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What to do about Chomper's future?


  • Ducky
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Ok, according to the first movie, there are two main kinds: those with Flatteeth that ate leaves and those with Sharpteeth that preyed upon the Leaf Eaters.  

Now, we know that the Egg Stealers and Ruby don't fit quite into this model, but, that aside, does that mean Chomper is doomed to go after Flatteeth and all hope is lost?


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There is a story I read once about dinosaurs. It's fiction of course, but the idea could work. Chomper could eat fish if need be or rodents and other mammals.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Chomper is screwed if he does NOT eat bigger prey when he's bigger. That's the reality I think.
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Insects are not going to feed Chomper forever. And he's not really designed to eat fish. Yes he could, but unlike spinosaurus, tyrannosaurus was not adapted for fish-eating. Chomper might be able to do it as an adolescent, but once he gets big and huge, he's going to have to go after other large prey. And that means other dinosaurs.


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Well it worked in the story I read and it had a T-Rex as well. 833


  • Ducky
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Well, I actually now have been changing my fanfics to go to this where Chomper is able to hunt mammals (which could be big) and fish (which could also be big) in addition to non-saurian bids (and not the Petrie types either).  He also eats insects.  And, when saving Flatteeth, as he does sometimes, he sometimes has to protect himself from angry Sharpteeth, and sometimes he's killed those in self-defense, and, since they are dead, eaten those too.

That kept him alive and well enough, though his health wasn't the best, till adulthood.  Around then, he noticed that he wasn't that full, but kept ignoring it, reminding himself that he could never hunt Flatteeth as Littlefoot saved him from drowning and he also was friends with Ruby and the Gang of Five (that should be a motivation not to do it.)

Anyway, the film could have referred to Sharpteeth in general, as Chomper could well be the sole or nearly the sole exception.  

We already know Ruby busts the two kinds only and the cannon of the first movie as she eats both Sweet Bubbles and Shells.  

Also, even if Struthiomimus is considered meat eater, Strut breaks that with his green eating, even if Ozzy only eats eggs.  

Anyway, back to my idea, Chomper would not have the best health, and would get sick more than other Sharpteeth, but would be willing to accept that.  He'd also have to take a lot of flak from practically all the Sharpteeth for not eating Leaf Eaters, which seems to be considered normal.  (Both the narrator of the first film and Thud's laughter at Chomper's friendship with Ducky proves this.)  Also, practically all Flatteeth Chomper saw in the Mysterious Beyond hated him as "evil" just because of what he was, and never thanked him for saving their lives.

Eventually, situations transpire where he ends up back in the Great Valley (he'd left years earlier after Red Claw seemingly had died).  

There is some villain in the dino world who is conspiring to take over the world.  He plans to use racism to divide the dinos (minus Bothteeth, because he thinks their superior diets make them worthy to rule the whole world.)  and also he plans to control the Leaf supply, hence being able to tinker with the Flatteeth population, and, indirectly as Sharpteeth almost prey just on the Flatteeth, he can control the Sharpteeth too, and, with both those kinds under control, can push around Egg Stealers too.  he'd have minions from all four kinds though Bothteeth would be the primary group behind his regime plot.  

Anyway, I won't blab too much about my fanfic, but I will say that he wants to kill herd leaders too to help him move his takeover and also smooth talk his way into getting control of other food supplies.

The villain would be terrified of Chomper, not because he's a full-grown Sharpteeth, but because his diet makes it so that he couldn't be controlled by the plot to control the Leaf as it wouldn't affect him if he never ate a Leaf Eater and avoided eating dinos.  (In short, his difference to everyone else turns out to be an asset!)  Also, he's afraid as Chomper is teaching a female that Chomper is fond of and she growing fond of him to also start to wean herself off of eating dinos, and fears, if he continues enough, that he won't be able to control the Sharpteeth.

Also, Littlefoot is a threat to the villain as Littlefoot is an antithesis to racism and everything if ever there was one in the dino world.

