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Blu-Ray Release Date: Oct. 13


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If you wanted any bonus features, what would they be? Like others have said, it's very improbable they would include any deleted scenes, because they seem to be lost forever. If only it got the same great treatment as the Blu-Ray for Anastasia.


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Quote from: Ducky123,Jul 22 2015 on  10:15 AM
Great news! :) I personally do not own a Blu-Ray-Player and neither do I plan on getting one anytime soon but still I'm excited for who knows what "extra contend" they might put into the release? *cough* deleted scenes *cough* :p As unlikely as it is, that's still a possibility, right? Also we might get a trailer for LBT 14, who knows...
I would comment to this post, but literally Ducky123 said everything I'd say XD. I don't have a blu-Ray player.
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Has anyone received an early copy of the Blu-Ray?


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^^I'm content with just waiting for the release date and telling everyone about it then. :)

f-22 "raptor" ace

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looks like it is just checked amazon. It's there though a few gave it a one star review citing problems they had...with the DVD version.


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Does anyone know when the Blu-ray version is going to be available in Europe?
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool


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Well, I have the Blu-ray Version now in my possession, and I'm already disappointed at one thing.  It's the fact that hardly anyone is selling it.

Best Buy, a place I would expect new movies to be, isn't selling it!  Neither is Target, which usually has a huge selection of movies on the shelves to begin with. (They had the DVD version at $5, but not the Blu-ray one.) Luckily, Walmart did have it.  However, here's something else you should know.

It was completely overshadowed by it's competition, Avengers: Age of Ultron and Aladdin: 20th Anniversary Edition.  Those two were on display in those nice looking cardboard shelves that advertise the movie. (Heck, Aladdin was playing on the many TVs they had.) The Land Before Time: Blu-ray Version was just stuffed into a corner of the normal shelves.  Thank goodness I have eagle-eyes, or I would've missed that.

It was selling for $12.96.

There is obviousness when someone doesn't care all that much about something selling, especially when it's displayed as poorly as this.  What's worse is that there's a little sticker that advertises the next movie coming out.  You'd think with that attached, they'd care a little more.

Only good thing about the hunt for it is that it's a good price.

If this kind of advertising happens for the upcoming movie, I fear we, the fans, will have to pick up the slack.  Otherwise, I fear of it having poor sales and not because of the movie sucking.

I want The Land Before Time to come back, but it can't be done without proper advertising.

Next up, my thoughts on the new version of the movie itself.


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Oh yeah, forgot that was supposed to come out today. Guess I'll go over to walmart and see if they have it.

Edit: Oop, they said they don't have it. Looking on blu-ray dot com, a review for it isn't very positive:
Let me preface this by saying I am a huge fan of The Land Before Time series. I have every movie released as well as some of the animated series. If you are looking for a children's movie and have not seen LBT, I highly recommend it. That being said, I jumped on the chance to pre-order the Blu-Ray release for this movie. In fact, I have been highly anticipating its release for years (long before its re-release was announced).

It arrived in my mail about an hour ago, and my excitement quickly waned as I opened the package. A quick glace at the cover and I knew something was wrong. Advertised with "newly remastered for improved HD picture and sound," the packaging is adorned with memorable imagery from the movie... in horribly rendered fashion: the colors have much less depth to them and the line-work is faint and blurry. A quick comparison to my DVD copy (Anniversary Edition) proves that the colors are indeed more vibrant on the DVD release.

The packaging also presents another downfall to this release: the special features. The DVD includes Littlefoot's Playhouse (with moments from the TV series and sing-along videos), Jurassic Park Institute, "and much more!" and is geared towards the younger viewers. The Blu-Ray edition features... absolutely nothing.

Moving on to the actual movie, I compared my two copies side-by-side as well. While the DVD suffered badly in my blu-ray player due to HD interpolation, the Blu-Ray copy seemed to suffer from the same grainy video. While the Blu-Ray could be considered slightly better quality than the DVD, it is almost negligible and really only noticeable on the line-work during motion animations. On the audio quality, I was unable to discern any difference between the two editions. However, I did not play it on the best audio system and, considering how close the two versions are to each other, I imagine the only way to tell the difference would be on a good system.

Overall, if you have the DVD, skip this release. If you are a videophile, you will be sorely disappointed in the Blu-Ray version. If you don't have the movie already, I still highly recommend it... just go for whichever version is cheapest. There is no value added by purchasing the Blu-Ray.
No special features probably means a no-go for many of you here. More discussion and some screencaps here:


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When you upscale to a bigger TV, you notice things you didn't before.  When you go to a higher quality version, you notice things you didn't before.  They're both good and bad things.  You be the judge on which is which.

