The Gang of Five
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After the Storm

Pterano · 44 · 22391


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((RP between Aabicus and myself!))

It's a godawful small affair...

As the strains of the song drifted through the beach front bar, Tony Stracci sat at the countertop, nursing a Seabreeze. The drink wouldn't be enough to knock him on his ass, but if he had a few more...

He wasn't planning on having a few more.

But the film is a saddening bore,
for she's lived it ten times or more...

Looking out to the crashing waves on the ocean, the white sandy beach stretched endlessly before him in either direction, looking like a never-ending ribbon as it twisted its way along the coast. Somewhere in the parking lot, one of his vintage cars was parked, drawing a small crowd that snapped photos of it and stood next to it for selfies and Instagram posts and whatever. This brought a slight smirk to the ferret's features as he watched the eager onlookers.

Tapping his claws against his sweating glass, he took another swig, then pulled out his phone.

It's on America's tortured brow
Mickey Mouse has grown up a cow...

Tapping his claws over the screen, he began texting Emilena Echo. He asked her to meet him here, having a few things to discuss in the aftermath of their saving the world, defeating Kalis, and becoming heroes. His flat cap was pulled a bit lower over his forehead, his vest, shirt, pants and shoes completing the look.

It's about to be writ again
as I ask her to focus on...
Sailors fighting in the dance hall
Oh man, look at those cavemen go
It's the freakiest show
Take a look at the lawman beating up the wrong guy
Oh man! Wonder if he'll ever know...
He's in the bestselling show!

As Tony listened to the strains of the song, he closed his eyes, enjoying the ocean breeze that came in from the relatively open air bar, the building lacking walls, and really only having a roof and floor. Sometimes... life was worth it...

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"..the thing about situations like that, Henri, is that you don't have time to think." Emilena forced the smile her public relations coach assured was making her more likable. "You just react, and do everything you can to stay alive. I only did what anyone would have done to survive."

"Now, you may say that, Emilena..." the talk show host laughed even though Emilena didn't find anything funny about their conversation, "...but you were practically the sole survivor. In fact, you're the only living individual confirmed to have been in the room when Vergil Speicher ended Rex's reign of terror and saved the planet."

"Well, wait, that's not true, there's Mr. Stracci and...oh." Emilena trailed off, realizing the interviewer was baiting her into revealing more about that climactic final battle. "You know I'm not allowed to talk about any of that, right?" she sighed.

"Of course, of course," Henri brushed off the notion with another fake laugh. "'Confidential incidents.' You've mentioned that you fully endorse the official story, and who are we to question the government?" The studio audience laughed as he turned to them expectedly for support. "I mean, when have they ever lied to us, right?"

"You calling me a liar?" Emilena growled, suddenly balling her fists. The laughter quickly died and the room grew awkwardly silent. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and counted down until her blood cooled. "Sorry. It's just that...a lot of people died during those confidential incidents. People I was very close to." She opened her eyes to stop the faces flashing across her vision. "Some died in front of me. Some we found the body afterward. And the remainder have gone completely missing. I know these are celebratory times for all you, but for me it involved losing almost everyone I've ever known. So, if you'd kindly stick to the topics we agreed upon when scheduling this interview..."

"Okay, okay," the host laughed again. "Pinkie promise. And make no mistake, we are all incredibly thankful for your sacrifices. But you gotta admit," his eyes glinted jokingly, "it helps at least a little to become filthy rich. I know I'd be buying another solid gold humvee if I were in your shoes!"

Emilena sighed and turned the television off as her on-screen counterpart decked the talk show host across the face. She was in her umpteenth six-star hotel; each was more expensive than everywhere she'd ever lived combined, but her bank account had so many digits she didn't see a reason to bother buying a permanent place to live. In fact, she felt more comfortable knowing that nobody could ever pin down her location. Not to mention, the one time she'd tried buying her own building she'd spent the whole night jumping at every little rustle of wind or creak in the woodwork. Even here, her ears twitched and she winced when anyone walked past her hotel room door. Get a grip, Emilena... she exhaled, rising up from her form-fitted massage couch and wandering to the window.

