The Gang of Five
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The Great Plague

Ducky123 · 333 · 63112


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"Yea, we will." Cera said.  She rolled her eyes at the mention of the belly dragger and her flyer friend.  "Boy were they annoying. " She said, not willing to admit they were scary, being a three horn.  She felt she could admit to their being annoying.


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Ruby tilted her head in confusion. "Bellydragger? Huh? What bellydragger?" She was afraid that whenever the Gang went off on any adventure, she was always one step behind, no matter where they were going.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Littlefoot's eyes swiveled back and fourth over the plains of the mysterious beyond. The sharpteeth that lived here in the west were far less dangerous than the monsters he had to deal with as a hatchling back out east, but they could be clever at times. They seemed to 'get' flateeth a bit better; he couldn't really put it any better than that. While he doubted Red Claw or Screech or Thud or any sharptooth out here had more than a passing knowledge of what the plant eaters were really like, he sensed they at least tried, even if it was just so they could hunt them more efficiently.
"Well, it's a long story," Littlefoot said, looking over his shoulder to do a quick head count. "When we went to the Land of Mist's last time, there was this blind belly dragger named Dil and her nasty flier partner named Ichy. They tried to chase us almost every step of the way to the night flowers."
He stopped and nudged his head a bit towards some nearby bushes hugging the rocky outcrops: they were getting too far out in the open.
"I can't see them still hanging around there, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were other kinds of sharpteeth that have moved in since we were there last."


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Ruby considered. "I see..." she said, slowly. "...Was this a good idea, because of what we did not know?" She took a hesitant step forward. Ruby was never one to back down from an adventure -- never -- but, would they be stalked during their quest? Redclaw never stalked, he just attacked, so there was always that, but...
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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"Well, I think we don't have much choice." Chomper shrugged. "It's going there or... well... yeah...."

The Anonymous Person

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Not far off from where the gang was...

As Red Claw was stalking the land, he noticed a set of dinosaur children from a far distance. Of course, he had seen them before, and had always tried to eat the heads off of at least one of them, always ending in a miserable failure.

It's those kids again! he thought. Well, well, well...I wonder if I can't get a hold of them this time...

Turning to face the directbehind him, he called out, "Guys! Come over here!"

Screech and Thud, the two fastbisters that almost always accompanied Red Claw, quickly arrived and approached him.

"What is it, Red Claw?" Screech asked, "Those kids here, I take it?"

"Certainly," Red Claw replied, "They might even be aware of us right now as we wait to strike. Whether or not they are aware, it doesn't matter. I'm eating well tonight, no matter what! And this time...this time, boys, we will succeed!"


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Thud gave a big smile that didn't touch his eyes."How? Do you have a plan this time? They've got a flier who can see us from a mile away and a little biter that can smell us coming."
He yawned a little. He hated these early morning hunting expeditions. Even when they succeeded, it never felt worth the extra hours of sleep he ended up missing. When he got an annoyed look from his brother, he sighed. "Yeah, yeah, alright. Do you see which way they're headed from up there?"


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"We just have to be extra alert.  Not all sleep at the same time.  Some remaining awake at night.  Try to always be on the look out for ways to escape, hide.  The usual.  We've done well so far." Cera said.    She looked around a bit, "Though that is no reason to get soft." She said.


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Ruby exhaled, hoping that would calm her misgivings. It didn't, but she attempted to brighten anyway. "Very well, then we must go on ahead." She nodded, as if to convince herself.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Littlefoot smiled over his shoulder to Ruby and nodded.
It was approximately 9:00 AM, and feathered fliers were beginning to wiggle through the bishes, clutching tiny snatches of dried grass, palm fibers, and dead leaves to start building their nests. The extra noise probably wasn't very conductive for detecting approaching sharpteeth, Littlefoot thought, but you really could never be 100% safe out here in the mysterious beyond. Besides, they were a lively and comforting sight after the listless of the valley's residents.
The grass was drier, but it also a bit warmer than inside the valley. Following them up with his gaze, Littlefoot saw a bend in one of the red rock walls.
"Ah, there's our first turn," Littlefoot said. "There's a river not to far from here. We need to follow it for a ways to get to Hopper-Lilly lake. Once we find that, we can follow one of the tributaries to reach the cave we're looking for." He grinned. "Not to bad, righ-"
Before Littlefoot could finish, Littlefoot felts onetime hook around his foot, sending him sprawling on the ground with a thud.
There was a dull jangle. Littlefoot turned around to see he had stepped into the open rivcage of an animal that died near the bushes.


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Ducky jerked out of her sitting position on top of Spike since she assumed a Sharptooth being responsible for the noice. Luckily, her fear didn't come true; Littlefoot only stumbled across a sketeton of some sort which wasn't an unusual sight in the Mysterious Beyond - especially with Redclaw, Screetch and Thud being around...
"Oww Littlefoot, you scared-ed me, you did," Ducky exclaimed, being a little angry but anger never lasted long in Ducky's mind. "I thought a Sharptooth made-d the noice, I did, I did."
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Cera walked over to where Littlefoot was.  "How's your ankle?  We have to be careful where we step out here." She said, looking around a bit.   The sight of skeletons were not unusual in the areas outside the Great Valley.  They had all seen those in their time.