In short, the villain wants both Littlefoot and Chomper DEAD!  

Eventually, he sets Chomper up, Chomper accidentally kills someone, and Chomper has to run and gets away, with the help of a very confused and conflicted Littlefoot.

Anyway, Littlefoot gets banished for refusing to help the Great Valley go after Chomper.  The villain also accuses Chomper of doing all the bad stuff he's done.  Everyone believes him, thinks him so bright, as he kept giving warnings about Chomper, and he ends up slowly taking over the Great Valley, including its food supply and inflaming racism there, getting the remainder of the Gang of Five to fight each other even on racial lines for a while.  

Eventually,  Chomper does get wind of the villain's plot, but, as practically all of the Leaf Eaters (including the Gang of Five) have turned on him and most Sharpteeth too, he is tempted to just stay in hiding and watch karma bite both groups in the tush for how they treated him, as, after all, with his new diet, he can bypass the trick and go on.

Eventually, though, Littlefoot and Chomper team up again and drive out the villain.  All of his henchmen, which are many and cross many kinds, get a very stern punishment: having Chomper hunt them and their kinds, which he does.  

So, Chomper does ultimately end up eating dinos, but is allowed to stay in the Great Valley and have a family of his own and live happily ever after.

My fanfic is ultimately a morality tale where Littlefoot, even if he is so different, turns out to be a hero worthy of leading a herd and Chomper, despite being mocked his whole life, ends up saving both Sharpteeth and Flatteeth.

It's interesting that older Chomper looks like a monster, whereas the villain looks like the type of guy everyone wants to be (at least before who he REALLY is is revealed).

At the end, it's actually the villain who's actually the REAL evil Sharptooth and murderous killing monster whereas everyone finally sees Chomper for the hero he is and stops caring that he's a Sharptooth and may not be as pretty as he was when he was a kid.

I think the theme would fit in well with the overall theme of the LBT stories and would be a great finale for the series itself.  

So, a Chomper making it still scenario is still plausible, as difficult as it might sound, I just made one that could work.


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There weren't any very large mammals during the age of the dinosaurs. Some were pretty big for their time, but Chomper isn't going to find any mammals large enough to sustain him for long. Not unless he ate a large number of them, and that's pretty inefficient.


  • Ducky
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It WAS inefficient for him.  My story even says he knows that he's taking a lot of effort when he doesn't need to.  He's willing to torture himself for his friends because he LOVES them.  

Also, it's not like Chomper doesn't really consider hunting Flattteeth.  After even Littlefoot turns on Chomper, and Chomper is hiding in the Land of Mists, and is married, he comes across a duckbill.  Having eaten less than ever before, he goes after the Duckbill and captures him.

Chomper is hesitant, when he knows, upon hearing that the duckbill has a wife, that he'll leave a grieving widow behind if he eats him.

This fear of tearing up families has been another thing that he's afraid of doing (and at last hearing of what happened to Mama Lognenck is another fear of his that he'll do that to someone else and be, at least in his mind, as bad as Sharptooth.)

However, he does enter grey morality territory, where he thinks, I wonder if it's right to put MY family through this as if I'm ill often and spend a lot of time hunting, I won't be able to be the father and husband that I ought to be and maybe I SHOULD eat this Flattooth for THEIR sakes.

In short, he has changed from the Chomper we've known, but not the Chomper we love.  Ultimately, he spares the Flattooth, but luckily encounters some bad dinos that try and harm him, and, having bested them, gets them for a meal instead.  

So yes, we can even play around with the morality of Chomper going off to be a "regular" Sharptooth, if only to do it for his own family and stuff, but ultimately have him still turn out well.  

It CAN be done and could be such a rich and complex story.  

Also, remember that Chomper, unlike Dil and Ichy, and probably most Sharpteeth, does not view Leaf Eaters as mere "animals" that are just inferior and can be eaten with no consequence.  

