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Sonic the hedgehog : Mobius strikes back

Nick22 · 40 · 15001

Gentle Sharptooth

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Shadow wiped his black nose with his white glove. “All I need is that piece of junk. Then I will keep my promise. I could care less what happens to the old man.” Shadow said this in his usual surly tone, but the truth is he didn't trust the Blue Hedgehog, nor did he trust any of the other Freedom Fighters.

Knuckles smashing his two gloves together said, “No prob, we’ve had our share of Mecha Madness in the past haven’t we?” The Echidna smirked as his dreds swayed in the wind. As Guardian if the Master Emerald he had learned to put on a brave face, but he couldn’t lie to himself, he was worried about this Mecha Sonic which had the pour to drain Chaos. The Red Echidna woyld keep his ete on this version of Botnik’s assassin.

Metal kept taking in all the sights as they neared an outpost with wood look outs and houses. A little bunny child with brown hair and blue eyes saw his metallic face and green lighted eyes and hopped away screaming. Metal didn’t understand why the child was so frightened.   
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 07:48:29 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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sonic lead the group inside then moved ahead to the throne room where sally was seated on a chair befittiung her rank. other fredom fighters were busy keeping the hideout tidy and didnt pay much attention to the newcomers. a guard asked chuck  knuckled and the otyers to wait ' the sounds coming from the room indicated that sally was NOT pleased with what Sonic was telling her ' Get Chuck in here NOW!' sally shouted.
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Chuck entered the throne room with his head held low. He took a knee before Sally, his eyes closed. “Your Highness, I come to face your justice and to make my case for my actions.” The mustache hedgehog. “I wish to make one short statement, that everything I did was for the good of Mobius and for the protection of all Freedom Fighters. ‘Here I stand, I can do no other.”

Outside Metal was examining the hideout, his eyes piercing walls. He could see into the throne room and hear Uncle Chuck making his plea. He didn’t understand what was transpiring. Shadow approached the Mecha, and looked into his innocent robotic face. “Maria, where is she?” Metal looked at the red and black hedgehog with puzzled expression. Shadow shook his head. “This stupid bag of bolts is but a child.. I am wasting my time.” Shadow started walking away when Metal involuntarily spoke in a girl’s voice, “Shadow!” Shadow turned, “Maria?!” Metal continued to look innocent and dull. Then Metal said, “Maria Robotnik.. file locked.” Shadow looked at the Bronze and Black Mecha Hedgehog and said, “I will find a key.. Chuck..”
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 06:51:17 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Sally gave Chuck a withering look as she began to speak."Chuck , I gave you no permission or authority to do this. We cannot rely on  or trust Shadow, he is not on our side. Any help we get from him is completely inadvertent and unintentional. You have been in cahoots with him for weeks if not months , for reasons known only to the two of you. Trying to justify your actions as being for the greater good fails on three grounds: First, the secrecy. Second , the lack of permission. Third, the danger we are facing, which is steadily growing as we lose more and more ground. You should have known the state of our situation was too precarious to allow for reaching out to Shadow, our situation was bad when you started this ' project ' it has only gotten worse since then. I trusted you Chuck, and you have betrayed that trust completely. The consequences for that must be severe and the damage you have done must be mitigated to the degree possible. So , my verdict on you Chuck is threefold. Firstly, and most obviously, you are fired, effective immediately. You are stripped of your clearance and access to our facilities, permanently. Second, you will be imprisoned for a term of at least one year or until your trial, whichever is longer. Third I am putting you on trial for treason against the Freedom Fighters, with penalties ranging from life in exile to life imprisonment to death by execution, depending on how the tribunal rules . We will be going through your belongings and notes to see how much of our secrets you have divulged to Shadow, and we will tighten our security as a result. For now Chuck I hope you take the time you will be given in prison to reflect on your actions and the harm that you have caused. What you have done can only be mitigated, not atoned for. As for trusting you after this, that's not happening. I can never trust you with anything of importance ever again Chunk." Sally said, motioned to the two guards" Take him away and lock him up. He is to be fed regularly and must be under constant guard and observation. Give him paper and pen for him to write with, any notes he gives you, bring them to me as soon as possible " Sally finished
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The two guards escorted Unlce Chuck to the prison, it began to rain heavily, the Old Hedgehog’s head hung low as his arms were gripped by two hawk talons. The main entrance had two hounds armed with rifles and their eyes obscured by black glasses. Chuck was taken into the cell block, there he was placed on a metal bench and a force field of pink was activated. The guards positioned themsleves on either side of the energy door.

