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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 349893


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Kiara could see Sunuko blush deeply when the kiss finally broke. "You're really good," she complimented with warmth in her voice. She then turned to the dozens of other guys who had the hots for her. "Don't be shy boys, tell me what you want!" she encouraged. "A butt shake, a butt grab, a moment of passion, you name it!"

Sima and Kairel were impressed how confident Kiara was and how much she enjoyed guys' attention.


Kovu went to a room and opened a case he had. Inside was a monitor with an image of Scar's face on it. "Cmon.....I have to be even closer," Kovu said, as he stared directly into the image's eyes for the likeness scan to begin.

His human friends waited for him to return.


"Oh, is this supposed to be a jail?" Oliver realized. He then determined the reasoning. "Oh, because no one would notice if a few criminals happened to disappear, right?" Panty's son was already displaying signs of the great hunger, and it was making the Goddess of Hunting incredibly proud.


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Kire nodded as he watched Ratchet jumped down the hole. He turned to Deimos and Mr. Bigmouth. "Feel free to join us via more roundabout path or explore the surface. I will see you later."

The solar knight then flared his wings and leapt down the pit. The brilliant glow of his wings faded as he rapidly plummeted down the pit.

"Well," Deimos said, looking at the others with him. "I guess we'll join via the more roundabout path."

Mr. Bigmouth nodded. "In that case, we might take an electric dune buggy or repulsorsled with us. There might be one in the shuttle that we landed with. If not, we'll have one teleported from the [i[Spire[/i]."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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the scan gliowed and the b eyes glowed green. ' scanning foir likeness ' came a recording of Scars voice ' hold still; analyzing' likeness measure complete '   the voice said ' similarity is now 95%, a 0.45%  improve,kent. largest remaining difference? Kingship. becoming king will move you to 99.99% likeness. ' the scanner said. ' Kovu smile at the news. " Keep up the good work, my boy, you';re making progress every day ' Scar said.
 tiger appeared before Scooby holding out ' follow the God of Harvest cards. " hey buddy' tiger said to the great Dane. ' it would be a huge favor to me, if you and Dixie would become official followers.  The other gods told me that the more followers i have and the more they prey to me the stronger my abilities will grow. Yew I have 453 mice onboard here, but mice prayers only go so far, and as a god, I have to show it, you know ' Tiger said. ' You have my support Tiger, you know that. " Scooby said /."Dixie too, we'll be glad to help you and Kitty with anything , you know that. " Thank you.Being a god is amazing. I went out to eat at the Spire, i snapped my fingers, and money appeared in my pocket.  I can literally CREATE Money' tiger said gleefully ' i will never have to worry about not being able to pay for a meal ever again.  watch" Tiger said gleefully , and snapped his claws. in an instant a pile of fresh crisp bills dropped at scooby';s feet. and these werent yours usual 10s , 20s 50s or even  100s, eoither . Every single bill was worth 10000. " scooby picked up a few bills and and looked at them. They were completely genuine, and for all the money he and Dixie had at home, or made from working for Stripetail, it was safe to say that Tiger was now richer than they were. ' Count this up with me, and lets go. oh.. grab some burgers at the Winterville griil ' Tiger said,." those giant burgers that go for 50 bucks each? lets go get some..  ' come on ' TIger said '  taking scooby by the paw, who barely had ebnough time  to even count the money in his hand before the new godling pulled him along. Tiger also had  the physical strength of a divine now, Scooby discover5d, as he was pulled along with ease.  "Once we get there we can discuss those mass things '- you know, you dress up in robes and spout good things about me. the girls dress in priestesses robes and talk about me filing the bellies of the hungry.

Good things like that.  I know you guys work for the seer, doing the hero stuff , dangerous stuff, kicking bad guy butt all over.  I know that takes up most of your time, but if i could get you guys for just  say 6 hours? each Sunday?, to spread the word of me?  I will completely make it your while for both of you. . I. .. may end up turning you into a seat cushion, just fair warning.' Tiger said. " i don;t have complete control of everything down yet.  I'm still working ion it."  A seat cushion?!?' Scooby started. "  Like i said, i dont have  everything down pat yet. "
 tigeress led Oliver to his room, in one ear, the voice of Jing and Viper rang in her ear with ideas,  Viper was suggesting setting up a cubs room right away in Jings new house and Jing ws asking Tigeress' ideas on the paint color for the room " Pink, for girls,  blue for guys ladies ? yes its traditional, but my dad is VERY traditional Jing said.  " as you know Tigeress."  " i wopuld add some red touches in there too.  some White and black too. Something that says ' this is my room and I am a panda. " tigeress said . " and when should I start ahem, working on po to get those cubs..' Jing said deviously ' You'll be starting on that pronto, knowing you. after all,  you did have me sing ' 50 ways to be your Giant Round Lover...'  We never got in a rhyme for Po though ' Jing said. '    Gus, Stan and Dan just  rhyme better ' Viper said.  ' We tried Oh, go, snow, and low, and it just didnt work. " We';ll keep trying, it is a song for Po after all ' Jing said.
 Kairel rapidlky wrote down nanes and numbers as Kiara and Sima , performed for the guys, driving the guys into a frenzy of cat calls and whistles. Sima pulled a lion into a warm passionate kiss, laving a large red lipstick stain on his mouth as she pulled away and the lion sank to the floor a goofy grin on his face. and the other lions teased him . ' bettter make sure you still have your tongue after  that kiss Muko " they teased.   " Give in to mE" ws playing as the duo danced twirlked and shook.. and more numbers and names appeared on the window.
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"Thank you father, I will do everything I can to become the next you," Kovu said with determination. He had always been a well-behaved son, and was determined to follow in Scar's pawprints. Once the scan was complete, he went to rejoin his new human friends.


"So.....being a god now," Scooby wondered, impressed by Tiger's promotion, "Does this mean you can forever?"

"Oh yes," Kitty nodded, having been at the god meetup, "Tiger's an immortal now."


"Trust me Big Guy, you'll like the married life," Tai Lung promised, "Especially cause Jing's been doing nothing but singing your praises since the two of you met."

" likes Jing, all of your are getting along with her," Po realized, "I guess this is what would be best for me."

"You'll look good in a tux," Mantis encouraged.


"You're all good kissers," Kiara complimented the guys, "Any of you want to enjoy a squeeze?" she offered, displaying her most prominent asset.  There was so many cries of "YES!!!" Kiara could not count just how many there were, but she was more than happy to oblige.


