The Gang of Five
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The heck is wrong here????


  • Hatchling
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Something is officially screwey with my computer.  I'm usually pretty good at these things but I can't pinpoint what is wrong for the life of me.

Here's where it starts---I cannot see the GOF banner at all.  The affiliates all load.  Every other image on the site loads....except the banner image.  What's even more screwey is I go to my photobucket account and the image doesn't load there either!  Neither do a couple of other PNG images I have.

Its not my browser.  I use portable versions of Firefox and Opera where the data cache is wiped once the browser closes down.  This happens in both browsers too.  Its not a big error because everyone else can see the image....cept me. :p

Any ideas Austin?


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Would you mind sending me those browsers you're talking about?  I would need the same program you're using.

Does this image show up?:

Another thing you can try is Tuneup Utilities' internet optimizer.  It'll look for any settings that aren't correct in the control panel and can even speed up your connection.  You may download the program here:

It could be a problem with Photobucket itself.  Perhaps where Photobucket is hosted is having a hard time with connections to the New York area.  I know this happens sometimes on my server.  For some reason, connections from New York sometimes limits the speeds to 30kps or even slower.  Same with the Phillipeans (probably spelled that wrong).  

I'll send you a PM with another solution you can try to get those images to load.  I don't think you'd want this method of viewing GOF known to the public because it would allow you to bypass bans, but it does have other uses such as testing connections from your ISP that are quite useful.


  • Hatchling
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No no.  I don't need the name of the programs, but the programs that you're using yourself.  That will allow me to take a look at the program code and see exactly what's wrong with it.  But I think it's a problem with your internet settings or Photobucket itself, not with the browsers.  I'm just covering all the bases.


  • Hatchling
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Just to point out, your PNG images load just fine.  For some reason its just my banner.  I use Microsoft Digital Image Pro 9 (its kinda old) but other stuff I've made with that program loads fine.


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In that case I'd wait it out for a few days and see what happens.  It could be a small problem with your ISP or maybe Photobucket.  Try opening those images when they're stored on your computer.  If they don't load then it's a problem with your browser when displaying images like that.


  • Hatchling
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All my stuff loads on my computer, so its a whacked browser issue then.


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I'd say it's your internet settings.  They could have been changed by malicious software or even just a windows update.  Go ahead and download that tuneup utilities program and have it check your internet settings.  It's portable so you don't have to install it.  While you're at it, run every other test as well.  You'd be surprised how much it'll find.