Outside in the rain, a hedgehog stood in the shadows outside the lamps, rain drops rolling down its gnarled black and red spines, and black nose. His red eyes squinted at the two hound guards.  The two guards exchanged some banter, “This weather is awful,” “Yeah, at least it makes us harder to find.” The two guards heard a snapping sound, like a twig. They turned and aimed their rifles. “What was that?” There was another snap and then the two hounds were knocked to the ground, Shadow kicking them from above with his white and red light shoes. The two guards were neautralized. The prison cell block doors opened, the two guards looked at each other. The Hawk approached the opening and was grabbed by a white glove and pulled into blackness. The final guard ained his rifle and prepared to fire, when suddenly a bent rifle flew at him and hit him in the head.

Uncle Chuck raised his head in the commotion. The energy field dropped and standing there was Shadow. “You made a promise Professor.” Chuck lowered his head, “It’s pointless.. I am beanded a traitor. My life’s work and all I have done to help our cause is now undone.” Shadow stepped into the cell block. “You promised me Maria. You will help me or you will die.” Uncle Chuck shook his head. “Death.. is of little concern to me now. I am an outcast.” Shadow’s patience for this self pity grew thin. “You said the Mecha knew where Maria’s DNA was held, does it possibly know other secrets of Eggman?” Chuck’s ears perked up, and he raised his head.”Yes! Of course! That could be my way to exonerate  myself! To show the Princess my methods are for the good of Knothole.” Shadow clutched his fist. “Very well, lets retrieve the machine and head to Robotropolis.”

Metal Sonic had been aiezed by guards and shocked into a stasis state. He was back at the lab, where he was being examined by Rotor who had orders to terminate the assassin. Rotor read the computer screen, as cords fed info to the screen from Metal’s CPU. More hound guards stood outside the lab, work wolves were repairing the roof. Suddenly there was a boom and the main lab dood blew open. Hounds flew backwards, into debrs and wolves on the roof tottered over, hanging on for dear life. Emerging from the flames was Shadow, who walked up to Rotor and threw him agaunst the screen. Uncle Chuck ran into the room and removed the cords and activated Metal who looked at Chuck qnd smiled, “Uncle!” Chuck helped Metal to his feet. “Come.. we must go at once!” An alarm sounded as thw three hedgehog made their escape, heading deep into the woods.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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An alarm image appeared on Sally's computer and images of the carnage at the prison flashed across her screen , a black blur visible throughout the images " There's only one being who can move like that besides Sonic- Shadow " Sally said to herself . " What could Chuck have to offer him, that he would intervene like this? Especially since escaping prison immediately after sentencing means that executing him becomes basically the courts only choice?  Shadow just made things worse for Chuck , much worse." Sally said going through the security images. Shadow had quickly overpowered the guards and had grabbed not only Chuck but Mecha as well." We'll have to go through Chucks notes, perhaps something will pop up."
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Antoine D’Coolette approached Sally in his dress blues and saber at his side . “Miladyz, I have assembled trackers and a contigent of soldats (soldiers) to sieze de traitors! I awaitz your orders.”

Rotor the Walrus entered, a great lump on his head was obscured by a yellow baseball cap. Rotor approached Princess Sally, “Princess, I have knowledge that you need to know.  About Chuck, Shadow, and the Mecha Sonic.”

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Go after them Antoine. Find them if you can. But I have my doubts on your chances of success. Only Sonic can run as fast as Shadow, and they have a head start." Sally dismissed him with a wave of her hand.? She then turned to Rotor whose hat only partly obscured a huge welt on his head" Tell me what you know Rotor. The better informed we are, the better
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Antoine bowed his head and gripped hus saber hikt. He stepped backward three times and turned, his medals swaying with gold tassels on his shoulder guards. Outside Antoine met a group of twenty Hounds and Hawks. “Weez have thez orde to huntz down the traitors! Into the woods!” Antoine led the contingent into the forest.


