The Gang of Five
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Lily: Well...I know I just said I'm glad I don't remember, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like these mysteries cleared up. It'd be a lot easier to negotiate with the police if I knew what I was running from. So I haven't yet really stopped to think about the future. It's tough to do when you keep almost getting killed.

Emilena: Auughhh...I don't know. I don't want to talk about it.

...OK fine! Yes, so I'm letting him go a little further with me than I'd ever let anyone before, but he's proven himself trustworthy. We had a good working relationship before all this, it's natural that I trust him a bit more than maybe I should. Right? I know he's interested in a full relationship, but I haven't really stopped to think about going further. Right now I'm too busy trying to get revenge on Mr. Almaya for embarrassing me in front of my entire unit.


Adrian, Kojurro, what experience do you both have with the military?

Marie, you kinda joined in without us learning much about you except that you work at a strip joint. Anything in your past we should know about?


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marie: well i went to college at a local university, specializing in art. i'm actually a very good draw. unfortunately in this town at this time, art isnt very in demand so i took whatever job i got to pay the bills.. whixch tyurned out to be waitressing at the local strip club. not the best w\place to work. the pays loustyy the guys try to feel you up, and the the ' other way' girls try to hit on you. someting tyou learn to ignore/ i'm hoping for something better, where my art talents are appreciated.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Quote from: Serris,Dec 29 2013 on  09:18 PM
Aydin: Would it be fair to call you a speciesist?
Zachary: Like a speciesist ever actually thinks they're speciesist...

Aydin: This is my question, shut up horse. No, I don't think I'm speciesist. I merely recognize the inherent differences and am willing to admit that, unlike everyone else. I also hate Vulpines as much as I do everything else, possibly even more so. Except for Aimee.


Gittsun, we hardly know ye! Anything interesting in your backstory?

Starfall's German Doktor, how come you haven't told anybody your name yet?


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Shelton, have you used the power you acquired on the oil rig ever again?


Ask any of my characters.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Adrian:  Well, I guess I really can't call it military work, per se.  When I was a kid, I got "recruited" from the orphanage my parents left me at, and taken to join a Private Military Corporation.  They taught me how to fight, how to kill...then shipped me off to some godforsaken place and used me as a weapon.  So I was a child soldier, I guess.

Kojuuro:  I was a soldier for a while, back when I was younger, but I discovered that I don't really...see eye to eye with military life.  So I resigned, took up a little freelancing work.  Same PMC that took Adrian recruited me to act as a Handler for their little project, so I did.  

Doktor:  Vell, you see, zere have been...incidents in ze past zat make me loathe to give avay my name to just anyvone.  Perhaps, once I truzt you more, I vill tell you.


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Kerzach, how does it feel being able to escape from chong after being a prisoner for the last few weeks?
- my stated characters are available for questions..
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Gittsun: I'm a marketing manager who maybe enjoys his drinks a little too much in the evenings, and who maybe could cut down on his 'Electric Sheep' visits. Hold on, it got burned down because of those two wackjobs fighting! Bummer. Well, that's one New Year's resolution done, I guess I can worry about the drinking next year.
Anything interesting? Well... I can make a Manhattan like nobody's business, and I've also been told my knitting skills are impressive. But maybe try not to spread that around, I find it ruins the 'suave' image I have going on.

Anne - How did you get into your life of petty crime?

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Shelton: Oh, believe me, I tried. I had all these great ideas for taking advantage of it. Winning any plant-growing competition ever, charging farmers to know how their crops were doing, training an army of trees to basically wiretap the city parks for me--

Oscar: --Those are the stupidest ideas I have ever heard.

Shelton: But none of it worked because plants are mind-numbingly boring. They don't care about anything, they don't talk about anything, just sit there giving throwaway answers and being dissmissive if you talk about yourself. That conversation I had with the one on the oil rig? Maybe it's because we were both about to die, but we might as well have been contestants on Think Fast compared to the speed plants normally talk. So ultimately, no. Worst superpower ever.


Axel, Marita, and Adrian, what would say is your greatest flaw? I'm always interested in knowing what people think critically of themselves.

Sanjay, when everything else is balanced, do you prefer to kill your enemy or let them live? Assume you'll be able to get away with it, whichever you do.

Tony, are you available for question asking?


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Adrian:  I suppose my biggest flaw would be my tendency to fly off the handle if anyone I care about is threatened, or if I see someone about to get hurt that isn't trying to attack me.  It's damn near gotten me killed a few times.


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Axel: My biggest flaw... erm, off the bat I guess it would be my beat-up-ableness. I mean, Soren has his power suit, and Adrian and Kojuuro are, like, super ninja soldiers or something. I'm about as intimidating as a stick, and can fight just about as well as one. All I have are my winning smile and my smart mouth. Which isn't that winning, actually. Or that smart. Given our situation... it's not exactly, ah, ideal. Maybe I should join up with a gym? If I don't die horribly before this is all over, that is.


