa and decided to head home. hers was , in truth a lonely existence.. she had very few friends, due to being moved constantly during high school and laterr during college.. marita turned down a couple alleyways then headed across the street to an apartment building..
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Marcus leaned against a wall, watching people walk by. It seemed to him that everyday, the number of augments was growing. His ears twitched. I have to step up my work. They're infesting this damn city, like maggots on a rotting corpse. He rubbed his eyes, a headache beginning to drill into his brain. It was late, and he'd been up for almost four days straight. Maybe it was time to call it a night.

He turned and began making his way back to the apartment he'd been staying for the last week. He passed a window, an orange pole stenciled in front, with a blinking, pink neon sign above the doorway. It said 'All Nude Augments, All Yours!' An augment strip club. Marcus shivered with revulsion, and moved his hand to the back of his trench coat where he'd hidden his .44 Magnum. He was about to break in the door and put a bullet in every one of them... then his hand relaxed and moved back to his side. It wouldn't do to be caught now. Always be careful. He carried on home.

On the way, he came across a Great Dane heading in the same direction. He barely gave her a passing thought as his long strides carried him past her rapidly.


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Adrian followed behind Echo, sure to keep his augments hidden under his cloak as he did so, eyes glancing around frequently...