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Loire's OCs

Loire · 16 · 5990


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Since I don't know how to delete a post in this forum, I just modify the posts by writing (Deleted) on them.

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« Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 01:58:50 AM by Mumbling »


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[Edit by Mumbling] Please don't remove posts.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 02:05:39 AM by Mumbling »


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Nicely written. Good job! Maybe I should share some of my OCs sometime; since joining the community I've actually come up with quite a few of them.

Has Turok appeared in any stories of yours?
« Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 02:05:45 AM by Mumbling »


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Nicely written. Good job! Maybe I should share some of my OCs sometime; since joining the community I've actually come up with quite a few of them.

Has Turok appeared in any stories of yours?

Thanks for the compliment! Please Stardust do so! I would gladly read your biographies of your original characters. It was really fun giving mine a back story since it has been ages since I have written any stories ( most has been far back as high school phew long time ago).

Unfortunetly he has not appeared in any written work since he quite new and recent (made him in May I think). I've never made any fan fiction or any original written work a like.

Turok's name derives from the protagonist aquired and given name-title from the comic and game franchise called *surprise* *surprise* Turok, Tal'set is his real name ( which is the name I use in any online medium as my persona).

I don't know if my writing capability skills would make me be able to make a good story, I don't know where in a scale I would rate my writing skills haha, but thanks for liking it!
« Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 02:05:51 AM by Mumbling »


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[Edit by Mumbling] Please don't remove posts.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 02:05:56 AM by Mumbling »


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[Edit by Mumbling] Please don't remove posts.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 02:06:02 AM by Mumbling »


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Didn't feel like sharing these any more?
« Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 02:06:09 AM by Mumbling »


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Yes, I decided to wipe it out for personal reasons, there were some things I wrote in his biography I found being inappropriate. I might renew the character and write a more sound biography.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 02:06:15 AM by Mumbling »


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I said I would be back with a more reformed biography of Turok  :SharptoothAmused . This time I have put more weight in enriching his story, especially his little journey to the Lagoon. I think this version has more depth and a more story-styled approach, and really not a narrative style that are more focused on information delivered in an "Article styled" form. I wanted this to be more engaging, feel free to give your opinions!   :littlefoot:)

Name: Turok

Species: Megaxantho

Age: 25.

Diet: Mixed diet of plant and animal matters (algae, seagrass, seaweed,  molluscs and fungus)

Habits: reflective and tends to narrate his thoughts out loud.

Named family members: Bud (grandfather) and Scuttle (uncle).

                                                                                                                                   Part 1: Origin

By the marvelous shores of the Mysterious Beyond lived a very young fellow Sand Creeper by the name of Turok. Grievously he did not live with his parents since they were devoured by predators which resulted for him being taken care of by his grandfather Bud. He learned quite a lot from the very well-versed and knowledgeable Bud who for long years experienced whatever life would offer him of good and bad. And also from him information of what would benefit Turok in practical skills and “theoretical” matters. Bud knew a lot about the different habitats surrounding his shores and places beyond, from dangerous predators roaming on land, in sea and in air, and to more friendly creatures who innocently would be neighbors to Bud. When Turok reached his young 20's his grandfather fell to an illness he could not recover from and it would eat him up until he would eventually end up becoming lifeless. Additionally his age and weak body would not handle the disease for long. Help was nowhere to be found and hopelessness would be clearer and clearer. Bud told Turok that he should pack up and move to the Lagoon in the Mysterious Beyond where his uncle Scuttle lives, and live amongst the Sand Creepers there when he will pass on. A month had passed and Bud was in his deathbed, Turok was beside him in his final hours. The last utterance of Bud's wise lips were “ walk this earth with a humble heart, with a gentle conduct and an optimistic mindset because truly the grave does not welcome lightly the utterly harsh and the overly ignorant I strongly believe.”

It was time to set out to the Mysterious Beyond, or more precisely the Lagoon. Finding good directions was a bit difficult, not in the sense that you can get easily lost, but by the tough situations of finding routes that are not too demanding for a short footed Sand Creeper like Turok who can not withhold an enduring stamina on long roads. But the only option was to buckle up and go straight through the obstacles. After a good while of walking Turok could spot the large Volcano neighboring the Lagoon which lifted his spirit and made him quicken up his pace. Fortunately Turok did not encounter any predators yet along the road, the only harshness was the changing weather and the natural formation around him that he had to cross. The journey was long, but with little danger. Turok arrived at a barren land and Just on the other side of it the lagoon could be spotted, but lo and behold! A few seemingly threatening flyers were hanging around the area. The only way for Turok to get over to the lagoon without being sighted by these flyers would be either covering himself with mud to look as close as possible like a rock (PS: I'm aware moving would be an issue) or find a large passing leafeater that he can cling and hide on, in one way or another. Suddenly! a big realization hit Turok which was “Why not do BOTH!” By making himself looking like a rock that somehow got stuck on a dinosaur hoping the creature will walk towards the direction of the Lagoon. The only thing he had to do was wait. After a while Turok spotted a giant Longneck passing by and it seemed it was walking towards where the lagoon is. Turok quickly covered his body with mud and climbed up the longneck's back, and was holding-fast on it with his claws. The longneck was moving and the flyers was staring at it. They spotted the unusual pebble looking thing on the longneck and immediately wanted to check it out. They flew towards its back and when arrived, stood on its back right beside Turok. With all his bodily strength Turok tried to look as round as possible and was hiding inside his shell as much as he could while they were poking him, but Turok had a good grip on the longneck's back which fortunately made him steady . When the grip became a bit too loosely the flyers were about to flip Turok up-side down. There was no point now for hoping the worst wouldn't happen after the next poke, hence it would reveal Turok as a living thing, food in this case, and not a mere rock. When their beak was about to hit Turok the longneck was utterly annoyed by the flyers standing on its back and it shook them off which made them fly away and eventually forgetting all about Turok. Turok in the other hand was able to withstand the shake. After a while Turok finally arrived at the Lagoon and climbed off the longneck.

Aaah The Lagoon, a place where Sand Creepers could thrive in safety. Turok looked at the busy Sand Creepers running around gathering food, going to their nests and communicating. When he entered further inside some of the Sand Creeper saw him and went towards him. They questioned Turok about usual matters an outsider would be questioned about. At the end Turok mentioned his uncle Scuttle lives here and that he wanted to see him. They were stunned for a moment but suddenly welcomed Turok generously. They said he did not seem threatening and that they would gladly escort him to Scuttle. Scuttle had never seen Turok before and would be a bit sceptical of Turok. Turok introduced himself to Scuttle and said that he is the grandson of a deceased Sand Creeper named Bud and was sent here to see Scuttle who supposedly is a family member. This shattered all of Scuttle's doubts which made him taking Turok in immediately. Scuttle knew that Turok's parents were killed, but he did not know that they had a son. Turok also told that Bud lost to a disease which was the reason of his death. It was lot to take in for Scuttle, but he was very fast to accept it. Scuttle agreed to take Turok in and teach him how to be an adult in these parts.

Scuttle unlike Bud was more practical with his lessons and less supportive of giving hints and solutions to Turok when dealing with the given challenges by Scuttle. Being independent from others is a rule scuttles lived by which answers why his lessons were so harsh and isolated. But with great effort and an enduring optimism Turok managed most of his lessons and grew a sense of pride in Scuttle. Turok often jokingly regarded Scuttle's rambling about his adventurous tales to be exhaustively boring and painful, but would still listen to Scuttle for respectful and loving reasons even how much it had to be tolerated. Scuttle was known to speak the leafeater's language and would gladly share his knowledge with Turok.

Time had passed on and Turok had reached the age 25. through the time he had been in the Lagoon he really managed to adapt and become a part of the community. And happy he was indeed!
« Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 02:06:23 AM by Mumbling »


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Looks good. I'm impressed you went with a Sand Creeper; definitely an unusual and unique choice.