The setting sun cast vibrant rays over her hotel room, bathing her pale fur and making her look almost as orange as she'd been in her youth. Emilena knew stress could cause premature aging, but even she hadn't thought it was possible for a muzzle to turn grey before 25. Hell, for all she knew it was the Growth Acceleration procedure finally catching up to her. Whatever. She'd never particularly feared her own death, and it seemed even less of an issue now that everyone she'd ever known had already passed to the other side.

She glanced at the ornate desk, the main piece of furniture that had sold her on this room. She'd always wanted a big fancy desk, from her first day as a junior police officer in the long-destroyed city of Lanthae, but now she had nothing to do with it. No need to even balance her expenses. No reason to live.

Thock. Someone lightly rapped against her hotel room door, causing her to grab a letter-opener off the couchside cabinet and leap to a defensive angle before her brain caught up with her reflexes. "Who...who is it?" she asked.

"Message for you, Ms. Echo," a stuffy British voice informed, and a laminated envelope slipped under the door. Emilena had all her calls cleared through the front desk, and the list of approved numbers was incredibly short. Waiting until the footsteps had faded down the hallway, Emilena inched forward and sliced open the note to read that Tony Stracci was inviting her to drink at a local bar.

She couldn't help but smile. I guess not everyone's dead and gone. Seeing a friendly face might stave off the melancholy thoughts for at least a while.


Fifteen minutes later, she walked through the back door of the bar, bundled up with the same sort of heavy coat and sunglasses getup she used to give members of witness protection programs. "Please keep the press out," she said under her voice to the bartender, slipping $500 on the counter, "and get me a Blue Cherry with ice."

She finally relaxed once she was next to Tony at the bar. "You seem to be taking to the celebrity life well," she teased, glancing at the crowds admiring his car. Thankfully, they hadn't noticed her yet. "It's nice to see you again."
« Last Edit: April 07, 2019, 09:44:44 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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As a familiar vulpine entered the bar from the back door (of which Tony had a good view of), the ferret smiled. He didn't wave her over though, and let her find him herself, as it was clear she was trying to avoid attention. "Heh, well... at least I'm a fairly nondescript ferret... they don't tend to notice me too often. I threw them off by dressing in normal clothes during all my televised interviews." he chuckled. "And as for my car..." he hooked a thumb behind him to it. "It was fortunately fairly quiet when I pulled in, and now I think it's just drawing crowds on the fact it's a rarity these days, and all those beachgoers coming up from the beach are taking note." he chuckled again.

"I don't mind though... they're welcome to those photos. How are you, Emilena?" he asked softly, offering her his paw under the bar. "It's good to see you again."

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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"You need to teach me how to do televised interviews," Emilena groaned. "I haven't managed to get through one without making an ass of myself." She regarded her friend, the only link to a time that otherwise seemed erased by the modern world. "You look completely like I remember...I can't fathom how you do it." She winced when she sat down in her seat; her lifetime of various injuries were finally catching up to her. "Kafke Dermanetics offered me a full-body reconstructive process. All scars removed, muscles and skin tightened, these missing chunks in my ear and tail could be regrown...but I don't know. You look at their showcase customers and there's something...uncanny about how perfect they look." She shuddered.

The bartender handed her a cup of light blue nonalcoholic beer, and she made sure to only take baby sips. The last thing she wanted was to start hiccupping uncontrollably. "So that's the big decision in my future. Not much else to do, or worry about when you're rich and famous."  She handed over her credit card for the tab and glanced back at Tony. "What about you? Doing anything to keep yourself busy, or just enjoying the ride?"
« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 07:07:28 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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"Hah well... they're harder than they look, for sure. I just tried to throw off everyone by dressing differently... not hinting that I dress from a bygone era." he shook his head, taking another sip. "Oh, me? Eh... well between those assholes doing something to rebuild my body and dropping me in that Duesenberg to now... eh... I've had some treatments here and there... the worst of it was covered when I was "revived" after my fall off the Death Road." he informed her. "I still have no idea what they did to me." he confessed. "Something along the lines of... what you stated. Reconstruction. Revival... I don't know." he shrugged. "I got an extremely rare car out of it, so I can't complain too much." he grinned. "I still keep some scars though... the worst and what remained from our final battle I had removed though... but yeah under my clothes... there's some stuff there." he told her softly.

