The Gang of Five
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Insane Cafe


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Welcome, friends, to a place where everyone knows your name. Where your food is hardly cooked, burnt or turned into extra crispy critters. Where the staff is downright insane or idiotic. Where your often pied out of nowhere for no reason..

This is a Cafe of shear randomology.

RP as yourself, or your alias, or even your dino characters!

I'll run the bar and the kitchen, anybody else can be a customer or an employ!

Now get ready

get set


**goes to burning some food for preperation**


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(OOC: looks like fun, hope you don't mind me doing 2 characters, one is an oc idea I had for a long time but never used.  Also hope you do not mind the long post.)

Outside there is the sound of a fully functional and in perfect working order (more or less) tardis sound.  Out comes not the doctor, but another person.  The Tourist a pretend renegade timelord, but really a C.I.A. agent.  

He exits wearing a casual short sleeved shirt with 4 pockets.  His pants have several pockets, more then usual pants have and casual sneakers.  He looks around and stands outside the door to his tardis as another person exits.

She is a rainbow face named Mim.  She looks around a bit before fully exiting.  "Are you sure about this?" She asks.  "We' were in the great valley a while ago, why could we not stay?  Why should thicknose's age count.  This all seems a rather illogical course of action." She asked.  

The Tourist locked his tardis before turning to her.  "Well, I took a bit of a peek a bit after you met me.  I dislike surprises you see," he said smiling, "and with a time machine one can take a peek.  You weren't suppose to met Mr. Thicknose when he was only a month old.  I do hope there is no temporal repercussions."  He said, rubbing one of his cheeks.

"Why are we here, more Silurians?" She asked looking around.

"Nah, this is a vacation.  We put the Silurians into hibernation before they could do anything.  I think I"ll let the doctor handle them next time they awaken."  He said before walking along.  

"ok, what shall I call you this time?"

The tourist stopped to think a moment. "Why not just call me Joe, that is a common enough name. Glad to be back in my own form, though the dinosaur form I use wasn't bad." He said walking over to the building.  "Come one, this is a great place.  I come here sometimes.  Or is this my first visit.  Hard to tell when one zips around in time." He said, opening the door and letting Mim go in first.

"Thanks." Mim said before entering.

Manny Cav

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At about the time Mil entered in, a sharply dressed Skeleton that was drawing some unwanted attention was getting his drink order taken.

"What can I get you to drink, masseur?" the French waiter dressed in a violet outfit asked.

"Pepsi," the skeleton replied with no emotion.

"One Coke, coming up!" the waiter said as he marched off. Poor Manny sighed, knowing that this was going to be a looong stay in the CafÈ.


  • The Circle
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ooc: Of coarse its alright, Kor, you know my RP's have no limits unless I state otherwise ^^ the post was brilliant! we can play whatever we want here, even the gang if one finds it necessary

Meanwhile in the kitchen Aves, an anthromorphic representation of a fox was busy setting fire to some flour roles while trying to pull a spoon from a large vat of hardened soup of some kind. Then enters his manager, A Chinese chef my the name of Chong Chang Ching who wor a tall red hat and his usual Chinese chef's attire

"Honorable fox, have you readied the poopoo platter for honorable guest?"

"Its not burnt into a charred lump yet, so I don't think its entirely ready" replied the fox.
"Ah, well what of the menu? Did you remember to put it up before opening the cafe this morning?" asked Chong

"Oh dear, I did forget! I was trying to save our new bust boy from the giant man eating paranta plant in the food supply storage and got side tracked... Terribly sorry Honorable Chan, sir!"

"Then hurry you foolish beast!" said Chong "Before I add your tail to that menu! Go work, I dock your pay!"

Aves scampered off to put up the menu

Today's Menu
1. Live Hotdog
2. Liver of Yack
3. Crunchy Charcoal Biscuits
4. Spam
5. Egg and Spam
6. Egg Sausage and Spam

and for our vegetarian Guests:
Green Food, freshly stolen borrowed from our neighbors garden!


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Joe (the tourist) was looking through his pockets.  He pulled out a pokeball muttering to himself, "I wonder where I picked this up."

Mim looked at the thing in his hand.  "Strange looking rock, can I see?" She asked.  He nodded and handed it over to her.  

He pulled out a Captain Kirk era communicator he flipped it open looking at it.  "10 minutes of power.  I simply must get this returned, sooner or later." He said and put it back into the same pocket.

Mim looked at the pokeball for a few minutes then handed it back.  "You have many things in your pockets." She said.  

"Yes, it helps that my pockets are dimentionally transendental." Joe said.

"Like your tardis is." Mim said, use to certain odd terms.

He looked at it to see what was in it.  He saw a scrawled note saying: Charmeleon.  "Ah, yes", he said remembering.  "He has a bit of a temper as I recall.  You can meet him later." He said and put this away as well.

"Meet who?" Mim asked.

"Charmeleon.  A friend of mine who, you could say lives in that rock you were looking at.  He has a bit of a temper."

"How can someone live in a rock? With a bit of a temper?"

"They use similar technology to what is in my tardis.  and yes Charmeleon does have a bit of a temper, not unlike Topsy." Joe said.

"Who is Topsy?" Mim asked.

"Someone who lives in the great valley.  I still need to get you there."  He said.

"No hurry, I'm having fun traveling with you.  I've seen amazing things." Mim said.

Joe found what he was looking for, currency for the world he was on and put it into another pocket where he could find it more easily as the waitress came over.  

The Great Valley Guardian

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OOC: I hope it's okay if I join too!

Just then a very strange looking bird flies in through an open window, but it turns out it isn't a bird at all, but a dinosaur! At the moment he looks angry and he sees just the man he wants to shout at..."Excuse me boss. But if I'm going to work for you I need to know two things: 1. Why did you put this metal bracelet on my foot, and 2. WHAT IS IT????"

Now mind you the little flyer didn't mean to sound so mean, but when you wake up in a restaurant some hundred million years in a time you don't'd be pretty pissed too!

Longtail was still wondering how he got here, but suddenly found something that changed his mood... "FIIIIISH!!" He then proceeded to jump from the window sill he happened to be perched on and landed on the floor using his tail to flip the frying pan and it's contents into the air, forcing the child to jump through the service window, catching the fish in his mouth, but inadvertently landing on Manny cav's table!

He would've said sorry but the fish in his mouth was bigger than he was and all he could do was sweat drop in embarrassment.


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"Quiet a commotion in here" Said Aves coming out of the kitchen to look around the dining area. "Did someone order a platter of government processed cheese and powdered egg by chance?"

He looked seeing the dinosaurs in the dining area "Oh dear, it seems we're having a time shift again... second time this year! better go cut down more trees from Mrs.s Fitsnit's garden again."

Manny Cav

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Manny starred at the odd looking 'bird' on his table. "Shoo," he said as he quietly shoved the bird-thing away. At that time, the incompitent waiter known as Gustave came back with what was supposed to be Manny's pepsi.

"Here's your Dr. Pepper that you order masseur," Gustave said in what could be the most annoying accent ever.

"That's a Mr. Pebb, you idiot. I ordered a Pepsi," Manny replied, slightly angry at the turn of events.

"I'm sorry, masseur. I'll get that 7up out soon."

Manny wanted to find something to bang his head against.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Just as Longtail was about to return to the kitchen area a new customer walked in...he wore a black robe made of the strongest coal in the world. Once he laid his eyes on Longtail, he walked over to the little dinosaur and removed from his belt what looked like a sword hilt, but it looked fancy with a single red button on it and the customer hit the button...

Longtail wasn't expecting what came next as the fish in his mouth to be cut in half by a green blade. His eyes widen in fear, and suddenly he felt sick to his the newcomer said 'Drop the rest of it."

Longtail not needing to be told twice spit the remains of the fish on the floor, causing it to land on the mysterious figures boot. The figure said only said six words after that "My name is Omnivorous now DIE!" he then proceeded to swing his lightsaber at Longtail, forcing the flyer to jump from table to table in order to avoid his strikes!

As Longtail jumped onto another table he noticed a friend and extended a greeting "Hey Mim, how are y--AHHHH!"

Omnivorous then stated "Master Yoda has taught you well to dodge so many strikes." Longtail looked confused as he replied "Master who?"


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Mim looked at Longtail, "Hello.  You ok?" She said.  