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 relax po' tigeress smiled. ' jing is rich, very rich. imagine how many action figures you;ll be able to get now.  money is not going to be a problem for you.. ever again. actually now that i think about it, you could actually help Tai Lung and me out, big time . We were looking at this nice little villa in the mountains, and were  a bit short on funds. if you and / or Jing could cover the difference for us so we could buy it, we would be  completely obligated to you. " Tigeress said " We're about 10 to 15 thousand short, bro ' Tai Lung said.  " i . er guess i could swing 15000 ' Po said.  "i havent exactly looked at how much I have in the bank.. '  the six of us  share a common money pot  : tigeress said pulling up a sheet of paper with a figure wroitten on it : 2 , 022, 009 ."  how the heck do we have 2 million bucks i there?' Po's mouth fell open '  Your father in law ' Tai lung said. ' geez.. i dont know where to begin.. ' po said turning embarrassed. ' ' take the fifteen thousand out ' tigeress . ' po said.  his phone rang and an image of jing appeared on the phone ' hi Po. my dad gave  me your number. i'm just getting prepared for the big day on Friday.. i just wanted your opinion on the flowers. Roses or  daisies for the flower girls.?' why not have one side be er roses and the other daisies ' Po said. ' Oh, thats a wonderful idea! Why didnt I think of that.. just do both.. also do you have a nickname for me yet? some kind of endearing thing to call me/ you know to make me feel good.. " I er.. um.. ' sugar dumpling.. like those desserts my dad makes.. ' PO said " oh those are good.. thanks sweetie . sorry i have to go. Viper and Tigeress- the wolf,  not your Tigeress- are helping me with bride stuff.  the dresses are so much fun..  Anyway I'll let you enjoy your dinner and the show you're going to. have fun1 ' Jing finished the call and  po put his phone away,...
Eternity is something I never dreamed off . " Tiger said. ' i played at being a divine.. as both kitty and Tigeress the wolf can attest- but the reality is very different. ' i don;t feel.. fear .. anymore. i don;t fear.. getting into fights.. or stubbing my toe.,. or  smashing my hand oiin the door.  Now.. i want them to know my name and my face.. ozai told me that a god has toi hacve his image everywhere.. or close to it.  So Scooby, Dixie, if you guys could carve some stuff to look like me. i will happily pay you for your time. i'll pay whatever tyou want. after all.. money isnt a problem anymore.. ' Ok.. what would you like .. '  Scooby asked  Action figures for the kids .' Tiger said. '  Some of me as a pharaoh.. some as a emperor, some of me as a roman senator.. and me as a sheriff too..  cant forget my roots , right?" ' i'll see what i can make.. i'll use my rings powers to make them. ' Dixie said.  ' thank you. just try and have them as ppurpole as you can. noyt as purple as kitty's outfits, but something bright ' Tiger said.
  kiara shook her gift for the guys and the window began to shudder from all the guys pressing on it.  ' boys boys back up ' a manager said ' last thing we need is for the window to crack and you lads gets all cut up in the process '  lady Kiara here is featuring prominently in our next calendar so if you want a picture of her to.. um.. tuck under your pillow at night or hang on your wall.. the  gift shop is open.. in the stall to your left..  we can have er.. 3 boys come in for autographs.. but no more.. Kiara,  sima, you're needed in pose station 8.. for our holographic stations. they're project images of you selling our wares. ' I have all the names and numbers down ' Kairel said showing 2 large stacks of pages full of names and numbers. the brilliant lioness was proud of her intelligence and efficiency..
 i'm making progress Kovu smiled as he caught up with Wirt beatruice and Greg.. ' thats good sior ' Wirt said ' we finished  the klast of the things you8 gave us.. ' And I neecd to pay you 3 for that.. good wiork.. ' we;kkll go to the Winterville bank.. it should still be open.. We'll get your 3 set up with accounts. and you can put the money in when you want.' Kovu said.
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"See Po? She's wonderful, plus her father can take care of any money concerns you might have," Tai Lung said, "So let's enjoy your last few hours of being single. Perhaps some time after the wedding the two of you can double date with Tigress and myself." He gave Tigress a gentle nuzzle.

"And thanks for the money for the villa," Tigress smirked, "You're a good friend, and I know for Jing you'll be a good husband."

"She is my sugar dumpling now," Po admitted, blushing as he thought of Jing. "And Viper is an expert at wedding planning. She probably has the entire ceremony envisioned in her mind now."


"Say, with us and the mice from the Green River desert, how many followers do you have already?" Scooby asked.

"Maybe a little over a hundred," Tiger replied, "And the mice love to serve me food. Which I will also expect of you guys, just so you know," he gave a cheeky yet godly grin at that.

Kitty gave Tiger's stomach a pat. "And before you ask, becoming a god has increased his appetite," she smirked.


"See Sima?" Kiara said as they walked over to the next photoshoot, "That's how brand loyalty so to speak. All those guys just now? I can trust they'll be willing to fight on my side now."

"Good lucks, quick on your paws, and a clever strategist," Sima complimented, "You'll make an excellent Queen of your land one day." The sumo lioness also enjoyed showing off for the boys.


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a double date would be cool' po said ' ' just casual fun stuff, like movies, or ball games or that theater show thats coming to the jade palace in a couple months  Tai Lug said.  ' think, like what you have been doing already on your double dates with  Jing. dixie told me about that pizza date thing. not a surprise you ate 24 large pizzas'' Tigeress laughed. ' its why we couldnt leave the larder open with you around, you;d go in and help yourself.  ' hey it was all you could eat. ' i'm surprised that between you and Scooby that there was any pizzas left after you two had your fill." Er stripetail put a spell on the pizzas Po said ' so they wouldnt run out. " thats the seer for you ' Tai lung grinned.