"I am..." he paused, looking out to the ocean once more. "Enjoying life, I guess you could say. I take my cars out on nice days, just to drive, you know? Head down the coastal areas, or just through some of the parks. It helps me think and well... relax. Other times I just go swimming or... whatever. I try to keep a low profile and enjoy my life for what it's worth... as I know it very easily could've gone the other way... and I'm damn lucky to be alive." he told her, looking right at her. "So yeah... I don't waste it." he nodded. "I savor every moment I have, if I can."

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 nearby to where  Emilena and Tony were chatting,  Zula the lioness was nursing a soda at the bar while watching a tv that sat in the corner. she was very fetching, with bright green eyes,  dark red lips, and golden hoop earrings in her ears. She wore the uniform of a tennis instructor, 3 gold stars set above a pair of blue rackets set against a bright red background. "Corona Tennis Club ' was spelled out in big letters on the back of her uniform  along with ' Coach Zula"on the front . currently she was watching a juniors tennis match, one of the players was a student she taught at the tennis club. 

" come on Rocky, this kid has a weak forehand! Go after it! " she said softly as she watched the match,  so far Rocky was up 6-4, 3-1, he simply needed to win this set to win the match. The screen next to the tennis match showed pictures of what little remained on Lanthae. Zula counted her blessing every day that she had been out of the city when it had been attacked. so many had been wiped out of existence, to the point where there wasnt even scraps of bone to recover..' Zula sighed as she sipped at her soda. Sure the tennis gig was great and all and the kids were eager to learn.. but being one of a few hundred folks to survive from Lanthae..outs of  millions..  well the docs did say ' survivor's guilt' was a real thing...
« Last Edit: March 27, 2019, 08:24:46 PM by Nick22 »
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"Good to hear reconstruction worked for you...I'll probably swallow my pride and do it." Emilena coughed, already feeling a bit tipsy. The bartender knowingly passed her a glass of water to wash her drink down.

She found herself picking at one of her larger scars; a diagonal gash that traveled along her right wrist and up her arm to end somewhere on her chest. It would have been a fatal wound if Lily hadn't sacrificed herself to heal it. "But on the other hand, I can't help but feel I've cheated nature enough already. I signed up for premature aging when I enrolled in the Accelerated Growth Program, you know? And I earned these injuries, through my actions and choices. It only seems fair I suffer the consequences for once. Especially since society has miraculously let me off the hook for all the laws I broke." She sipped her Blue Cherry again. "I mean, shouldn't this be enough? It's like you said...we both really should be dead. Everyone keeps congratulating and honoring us, as if we did something right to survive, but they don't get it. It was pure chance."

She downed the whole glass of water to keep her hand from shaking. "I'm sorry, my therapist keeps saying not to talk like that. This is where my mind goes when I have nothing to do. I didn't grow up with money like you did, Tony," she admitted. "I'm not sure I'm cut out to have so much of it that my only job is to exist."


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As Tony heard Emilena out, he was starting to grow concerned at the direction her conversation was taking. She seemed... aimless... and masochistic if anything. As if she felt she didn't deserve any of it, and deserved punishment. Yes they'd certainly broken laws in multiple countries, but doing one huge courageous act apparently changed all that. He could certainly understand where she was coming from though. "Emilena... I don't know if... you really deserve any of that. I mean... have you figured on just taking a job and not worrying about the cash?" he asked, placing two claws on his forehead as he used them to rest his head against.

