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Jrd89 · 31 · 4292


  • Cera
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@ Allicloud do they still have the 11 movie bundle pack on your version of Amazon? if so how much pounds is it?

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I can't think of 7 as even so much as OK now cause "Pterano" is in it. Seriously, am I like, the only member on this site who's not head-over-heels in love with him? Am I the only member who thinks he's an absolute douche?  :crazy

Seriously, the coolest characters 7 offered were the exterestrials. They were pretty interesting and I hope we see them again at some pint!  :smile


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  • Ducky
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To be honest, I'm not such a big Pterano fan either. The reason I love the seventh film is because it has Rinkus in it.

The aliens were pretty good. Completely out of character for LBT in general, but that's not a bad thing.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Yeah, they were cool, but a complete departure from the LBT I knew and loved.

P.S., I know I'm not the only person on here who doesn't like Pterano, but I sometimes feel like I am since there are so many who do.


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  • Littlefoot
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Why dislike a movie simply because of one character? That seems silly to me.

Besides, Pterano wasn't that bad. He certainly wasn't as bad as Sierra. He was a complete jerk, much worse than Pterano. And Rinkus is no better. Compared to them, Pterano is a saint.

And at least Pterano acknowledges his mistakes in the end.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I didn't say I like or dislike Pterano cause he's bad or good. We all know, like Ducky said, that he's "not as mean as the other flyers". ;)  I dislike him  because he's just plain annoying, and because everyone else is overly obsessed with him. For example, I know Sierra is bad but I do think he's awesome (ah, admit it, you probably have a bad guy you like too, Dark Hououmon!). Hope that explains enough.


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  • Littlefoot
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I do like antagonists. I often like them more than other characters.

In one of your earlier posts, you called Pterano a "douche", which is another term, in my opinion, for "jerk"; it's not a word synomous with "annoying". That post made me think you didn't like Pterano because he did bad things (like try to trick Littlefoot into telling him the stone's location), which confused me because you like Sierra even though he threatened to kill the children (remember his comment about feeding the kids to sharpteeth?).

It just didn't make sense to me that you dislike Pterano for being a jerk but you liked Sierra who was a bigger jerk. I didn't know you were referring to "annoying", as the term you used, to my knowledge, doesn't mean the same thing as what you were going for.

And so what if there are members who are obsessed with Pterano? Why should that bother you?

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Okay, thanks. I'll be careful how I use that word, I guess shouldn't apply it to characters I simply find annoying.

If I lived in the LBT world I'd feed myself to the sharpteeth if it would save the kids from getting eaten by them. Just because I don't like Pterano doesn't mean I agree with some things he says (I put a lot of emphasis on "some".) And while I love a lot of villians, I'm never going to support what they say or do.

And I'm sure that's how most of us feel.  ;)


  • Ruby
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I had this feeling about a week ago when I finally found LBT 4 (my all-time favorite LBT movie) on DVD in the bargain bin at Walmart. xD The DVD was only $5, so I figured, "Why not?" Then, a few seconds later, I found the sixth movie in the same bin! I was so excited, I bought them right away! :D I want to collect all of them on DVD, now!

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I really love LBT 4 too! It's the one I initially gre up knowing, and probably my favorite, although I think it's tied with 3.


  • Petrie
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Same thing happened to me, Tikikata.  I found a DVD of the LBT series for $7.  This one is the eleventh one.  I then found the twelfth, the eleventh, and the seventh.