The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

Member Appreciation Thread


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Dusts a thread that should have never become so dusty.

I can never express all the appreciation that I feel without the result sounding inflationary, but I really want to thank some GOF members for their contributions to making my life better :yes

Rocking Scorpion, you are an awesome friend and I enjoy our chats a lot. I wouldn't be writing the story I'm writing at the moment but for you reading it. And since writing that story has made me happier than I would have been without it I owe you a lot of happiness ;)

Chronicler, thank you very, very much for the feedback and constructive criticism you are giving me for the story I mentioned above. It means really a lot to me and I appreciate it a lot :yes

I'm most delighted that we have been chating more frequently again Darkhououmon. Thank you very much for your frequent help when figuring out some details of the English language where dictionaries are not really helping ;)

When I want to discuss history (some may have notice I am taking some subtle interest (aka am totally obsessed with) history :lol) there rhombus, Pterano, and jansenov are just awesome chatting partners. Thank you for many of the most insightful chats I have had and also to you action9000 for some very philosophical ones :yes

Rhombus and Ducky123, thank you for many a delightful defeat in many a Civ4 online game :lol Some day I'll get you and my empire will strike back at you :p

Ludichris1, thank you very much on behalf of all GOF members who have been looking for land before time music that you made legally available for them through a lot of effort, work and patience :yes


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I would also like to give a special thanks to Ducky123 for coming up with the roleplay idea that is currently in the planning stages. Ever since I read Brekclub85's fanfic "Sharptooth Valley" I was enamored with the idea of making (or rather commissioning, I have no talent in writing fiction) a fanfic based upon the premise of either Littlefoot or the entire gang being transformed into sharpteeth but still remembering their past lives and dealing with the repercussions of the change. I never considered the idea of actually making a roleplay on the basis of the idea, so I was thrilled when Ducky announced his idea on the forum.
I just noticed this. What a year and a half can change, huh? From "having no talent" to writing a fanfiction counting about 500000 words  :lol

I've got to agree with Malte there. I think I can speak on behalf of the whole forum that I appreciate your efforts in your project, Ludicris  :yes

No Malte, you will NEVER conquer my cities in CIV IV!  :nyah (I also appreciate you and rhombus for the awesome games we've been having :DD)

I also want to give a little shoutout to all of my friends I wouldn't have, wasn't it for the GoF. You know who you are, too many to mention all of you here because I will forget to mention at least a bunch of people :p
Inactive, probably forever.

Gentle Sharptooth

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My nominee for member appreciation is Adfan185, who responds frequently to topics of discussion I am involved in.  :smile

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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heh, now I understand why Ducky123 is considered as the most friendly and "responsing" member.

For the time I have spent here, I noticed that very well. ;D

Thank you for that!

Gentle Sharptooth

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My new nomiee is Snik. I have actually lol :lol to your captions and etc.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Thanks Gentle I'm giving you a nomination for alway responding to my replies as well you're great to chat with

Gentle Sharptooth

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Quote from: ADFan185,Apr 28 2017 on  08:56 AM
Thanks Gentle I'm giving you a nomination for alway responding to my replies as well you're great to chat with
No problem Adfan, I enjoy our discussions. You keep my threads alive. :smile

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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I've moved this thread to a more visible location in the hope that it gets some much-deserved attention again. I haven't posted an actual message of appreciation in this topic for a long time. Better late than never. Lets start with some old-timers. I want to thank...

Petrie for starting this forum, keeping it up and running, and still checking in from time to time even though you've mostly moved on. We've not talked much 1 on 1, but whenever we do chat it is always a pleasant conversation.

Nick22 for always being around and willing to give his opinion on admin related issues. Again, we don't chat much 1 on 1, but your messages are always a welcome addition to the Discord group chat.

Pokeplayer for creating so many threads on various topics. I always look forward to your thoughts about the latest games, shows and movies. You've also been a good friend to me in the past, back when we were still chatting on MSN. I remember those days fondly :yes

DarkHououmon for always being a friendly member to others. I know we don't always see eye to eye, but I appreciate your activity on the forum and the Discord group as well. It is always nice to see artwork from you too!

Flathead770 for being extremely patient, open and understanding when I needed a listening ear. You've been a very good friend to me the past year or so, and I wish we had gotten better acquainted at an earlier stage in life. I also appreciate your dedication to the fanart prompt and the works you create for it.

The Chronicler for your recent informative posts on the Apollo space program. Also your reviews of the various LEGO games were fun to read! I appreciate you're still around and actively posting after all this time!

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) for never having changed your beautiful avatar :lol You're one of the few 2008 joinees that is still around, along with me, and I've always appreciated your presence on the board. We should chat more!

DarkWolf91 for your positivity, many fun chats, your artwork and your recent contributions to the voice-over project. I still regret we did not meet up way back when we had the chance.

Belmont2500 for our many interesting chats in the past, and for the trust you put in me. We haven't talked much lately, but like the two names mentioned before you, I always enjoy seeing you around.