First off, the disc itself.  The actual disc.  I've seen Blu-ray discs that are blue, gray and black, but never one that's orange.  I can say that I have now.  The Land Before Time Blu-ray is orange.  Here's proof.

Yeah, unique color choice there, Universal.

The lack of extra features is disappointing.  What's more disappointing however is the main menu.  Nothing more than pictures that gives you a vague idea of what is what.  At least the DVD version had words to help you, but here, you're lost.

Note:  The following was taken with a camera phone and I have no other way to show you.  Please forgive the lack of quality.

Let me help you navigate and show you dumb it is to use pictures instead of words.

The Play Button plays the movie.  The Book is the Scenes Menu.  The Volume Icon is the Audio Menu.  The one at the bottom is the Subtitles Menu.  The House at top brings you back to the beginning of the Disc itself and let's you choose a different region.

I'll say this.  It's a region-free Blu-ray Disc with MANY options in audio and subtitles.  From the top of my head, I saw English, Spainish, French, Danish, German and Chinese. (There were others, but that's all I can remember at the moment.)

Now, on to the movie itself.

First off, I can't tell if this is an upscale or not as I have never really experienced Upscale Blu-ray before.  I seriously need experts on that.  However, if my understanding of what Upscale means is correct, it might be the case in some areas and in others, it's not.

Let's go to where it's obvious.  Grainy texture character models.  Seriously, I noticed.  The only ones improved were Littlefoot, his friends and a few others. (At least the little flyers that fought over the berry were improved.) Trust me, it was noticeable.  At first, things look beautiful and it doesn't seem like an upscale, but something put effort into.  Until you get to the first longnecks of the film.  Their texture is grainy.

Onto things I didn't notice until now.  The creature at the very start you see swimming around has spots on it.  It sheds one before the first bunch of bubbles.  You notice it here.

The bug that Ducky chases I can now identify as a mosquito.

The Sharptooh had an eye problem BEFORE that thorn smacked him.  Here, you definitely notice his right eye is closed before he got hit by that thorn.  I guess the thorn made it worse.

The tree Cera was headbutting to get food down from... had no leaves on it.

However, one thing I noticed, was how much the wound on Littlefoot's Mother moved.  They did not change this graphical mistake that's been around since the beginning.  On top of that, it's more noticeable now that her skin was torn off in that area, and nothing else.  I can understand if it was downgraded.  After all, needs to stay G-rated.  Rules may have changed after more than 2 and a half decades.  However, if it's been like this since the days of VHS, then it shows how much the scene was downgraded before the film's theatrical release.

Oh, and one last thing.  No missing scenes added.  Seriously Universal, I would expect you to get in touch with Spielberg by now on them.  We have to know what happened to them.  You owe it to the fans.

All in all, it shows that this was a cash-grab on a re-release.  Which might explain why I got it so cheaply.

Let's hope that if they bring out the sequels on Blu-ray, they treat them with more respect.  This movie series deserves better.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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I also bought it today haven't watched it yet. I probably will tomorrow though.


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Quote from: Campion1,Oct 13 2015 on  03:18 PM
Edit: Oop, they said they don't have it. Looking on blu-ray dot com, a review for it isn't very positive
I wouldn't pay that review much attention. It's just written by a user, who sounds pretty clueless on a number of points. I'd wait for the site's official review to go up.

Anyway, here are some high-res screen posted on the Blu-ray forum:

Cera and her parents
Littlefoot's having a hard time
Littlefoot's having a hard time :(
Cera vs. a bubble
Littlefoot near the canyon
Cera and Littlefoot
Sharptooth in the pool
The gang of five's happy ending
The gang of five's happy ending

Overall, I'm pretty pleased with how these screens look. The transfer looks very natural. It's a shame there are no extras, such as the deleted scenes, but it's hard to include something that probably doesn't exist anymore. I wish the disc included a 4:3 version of the film, since that's the aspect ration I grew up watching the Land Before Time on VHS, but at least the widescreen version doesn't cut out anything vital. Technically, it was framed to be projected that way in theaters anyway.