- i bet sima grinned. ' if you tell them to go sign up with your big brother, the entire lot would be in a pridelands military uniform by the end of the day. Paying all of them.. well thats something for the princes to figure out. we're the.. er inspiration.. so to speak ' Sima laughed.  the hips thats launched 10000 ships, or so the old saying goes. and i have hips to spare ' sima giggled.
  i bet ' Scooby said ' so what sides do you want with your burger?' Dixie asked as she followed closely behind. ' just shoestring fries.. and er a diet  dr pepper, if they have it.' tiger said as they entered the restaurant and were quickly seated, the 4 of them, at a table. .
« Last Edit: January 08, 2023, 02:01:42 AM by Nick22 »
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"I'm sure Jing's father already has a place for the two of you lined up," Tai Lung determined, "He is rich."

"He did make a generous donation to my dad's restaurant," Po realized, "Perhaps that what got dad onboard so quickly...."

Tigress gave a cat-like grin. "The important this is, Po, Jing adores you. You should be proud to have someone like that in your life."

Po examined his own gut. "Figure we should get me a fitting tux soon."


"And Kovu of course, he'll be king too," Kiara reminded Sima.


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of course' sima nodded as the boys gradually dispersed. the window having noticeably cracked in several places from all the weight being pressed on it. kairel handed the  lists of names to sima and kiara . " all done girls ' the amazon lioness smiled. ' i would recommend number 564 for you Sima, he's a sumo fanatic, talks about it all the timne.  kiara. number 2776 is a interesting one, his sister played on your little league baseball team, the Kiara Lionesses. her name is Ishii, she played second base. werent you the pitcher on that team? anywaym just toss me some cash when you get the chance. i know you guys have loads of dough, ' Kairel said. ' for now though i have to go find vitani, i got her that ' bigger backside healthier backside' book she wanted
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"All the guys go insane for you, huh?" Sima smirked to Kiara.

"Can you blame any of them?" Kiara said with confidence in her voice, "I look incredible." She then turned to Kairel. "How's Dagnino been? He's quite the tiger, as I recall."


"I'm even more like Scar now," Kovu said to his human friends.

"Congrats," said Wirt.

Kovu smiled with pride. "Once I become king my dream will be achieved," he explained.


"So, mom," Oliver said to Panty, "Once I get all this power, how much will I be able to eat?" He noticed that question made Panty grin.


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You'll find out in due time. Now do as Tigeress says, she's going to run you through the basics. Obviously we can't have you just grab someone off the street like in a monster flick. Hence why we are using the jungle. Tigeress it's your boat , steer it. Learn little one" Panty said before vanishing. Tigeress lead Oliver into a second room and had take a seat on a chair in front of a blackboard. On it were written four words Sight, Smell Scent and Sight" All 4 of these things are essential in hunting prey. For starters Oliver you cannot let them see you, or they will run. When you are bigger and stronger this won't matter, but for now it does" Tigeress said. Scent is another skill, in time you'll be able to smell someone from miles away with just a sniff
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Emanu was chatting with skylands and Warfangf as they walked up to the castle ' confession time girls.. my grades wee not great i last time i was in dragon school ' the blue dragoness admitted. '' well we're all pretty much in the same boat ' Skylands said. '  we'll just read the  books and try and do the best we can. i all we can do really.' difference is Cynder, you are actually a student. the dragon temple didnt really count as a school really.' Warfang said. ' they dont know that, and i'm not going to blab ' Skylands said "thanks emanu said.
 as trhe group made the turn in mini golf, po 's face was covered in kisses, so jing had done better than him on 8 of the first holes. ' you should try and keep the ball in play PO ' tigfer said as Luca tallies up the scores so far, despite po hitting  the ball, just about everywhere but the hole, tiger had built up a big enough lead that the combined scores were still better than tigerss, luca and jings.  luca had gotten ice cream from a stand as a treat, jing took 3 scoops of  chocolate cream pie, po took a scoop of mint mixed with chocolate, and tigeress luca and tiger each hada scoop of  fudge swirl. Jing wiped her mouth off after devouring the treat.. " thanks for the treat luca.. hit the spot ' jing smiled. ' My pleasure. after all. you're going to be mrs po, very very shortly..' luca smiled. ' you have picked out a dress right/' oh yes ' jing said handing her a picture ' viper and tigeress helped me pick it out. ' oh the colors are lovely.  but isnt pink for the bridesmaids? ' yeah, but i felt like the train for white was too long so i went with a different color.' Jing said, and she pointed at the ruffkles in her dress. ' dad showed me a picture of moms dress , and it hasd ruffles in it too. so i'm honoring my mom , a bit. even though i havent seen her in forever literally. " you'll be a vision, i'm sure..' Luca said ' just dont ask me to sing ' vision of love ' Jing laughed.
_ Po do you have your tux yet ' tigeress asked ' er not yet. Wandering Blades and Tai lung are helping me look for one in my size.. i'm a bit too big for normal tuxes '  Well most places dont service panda weddings ' Tiger shrugged. " now now lades put the dress photos away we're here to ball. er putt the ball.  Po you're up first. remember this hole is magic carpet themed. ' ypou have to hit the ball on the carpet to make it easier. '
 zaois flash and mona had found a theatrer showing ozai films. ' The great Sitdown. God Vs mortals, and the curve of my hide weree choices.. ' whats the curve of the hide about /' Mona asked as the three girls bougt tickets and stopped for popcorn. ' its about lord ozai winning matches.. by sitting on his opponents. ' a painful but glorious experience for his opponents. would that the great divine butt come into contact with us all.' zoai said. ' Praise Ozai ' Flash nodded as Mona got the drinks..which were naturally huge.
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hes a firecracker ' kairel smirked ' always going after something..  currently managing a sports team in the kingdom, but having issues with the new coach.. hes just not that good, and the teams record isnt where it should be ' kairel sighed ' its costing Dagnino money  and he hates losing money.   i'll bet that he'll can the coach if the team doesnt start playing better soon." kairel said as sima handed her some cash for the records. ' thanks,Sima.  now i'm going to hang with vitani for a bit, see what shes been up to. good luck with your posing ladies. i'm sure you'll break viewing records, well i'd say that even if the guyswatching you hadnt cracked the business window in about 68 different places." kairel laughed.