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Littlefoot gave a nervous nod and a forced smile.
'Okay, don't panic, don't panic, don't panic, don't panic-'
Littlefoot pulled hard on his on his leg, but his foot was so stuck that it mery caused the entire skeleton to flop out of the bush. The skull landed right on his chest. Blaring fright suddenly gripped him.
"Get it off me! Get it off!" Littlefoot shouted, panic blotting all ideas of stealth from his mind. There were still small vestiges of flesh and sinew, now being tended to by an alarming cost of red ants. A horrifying rotting odor real eased into the air the more it jangled around, along with the otherworldly buzzing of deathly eyed blue-bottle flies.  The noise echoed through the usually quite atmosphere of the Mysterious beyond.


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"Phew, that smell is awful." Cera said.  Then she looked at Littlefoot, "Let's get it off of him before he hurts himself, or one of us." She said to the others.


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"Yuck, yuck, yuck! It smells worser than Mr. Clubtail on a hot day," Ducky complained in disgust. Dragging Spike along, she pulled to free her longnecked friend nevertheless.
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OOC: Sheesh, gimme a moment to catch up will you guys xD

"Pheh, be glad your sniffer is bad." Chomper recoiled briefly at the absolutely horrid stench. Ugh, that meat was so bad he'd not eat that even if he were starving. He lodged his jaws around the neck of the animal and pulled.


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Ruby stepped up to help. She positioned herself beside Chomper. She tried not to look at the dead thing. At this point, it was so far-rotted she wasn't even sure what it used to be. Her eyes started to tear up at the awful smell, so she turned her head. It was nigh unbearable, but she was used to seeing dead things, terrible as it may have sounded. She latched her claws fast around the hard vertebra of the neck and gave a violent tug.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Littlefoot tried, to mediocre effect, keeping some vestige of self control as he pulled to free his leg with all it's might. Part of it was not to look like a scardey egg in front of his friends, but a less concious part of him knew he that the racket he was making right now was certainly not a good thing... Nor was kicking up a very strong, very distinct odor up into the air for anything in the immediate vicinity to smell.
"Come on, come on, please," Littlefoot begged, feeling a twitch of revulsion as the scurrying ants began to crawl up his leg. The others were trying their hardest to pull with him.
"Come on!"
There was almost no bend to give him any warning-- he simply went sprawling backwards, knocking into all his friends and sent them all into a tumbling ball that crashed several meters away.
Littlefoot's eye twitched as he felt several of his heavier friends right on top of his chest.
"... Well, I didn't mean like that," he wheezed, giving a sheepish grin at his pile of groggy friends.

Thud whipped his head around. Some moron was making a very loud racket down at the Cicatrix river. Sounded a bit like screaming... Maybe it was a local sharptooth who made a lucky catch? Or...
'That wouldn't be them, would it?' Thud asked his brother and Red Claw. Usually the valley brats were pretty careful about sneaking around. Now, maybe, maybe, Thud reasoned largely out of hope rather than anything else, if it WAS those kids, they could just set up an ambush on the bend around the river? Thud tapped his claws together, savoring a fantasy of getting even with all seven of those cocky little brats. The idea of getting a meal almost didn't matter to him-- it was the revenge he truely craved. Maybe his brother was right.... Maybe this was their lucky day. Thud grinned up at the towering Red Claw and asked: 'So... What's your call, boss?'

Roughly fifteen miles south-southeast of where the gang had a run in with an ex-resident of the mysterious beyond, and sixteen miles away from the relatively slow and lumbering Cicatrix that marked the point between the Valley burough and the greater beyond, a creature road the thermal currents about a fifth of a mile up into the air. At the moment, it wasn't truly flying-- it simply hovered, content on the up flowing draft of rising hot air, like a colossal snake-necked bat.
It's watery yellow eyes calmly gazed at smooth, whispy clouds wandering over the air, waiting. What it was waiting for precisely, it didn't completely understand. It had awoke this morning-- it's seventh consecutive day without a meal-- and had the sudden whim to fly as far south as it's wings could carry it.
A scent caught it's incredibly powerful sniffer, and it turned it's head. It did not know any real language, but the two words that manifested in it's mind were clear enough that they might as well have been words.
One was 'carrion'.
The other was 'prey.'


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Cera got up from where she had been sent when Littlefoot was freed.  She shook her head, "how is everyone?" She asked looking around at the others.  Then she looked around to see if any sharpteeth or fastbiters were within sight.  

"All that racket would be sure to attract anything nearby.  I think we should get out of here as soon as we can.  A quick clean up may be ok, since the odor would help others to find us, besides the fact it feels awful."


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Ruby quickly righted herself, murmuring an apology for nearly squishing her longneck friend. "I am sorry; that was a little unexpected because it was surprising..." she smoothed out her feathers and rubbed the back of her neck. "Well, you are out now, so that is good. I suppose what we should do now is go on and continue," she glanced quickly around. For some reason, she and her friends had a nasty habit of attracting trouble - and a lot at that - whenever they made a venture into the Beyond.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein