The Gang of Five
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About Longtail...

The Great Valley Guardian

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I mean lets face it, since I created Longtail waaaay back in...2006, between the Great Valley and the Mysterious Beyond, Longtail has made a small army of friends...literally! So, the question kinda dawned on me...what is it most about Longtail you like the most?

And if you have any questions about the poll ask, and I'll answer to the best of my abilities.


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Probably his courage/stupidity and bravery. Also, this is not one of the options, but his sense of humor.


  • Cera
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 We must accept that he is always willing to help others, and even though it is not easy for him to be in an always good mood, he always tries to keep a good attitude, that speaks a lot about someone, and it can even surpass whatever lies in his past.
 About his courage/stupidity thing, well, I think that the stupidity part will go away with age and experience... if he gets to be a grown-up :smile .


  • Ducky
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Oh gosh, I had to look at this for a while to decide! Granted it's a very hard decision, shoot I like everything about him, but I guess if I had to pick it would be that...bordering on crazy (you're gonna tell me it passed the boarder I know :DD) bravery of his but that'd kinda tied in there with his loyalty and willingness to help others


  • Cera
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Well until I can think of something, I'm going to say I love everything about Longtail. He's such a dynamic character and every aspect about him is truly amazing.

The Great Valley Guardian

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I have to admit I wasn't expecting this poll to be so competitive, but it would seem that his willingness to help others, and stupidity seem to be holding the lead right now...and I haven't voted yet! :lol

Although as his creator I would have to say that my favorite thing about the little flyer would be his Bravery. He'll do things most flyers...and kids in general would run from, and he'll smile while doing it too! :lol:


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I admire the kid's bravery, too!  I mean, he's stared down things that would send even me running, but his courage gave everyone the courage to stand up and do it.

Yeah!  I want to be as brave as him someday, too!