There are many, many others that are no longer really around on the forum who have had a profound impact on my life, such as Malte, Littlefoot1616, Lillefut, Alex, NewOrder, Campion, Littlefoot, Cyberlizard, landbeforetimelover, LBTFan13, Littlefoot Fan, Sky, Nimrod, StarfallRaptor, lbt/cty_lover, Kor, Coyote_A, Cancerian Tiger, Rat Lady, Vilstrup, NeptuneNavigator, The Friendly Sharptooth, Saft, Pangaea, Claw and Fang... The list goes on, and I've most likely missed many people. A few of you I am still in touch with. Of others I do not know where you are or how you are doing. In all cases, I hope you are well and that life has been good to you.

Luckily, as some leave, others join, and there are many in the post 2010-crowd who are still around. So for round two, I'd like to thank...

Ducky123 for starting the fanart prompt, our many fun chats in the past, and for your help with the LBT fanart group on Deviantart when I needed it.

Rhombus for taking over responsibility of the forum when it was most needed. I really appreciate the time and dedication you continue to put into this place and enjoy our chats. You're definitely someone I can rely on.

Sneak for your excellent additions to the emote project and your unlimited enthusiasm for fanart by others.

ImpracticalDino for many fun comments on topics and always speaking your mind.

Vojeds for your patience when trying to join the forum, and your willingness to help out in many ways. You are very enthusiastic about this forum and the Discord server and have brought many great ideas to life.

OwlsCantRead also for your patience when trying to join the forum, and for your many fun posts on the forum. You're also a very nice presence in the Discord server.

DiddyKF1 for your help with the voice-over project. I don't think we could've gotten such a clean audio track without your help, let alone the perfect voice for Petrie. Your general presence on the forum is also really positive and appreciated.

LeventeII for your contributions to the fanart prompts, emote project and singing project. They are much appreciated :)

Sovereign for our interesting discussions and the time you put into giving everyone detailed feedback, whether it be for artwork or written work. We may not agree on a whole lot of things, but I do appreciate how much knowledge you have on the topics you are interested in and that you are willing to share this with others.

StardustSoldier for our nice chats and for your help with transcribing/checking the Land Before Time script. It's always a pleasure to talk with you.

The Lone Dragon for your general positive attitude, many nice chats and giving me insights into topics I knew very little about (mostly related to Australia and fencing ;) ).

Zero for your help with converting the forum, working with me on the themes and our in-depth chats. Keep up the positive attitude, and I'm sure you'll go many miles in life.

Anagnos for giving many people detailed feedback on their works and your positive and friendly attitude.

Phew. Luckily that only took a couple of hours to write up  :Mo

There are so many of you that make this a great place to be for me, through good and bad times, and I wouldn't have it any other way. If I didn't mention you, it's not because I don't appreciate you, but simply because I forgot to include you in this humongous list  :lol Everyone on here is important and as a group we should be appreciated for keeping the LBT fan community alive :yes


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Shall we dust off a positive thread? I think we should.

First of all, big thanks to everyone who's been so welcoming since my return to the forum, both familiar faces and new ones.

Big shout out to my fellow fanartists! It's been great to see art from DarkWolf91, jassy, The jewelstone queen, Mouse-a-saur,  and many others! Special shout out to Flathead770 for running the fanart prompts, I've had fun participating in them.

Following on from that, big thanks to Mumbling, Sneak, Gentle Sharptooth, RainbowFaceProtege, Ducky123, and Flathead770 for the feedback on my stuff so far! I always appreciate it!

I've had a lot of fun in the party section with The jewelstone queen, Impractical Dino, Gentle Sharptooth, Mouse-a-saur and others!

Mumbling, I know you're always someone I can turn to if I'm having any issues, again thanks for helping me sort out my old account so quickly.

Ducky123, I know you're not so active here anymore but it was good to get back in touch with you after these long years. I'm looking forward to future conversations.  :yes

Similarly, Sleeping-force's-inside, it's been good to get back in touch with you as well. Now let's get to plotting our longneck takeover.  :rhett_brag

And of course, big shout out to all of the staff team.  ;)Cera

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Wanted to give The Chronicler a shoutout for keeping a ton of different Party Room games alive. He's pretty much single-handedly keeping the entire subforum active, which is no easy feat as most games only have one other random person also playing it. Thanks for being the grease keeping all our wheels turning!

Secondly, a big shout-out to nick22, Serris, bushwacked, Pterano, and StarfallRaptor. We all used to RP a ton before the Into the Black RPs died out, and I've since reworked their early storylines into standalone novelizations I'm hoping to publish. While the books use only original characters and a new setting, I still seeked out each of them to obtain permission as the underlying inspirations from their ideas were clearly still present. And every one of them gave permission without hesitation and have shown nothing but support in the project, which I really appreciate. I'm hoping I can get these books published and they'll serve as a testament to the awesome stories we told together!


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Decided to thank some members here as I wanted to say some things about them.

First, I wanted to thank @Mouse-a-saur and @ManOfWar GT for sending entries to my video project, as ever since they sent their entries in, I’ve been making some progress on my project, and I think if I get a few more entries in, it’ll be a perfect project.

I also wanted to thank @HotelValleyfornia for helping bring more life into the forum, since when I log into this forum, there’s not a lot of areas to post in, but ever since she joined, I’ve been coming back to this forum a lot more because of her support, so thank you for that!

And finally, a huge thanks to @rhombus for helping me on my first few days in the forum.  Without you, I wouldn’t know where to start in this forum, but I think with your help, I’m very much used to this forum now, so thank you!