Every action of his he's ever done in the movies and the TV series has shown that he views Flatteeth as EQUALS with Sharpteeth.

You honestly believe that he'll be ok if he just decides to hunt Leaf Eaters one day?  I honestly believe that the Leaf Eaters he was referring to that he might have eaten were killed by his parents, not him.  

If he were ever to hunt a Flattooth, I think he'd be very hesitant, and, even if he actually DID it, it's practically inevitable that after every hunt, he'd cry and cry that he killed and ate the Leaf Eaters, feeling little better than a murderer.  And, that, coupled with definitely possible rejection from the Gang of Five and Ruby, could leave him SO depressed that he'd give up the will to live or even cause him to take his own life.

I know that's sobering, but we cannot pretend that the "he must hunt Leaf Eaters" route doesn't spell a lot of pain and sorrow and possibly even death (and not just out of pain either, he might be woefully inefficient and hunting dinos and easily get killed by a strong enough Leaf Eater like a Threehorn.)  if followed either.  It's not like it's "Chomper will be happy if he takes this route." scenario either.)

He's going to face HUGE problems if he goes either route, and taking the route of NOT hunting Flatteeth actually seems the better one to me, if not because it would SUCK to see him go the other way, than because it seems to present more problems than it would solve for his future if he were to hunt Leaf Eaters.

Plus, it wouldn't hurt just Chomper if he went that route.  Think of how Littlefoot would feel if he found out Chomper were to be hunting Leaf Eaters.  I mean, he could have let little Chomper wander and likely die and yet he kept saving him.

Imagine how he'd feel, knowing there could be other kids like him, losing their mothers possibly to Chomper, because of what HE did to protect Chomper.  That could put a damper on poor Littlefoot too.

Heck, I think it would hurt the entire Gang of Five and Ruby, as there were times when they helped Chomper, and, perhaps having heard of a Leaf Eater that lost someone to Chomper, having to go to bed weeping, knowing it was THEIR fault.

In fact, everyone in the Great Valley would remember the kindness they did to Chomper, and, would feel sorry for every having helped him.  It would be massive agony.

It might be ok if they falsely believed evil of Chomper for a time, but if it's gonna be true bad deeds that Chomper has done, we're talking a lot of shattered (and in the case of where Chomper kills someone for food, ended!) lives!

Universal took a HUGE risk, to say the least, in his inclusion in the franchise, as now fans are gonna wanna know his fate, but, if they try anything satisfactory, it's gonna involve some really complex scenario.  

If they go your "Chomper must hunt Flatteeth route", it's gonna hurt kids a whole lot more than the death of Mama Longneck!  In fact, considering what Littlefoot and his family went through with her death, to have Chomper go your route would be a complete betrayal to her memory.  That's plain and simple.  

In short, you've ruined the first film.  


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I ruined the first film? How? Or are you just talking about Universal?

As for Chomper, I don't know what Universal thinks will happen to him down the path. But on a realistic, believable scale, he will have to eat flatteeth. There's no ifs, ands, or buts around it. Life isn't always fair. Chomper cannot live off of fish or mammals forever. He needs to eat something bigger to sustain himself. He will have to eat leafeater at some point (realistically of course; again I don't know if Universal intends for him to be this way or if they simply don't care).

True Chomper might be hurt that he has to hunt leafeaters. True, his killing other leafeaters may shatter families. But that's just the way it has to be. That's how nature operates. Predator kills prey. Chomper would be hurting himself if he doesn't hunt leafeaters at some point. At this point, he would either starve to death if he keeps refusing to hunt leafeaters because of emotional reasons, or he will give into his hunger and he'd snap.

Sorry, but there's really no middleground for Chomper. He does not have that luxury. He can stay a while in the valley, but fish and mammals will not fill him up for long, and he will need to start hunting dinosaurs. He will have to leave the valley and find another home. Yeah that is sad, but life isn't all rainbows and sunshine.