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Emilena and Lily -  What would be your ideal relationship/date?


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marita: my greatest flaw would have to be my past drug use. i blew though so much money on that stuff.. its ridiculous.. tring to get sober wasnt easy,  and trting to get rose sober won;t be easy either..
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Emilena: Two days ago, I'd have said "none", but recently I've discovered that there are some activities that can get my blood flowing...maybe if we go to a concert. One of those ones with the bikers and rampant drug use; considering the amount of riots I've broken up at those, it can't be too hard to start one. After that, maybe we could participate in a pickup rugby match, or lacrosse if rugby isn't available. After that, assuming my date is still alive, I'd take him home, bring him into my bedroom...and bare-knuckle brawl him until one of us is unconscious.

Lily: be honest, from what I've seen of my relationship with Denny, it didn't sound too bad. A quiet house to come home to, enough money to go on recreational hikes, some children...I can't really think of much more I'd ask for. If I could somehow get all of that back, I'd be happy. Especially the part about looking like myself again.


Rose, what was the most memorable event that happened while working at the strip club? No using the night it blew up!


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Rose; there was the night the club had deliberate blackouts so you couldnt tell who you were dancing for.. male, female, or both. there was a lot of complaints about that.. so it was not repeated, thank goodness..
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Kerzach: It felt great! There are no words to describe how utterly fantastic it feels to be freed of that creep!

Sanjay: Well, I'd prefer not to kill but being an Indian Cobra with rather potent venom ó and facing guys who are completely f---ing blitzed on whatever s--- the drug dealers made, it's kinda hard not to. Besides, most of the people I killed were thugs, druggies and other assorted lowlifes.

Anne: It all started back in college when I got into drug use to help make grades. As a poor college student, I didn't have much disposable income from a job at the college cafeteria to spend on nootropics, so I just decided to go and maybe steal some things to help fund my drug use. Fast-forward ten years and well, you know.


Briggins, how much of the Inglorious Hotel is now a war memorial?


Ask any of my characters.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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I apologize this took so long to answer, but I suppose the reason that I couldn't stay with one group or another for long is simple.  To me, there were no such things.  It was me against the world, and anyone who had something I could use was fair game, and once they were no longer of use...I simply left and moved on...but Aimee changed that for me for good and all.

Aimee, Aisha, Gustave, and Shakila:  Was it hard adapting to life after the Dragonstorm incident?  Something that big must've been... tough to move past, right?


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Gustave: Not that hard given that I was only tangentially associated with them. All I did was drift around taking jobs as a bouncer, guard, laborer or other such job where pure-strength was needed.

And then, I acted in a few racy ó more like soft porn ó films. And then I made my big break as a Hollywood action star who needs no stunt doubles or special effects. After all, what can harm me?

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Briggins: well there are a number of memorial in the hotel. the hotel itsself is on the historic register, and the grounds have been expanded. the hotel itself has been restored and the 'treasure' trial;l is a big draw.
Aisha: its an important part of my life, but haviong Roux and Nixx around helps to put it behind me. having a nice house and a good paying job, helps as well..
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Aimee: Cale was a huge help in recovering from everything that happened to me. Especially Hailey's death...that took the longest to get over. It was one of the reasons we avoided the others for so long, we didn't want to remember...but considering the life I'd lived before the whole Dragonstorm incident, we considered ourselves pretty lucky! I loved Cale with all my heart, he loved me, and we never let each other down.

Shakila: To be honest...I was a completely different person after all that. Could never really commit to anything, my mind was stuck in the past. Slash, Agito and I settled down in Detroit and lived a pretty poor life. Nobody told us we had millions of dollars waiting for us if we revealed ourselves... Florence was also a nightmare to take care of. Always needed so much attention until she ran away. Things got way better after we reunited with the others at the movie theater; we three cashed all those checks and lived lives of luxury. Though I always suspected Slash and Agito loved each other more than they loved me...


James, Kerzach, and Neku: You all wrote books about your experiences. Be honest: which one of you wrote the best book, in your opinion?


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Slash:  Not a chance.  Agito and I aren't in love.  We're just...well, when they created us, they decided it would be an interesting experiment to create two different units who were linked mentally, that's all.

Agito:  Trust me, you're the one we've always loved, more than anyone or anything in any life.  

Neku:  Honestly, I wouldn't say I wrote about the incident.  Mine were always more...fictionalized accounts of something similar.  Rouge scientists, crazed energy beings, things like that.  So it's either James or Kerzach.