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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 349373


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we found some chests, arm,or and weapons.' rivet said as she and angela carried a large chest with  weapons sticking out of it.  ' we  have no idea what these things do. i mean, they glow and give off light and energy,  but they arent like any weapons in my dimension or Ratchets "/  she finished as Ratchet carried a second chest, this one was locked. ' we;ll take them to town to identify them' ratchet said.
  Gabumon and emanu followed behind  carson.  the Digimon;s armor glowing in the dark, and emanu holding a fireball in her claws as a kind of torch. ' wonder how far down this place goes? to the basement , maybe?' emanu asked ' theres two passageways' Ypung Spyro sad a few paces behind. ' should we split up, cover more ground?" he motioned at the two passageways in front of them. ' i'll take the left' Samia offered as the golden dragoness shrugged. ' if anyone wants to come  with me, raise your claw. "
« Last Edit: October 23, 2023, 11:51:37 PM by Nick22 »
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Tarrsx frowned as he looked at the note, which burned into ashes shortly after being read." Be on your guard Captain if you go. The Ministry is going after anyone who is linked to this Pinkstone, no matter how tenuously. There have been thousands of arrests so far, and as off worlders we would not be given any benefit of the doubt if they connected us to her." With all due respect, Tarrax, we can't just stay here and do nothing." Agumina said." I agree with Agumina Gabumon said." Chong is somewhere onnPottermore and we need to find him. I doubt he's here for the scenery or food." We should check out that location on the note. See if they can help us find him ." Spyro W said. Emanu stood up."Well, I'm going to check out the gargoyle. Who's coming with me?" I will Agumina said." Boss mon, you coming?" She said to Agumon ." Yes, I'm coming. Rings at the ready folks, just in case."
Emanu, Agumon, Agumina, Spyro-W and gabumon folowed carson down the passageway, their armor lighting up the dark and dingy area with bright green light ' doesnt look like anyone been here in a while judging from the smell' spyro said. ' its stale and musty. ' someones down here though ' gabumon said ' they wouldnt have left the note otherwise.. ' lead the way captasn ' Agumina said to Carson.
 Po and jing opened the boxes ozai had goven them and admired the beautiful mawashis ozai had given them. jing put hers on.. and marvelled at the comfort and fabrics of the outfit. ' the king knows mawashiis.' jing said as she looked at herself in the mirror. ' you look great ' Po said  as he turned on the shuttle movie ' a promo for the hpotel they were going to. ' you putting yours on?' jing asked ' not right now.. there are other gifts i'll be going througfh.. such as the wizards food gift. those chocolate cream covered sugar dumplings are calling my name.
Before you boys do your job ' kiara said to Kovu and sly ' We've got to get a dance in first. ' fun., before business, and all that..'also sly, if anything bad  happens to kovu on this mission, i'm holding you responsible and will have you and all of your gang arrested. and yes, i absolutely have that authority. I'm a queen.  Am I clear ' Kiara said and sly adjusted in tie  with a nervous chhuckle. ' loud and clear your majesty.'' well, the briefing will wait until aftr your dance ' bentley said ' i need o get a conbference room ready abyway.'  sima and Kiara pulled Kovu out to the dance floor.
 near the sweets table ' kitty was wrioting down ideas pon a notepad. ' lets see ' she had 7 different ideas written down, and had marked other suggestions from Arlene and tigeress the wolf about titles to call Tiger. ' patron of the harvest, was so far the chosen title.. although she felt that was a bit bland.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2023, 11:19:57 PM by Nick22 »
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"It should we something that reflects my powers....and my hefty nature," Tiger said proudly, patting his gut then snapping his paws, making some fruit grow on the trees in the area the wedding afterparty was happening at.

"The Corpulent Cat God of Harvest?" Kitty suggested next.


As Oliver ate more of the food, he was having a realization. "Hey mom, I just's been tasting ever better lately for me, since you told me about my powers."

Panty stopped stuffing her face and smirked at her son. "That's a sign your powers are awakening."

"It is?" the young cat said, surprised.


Sly, Carmelita, Dimitri, and the Panda King followed Bentley to the conference room.

"I'm glad you have some respect for authority, Ringtail," Carmelita chuckled to Sly.

"She looked ready to devour me if we got him hurt," Sly admitted.


"Now this is a traditional Mawashiian dance," Sima explained to Kovu. "We take some heavy steps towards each other at first, kind of like sumo wrestling but in dance form."

Kovu nodded, understanding the steps. "And then we make contact?" he winked seductively.

"You got it, lover boy," Sima replied, shaking her rump.

Kiara clapped her paws together. "Make sure I get the chance to dance with you," she said to Kovu. Kovu in turn gently touched his paws against her face.

"Don't worry, my queen," he said romantically. He still was getting used to fact he was technically a king now, and thus Kiara was his queen. They would be quite the formidable pair.


"They do look good," Jing nodded, drooling. "Do you think we'll have them finished off before we even arrive at the resort?" The Panda King's daughter enjoyed the feeling of the gifted mawashi, and she began smooching her new husband all over his face again.



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The cave rumbled and some loose gravel and dust fell down from the ceiling. The sound of Chong's autonomous mining drones got louder.

Kire nodded. "We need to get out of here. Those drills are coming closer."

He then pointed to a cave entrance in a ledge that overlooked the ruined subterranean town. "Up that way!"

The cave lit up with an orange glow as the solar knight extended the wings from his armor and rocketed into the air.



Captain Carson took the first step into the right branch. Just a short way in, she was forced to turn back by a solid stone wall.

Eventually, she led the group down into the left branch. To her surprise, she found some graffiti carved into the rock. She raised an eyebrow as she read it. It was a note that promised revenge for what was termed the "Esbenshire Massacre". The fact that carved at the base was a stylized stone filled in with what appeared to be pink paint indicated the origin of it.

"I think we're on the right least as right as possible when we're probably going to run into some anti-government activists or even insurgents," she said.


RIMCS Spire of Winter

"Very well," the bartender said, passing the two men a tankard of beer. Captain Carson is on an expedition right now with Lord Stripetail, so you'll have to see the employment office in town."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

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"Well see about doing that after we get a change of clothes." Frank said taking a drink from his tankard.

Friedrich also took a drink. "That sounds like a good idea."


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just take what we have and lets get back to the surface ' sasha said .' as the sounds of the rumbling grew louder. ' i detect 4 large drill machines, each with 5 heavily armed occupants '  Kit saiod from Rivets back. ' angela pressed a communicator on her wrist ' thief ' whats your status?' flying at a stready altitude of 29, 765 feet above ground.  I have your location. you are approximately 4675 feet below ground.  there  is a surface shaft,  543 feet to your left.'' we're on our way ' Angela replied. ' eta , 4 minutes. ' one by one the group took to the air fklying after vkire who was weaving around pillars of rock in the chamber..
 fudge would probably class them as insurgents ' Emanu said as they continued down the let path the light from the armor periodically reflecting off the walls revealing graffiti, carvings and  faded advertisements for  a ' firebolt 1501'  flying broom and  a picture of hogwarts dated at least 100 years ago. ' whoever put this here, it was a long time ago. ' gabumon said as they walked.  ' Students or staff , maybe?"
  you flatter me, Kovu, as always ' Kiara purred. ' lets see you work your girth Sima. put those curves to good use.' others were dancing at the party, including  Ruskin and Groth , who wre both trying to play air guitsar to a rocking song, while Cinder laughed amd shook her head at their silliness.  ozai continued handing out gifts to the other  guests , which included a giantic ' glossary of My greatness' which listed every single  match  Ozai had won, including his last official match , which was something 450 years ago. the book ws literally thousabnds of pages longs, including a list of all his opponent by namne, their career records and a ranking of how many actually held their own in combat with him. in short, only a handful did including the 3 that actually beat him.
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Kovu and Sima took their positions for the dance to begin. As a Mawashiian drum beat began playing, they took tandem steps towards each other, heavy steps at that. Sima had given him lessons earlier and now Kovu was able to put it into practice. They each shook that flabby bellies as they got closer and closer together, until said guts were touching.

"You take the lead," Kovu encouraged to Sima in a whisper.


"Ok everyone, we only have a limited window of opportunity to free our friends," Bentley said as he pulled up his powerpoint presentation for the Cooper Gang to watch. "We each have a specific part to play."

"I know some robot birds in need of a Shock Pistol blast," Carmelita noted.


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Kovu let sima rub her belly against him as the music swelled, and his eye caught kiara as she moved in to join them in the dance. kiara did a flip  and landed gracefully in front of her mate. ' dont mind me, i'm just cutting in ' the prideland princess smirked. ' behinds at the ready sima. ; both girls turned away from Kovu and backed up, until Kovu was sandwiched between them. the girls ground against him as they turned in time the music, swaying back and forth . kovu though squeezed between the two, had a big grin on his face.  ' kiara turnd away and let sima rub her behind against kovus then did the same to both Kovu and sima.  next they rubbed their guts together. kovu holding on each lioness with one paw as they bent their backs. both girls then kissed kovu, with  kiara naturally going first.  I'm the luckiest lion in existence ' Kovu purred. ' no denying that, big boy' Sima laughed.
 that brothr of mine ' vitani chuckled as she watched Kovu dance with kiara and Sima. " he always enjoys the flirting..' no denying that sis loves him. the chemistry between them is palpable, like when you step into a muggy room. except , in this case, thats a good thing.'' kopa aid. '  alright you two ' Eris said grabbing them by the claws and pulling them froim their seats. ' lets see you two dance the Chima foot stomp!. just.. dont step on each others feet! last time I danced with Laval, he nearly broke my left footclaw by stepping down too hard on it. Li ' ella is the far more graceful of the two.' the music on this section of the dance floor changed to a light but brisk musical number, as  Laval and eris, moved around  the dancing pair, with Laval explaining the male moves to kopa and Eris explaining the female moves to Vitani. '  the older couple were getting the hang of it, for the most part.
 skylands went up to Cinder and asked her to dance ' lets see you do the Skylanders swing. its wings out, left claw out then right claw out. usually its two girls dancing with two guys , but my Spyro is busy helping himself to food , and your guys are playing that guitar game.. or well trying too. They.. er.. need work, especially Ruskin. ' sure ' Cinder said as she followed Skylands to the dance floor ' Skylands spread her winds and began the dance ' try not to flap them if you can, its about balance and footwork. ' cinder spread her wings and tried to follow Skyland's lead.
 Mona Flash and Zoai all approached ozai. " in our match tomorrow great king, i request that you do move 1574- the the belly pin ' Zoai requested. " i would like move 10,010, the left sweep strike with pin ' Flash said ' i would like the belly flop ' Mona said ' er, Mona there's 27 versions of the belly flop' Flash said to her girlfriend '  ' um. whichever one he does the most. '; thats a tie between the the right shoulder flop and the behind blitz.' Zoai said.
' The behind blitz then.' Mona decided. ' of course, my dear children i would be happy to do those moves on you. ' don't worry, i wont harm you. i placed a spell on the ring to remove any chance of actually causing pain. it will feel as if a big soft teddy bear has landed on it. a teddy bear that weights 10, 996 pounds "ozai chuckled ' are you ready to join my list?' YES! al; three girls shouted in unison. Ozai laughed mirthfully ' then lets see if you three can make it 10 seconds. ' " the most moves even zircun the master knows is 217' Zoai said. ' thats a ton of moves  still ' Monna said . ' against non -ozai sumos, yeah. ' Flash said.
 Luca continued walking with Dixie and Cynder. " could i play that dragon limbo game too? I'd like to see how well i do' Luca asked ' Sure, its always fun to have more players' Cynder said' we could do teams ' Dulcy said ' er. Cynder and me vs you and Dixie. 2 on 2.' you two would cream us ' Dixie said ' I've never played ' Dulcy saidin retort, "so I'm in the same boat as you two. "
 Po and jing snuggled as the pod reached the halfway point on the trip to Pokitaru, Po was wiping his face pf the latest round of Jing smooches. the waste basket was nearly full of lipstick stained handkerchiefs. ' almost out of  these, ii think ii have 4 or 5 left." Po chuckled. ' then i will dial back the kissing.. just a bit until we get to our rooms' Jing said ' you'll love the view, its got a great view of the bay, and the tv selection has 3500 channels.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2023, 01:10:28 PM by Nick22 »
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"I am big, aren't I?" Kovu chortled as he and Sima moved their rumps in tandem.  Kovu and Kiara were expert dancers back in the Pride Lands, and that was still true out here in space.

"Kopa and Vitani still need lessons," Kiara noted as she watched her big brother and Kovu's sister gradually learn the moves of the dance they were doing.

Zoai and her friends looked excited knowing Ozai agreed to their requests.

"What made you choose the moves you did?" Ollie asked the sumo cat girl and wolf girls.


"The bed must be huge," Po said, thinking how comfortable it has to be.

"Oh indeed," Jing said, "We could probably spend a couple days just lying in bed, doing nothing." Since the newlyweds were pandas, such a prospect sounded exciting to both of them. For now, Jing resumed her kissing frenzy.


Kitty called up Dixie on her cell phone. "I'll be looking at some high priestess robes for my new job," Kitty told her girlfriend. "Would you want to help me decide what design is best?"

"Sure," Dixie replied, and suddenly a familiar voice suddenly appeared on the line.

Tiger let out a godly, bellyful chortle. "One advantage of having a God's Phone? I can enter any mortal call I like," the cat god of Green River and Harvest revealed. "I'm glad I caught both of you, I have some new rules to declare."


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just a few things to clarify at the start' Tiger said ' this is not about you Dixie. i love you dearly. you've always been generous with your gifts and money and the new house in Green River is coming along beautifully. thank you, love, for all that support. i don't  care that you and kitty are incredibly close. but that kind of bond is one that she must have with me as well . so instead of her spending time with you or Arlene or Tigeress or any of her other girls, I'm going to need her by me for.. well pretty much whenever I need her.  Which will be, roughly 99.9999 percent of the time. and to ensure that my will is respected ' ' Kittys neck glowed and a shiny bright purple collar appeared on Kittys neck ' this collar Kitty is wearing is made of divinium, which can only be mined shaped and used by gods, goddesses and other immortal beings.  I believe the seer has at least 2 homes made up entirely of this material.' Tiger continued.  " 2 or 3. Anyway I'm getting off track. In the games I really couldnt do much about any of this, because we were separated much of the time, because you were stuck in the Duke or Wildcat, or Panty. you cant control that that and i'm not blaming you for that. but what I want most of all, is for you to put me first. to turn down going shopping with Arlebne or movies with Dixie or dancing with whoever.

just say ' i'm having a night in with my sheriff". i'm not angry with you honey, just disappointed that it has come to this. Ask yourself; would you say that you have treated me fairly?' Tiger asked ' You absolutely need to spend more time with Tiger, Kitty. and not just because hes a god now. But because he deserves it> Dixie said " Dixie do you think I've treated Tiger fairly? Kitty asked ' No, not even close. and he has every right to want to remedy that.. shall we say.. imbalance.' arlene's voice entered the chat.' sorry Kitty, just saw that you called me.' Arlenes voice came on ' Hello Arlene' Tigers voice said ' I have a question for you. Do you think Kitty has treated me fairly? Let me rephrase that. Do you think that shes spends enough time with me?' No, I would say not. when was your last major outing together. 'Arlene  asked . " the green river mini golf tournament, 6 months ago. i was on the Sheriff squad.. and well I had a very bad putting day' Tiger said. in those 6 months.. she has spent 35 nights out with you Arlene, and  106 nights out with Dixie. throw in time with Duchess the rich cat, Tigeress the Wolf Cynder the dragoness  Dulcy the dragoness and Mukua the panther,  and you have another 3 weeks. so all told thats 162 nights out with her friends. 162.. out of 180. meaning 18 days spent with me in some form or another. yes you could get technical,and say we have meals together during those days,  but the point is, I'm feeling just a little bit left out. and since kitty isnt going to correct her behavior out of her own free will- because shes had 6 months to do so, and she hasnt - i'm going to have to RESTRICT that free will. And i can do that, after all. I'm a god.

' Well, clearly Kitty needs to spend a bunch more time with you. bringing back gifts for you.. doesn't cut it. a nice painting doesn't have the same impact as cuddling in bed, and having a pillow fight." Arlene said. " No, you are right Arlene . Although that portrait of Waul was very very nice. Waul says hes coming over to get it, but that was 18 days ago, and Waul is a busy cat, a mouseburger establishment wont run itself.  ' Honey.. I'm very sorry. I've been busy with..'  Kitty began  before Tiger cut her off. ' Yes, your social life. Well, lets just say dear, that your social life will be under supervision going forward. Very strict Supervision That collar I just put on you will only come off after i feel you have learned your lesson and pay me due respect. and at your current rate you might celebrate your 150th  birthday  before i lift it. this will only change when you regain my trust, confidence and respect. so for a little demonstration. it can turn her into a statue. play loud rock music to hurt her ears, and a bunch of other things. what those things are, well Kitty can only find out.. by ignoring me.  so the collar will operate on a 3 strike system, like in baseball. the first strike it will administer a small shock, and glow yellow. the second transgression, the shock will be much stronger and will glow as red as your lips kitty. the third time, you're out and the collar will implement a punishment of my choice. '

 you could turn into a wooden puppet on strings like that Pinocchio fellow. or become a [bean bag chair, or turn your face into something so replusive so hideous so shocking  that people will flee from you in terror. ' wow.. you'fre really serious Tiger " arlene said. ' well, lets just say drastic measures have had to be taken.  i have the means to fix this problem and i'm doing just that'. but first a showcase of the collar. thewre  a flash and kitty stood face to face with dixie' ok, kitty for this first step  i want you to draw dixie using this easel and pen. ' Kitty began to draw Dixie seated on a chair only to get shocked and have her collar turn yellow ' you're not listening Kitty ' tigers voice said. thats strike one.. 'there was a flash and kitty stood across from Arlene in a pizza bakery ' ok, lets try this again. this time i want a thick  chewy crust  pizza stuffed with cheese and a pepperoni topping. i dont want any air bubbles in the pizza. this is a fast baking pizza so  it should only take 10 to 15 minutes ' Tiger said " begin.  ' Arlene and kitty quickly threw the pizza together, with kitty adding a sausage topping to the pepperoni. the pizza quickly baked and smelled delicious coming out ' the pizza looks great but you broke the rules again Kitty' tiger said and a violent charge shocked Kitty to the floor.
tigers voice cane over the phone again. ' ok for the final challenge ' you will do a conga line dance with both Dixie and Ar;ene " you girls have to help me get this off ' Kitty pleaded with her friends. Arlene reached out to touch it and got shocked " Yow! . no way i can get that off .' Kitty, you need to soend a lot more time with him. he loves you sweetie, and as mnuch as i enjoy being with you, singing duets, comparing cowgirls outfits, annd other fun stuff, I think you need to spend a bunch more time with him. willingly. honestly Kitty dear, he has done nothing to deserve getting the blowoff like this. you gotta make time for hubby, as i do with Scooby. we go out for ice cream regularly, Scooby loves the double stack peppermint Oreo and chocolate fudge Oreo, and i like Butterfinger, So make evenings with him fun.  play cards, have a movie night,  spend the evening in the hot tub together while romantic music plays.' Dixie suggested. " you really think I've been ignoring him.?'  Kitty , literally 90 percent of that 6 months period, you were with me , Arlene or one of the other girls. a 90-10 ratio against you is not something any guy will tolerate.  So, yes you absolutely have.  And hes right to  want to change that. and since hes an immortal, his word  carries a ton of weigh. I never want to piss oiff Stripetail, for instance not just because hes my boss but because he absolutely would  punish me<'  Dixie said.  the girls did a conga line and after a few twists and turns kitty tripped, and her collar turned blaxck.  her fur turned a bright green and her fce changed. she then appeared in front of Tiger who held up a mirror ' gads ' Kitty gasped ' Just a small sample of whats to come unless you start paying attention. ' Tiger sighed . now for summoning. ' go into the next room and start. er applying makeup. ' i will then summon you to me.'

« Last Edit: December 09, 2023, 01:37:02 PM by Nick22 »
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Kitty went into the other room and began applying her makeup. She was glad to not look like the Grinch anymore, but she couldn't help but feel Tiger was right about this. She had been ignoring him, too many times.  "He has a point..." she said to herself as she made herself up.

Once she had applied it all, she began to feel a unique sensation. "What the...?" she started to say, and she was suddenly warped out and the room and into Tiger's arms. She knew this was part of his godly skillset, but the process was still new to her.


"Almost there, my plump darling," Jing told Po. "What's the first thing you'll want to do with me?" she added with a warm smile.


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 clrean off my face from kiss wave 99 '  Po bsaid as he used the last hankerchief to wipe his face. '  we are in rooms 175-85, the first 7 are fior the wedding gifts, apparently. ' po said as Jing snuggled wit him. ' theres 3 breakfasts 3 lunchs 3 donners and 3 snack timews in our daily stay. i sgne us up for tandem beach boiling. that should be fun' jing said. '  at 10, i'm challenghing you to a race around the [pokitaru track in a bumper car.. er thing./  tomorrow, when its  cuddle time/ makeout time tiome all day, because i just want to relax in bed watch tv and soak in the tropical vibe ' Jing said. they landed and were showbn to their rooms, where a pair of huge welcome baskets were waiting for them. ; the rooms were huge , lavishly deciorated and clearly meant for guests with huge  wallets. '' this place isa wonderful ' jing cherred' and we have 3 whole months here. ' she laughed.
 Vushu was sitting at a table at the party  reading intellectual stimulation, by Lord Ozai. ' what are you reading' Eris asked as she approached ' Bowing etiquette  version 312, the most updated version. the master updates things every decade or so. '  the pantheress said.  ' proper position, proper tilt of head and curve of spine. proper energy poutput in bowing shruine.  i've beebn trying to find a 4 crystal array one but they are  rare' Vushu added as she wrote things down on a pad of paper ' notes liike ' 3 degree too high on head, left paw slightly off base. tail w must point to ozai. ' were among the notes eris read.' ' Is Ozai very strict about enforcing the rules?' Eris asked " ots about self discipline rather than whather the master puubishes us.' Vushu said as as she puklled another book ' cliimbing the Tower Steps ' this is version 345 of this book . ' each step leads to better understanding of the masters intellet ' vushu said.  Vitani came over and sat down next to Vushu taking a break to rest her tired feet. '

i choise mine because he used the same move against my grabdfather back when Ozai still wrestled competitively. " zoai said ' i picked mine because he hasbnt used it in 1000 years ' Flash said ' i just pickoed one at random ' Mona said.
 sima grinned at Kiara ' ok, kiara challenger time. i challenge you to a sumo bout. the winner gets to kiss kovu first when he gets back. the loser has to be part of the throne for while. ' Deal' kiara said as she looked at her phone . She was looking at pictures of guys o her ' ranks list ' some were marked handsome veery handsome or ugly . ' kiara was looking at a picture of king Richard , princes johns older brother- she marked Richard as ugly.
 abord the ti,me the entire town of winterville was lit up in holiday bunting and filled with the smells of holiday goodies.
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There were various holidays being celebrated, taking into account the many backgrounds and worlds all the people aboard the Spire of Winter came from.  Holiday lights glowed all around while the sound of joyful cheers and laughter could be heard everywhere.

"Now Zoai, you have some chores to do back at the shrine," Mawa told his daughter. "The next Ozai festival will be very soon, and we want to honor him by having everything in perfect shape."

"You got it dad," Zoai nodded, more than happy to do chores in the name of the Sumo King.

"What chores do you have?" Ollie asked the sumo cat girl.


Kovu blew Kiara and Sima kisses as he went off to catch up with the Cooper Gang. "What's my role?" he asked Bentley.

"You'll have to handle the heavy lifting and fights," Bentley explained, "With Murray as one of the captives, you'll have to be the brawns."

Kovu smirked and showed off his armor and his gut. "I have fire power AND sumo power," he affirmed.


"You got something planned for tonight?" Sima asked Kiara, noticing she was sending messages to 3 specific guys. The ones the Princess-now-queen had declared as her boyfriends.


"3 whole months you'll have to spend with me," Jing added to Po, pulling him into yet again, more kisses. "Now that we've eaten all the in-flight snacks, what say we get a meal from the dining hall first after we settle into our rooms?"

"You're reading my mind," Po smiled to his wife.


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Kire's pulled out his ice rod and hastily laid down some transparent blocks of ice as his wings ran out of flight time. Gently alighting on the platform, he paused for a moment to allow his wings to restore energy. He looked down and saw the spots of light that were from the jetpacks of Sasha, Rivet and Angela. After a few seconds had passed, he leapt into the air and flared his wings, shooting upwards as the blocks of ice shattered into glittering dust.



Captain Carson held up a hand, gesturing for everyone to stop as she heard voices. She then carefully crept forward, her wand at the ready.

All of a sudden, she was greeted by someone saying. "Good evening, Captain Carson." Soon, several people seemed to emerge out of the walls.

The woman held her wand at the ready. Despite her being outnumbered (and likely underpowered), she figured she'd at least make them pay if they tried to kill her.

One of the wizards spoke. "Welcome to the meeting of the Society for the Abolishment of the Statute of Secrecy."


(RIMCS Spire of Winter)

Dr. Kerzach was currently working in the kitchen of Winterville Inn. While baking wasn't his forte, it was still considered a part of his duties. As they were catering to Mawashiians, the traditional celebratory foods were scaled up to accomodate the enormous and muscular inhabitants of the planet. The town's artificial climate had been set to mimic a crisp winter day and as result, several of the residents and staff were bundled up. Currently, he was working on a traditional Mawashiian sponge cake, a traditional winter festival meal.

The Cassowary watched as an electric forklift moved the tray containing the freshly baked sponge cake out of the oven (a modified industrial kiln that had been specially made for the kitchen in the Winterville Industrial Sector). The alluring scent of vanilla filled the kitchen. The massive cake was nearly as wide across as he was tall. Once it was placed on the counter, Dr. Kerzach picked up the bucket of buttercream frosting with a full-sized mason's trowel sticking out of it and got to work slathering the frosting all over it. Meanwhile, some other staff were slicing the orange-sized Mawashiian strawberries that would serve as decoration.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

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Frank and Friedrich looked to bartender. "You have a food menu?" Frank asked

'Yeah, I'm starving. It's been... far too loong since i've had a quality meal." Friedrich said.


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stripetail arrived back in his office as the fireplace sudden;y burst into life and tigers head appeared in the flames ' er.. Stripetail .. can you see me?' Yes i can see you Tiger ' good.. good. i just need some advice.. about Kitty that is. " let me guess.. she hasnt been spending much time with you?' stripetail sighed as he began reading the papers from his students.. " Yes.. and I want to change that.. shes spent far more time with her girls than me.  I even put a shock collar on her  .. to force a change in her behavior. ' the proper remedy for that.. my young friend,  is simply having her spend more time with you.. Take a vacation. you are a god.. you can go anywhere you want.. You can summon her to you, whenever you please. you will know what she is doing at all times .' Its just that she has spent so much time with her girls. that i feel left out.' Tiger said. ' its like 90 to 10 , seer, and not in my favor. '

 you can correct that. my friend  with a long couples vacation. Now were you two going to spend a holiday with the Doos?  i believe Dixie mentioned something along those lines when I asked about holiday plans -that she and Scooby were going to spend the holidays with you and Kitty.  Something about  Hot chocolate hot tub soaks with marshmallow fights?'  Tiger began laughing. ' yes, we were planing on having a dogs vs Cats marshmallow war. that was before my divinity and before this came about. Scooby and I were also discussing kids with our girls, as well. ' Then go on a nice long holiday with the 4 of you, couple and couple. no extra friends , just the 4. cat room and dog room, and all that.' but how do i make it that kitty sees the error of her ways? shes taken me for granted seer, and I would really appreciate any advice you give me on that. ' well, obviously, girl time by herself is out for the foreseeable future. She must regain your trust on that score.  that will  take more than  a week or a month, and most likely more than  a year as well. A good stretch with you spending quality time together will help repair that breach.  Having cubs together as well, will go a long way. Nothing changes someone more than becoming a parent.  Your life, in many senses, belongs to another after that point.  did you have a specific number of kids in mind?'Stripetail asked  No, not exactly. Scooby and I were bouncing ideas back and forth. My kittens would be half mortals now, right?' Demi-gods, correct. that would live, at the minimum, thousands of years. like Oliver." Excellent' Tiger grinned. "  I'm going to enjoy mating with her.. sorry my apologies seer. Too much detail' tiger chuckled as the flames turned green. ' stripetail gestured and the flames returned to normal ' you were starting to cut out ' Stripetail said. " where would you reccomend /' Tiger asked .'  Pokitaru, it was the resort we stayed at in Polaris. 'You can reserve a entire section of the planet to yourself and your group. ' theres even a Couples island, according to the brochure.' Stripetail said. ' as for the shock collar, i dont believe it is strictly necessary. Simply change her to a chair, or a pillow or a light stand.. or some other object when you want to prove a point .  Dixie mentioned you changed her into a pillow ' She was very comfy too ' Tiger said. " that still needs work Tiger. "Stripetail said  How much freedom, should I allow Kitty. " Well, she needs freedom to work and earn a living.  Touring is part of being a showgirl singer. ' Hmm. well i can cut out the kid friendly shows at Wauls.. have her be more.. night time entertainment. " Do what you need to  on that score Tiger, that is your own affair. "
 Po and KJIng arrived at their room, which was decorated with a " welcome NewlyWeds1" spread. it was fulled with rich chocolates, sweets and stuff fir a new couple to ' heat things up'. ' lets go get some stuff to eat from the sweet bun stand ' po grinned. thers one just down the  hall. ' just remember tio share the icing.. my dear.. oh and we need to go throuhgh our gifts at some point .' Jing said. ' i'm hgoing to be writinga lot of thank you cards.
Zoai returned to her shop and began setting up a new row  of brand new Ozai toys that had just come out.  ' For the Ozainiac in your family ' read a poster. '  Tiger the wolf entered with Flash and Mona riding on his back,'  ok girls remember just 4 toys each '  he  said "  Do you have  the PInk Ozai Bowing clock? Its part of the Ozaiette's collection ' Flash said ' I'll check row 36 for that. thers carts over there if you want to carry stuff around ;' Zoai said,
« Last Edit: January 01, 2024, 11:03:26 PM by Nick22 »
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"We got hundreds of gifts," Po noted, seeing the resort staff wheelbarrow various wedding presents into the 5 rooms that had been reserved as essentially storage from them. "I'm glad we had a big wedding, then."

"We're pandas, everything about us is big," Jing smiled, walking over to Po and giving him another kiss. It was becoming clear to the Dragon Warrior that his new bride was constantly interested in kissing him. "And yeah, that sweet bun stand sounds good, my dear."


"Remember to organize the shelves," Mawa advised his daughter after Zoai pointed out the toy Flash wanted. The sumo father cat smiled at Tiger the wolf "I think those two are ready to be true believers, don't you think?"

Mona knew Flash was for sure.

"There any Ozai pinball games?" Ollie asked, enjoying the game of skill.


"So, guide me through my part in the operation," Kovu said as he returned to the Cooper Gang.

Bentley nodded in affirmation. "We were just about you get to your part," the genius turtle noted.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2024, 12:42:12 AM by brekclub85 »


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 kovu took a eat as bentlry began going over his part ' kovu would smuggle the others in, carefully hidden inside a ' statue ' honoring ' Clockwerk. kovus task was to get the statue safey insude and put in a place where the team could  entter without detection. ' We have 3 of our friends to rescue,  Guru , murray, and Penelope. most likely they have been spread out around the palace and under heavy guard. you'll need to find a disguise somehow if you are going to fool them long enough for us to find the others and gt them out. if we get discovered, we will need to fight our way out.  " I'll talk with my boss' Kovu said/ ' he activated his armor and tapped his communicator ' Stripetail I'm going on a rescue mission and i will need a disguise. something that will get me into clockwerks place without being detected.' check your left wrist compartment Kovu . t you'll find a bag with the tag 'concealment. the vials inside are marked very short, short, medium and long.  you take it depending on how long your mission will last. so for instance if you think it will take a week, you'd pick the short potion.  now what you will turn into will be random, you might turn into a fox, a skunk a gorilla or a cheetah. ' What if we are forced to fight?' Kovu asked. "Kovu the  magic in your armor easily outstrips any magic ability that Clockworks goons have,. your fire powers will roast them  into a fine ash. now I wouldnt go barging into clockworks throne room and getting into a one on one in person with Clockwork , he;s basically immortal himself and mortals are always going to lose a fight to an immortal, no matter what magic or help they have.' Avoid Clockwork himself, got it. Will sumo work on the planet?' Kovu asked ' Yes. use whatever abilities you think are necessary. this is a rescue and escape mission, and stealth and speed are essential so if you have to squash enemies flat with a sumo roll or a sumo dive you do it . Good luck Kovu.  if you have any other questions , tap your communicator. stripetail out.'

 flash has enough Ozai merchandise already to set up her own store.' Tiger said ' still, there are worse things she could spend her money on, and i did get a laugh playing with the girls as the  Wind God.' Tiger said as Mona came up to him carrying a couple new toys '  can I get these Mr Tiger?' Very well Mona, remember you have a 4 toy limit. so you have 2 more . Put them in the cart.'' mona gleefully put the plush toys in and ran down the aisles to look for more.,  Flash was in row 16 looking for  female sumo figures. '
 Ok girl wager time ' Sima said gleefully ' how many days do you think it will take Kovu to finish the mission? the girl that gets closer gets to makeout with kovu on the chair.. on top of the loser' she giggled. ' how many days is the range>' Kiara asked ' lets say 1 day to 2 weeks. now i dont really think it will take 2 weeks, but you never know. since you are the higher ranked girl, you go first..' kiara paused in thought.. ' ok.. i think .. 5 days. from him going.. wherever hes going.. and back.' hmm.. i'll go shorter. 4 days. now if it takes exact;y 4.5 days then its a tie and we'll have to have a tiebreaker of some kind.  a booty shakeoff or a pie eating contest or something. " you're on' kiara said.
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"It sounds like Kovu added 3 more lionesses to his throne, so there's more padding for us all," Sima chuckled.

"Our Kovu......he really can build up pride loyalty," Kiara said proudly. "Not hard to do for someone as charming as him." She blushed at the thought of her mate. She went over to Abu next. "What hours do you guard the royal bedroom for?" she asked the pachyderm.


Jing pulled out various brochures about the resort planet. "We have all the time in the world, let's plan out fun things to do together!" she began kissing Po yet again. It was clear she would never tire of doing so.

"Lots of places to eat, lots of places to sleep," Po nodded, taking in the smooches.


"Where should we go first mom? I'm hungry," Oliver smiled to Arlene. "With all the holidays being celebrated now, they have to have lots of food prepared, right?"


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Kire alighted onto a small cliff in the vertical shaft. He then looked upwards and saw a faint pinprick of light. "Angela, Sasha, Rivet!" he yelled. "We're getting close to the surface." The shaft lit up with a brilliant light as he solar knight flared out his wings and rocketed upwards towards the light.

When he arrived, he noticed that he was surrounded by muddy swamp and towering mahagony trees. "Huh, the jungle," he said. He then gave a quick look around. Not too far off in the distance was the sickly purple landscape of the Corruption. A well-crafted wooden bridge spanned a massive gorge lined with stone bricks that divided the jungle from the Corruption. A twinge of satisfaction flowed through him as he recalled building the entire canyon by himself.

As he waited for the rest of the group to emerge from the shaft, he simply watched the clouds slowly moving across the sky.


Mr. Bigmouth deftly piloted the repulsorsled away from the guards of Chong's mining operation.

"Can someone get in contact with Stripetail?" he asked. The bullet holes in the sled's windshield indicated that he had not gotten away undetected but thankfully, no one was injured and the sled wasn't too badly damaged.



Captain Carson nodded. She discreetly signaled for the rest of the group to step forward. "If I may," she said. "Why exactly have I been summoned here."

The wizard who greeted her spoke. "Simple," they said. "You are a Muggle who has been wronged by the archaic rules of Fudge."

The starship captain remembered how she had been left wandering outside Esbenshire for hours with fragmented memories after seeing an attack on a government building. "And what is the relevance to your cause?"

"Simple. We know that you are working with a powerful off-world wizard; a guest to our planet, if you will. If the Ministry treats Muggle guests so poorly, who knows what they'll do to the locals?"

Captain Carson kept her face neutral. She was here to assist Stripetail in apprehending Chong, not to take sides in an insurgency (even if the local government had mistreated her). But at the same time, perhaps she could recruit these Magicfolk to assist her? That and there was the possibility that she would be forced to take sides simply because the local government was hindering her efforts.


(RIMCS Spire of Winter)

The bartender passed Frank and Friedrich a menu. The food available was mostly classic bar food like catfish burgers, fish and chips. But thanks to the outsized influence of the Mawashiians aboard, there were also a lot of Mawashiian dishes available, like the famous sumo wrestler's stew, chankonabe.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.