"You could still live a normal life, you just.. wouldn't be working to survive. That's feasible, right?" he inquired. "I mean I could always put in a call with the local police force if you wanted... I myself haven't really ever pursued that route but sometimes I've thought about it. And I mean... being in the Purifiers I absolutely had to work to earn my way. I just... I don't like the fatalism... you don't deserve it... you really don't. You have purpose... and meaning. Plus... you're a good friend; one I really respect. I hate to see my friends beating themselves up like this. Yes a lot of it was chance... but some of it was skill and things we did too. I just... is there anything I can do to try and elevate your mood?" he asked, not having gotten to the reason he'd called her out here yet... but he did truly hate seeing her in this state. He moved his paw down to take a another swig from his drink.

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"You're right," Emilena agreed with a hiccup, pushing her glass away with alarm. "I should maybe look into getting a job. There's no way I could go back to private investigating, but I'm sure there's a police force out there with a cushy desk job." She didn't sound super thrilled at the prospect, though.

"And I'm really glad you consider me a friend," she added. "Things got pretty rough between us for a while there. That tumble you took in Bolivia was by my gang's hand, and I later keyed your car in retaliation. It's honestly kinda weird the history books are going to list me as a member of Vergil's crew, I was a hostile complication at best for most of it." She downed another glass of water. "But, if you're putting all that behind you, I certainly won't complain."


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zula watched the last of rocky's matcgh as rocky finished off his opponent with a blistering ace out wide.  good work Rockuy! she cheered as she finished her soda.. as she put down a couple creds for her soida ' keep the change she said to the bartender.  she got her coat off  the next stool and prepard at head out when she noticed what looked like a familiar face  sitting a few chairs down. ' Tony? tony Stracci? she spoke coming up to where tony was seated ' hi. i'm Zula, from the lab in Lanthae, we did some repair work on your car, remember? it was a fine example of mid 1930s car making, when the companies actually took pride in their work..and every car made was its own work of art."
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"Heh... doesn't have to be a cushy desk job... field work suits you better... always has." the ferret responded, offering her a smirk and raising his glass a bit before taking a swig. "And uh, heh... the car was easily fixable, and I may have..." he looked up, smiling in a knowing way as he rolled his eyes. "Exacted justice on a few of your group I considered particularly obnoxious." he chuckled. "Not killed... well... one may have met with an unfortunate accident. The other, eh... let's just say he's sucking his meal through straws the rest of his life." he smirked. "So yeah... it's behind us. Bygones will be bygones." he concluded. "I actually called you out here because I was curious if..."

But he was interrupted by a liones who suddenly spoke to him, and he turned, surprised he'd been recognized, but she seemed vaguely familiar. "Oh? You... know me?" he asked slowly. He narrowed his eyes, and then recognition flashed within them. "Oh... oh yes I think so! You did some work on my... Cord I think it was." he nodded, waving a finger at her. "Yes, yes... I remember now. It's still one of my favorite cars." he flashed a grin. "I'm just here enjoying a drink with a friend. It's good to see you made it out of Lanthae." he gave her a nod, downing the rest of his drink. "Yes... they certainly were works of art back then... handmade in a lot of cases." he nodded sagely, a far off look coming into his eyes.

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"Straws, huh? And I thought I was abusing my good fortune..." Emilena rolled her eyes, pushing her glass away so the bartender didn't refill it. She didn't particularly care about any of her gang connections except the core four, and far as she knew they all died in the assault on Kalis' flagship so whoever Tony cabbaged seemed an acceptable cost of retribution.

Her ears perked up when she heard he had a proposition, but then a stranger interrupted so she flipped her collar up and slinked down in her seat. She'll have to remind him after he'd dealt with his fans. Though Emilena ended up glancing over despite herself when the newcomer mentioned she was from Lanthae. There were so few survivors of that city, it was surprising to run into one after all this time. She gave Zula a polite nod, more acknowledgment than she'd originally planned on giving.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2019, 06:35:14 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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I'm sorry to interrupt your talking with a friend' Zula said with a small smile ' She turned to Emilena ' Hi. I'm Zula. I did some work for Tony back in lanthae.. which feels like a lifetime ago.  do you guys mind if i sit down with you for a bit?" she asked " its just that theres so few  survivors from Lanthae these days that i try and talk to as many as i can. No offense intended, of course. If you'd prefer i not sit down, thats fine." Zula said.
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Tony smirked to Emilena's response, though Zula continued, this time introducing herself to Emilena, and asking if she could sit with them. Sighing a little, Tony motioned to the stool behind Emilena. "Sure..." he said. So much for me making a private offer... he thought, knowing he had to be more cautious from here on out.