Rotor took off his hat and adjusted the rim so it was at the back to help conceal the lump. “Uncle Chuck used a chaos emerald to reactivate Mecha Sonic,  he acquired the emerald from Shadow who he promised to help retrieve Mara Robotnik’s DNA. My concern your Highness is they intend to break into Robotropolis to retrieve the DNA. Eggman could then capture Mecha and learn all he has learned scanning Knothole and its facilities. I  do wish to state for the record Chuck’s intentions were for the greater good, but I fear his methods will lead us into greater peril. I am sorry I did not come forth sooner about this, I never thought it would get this far. Please I ask your pardon Princess.”

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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When did you first find out about your uncles intentions? If it was only very recently, that is one thing, if you knew from the outset, quite another. " Sally said as Samia and Dulcy stepped forward " We can help track Shadow, if you want Sally " Dulcy offered " No , girls, you are too valuable to spare. You two are literally our only flying capabilities, we need you here."Sally said
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Rotor wiped his brow. “I knew of his intentions early on, but I never thought he’d be in league with Shadow.”

Knuckles stepped into the roon. “Sally, I heard the sirans. I volunteer my services to help track Shadow and Uncle Chuck.” The Echidna put a cowboy hat on his red head. “I know chaos energy, and can track it. As you know I am Guardian of the Master Emerald, and so have been around chaos emeralds my whole life. I can find them.”


Antoine and the Trackers were scouring the woods, they found footprints. “Onward Findz the traitors!”


Uncle Chuck, Mecha and Shadow made their way through the forest to a trail and what looked like wood pipes and vines. Mecha’s sensors strobed. “Movement detected. We are being prusued.” Uncle Chuck breathed heavily, not use to the brisk pace. Shadow looked at the wood half pipes ans vines. “We have to pick up the pace. Play time is over!” Shadow leapt and begab to grind down the half pipe edges. Mecha activated his engine that hummed to life, leavitating him just above the mossy ground. “Hop on Uncle!” Chuck shook his head. “I am going to regret this.” Mecha took off like a shot, Uncle Chuck griping around his under belly and grabbing in to the jet black spines. The hogs were airborne, in prusuit of black and red blur they called The Ultimate Lifeform.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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You still should have told me about this earlier " Sally sighed." Still this is your uncles fault, not yours." She turned to Knuckles " Go. Hunt them down, bring Chuck back, by whatever means necessary. I want him alive Knuckles, which means you refrain from your usual tactic of punch first second third and fourth, and ask questions later once your foe is missing all of their teeth." Sally said
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Rotor frowned. “I was remiss. Please forgive me. Let me make it yp to you by working on tech in the lab. Perhaps I can find more details on Mecha Sonic and exploit weaknesses.”

Knuckled nodded. “I shall bring him back with a black eye and nothing more. I must depart immediately, they will be far away by now.” Knux bowed his head and left. He took a brown oack fyll of items, one of which was a red chaos emerald which he held and used to track chaos energy. 
« Last Edit: April 07, 2021, 09:46:39 AM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Very well Rotor. Get to work immediately, we need to know how to handle Mecha Sonic " Sally said. A buzz on her computer revealed that her order to abandon the outposts had been received and were being carried out.
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Antoine and hus trackers had lost the trail. He stood over a cliff and began to mutter in French. Gliding overhead was Knuckles who could sense chaos energy imminating from Mecha Sonic and Shadow. He aunk his knuckle gloves ijto a tree and leap to glide once more, as he followed the half pipe and signs of Shadow grinding rails of vines.

Uncle Chuck, Mecha, and Shadow came to the end of the forest. Before them was massive iron wall with spikes protruding out and cameras. Shadow did a spin dash, and destroyed the closest camera. “Hurry up old koot.” Mecha flew up the scale of the wall, Chuck held on as they ascend to a scene of a city. There were grey skyscrapers and domes everywhere. Shuttles in the shape of eggs patrolled the skies, with fumes of power factories clouding the horizon. Chuck gasped, “Robotropolis.”     