@pokeplayer984 - Based off the screens, this is definitely a new HD transfer. A Blu-ray having grain doesn't indicate it's an upscale. The picture is supposed to have grain. It's the result of transferring the original animation cels to film. The grain structure is an intrinsic part of the picture now, and removing it would have required invasive digital noise reduction. Of course, whether the picture is too grainy in places is a matter of personal taste, and I'll have to reserve my judgement for when I watch the Blu-ray firsthand. They probably could have toned the grain down in places, though I'll take grain that's a little heavy over what you get when you scrub it away. I'm looking at you, Funimation!
I'm looking at you, Funimation!

By the way, hello everyone. It's nice to finally join the board.  :wave


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I just got my copy in the mail when I returned home from a trip last night. Really looking forward to watching it soon!


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Quote from: Parker,Oct 14 2015 on  04:42 AM
Quote from: Campion1,Oct 13 2015 on  03:18 PM
Edit: Oop, they said they don't have it. Looking on blu-ray dot com, a review for it isn't very positive
I wouldn't pay that review much attention. It's just written by a user, who sounds pretty clueless on a number of points. I'd wait for the site's official review to go up.

Anyway, here are some high-res screen posted on the Blu-ray forum:

Cera and her parents
Littlefoot's having a hard time
Littlefoot's having a hard time :(
Cera vs. a bubble
Littlefoot near the canyon
Cera and Littlefoot
Sharptooth in the pool
The gang of five's happy ending
The gang of five's happy ending

Overall, I'm pretty pleased with how these screens look. The transfer looks very natural. It's a shame there are no extras, such as the deleted scenes, but it's hard to include something that probably doesn't exist anymore. I wish the disc included a 4:3 version of the film, since that's the aspect ration I grew up watching the Land Before Time on VHS, but at least the widescreen version doesn't cut out anything vital. Technically, it was framed to be projected that way in theaters anyway.

@pokeplayer984 - Based off the screens, this is definitely a new HD transfer. A Blu-ray having grain doesn't indicate it's an upscale. The picture is supposed to have grain. It's the result of transferring the original animation cels to film. The grain structure is an intrinsic part of the picture now, and removing it would have required invasive digital noise reduction. Of course, whether the picture is too grainy in places is a matter of personal taste, and I'll have to reserve my judgement for when I watch the Blu-ray firsthand. They probably could have toned the grain down in places, though I'll take grain that's a little heavy over what you get when you scrub it away. I'm looking at you, Funimation!
I'm looking at you, Funimation!

By the way, hello everyone. It's nice to finally join the board.  :wave
Omg, the quality is fantastic!
8 years with TGOF :yum


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I gotta say, after seeing the screenshots, I won't get that bluray. I don't know if they just upscaled a dvd resolution or not although some of them suggest it. For example the happy ending screenshot, the outlines appear a bit blurry.

Of course, to compensate the effect you get by upscaling (but I think even if it's not upscaled they would have done that) they increased the contrast and maybe pumped the colors up as well. Increased contrast appears clearer to the human eye.

But what is really bad (and I have no idea what they did to make this happen) is the noise. I don't refer to the grainy look the movie just had anyway, resulting out of the used film negatives I'd say. It might have been an artistic choice back then to give the movie this look (I lately did the same with some photos to make them appear older).

What I see in these screenshots is downright noise, the worst one being the shot with Cera and her parents. Just look at the horn of the darker colored triceratops. I'm seeing all kinds of red and green there which shouldn't appear at all. And well, because of the increased contrast, pretty much every detail from the face of the same triceratops is only noticable if you're looking for it.
To compare, I made a screenshot of that scene in the dvd version: here.

Whatever this bluray is, it does not appear to have increased the quality. The color noise even makes it worse in my opinion. That isn't even there in the dvd screenshot, which makes me all the more curious why it appears in the blu ray.
Too bad, I'll stick with the dvd for now.^^

Edit: one last thing regarding the picture pokeplayer984 posted of the menu. This seems to be the newest way for any Universal movie release. Just got Jurassic World today and was greeted by the exact same thing. And yeah, it's pretty much try and error (or not). But it works out, I guess.


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I don't see anything particularly compelling about these screenshots, and they definitely don't look blu ray worthy. Its all very soft, faded and noisy. Most definitely not a restoration of any sort. I just watched Watership Down on blu ray and it blew those screenshots away.


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Personally, I think they look a bit better. Although, I understand what you mean about the outlines RockingScorpion.
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I found a copy at a local Wal-mart today.

*Yoink!*  :p

Dr. Rex

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I'm not seeing any changes in these Blu-Ray screenshots...aside from that grainy background texture. Can't say for sure if that's natural for a transfer.


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