Meanwhile, as the pair was talking to Zula, a black car had pulled up into the parking lot, having coasted to a stop smoothly with the customary whoosh of a digital vehicle. As the door opened upwards like the wing of a bird, a very interesting creature stepped out into the bright sun. He was like a cross between a velociraptor and a dog, his upper body in particular resembling a dog's, though with articulate arms and hands. The lower body sported raptor legs with long toe claws protruding upwards. He was sporting a very unique patterned black and red fur combination, looking suave and well cut. His clothing was sharp, almost looking like a tux, but not quite as dressy and expensive as one. But he knew that his pursuers were close... and he had to find a way to ditch this thing safely... in a way that... killing him wouldn't necessarily allow them to retrieve it.

Glancing to the beachfront bar, he smirked as he saw some patrons inside. Perfect! A living host would do best... and prevent the host from being killed as well..

Heading across the lot, he entered the bar, pulling out a jet injector, and walking up quickly behind Tony right as Zula was taking a seat; pressing the jet injector flush against Tony's skin, he pulled the trigger, injecting the ferret as he slapped his neck and turned around, giving out an "Ow!" in surprise. "What the fuck, dude?" the mustelid asked, in absolute shock at what had just occurred.

"You'll be fine." the creature responded in a low British accent. "Damn!" he said suddenly, dropping the now empty injector and pulling out an H&K USP and flipping off the safety as he saw two black SUVs screeching to a halt just outside the bar's parking lot on the street. "You might want to get back." he warned them, keeping the pistol down for the moment so as to avoid alarming anyone.

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Emilena should have been more prepared for the situation to suddenly get dangerous; she'd been so focused on Zula's unthreatening intrusion that she didn't realize they were being accosted until Tony was already injected. Swiping a table knife from the counter, she swiveled her barstool around and slashed at the newcomer's neck, but he was more than prepared for the attack and nimbly dodged without even changing position. "Urgh!" she grunted when she lost her balance and crashed to the floor.

Her vision was spinning as she tried to get her bearings. God, I'm getting old... she admitted to herself, after what felt like an agonizingly long time before she could hoist herself to her knees. But the silver lining was that she'd had time to realize that Tony wasn't behaving like he was being attacked. "Tony do you know this guy?" she wheezed, holding her knife more defensively as the crowds outside scattered in a panic from the SUVs' reckless arrival. She'd pulled a muscle in her arm; her younger self would be ashamed at how little it currently took for her body to start falling apart.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2019, 12:04:41 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Tony's eyes went wide as Emilena took a fall when that odd creature narrowly dodged her assault. "Dammit!" he exclaimed, seeing the other fellow draw a gun. "Ah shit!" he bent down to help the vulpine back up to her feet. "Not in the slightest! We should probably get out of here... whatever he injected me with... don't feel anything at present but... this place is about to get real hot!" he pointed out, numerous thug looking goons emerging from the SUVs. The red and black dino-dog opened fire on them, immediately dropping one, though they quickly returned fire, causing Tony to stay low with Emilena.

"Can you move?" he asked her, looking her over. "My car is in the lot... they're straight ahead, and it's off to the left so... we might be able to get around them... they're probably after him... so... if you need help moving, let me know." he told her, keeping his head under the lower part of the wall so they wouldn't be taking any bullets to the skull as rounds began slamming into the bar...

