The Gang of Five
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Strange Weather


  • Ducky
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Holy ****.  That must have been at least an F3.  :o


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  • Cera
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Oy!  If there is anything I really like about this area of the country; no nasty weather!

Well...okay I shouldn't say that.  Tornados do occur from time to time (say, once a year or so) just north of my hometown, mainly in rural areas, but no tornado has ever (on record at least) touched down within these city limits.  We had a tornado warning last year but it didn't amount to anything more than a thunderstorm.  I was at work at the time, outside, and got to watch the whole thing first-hand! :lol

Aside from the somewhat cold temperatures (-25 C +a wind chill on an extremel cold winter day) in the winter, conditions are fairly mild here.  Summers tend to be very sunny with the odd thunderstorm with temperatures in the 20-30C range.  Winters tend to be an average of -5C to about -15C most days, with moderate amounts of snow.  Thankfully, the city is very well-equipped to handle snowstorms and winter driving conditions, and roads are cleaned up very quickly.  Of course, like anywhere else with ice and snow, people seem to forget how to drive in the winter, on ice! :rolleyes: The local news is always packed full of fender-benders during the first couple of snowfalls of the year. :p


  • Hatchling
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Ugh, that sounds horrible F-14.  Glad you're safe and nobody has been seriously hurt.

That storm that nailed you came up and flooded some areas around here..again!!!  -_-  It's nowhere near what happened last time, but we had a ton of rain up here in just the past six hours.


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Ugh, okay.  This week has been colder than we've seen here for a few years!  Since friday, the temperature has been constantly below -20C, reaching nearly -40C with the wind chill at night.  My car isn't a big fan of this weather, nor am I!  It's -24C out right now (-34 with the wind chill), yet it's been fairly sunny.
-41 tonight and -43 tomorrow night!  Yeah....that's cold!

My car simply refused to start on sunday; I needed to get a boost because the battery nearly died from trying to start it.  Thankfully it's running fine now, but it will only start if the block heater is left plugged in!

The local forecast is showing that the weather will subside soon, with temperatures reaching -1 on thursday and 0 on friday.  Thank goodness; too much more of this and we'd scare away the tourists! :lol

Conclusion: I don't like winter! :P:


  • The Circle
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Over here you can still walk around in T-Shirts! A few days ago it was more than 20 degrees Celsius!
Last year at the same time it was clearly below 0 and we had some blizzards which caused electricity to fail in a large region north from where I live. One extreme is following the other!


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  • Cera
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Over here you can still walk around in T-Shirts! A few days ago it was more than 20 degrees Celsius!

It sounds to me like we basically swapped weather from last year, Malte!

Last year was one of the mildest winters on record here.  It barely dropped into the negatives and was warm until at least January.  There wasn't a speck of snow on the ground at christmas; if I recall correctly, it was about 10 C on Christmas day last year. :lol

Last year at the same time it was clearly below 0 and we had some blizzards which caused electricity to fail in a large region north from where I live.
That sounds rather...unpleasant. :blink:  Yesterday, this region set a record of "Highest energy consumption ever in a single day".  This was due to so many people plugging their cars in and heating their homes and buildings, combined with the ever-increasing population here.  Mind you, that is only a local record, not a world record.  Even so, it's not something to be particularily proud of <_<


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For all you folks who may have trouble "picturing" the difference between a temperature in Fahrenheit and Celsius, or are just interested, here is an online calculator that quickly converts between the two. B)


  • Hatchling
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I can usually guess the difference pretty well.  B)

Its supposed to get really cold around here by Friday, and I'm not going to like that too much.  :angry:  I'm still not ready to put snow tires on my car.


  • Ducky
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*cold*  Man!  It's freezing out here!  Only 7 degrees!   O_O;;;;;;  I'm gonna go make myself some hot soup.


  • Ducky
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The weather here was super cold this week.  I believe it was around a -25 degree wind chill at the beginning of the week.  They actually cancelled classes on monday because of how cold it was.  I hope this is the last time I see weather this cold during this semester.


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  • Cera
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I'ts been fairly cold here lately, too (-10, -15 C) but it's basically expected this time of year. :P:


  • The Circle
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And on this end it is completely the other way round! Hardly a snowflake in the sky this winter. We had almost 20 degrees celsius in January! It is the warmest winter in recorded history over here. They expect the warmest ever summer now. I'm afraid of being broiled in my room below the roof this summer!