The Gang of Five
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Messages - Belmont2500

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 119
Gamers Zone / Re: Civilization
« on: June 12, 2024, 09:15:40 PM »

Wow, I honestly wasn't expecting any replies. :smile  I thought everyone who used to be active in this topic has long since moved on to other things, with me being the only one stubborn enough to stick around.

Anyway, good to hear you seem to be enjoying Civ 6, for the most part. I've already explained my reasons for why I'm unlikely to start trying that game anytime soon, though I did ultimately decide to take advantage of that aforementioned sale to purchase it with all of its additional content. Besides, I'm currently busy having fun with the game Civilization: Beyond Earth. Have you ever tried that game? If so, what did you think of it?

Admittedly, even before it came out, I've avoided Beyond Earth like the plague. Even after its been out for years and the expansions had their run. I don't feel like I've missed much, the outer space setting really strips away the historical aspect of Civ, which was what drew me to it to begin with, and the elements added in its place didn't feel substantive enough.

I'm sure Beyond Earth has its high points, I've listened to the soundtrack on and off for example and it is solid, As are the opening FMVs.  On the other hand though, I can always get Alpha Centuri and its expansions for a fiver and end up with a similar, if not deeper, experience.

So I guess, Beyond Earth is for me, what Civ VI is for you.

Animation / Re: Discord caption
« on: June 12, 2024, 09:06:53 PM »
"I think Data went overboard with the replicators."

Gamers Zone / Re: Civilization
« on: June 11, 2024, 01:58:35 AM »
I've watched that trailer at least five times now. Regardless if the game itself proves to be a worthy successor or not, I've no doubt the trailer will remain an immaculate, moving work of art.

Also, Chronicler! I've missed you.   :)littlefoot

I've been playing Civ VI for the last year or so now, especially since V mysteriously stopped working on my PC. So far, I think I've come around to it (having three Hellenic Civs certainly doesn't hurt) though still coming to grips with the newer mechanics.

Animation / The Things Starlite Will Do.
« on: June 11, 2024, 01:49:11 AM »
Revisiting OwlsCantRead's 'Guido of Disappointment' post recently brought to mind, a similar scene of disappointment. This one, from 1985's Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer 

Caption Away!

I can say with confidence that I won't ever be watching Wisdom of Friends or the majority of the TV series again.

The former largely because its tastes like diabetes levels of saccharine, other than the intro and a few dream sequences. And as a musical, it has probably some of the most forgettable songs out of the films. The only redeeming factor I can find in LBTXIII is that we got to see a few Baryonyx, but they aren't enough to save it.

The latter mostly because despite being in a format that allows for more unrestricted storytelling, the TV series just doesn't do much with it. It was nice to see some legacy characters again...but for the most part they were rarely handled well - Ali and Doc probably got the worst of it -  and generally felt like wasted potential. \

Just about most, if not all of the songs were derivative of existing pieces *cough* Big Longneck Test *cough* and the tone was still more saccrine then anything with little to balance it out in the way most of the films did. At least it was pretty cool to see Chomper living in the Valley, and Ruby was a nice enough addition.

At the same time though, both characters came back in XIV and in hindsight, you really don't need to have seen the TV series for their inclusion in that film to make sense, they were handled there about as well as in the series, albeit with less time to work with. 

Every other entry has at least one aspect to them that has me coming back, but these...not so much. Wasted potential  is truly the phrase I would use to best sum up those two entries, I'd say. Both of them could have been something special, but what we got felt like a hollow facsimile on both counts. And its really a damn shame, more than anything. 

Should I get Sierra's role, I'll gladly sing his bits in Very Important Creature, to the best of my ability.

Fan Voice Overs / Re: [VO2] Character auditions for voice-over of LBT7
« on: April 14, 2021, 03:40:17 PM »
Thank you, Mumbling. I'm surprised he came out as good as he did. I'll do my best to with the rest of his lines.

Great auditions, Belmont. I liked your take on Grandpa Longneck :wise

Thank you Mouse, I liked your take on Grandma Longneck as well  :MomCompassion

Thanks Mumbling, went and saved it.

It's Party Time! / Re: Ban The Person Above You (game)
« on: March 19, 2021, 04:06:00 PM »
You are banned for having such a tacky choice in Pokemon eyewear.

Fan Voice Overs / Re: [VO2] Character auditions
« on: March 18, 2021, 04:25:53 PM »
Going to Rainbow Face 1 a try, he was always a favourite. Should be a step up from simply narrating.

Character Showcase / Re: Hyp, Nod, and Mutt Showcase - November 2020
« on: November 14, 2020, 10:48:33 AM »
By the way did you know that Hyp is voiced by the same kid that played the "More like a six foot Turkey" kid from Jurassic Park? Well in TOTGG he was.

I had no idea, no wonder he was so frightened by the raptor trio at the end.

Fan Voice Overs / Re: [VO] Character Status for Voice-over of LBT1
« on: January 04, 2020, 09:33:44 AM »
I was mistaken and would like to try for the narrator part again, once I've access to w a working mic (which should be soon.)

The Party Room / Re: Make up a crazy lie about the person above you
« on: September 27, 2019, 02:08:48 PM »
The jig is up!   :^^spike

TPAM is John Pomeroy in disguise.

The Party Room / Re: Make up a crazy lie about the person above you
« on: September 26, 2019, 07:07:34 PM »
TPAM cameoed in the original Land Before Time.

It's Party Time! / Re: Ban The Person Above You (game)
« on: September 25, 2019, 06:40:30 PM »
Sleeping Forces, I ban you for your use of revisionist history.

The Party Room / Re: Make up a crazy lie about the person above you
« on: September 24, 2019, 12:47:45 PM »
TPAM has a land deed for a nice, pleasant little home on Skull Island.

The Party Room / Re: Make up a crazy lie about the person above you
« on: September 21, 2019, 11:48:15 PM »
TPAM was force-choked by Darth Vader, and lived to tell the tale...

LBT Projects / Re: GOF Sing-along: If We Hold On Together
« on: July 23, 2019, 02:51:17 PM »
I didn't think I'd like the way mine would come out, but the result was surprisingly good  :Mo

LBT Projects / Re: GOF Sing-along: If We Hold On Together
« on: July 01, 2019, 09:27:40 PM »
No way I'm going to let a chance to sing a childhood favourite pass me by.

I'm in!  :)littlefoot

The Party Room / Re: The Corrupt a Wish Game.
« on: May 09, 2019, 01:53:34 PM »

Granted, Paul, John, Ringo and the rest live again (even though Paul is still alive), unfortunately they seem to have taken a fancy to the styles of groups like Simple Plan and Good Charlotte; and their new albums are all quite agonizing to listen to.

I wish the rest of the Felidae novels would finally get an English translation.

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