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Just to add to what DH has said, there are three major possibilities for Chomper's future:  

1.  He leaves the valley eventually and has to hunt (most likely, in my opinion)

2.  He starves himself to death (unlikely as the valley would probably kick him out before he gets to that size and his instincts would more than likely make him snap, which leads me to...)

3.  He is not exiled from the valley (for some reason) and he snaps.  (I consider this the least likely scenario)

Since you enjoy LBT fanfiction, I am sure that you mostly encounter possibility #1 in the stories that you have read.  If you want to explore possibilities 2 and 3 then I would recommend the following stories:

By reading these you can get a better understanding of the inner struggle that a young adult Chomper would have to deal with if he doesn't leave the valley; and it isn't pretty.  The size of his species and his diet necessitates that he either leave the valley or that he betray his friends.  Considering Chomper's good nature, I have no doubt that he would take the option that reduces the danger to his friends.  He would leave the valley and be what he must be.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Ducky
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What makes little sense is why Chomper wouldn't go after Screech and Thud's type, i.e. Fast Biters, Belly Draggers, etc.  Who says it's written in stone that he HAS to eat Leaf Eaters?

He can eat smaller Sharpteeth or even Egg Stealers to avoid all three scenarios.  


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Carnivores are less numerous and it would be much harder (and more dangerous) to live on a diet of eating other predators.  It would be very difficult, if not impossible, for Chomper to maintain such a diet.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Petrie
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You've bought this kind of subject up many many times...

Lets get it out of the way now,

They're FICTIONAL dinosaurs
Living in a FICTIONAL world

But, Chomper is still  a predator and predators kill.

Lets take Simba from The Lion King, he was raised pretty much by Timon and Pumbaa-prey. Yet he still eats meat even though he was raised by his food pretty much. As a cub he ate grubs, but grubs won't support a full grown male lion.

I know he doesn't hunt, the lionesses do. Just like real life. But he still eats the meat does he not? True he was never shown eating meat, but he is a lion. Lions eat meat.

Chomper will have to kill when he gets older

I doubt Universal will ever have them grow up anyway, so why you seem to worry so much is beyond me.

Nature isn't fair. 'leaf eaters' are prey 'sharpteeth' are predators. The predators eat the prey, it's how they survive. They don't kill for fun  but for survival.

Even in the real world.

Survival comes before feelings,

Right now the gang including Chomper are all kids, they don't yet know the true reality of life and just how much things will change when they get older.

Innocence of a childs mind.

The gang and Chomper will move on and put their childhood days behind them. They'll want families of their own, they'll still have that friendship but they won't be going running around the Mysterious Beyond anymore.

Everyone changes when they grow up. It's the fact of life.


  • Ducky
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I honestly find something ironic, if not poetic even in the relationship between Littlefoot and Chomper. I'm not sure whether the young longneck ever shared the memory of his mother's death with his sharptooth friend. There's so much potential for tragedy there, the whole series might spring from kids story level to something truly heartbreaking if Universal decides to make a turn for it. And honestly - I'm kinda glad that it's an unlikely scenario. :/


  • *feels like Pterano*
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My story even says he knows that he's taking a lot of effort when he doesn't need to.
Who bothers what he's going to do/think/whatever in your stories??? Who reads them anyway? Go figure why nobody does... Letting aside the fact that they're not interesting and that your writing style sucks, you just keep on RUBBING them into our faces. Really, keep these references out of discussion threads. Your stories are NOT canon so they shouldn't be discussed here and neither should your odd fantasies.  :anger
Chomper simply cannot live off mammals, fish, eggstealer or fastbiters and that's FINAL! Now stop posting more threads about that issue, it sure isn't the first  :bang
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Quote from: Ducky123,Mar 1 2015 on  09:18 AM
Who bothers what he's going to do/think/whatever in your stories??? Who reads them anyway? Go figure why nobody does... Letting aside the fact that they're not interesting and that your writing style sucks, you just keep on RUBBING them into our faces.
Ouch.... That was unnecessarily harsh. I understand your frustration and all, but saying that 'nobody reads his stories' and 'his writing style sucks' is taking it a little too far, I think. How does that get your point across any better?