Joe smiled at the name of Yoda being mentioned, "That cute little guy made master.  I must get around to congratulating him, before I regenerate and my looks change."

Joe gave the waitress their order and off she went.  

"This place is more lively then Callahan's Place." Joe said.

Manny Cav

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Gustave walked past the commotion to Manny's table, and told him, "Here's your Sprite, masseur, and sorry about that little mix up earlier."

Manny was cross. "That's a Sierra Mist, you idiot, and I ordered a Pepsi, not all of this other junk you keep bringing me out."

"I'm terribly sorry, masseur, I'll get that root beer out right away."

By the time Gustave had made it out, Manny was banging his rock-hard head against the table repeatedly.


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Stripetail strode into thevcafe, a large squirrell dressed in old robes. Here was the most oddball collection of creatures Stripetail had ever seen, and given that Stripetail had seen over a million summers. that indeed was saying sometjhing.. As he strode in he noticed Manny banging his head against the table. "Either the service is horrible or the food is..' He muttered..
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There was a loud buzzer going off in the kitchen, Aves looked over at the clock to check the time.

"Oh joy." said the fox sarcastically "Its that time of day again."

He then began to announce this in a not so excited monotoned voice to the customers over speaker phone

"Ladies and gentlepersons, it is officially wacky hour, please be sure to buckle into your safety harnesses and remember there are flotation devices located at the bottom of your chairs. All waitors and waitresses are required to dress up as the Village People and prance around while awarding the customers free dishes of mushy random stuff. Let the wackyness begin!"

At this announcement one of the walls suddenly folded open and a marching band playing the Benny Hill Theme randomly marched into the cafe


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Douglas Adams walks in. He is holding a towel. "I need three pints of bitter and peanuts. And quickly, the world's about to end." He said, putting a five-pound note on the counter.

OOC: Douglas Adams is British. Bitter is beer.


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"you have no idea many worlds I've seen end Sir. Too many for me to count" Stripetail said demerely as he waited for a waiterior witresses to see him to a table.. "What's one more? " He smiled faintly as a shocked look appeared on Adam's face.
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The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail was still jumping from table to table in an attempt to lose the dark robed figure calling himself Omnivorous. As the flyer landed head first on a plate of food, his tail reflectively curled around the handle of a spoon and figuring it was a weapon he stood up and braced for the next attack....and the spoon did it's job!

"Wow and they say Lightsabers can cut through anything...HA! Now it's fair play!" Now with every strike Omnivorous made against Longtail he was able to block, counter and the counter attack, but he wasn't used to all this extreme movement, and he was beginning to tire out.

"WHY WON'T YOU DIE?!?!?" asked Omnivorous in an angry manner when a shout came through the door "Freeze! I am F.B.I agent Ricktor Landon and I'm here for the bird with the spoon!" Omnivorous looked back, whistled and said "You little birdy are wanted by the government....I'd hate to be you right about now!"

Longtail needed a barging chip and fast! Then it came to him... "You keep him off me, and I'll get you a free taco." Omnivorous immediately turned around to face the federal agent and said "You'll never take the bird alive as long as I live!"


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All for a taco omnivorious? How quickly you change your stripes" Stripetail called out. stripetail was the greatest wizard in his homeland of Aestorica, and his powers were said to rival those of even the strongest Jedi or Sith.  He was admired by his friends and greatly feared by his foe of which there were many.
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The Great Valley Guardian

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Omnivorous replied "Yeah I know...ain't it great! This is too easy!"


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Joe looked at the goings on.  "A little to hectic perhaps." He said  "Reminds me of the time when there was only 1 burger left between Shaggy and Scooby, the fight was pretty messy."

Mim waits till their food is brought, once it is she focuses on eating it.  She sips the orange liquid.  "This tastes like a tree sweet." She says smiling.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Just as fast as Longtail had disappeared he reemerged with a single taco in his tail, and said to the Sith lord "Here ya go." But that little distraction was all Landon needed to shoot Omnivorous in the arm.

The sith lord looked down at the wound in his left arm and said "You shot me...YOU SHOT ME!!!" He then turned to Longtail and said "Okay kid, where is my taco." after deactivating his lightsaber.