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Sonic was resting against a wall , he had watched without comment as Sally had fired Chuck and sentenced him to prison. " Shadow is definitely up to something. He never gets involved in our affairs " Sonic said to Sally as she sat down in her seat " " We need to find out why Chuck got involved with him. Why he crossed us." Sally said " Have Tails go over Chucks notes
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Shadow climbed unto the wall and saw the city, he was unmoved. He turned to Mecha and eyed him with his red irises. “Now as promised, where is Maria?” Mecha turned, hus green wyes blipping. “Access denied. Keycode needed.” Shadow grabbed Mecha by the throat. “You said nothing about a keycode! Where is she you bucket if bolts or I will swear to melt you down as you once were found!” Chuck tried to intervene. When a voice echoed. “Shadow.. the Hedgehog. Welcome to Robotropolis. Come find me Ultimate Lifeform. I have the answers you seek.” Shadow looked and saw a screen in the shape of egg with mustache piping a gruff tone. “Eggman.. how did he know that I.. am here.” Shadow then tigjtened his grip around Mecha’s throat. “Was this a trap? Huh! Tell me you pathetic piece of scrap metal!” Shadow then tossed Mecha off the wall into the city streets. The Ultimate Lifeform then turned to Chuck. “You promised me Maria. If you were wrong, I will preform your execution myself!”

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sonic took the notes retrieved From Chuck and headed over to the library where Tails was reading. " Hey, pal. got some material for you to go over. All of Chuck's notes.  We need to find out what he was doing these past few months. maybve he left clues in his notes. Give me or Sally a shout, if you find anything. For now i need to go debrief the returning commanders from the outposts. Sally's pulling nearly all of them back."
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Knuckles followed the trail and clues to the walls of Robotropolis. He kept his head down as he surveyed the security sentries and skyscrapers that had lights strobing, illuminating parts of the lower city. Knux saw a entersnce to the sewers. Below ground was the safest way forward.

Meanwhile Shadow, Mecha, and Chuck were on their way into the belly of the cyberbeast. Swatbots, six foot tall aoldiers of iron metal with red horizontal visors paid them no heed. Eggman was welcoming them in.

Mecha scanned the area and recognized things, suddenly his memory began to fill with a voice. “My creation.. you know why I made you. Lead them to me.” Mecha eyes had shifted in the moment from emerald green to ruby red.  Shadow paid no notice, he was determined to find His Maria. Driven by his own memory. Chuck was out of breath, his body ached and he struggled to keep up with Shadow’s pace. They all three came to a great gate leading to a tower  in a egg shape. The structure shimmered silver with green lights. The gate opened. Inside the turrents were deactivated, and Swatbots stood at attention, motionless. “Strange,” remaked Uncle Chuck, “Everything is in a dormant state.” Shadow turned to Mecha, “where now?” Mecha accessed his memory and pointed towards a tube, an elevator. Mecha was confused, the files on Maria Robotnik were now no longer sealed.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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samia and Dulcy decided to check in on Wave who was one ofd the rebels chief weapons engineers. the purple swallow hadnt had much to work with , of course. buts of junk salvaged from wrecked ships and weapons. It was a testament to her skills that they were effective weapons at all. ' not now girls," Wave said looking up at the two dragonesses briefly.  I'm trying to make  this grappler weapons into parts for the new grinder weapon i designed. firs out a grapple but with a sharp blade on the end ' She said as she fiddled with a weapon. " We were just dripping off some parts we scavanged from our latest recon " Samia said ' Thanks , just put it in the parts box over there. say, if you're about , could you grab me a drink from the break room? Just a soda, or something?. I've been too busy working on  this stuff to get anything to eat or drink. the fact that i'm reduced to  working on stiuff this low grade doesnt exactl help my morale either ' Wave said. " Sure thing' Dulcy said.' any preference?' No, just grab me a Diet Rebel, or something. I'm not really particular' wave eaved her wing.
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