The Gang of Five
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Countdown 2007 (into 2008)

Petrie. · 48 · 19401


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Roger Rabbit looked around as he put the finishing touches on the party tables placed out among the woodlands.  Everything was ready down to drinks and the tiki torches.  All that was missing now were additional foodstuffs (to be brought by those attending).  Roger had made certain to take much booze out of the Disney animation house to satisfy the point in having a party without the drink.

"Guests never arrive on time," he muttered, taking out a lighter and tipping one of the tiki torches towards him to light it.  Only thing he wasn't doing was watching what he should have been doing as some citronela liquid streamed out from the container as he was putting a match to the wick and watching the tables.....


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Mim arrived in her usual way, carrying some things that she had brought to the party.  She saw Roger and said, "Hello."   She put the various foods she had brought onto the table in a good place with lots of room for others to put their things down as well.  She went looked around a bit to see who else would be arriving and was glad she wasn't late.


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Aves wondered in carrying a box of donuts and a huge bag of firecrackers. He looked around at the scene

"Nobody told me it'd be wooded around here" he said frowning at the forest surrounding and then at his expensive firework collection


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Mim looked over at the new arrival.  "Hello." She said.  She looked over what he had brought.  "Best to look for a clearing to shoot them up, and have some bare dirt around  to prevent fires."  She said.  "Here you can put that stuff here." She said indicating the plenty of space next to where she had put her stuff.  

(ooc: I didn't say what she brought since I wasn't sure and also it lets folks imagine for themselves.  It could easily be a mix of foods.)


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"Meh" said Aves, and he set the items down where Mim had suggested "I'm sure all will be good once things are figued out. Now, I'm just stared!"

The fox grabbed a donut from his box and started munching away on it as if new years couldn't come fast enough for the grand celebration feast.


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Nim arrived now at the party too. "HELLOO everybody".


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Mim Smiled and waved, "Come on and join the party." She said motioning Nim over after she was done waving.


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Roger was so startled that he dropped both the tiki torch and the lighter..on his foot.  "Jeepers!  That almost killed me!" :P:

Returning the torch to its orginal place, he wandered over to Nim, Aves and Mim.  "Welcome welcome!  Nobody is gonna bother us here, that's why I chose it," he said grinning.

Picking up a firework, he inspected it.  "Oooh, I didn't think of bringing these.  P-p-please can we fire off one now?"  Without waiting for a response, he ran away from the table, firecracker in one gloved hand, and the lighter in the other.  "Whoohoo, this is gonna be a bang!"  The wick was on fire and sparkling in no time.


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Nim looked with a small smile to Aves and mim. "eeeh, wait for me Roger I want to see it too!!!. He run to roger and was excited, very excited.


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Aves blinked seeing Roger going buck crazy over the firecrackers and saw that several were lit before anyone could ever even realize it

"Hoo boy, who invited the looney bunny guy?"

just as Aves had made this comment several of the bottlerockets shot up into the trees and popped and fizzled about wildly


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Mim watched them go off.  "The fireworks will be very interesting to watch later, thanks for bringing them.


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Ah well, aren¥t fireworks for the sky and not for trees? Nim asked with a look to Roger and began to laugh


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Roger laughed wildly as the firecrackers exploded out of his hands and into the sky.  They sped past tree branches, breaking some in the process as they fell around the tables and guests.

"Haha, maybe that wasn't the best place to do that," he said sheepishly, grabbing a towel and trying to wipe the black powder off of his hands.  He wandered over to Mim.  "What did you bring with you anyway?  You didn't tell us."


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Nim was going over to the desk and ate some chips. He looked over to Mim, than to Roger.


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Dunno, it doesn¥t really seems to be a party nim thought. What¥s about music he asked.


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Mim indicated the large container she brought, "It's a collection of various party type foods.  I wasn't exactly sure what to bring so I thought a bit of each of different types may be best." She said.


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Mim, you are genious. Let¥s see what you have. Ah, before I forget... Nim was going to search in his bag. Here are some Batteries for tonight. That will become a very great silvester.


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Mim looks at Nim, "Good thinking, think the batteries will last?  Did you bring some sort of music player?" She reaches over to pick up something to snack on.


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Starfall came crashing in, as usual since he had gotten his mechanical body and Battlesuit.  Dante and Sieg were close behind.
"Sorry I'm late, gang! Traffic was utter chaos, as usual..." Starfall said, grinning the best he could at the time.
"Sublte would have been nice, fool..." Sieg said, shaking his head and staring at the ground...
"We brought food and... Oh Hi Mim!" Dante laughed as he spun over to say hello to his friend."
"And my suit has a music system."  Starfall said, noting the lack of music being played...


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hey, that¥s cool starfall, cause I haven¥t got one with me. I just have something to eat, he packed out some snacks and put it on the table, and the batteries.