 Scooby Dixie kitty and tiger were soon brought huge heapings of fries long with 8 enirnmous burgers. the girls only split half a burger they were that big. but both scooby and tiger  inhakled tghose fries- which had beeen made by frenchfry himself, and both boys ate and ate and ate..

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"We should call Kovu soon, check and see how he's doing," Kiara told Sima.

"So you both are his lionesses, huh?" Kairel smirked, "Sort of like how I'm Dagnino's."

Kiara flashed a confident smirk. "Are we ever," she assured.


Jing was already applying lipstick for the next time she would kiss Po. Which would likely be very soon. "Want me to help you aim you shot?" Jing offered her husband to me, coming behind him and holding his paw so he'd get a good angle. Of course, she slipped another smooch in as she did so.

"They're gonna make an excellent couple," Tai Lung grinned off to the side.


The friends were watching a movie depicting Ozai single-handedly defeating an army of 10,000 soldiers.  "A true story," Zoai pointed out proudly. She had a massive collection of Ozai films back home, and had memorized many of them by heart.


"Wait, doesn't Chef Frenchfry's food have some.....side effects in addition to being delicious?" Kitty wondered as she nevertheless ate it, finding the flavor Tiger literally was now.


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There was indeed, a repulsorsled available in the shuttle, which was parked just outside of the town. Mr. Bigmouth activated something on his tablet and the shuttle's rear loading ramp deployed. The repulsorsled slowly slid down the ramp propelled by its antigravity drive.

 Unfortunately, the shuttle hangar was only able to carry one vehicle and the unarmed repulsorsled was itMr. Bigmouth took the driver's seat and started the engine. The vehicle whined slightly as the engine spooled up but as he was not moving, the vehicle just bobbed in the air. "Okay everyone, hop in. We don't want to keep Ratchet and Kire waiting."

Deimos boarded the repulsorsled.


(Hogwarts, Pottermore)

The wooden doors were opened, revealing an expansive banquet hall with tables overflowing with a variety of delicious food. Chandeliers hanging from the ceiling bathed everything in a warm light. And if one were to look up, they would not see the stone and wood ceiling, but a ceiling enchanted to mimic the clearest night sky with stars shining.