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Zula was pushed off the stool and onto the ground by the assailant ' Hey! watch where you are going!' the lioness said in a flustered voice, as she slowly got to  her feet.  then the  bar erupted with the sound og gunfire and zula dove lolw to the ground'  Look' she called to Tony. my apartment is close buy, and I have bandages if her leg is banged up.. '  Do you guys have a car? i walked here from the apartment, and i think we need a quick get away." she looked out towards the street. Hanging out near apartment building was a holosoign that changed to show a large cop with a badge. ' Chief broadstreet here ' the cop intoned. ' reminding everyone in Corona that  the speed limit is being changed next week from 60 to 65. Tickets for speeding are also been increased by 50 creds per offense, the first ticket is now 300 creds. So please, watch your speed. Anyone with questions, please contact the Corona police department at the number of the bottom of this screen. "
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"I'm fine," Emilena assured, massaging her bicep. "Zula, stay low!" She tried to pull the lioness behind the bar, but as bullets punctured the woodwork she realized it wasn't doing much for cover.

She hesitated. Tony and Zula wanted to flee, but should she? This was her first time feeling truly alive in months. She never thought she'd see live combat again; half of her wanted to stand up and ask the secret agent for a gun so she could cover him. Worst case scenario, one of these thugs might shoot me and I'd bleed out in front of everyone. I could stop withering away, they'd remember me in my prime like Lily and Nairda and... Suddenly she realized with horror where her urge to stay was coming from.

The deciding factor came when her former boss, Chief Broadstreet, appeared on the television. That old codger is still working the streets? She hadn't heard from him in years; she figured he'd died or at least retired by now. The gunfire suddenly felt oddly nostalgic, flashing her back to the dozens of dangerous cases they'd worked together. Well, if that stubborn bull can keep existing, I can too. "I've got a car in the back," she replied to Zula, gritting her teeth and sprinting for the back door. "Sorry Tony, but I think you've lost another priceless vintage..."
« Last Edit: May 30, 2019, 06:18:35 PM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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As Emilena suddenly broke for the back door, Tony ground his teeth together. "Goddamn it!" He was about to follow her, but hesitated, as the agent ahead of him calmly dropped another one. "I *can't* do that!" He hissed back to her, not breaking in her direction, but drawing a Glock and keeping low as he sprinted out into the parking lot, ducking behind a big SUV, and snapping his eyes closed for a moment, his teeth still clenched. "Get out while you can! I'll try and circle around and meet up with you!" He yelled over to them, a bunch of patrons running in between him and Emilena. He wasn't about to open fire on any of them and draw attention to himself.

The agent glanced to his left, seeing Tony out in the parking lot... asset was on the move... but that's fine... they so far hadn't noticed him... which was a good thing. So long as they didn't know he had it... he was safe. Dashing off more to the left and the edge of the bar, he fired fluidly to try and keep them back.

As Tony peered around the SUV on the safe side of it, he didn't see anyone, so dashed in between cars, sticking low, and heading for his own, which happened to one of his favorites: his convertible Daimler De-36 drophead coupe. Because it was probably only one of a kind at this point, he *couldn't* abandon it. It was irreplaceable... and of course... he'd just picked today to bring it out when he was getting shot at. "Goddamn bastards." he growled. It wasn't his fastest car by far... but so long as this didn't turn into a car chase... he'd be fine.

Peering out around the next parked car, he narrowed his eyes, then saw a goon running into the parking lot, most likely to flank that bastard who'd injected him. Popping out from his cover, he shot the guy in the back, causing him to fly forward and into the pavement, his SMG clattering to the ground.

By now, the agent was falling back, as the bar was getting rushed by too many enemies at once, so he was keeping lower, heading for the back of the bar, and unsure yet which direction he'd be breaking in...

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Emilena staggered into the back parking lot; the assailants were focused on the secret agent, which allowed all of the bar patrons to escape with their lives. “Zula, where’s Tony?” She asked, looking around wildly. “Come to think of it...where’s my car?”

It appears her chauffeur had fled when the shooting started. Goddammit Wikus... “Zula, you said you walked here?” she asked. “We might need somewhere to hide out for a bit, figure out what Tony has to do with all this.”