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Quote from: Ducky123,Mar 1 2015 on  08:18 AM
Who bothers what he's going to do/think/whatever in your stories??? Who reads them anyway? Go figure why nobody does... Letting aside the fact that they're not interesting and that your writing style sucks, you just keep on RUBBING them into our faces. Really, keep these references out of discussion threads. Your stories are NOT canon so they shouldn't be discussed here and neither should your odd fantasies.  :anger
Chomper simply cannot live off mammals, fish, eggstealer or fastbiters and that's FINAL! Now stop posting more threads about that issue, it sure isn't the first  :bang

Whoa...hold on now. Regardless of past transgressions I don't think you should take out your aggressions on someone and attempt to silence them. As long as L&AT acts civil and respectful, he should be allowed to speak his mind as any other member does. If he repeats himself a bit much is something we'll have to deal with. We can ask him to tone it down if need be. No need for harsh reprimands. Trust me, at our Brother Bear boards, there is a member who has been warned about this and has points against him and I made an effort to be his friend because we're all together in this.


  • Ducky
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I wish I could improve my writing style.  My rhyming part is the hardest for me.  As for my style, I've only had one course on fiction.  I've had many honors English classes.  

I also tend to edit my stories a lot, hence why things sometimes seemed weird.  

As for why I argue for Chomper, this isn't the first TV character I was against almost everyone on an entire forum about their fate.  I also was arguing, during the height of the Clone Wars Series, that Ahsoka wouldn't die, yet most disagreed.  I was overdoing it there, and got in trouble a few times, as I took my arguments too far.

However, in the end, I got vindicated and they came up with a convincing scenario that worked out in the end.  After all, it's a kid's show.

I'm saying, if they choose to go to adulthood, is it SO impossible that they wouldn't come up with something creative to deal with Chomper?  This is a kid's show, even more than Star Wars the Clone Wars (which did have actual deaths on screen).  

Yes, dealing with Chomper will involve dark things, and maybe he will indeed eat Flattteth, but maybe as Littlefoot becomes part of the adult leadership, Littlefoot will decide that Chomper can't help it, and that as long as he hunts only as needed and out of their sight and that he doesn't hunt anyone they know, that they will let him stay.  Perhaps the Great valley makes an exception for Chomper.  

Also, maybe Chomper leaves the Great Valley, but Littlefoot, unable to find a mate in the Great Valley, also leaves it for good, finds Ali, and lives outside the Great Valley and the two visit Chomper and Ruby often.  

Yes, that would mean a breakup of the Gang of Five, but, you guys have said over and over that many people go their separate ways at they get older.  

In any event, I think Universal, if they ever reach that point in the lives of the Gang of Seven will think of something to keep Chomper friends with them and from hunting Flatteeth.  You might not find it very believable, but Universal will do it anyway.

Don't blame Ducky123.  I CAN get out of hand when I'm passionately arguing about a character I'm fond of that everyone holds a different view from me on.


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I have to defend L&AT in this one. In the world of Fan-fiction it is entirely possible for this to be real. He writes it pretty well and I can deem it possible according to his explanation. How many works of fiction have we seen where a predator has survived on alternative sources of food. Due to the fact that these characters are slightly anthromorphised, it means that they have a higher degree of intelligence. I will list several examples where predators have survived for long periods on alternatives or have held back their primal instincts. Arashi no yoru ni/One Stormy Night, You are umasou/Heart and Yummie, Dinoverse, Lion King, The Little Polar Bear, Ernest & Celestine and perhaps many others. LBT is a work of fiction as well and breaks the rules of reality. So remember, don't squelch a creative mind, encourage it to florish and grow.


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Maybe I was a bit too harsh, sorry.
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