Captain Carson stood back as she waited for Lord Stripetail and the others to make the first move.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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jing, thanks, but i can do this myself, thank you ' po said, pulling away from  her.  po aimed at the hole and putted  the ball rolled towards the  hole curving as it  hit the side of a hill and stopped on the top . Po moaned , but as  po took a step forwardm  the ball moved again and slid down  the hill straight into the hoke. po and jing had both gotten 3 on that hole, meaning so po didnt have to give jing a(nother) kiss.  nice putt Po ' Tigeress said as she rolled in a long putt to also get a 3. Tiger had scored a 2 and Luca had a 4. ; Good thing this doesnt count towards our own wager Tigeress ' luca laughed as she finished up. " i'm not that mean Luca ' Tigeress laughed ' Right now, through 12 holes. Tiger has  23, I have 53, Jing has 55, luca has 63 and Po has lets see-67.  so add another 67 to that and the boys right now have 157, the girls have 171.  we gotta pick up our games ladies. ' Tigeress said drawing laighter from the other girls.
  Rivet and Ratchet landed  at the bottom of the drop and wee joined shortly by Angela and Sasha both wearing lights to see in the pitch darkness. ' Only one opening.. so we heads down this way. " Sasha pointed. ' Lets catch up to Kire guys ' Ratchet said ' Kire is 3 parsecs ahead of us.' KIt said ' We should meet up  with in in about 3.8 minutes. ' Just say 4 minutes kits, easier.. ratchet smirked as the  group of 6 began running down the tunnel.
 Stripetail led hiss group  to open tables and bade his students sit down.  " over here professor' said a  huge bearded male to Stripertsail . its was hadgrid the groundskeeper and part time teacher  at the school " Traveling teachers get this spot. ' he motioned to a chair in front of a long table    seated across from him were the 4  teacher deans of houses, which included McGonnagall for Gryffinndor and Snape for Slytherin. "  Professor Snape, isnt it? i don;t believe we have met. '  Stripetail said as he took his seat ' No, my lord , we have  not, however the headmaster has informed me of certain details.  your students will be treated just like any of the regular students here.  we have a points system here, symbolized by those large hourglasses over there,   there is one for each house . Every time a student for a house does well, points are added. if they misbehave, points are deducted. misbehavior could be being insubodinate to a teacher, being caught out of bed at night, or acting as if the rules of magic do not apply to them. the last of those would apply to.. certain Gryffindor students..' such as Potter and weasley? ' stripetail said. ' and Granger as well .. I detest know-it-alls' Snape said.  " Be wary of those three, my lord. Now, i believe you have been given Headmaster Egg's old room, is that correct?"  " yes that is correct. " The spirit of the headmaster often appears behind his desk at night. he was very strict with his students during his tenure, and he has not changed a bit during his after life. most students avoid that room for that reason. '  he clearly believes in carrying out his duties. there is honor in that. " Stripetail said'  " the sorting hat will divide your students into the 3 agreed houses' McGonnagal  cut in. ' the first students will be the dragfons of crestwood, folowed by the students of the digimon academy, then vesuvio and finally skylabnds, in that order.  ' once they are soeted then the official Welcome can begin."
 yes they have the effect of majiking anyone whpo eats them balloon up and keeps them eating the food- until frenchfry himself eats them.;' Dixie said ' angel and Stuitch warned me about that and gave me this salt to add to the food to counter frenbchfrys efffexcts. as lloong as you sprinkle this on.. you'll be able to eat the food as it were normal ' Dixie said.
 the song you' beklong to me '; began playing as Sima and Kiara posed in their Kovu-themed colors ' now kiara i want you to post in the 'provocatoive pose ' number 33. sima , you should [pose in the smoulder ' pose, pose 18. can can use that chair for that ' the director said.

 good luck ladies.. i need to get in touch with vitani and then call dagnino, its game night ' kairel said.
 Mona Flash and Zoai pased 3 large popcorn bins and 3 large sodas betwen them. ' this filn had him face off against a hordee of bills.. and well.. it didnt go wll for them Zoai smirked. " there was 98 of them wasnt there. Flash asked  ' a even 100. but they were no match for the great ozai ' No spoilers please ' mona said as she grabbed for some popcorn. ' that goes for both of you.
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"It doesn't affect me, what with being a god and all," Tiger smirked,

"Wish one of you would've said something sooner!" Kitty groaned as she had already taken some bites and grew to an enormous fat size. She was a cat boulder of fat in seconds. And unfortunately she caught Frenchfry's attention.


Kovu received some private pictures of Kiara and Sima that they had taken for him, and he whistled at the sight of them. "Such beautiful lionesses, with big assets," he said proudly. Obviously he didn't show this to his human friends.


"Just how many Ozai movies are in your collection?" Mona asked Zoai as they settled into their seats.


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The hellevator actually ended just above underworld and Ratchet's group would be heading down the tunnel that opened directly to the underworld's roof (a small ledge of rock and ash served as a landing platform).

Of course, Kire did not notice the group entering as he was currently battling a swarm of lava bats and demons over the runway on which he had fought the Wall of Flesh. An explosion was heard as one of the lava bats collided with the flaming shield around him. He quickly rocketed into the air to avoid a volley of whirling purple scythes that crashed into the stone. As he flew around the multiple scythes, he retaliated with his distinctive spears of light.


Mr. Bigmouth had soon taken the sled and his passengers out of the town limits and were now cruising over the grassy plains of Myaardi.

"Anything?" he asked as he drove the sled up and over a small crevasse. Thankfully, the sled had an adaptive antigrav system that allowed it to "fly" across chasms and other obstructions.

Deimos was looking through a set of binoculars. "Nothing so far. Just a s---tload of trees and plains."



Captain Carson listened to the speech. She followed Stripetail's lead and took a seat at the designated area for visiting teachers. Ms. Swimmer also did the same.

"I'm Ms. Swimmer, a water magic instructor at the Vesuvio School of Dragon Studies," the Saurolophus said. "I am very pleased to meet everyone here and I hope we can learn from each other."

Captain Carson then introduced herself. "I am Professor Sharon Carson of Digimon Academy. My specialty is the study of exotic wand materials and enchanted items."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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welcome to to hogwarts'  said a very small teacher ' i'm professor flitwick, charms professor and dean of Ravenclaw.  if you have any questions, my door is always open,  its up on the 7th floor. . we've given professor swimmer  a room on the fourth floor. professor Carson,  you are on the second, both are in ravenclaw wing. if you get lost just ask one of the resident ghosts, they'll point you in the right direction. Just ..try not to stare, the students often do, and and it irks the ghosts.
 the sounds of battle soon reached Ratchets ears ' Sounds like Kire's run into some enemies ' ratcxhet said drawing his shock pistol ' lets go give him a hand..' ' a quarter of lava bats flew it them and ratchet shot one of them into powder. rivet swung her hammer and saent another into a wall where it exploded in a bright flash.
 several thousand,  although i'm missing movie 1, 703, ' the torn mawashii mystery. ozai has to find out who tore his mawashii before a match' Zoai said.  on the screen ozai was facing a huge army of at least 10000, all heavily armed and armored. the fight began and ozai, dspirte being overwhelmingly outnumbered,  began crushing the army. some, he bashed together, others, he sat on,  still others  he rolled over like a boulder.  flash and Zoai whooped as Ozai began romping over them.
 frenchfry approache kitty, his mouth watering at the sight of the huge kitty ' you look lucious ' the chef said, and  before kitty could move, the alein whipped hius tail, whicxh flattened into a spatula and flipped  kitty into the air. in a split second french fry's mouth widened  and he swallowed the now huge cat down his throat in less than 5 seconds, letting out a huge belcxh as he did so.. ' pardon me ' the chef saiud tipping his cap to the stunned dixie and tiger.
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"Oh come on...eaten again?!" Kitty groaned as he fattened form sunk into the alien chef's expansive stomach. Since she was still big and round, she found it hard to move. "Why is this becoming a recurring trend for me?!"

"He ate fast," Tiger said, jaw dropped at his wife becoming alien chow.


"Agreed," Jing nodded to Tigress, "I want my kisses with Po!" Saying that brought in a new confidence to the Panda King's daughter, as she made her next hole be a hole-in-one! "Alright!" she grinned.

"Nice one," complimented Tai Lung.