When is Part 2 coming?
« Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 02:06:30 AM by Mumbling »


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Thanks! I simply just went for a Sand Creeper for the sake of silly funsies at first, but kinda fell fond of the idea after some time.

I'll try to wrap up part 2 somewhere in December, it is just more challenging, since this time we are exploring his "habitual issue" which is kinda hard making the story becoming rich in content by extracting that idea and putting it into a written work, but I'll probably manage it till then.

@StardustSoldier   :littlefoot:)
« Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 02:06:36 AM by Mumbling »


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Part 2: The Narrator Within

Within the ever complicating abstractly confusing mind of our friend Turok lies a deep “dysfunction” that he suffer from or a created habit that suddenly appeared. All in all nobody he met truly knows the cause. Strangely as it may sound Turok has developed a form of frequent tendency to subconsciously narrate his thoughts out loud.

Bud sighing often accepted the intolerable repeating trait of Turok. However accepting does not necessary mean specifically the issue being more comforting once accepted but rather adapting the experience from painful annoyance to optimistic patience. That is how he tackled the issue and it paid off such that he became accustomed to it over time. Those key characteristics (optimism and patience) was not something Bud naturally was inborn with but rather a practiced and mastered feature. It took him quite the number of years to polish these and of course being tested abundantly was an essential factor. Another reason for his enduring tolerance was the belief that every disease has a cure, assuming it is a disease. But Bud also had this fearing assumption that Turok might secretly enjoy it but that was all a presuming idea that floated aimlessly in his mind.

Ticking the clock some years ahead, while he resided with his ever rambling uncle, spotting this problem was not hard for Scuttle or for anyone for that matter. Most Sand Creepers would hesitate to have a conversation with Turok and immediately would put forth some abnormal excuse to avoid a talk. An example would go as this;

Sand Creeper 1: “Hey there Turok” , Turok spots him and thinks out loud “ Hmmm is his very straightforward greeting a sign of forced behavior, well he does not seem like the type of Sand Creeper who would easily dislike an individual, aah what an ever confusing situation... Just act natural and greet back accordingly, I will certainly know his true colors soon enough

While oblivious Turok would further start to respond with a simple “Hi” and the Sand Creeper would faceclaw (facepalm) by his stupidity. In some cases some Sand Creepers would desert him before he would notice, while he is lost in thoughts. Nevertheless it is not all alien to Turok about him being so, there has been plenty of criticizing comments about his behavior and it would naturally sink in very clear mentally. He was severely and deeply used to Bud being the only one around him for the most part of his early life when he lived at the shores of the Mysterious Beyond, and he would rarely get any complaints, hence resulting that it would not be as great of a concern for Turok and that mentality stuck with him very strongly. As uniquely it may be, all the hurtful comments does serve a toll on him and it also being emotionally demanding. Therefor it was too much for Turok to take in while living at the Lagoon compared to when he lived at the shores because of the mental impacts he gets by the others comments. Not everyone is as easy-going and accepting as Bud was. The suspicion Bud had regarding Turok slightly enjoying the narration spilling may not be true but looking at Turok when it happens, you may suspect that it somehow is lurking inside of him. That it radiates openly so to say. Regardless, his situation is complicated any individual would not have a liking of those sudden pop-ups in frequent instances in their life. But all is not lost for Turok especially him hoping for a life-changing cure to appear but understandably figuring it all out by himself would be difficult. So seeking help would be a must for that matter, and a grumpy fellow was in mind who claims he knows lots of variety of things in this worldSelf proclaimed of course. It would not hurt seeking guidance, would it? What would he lose? You may ask yourself. Therefor while knowing the consequences by seeking advice from Scuttle would be the next step.

Scuttle examined Turok with various methods whenever the narrations reoccurred. His first step was to get Turok's attention whenever he falls deeply into his reflections and narrations while being unaware. Interestingly enough it seemed even mild physical contact would not wake him up from his delusion, and Scuttle even punched Turok with a considerate amount of force that resulted of Turok falling, but EVEN that was not good enough. Turok would just lay down on the ground scratching his chin and keep talking to himself. A sad sight to witness, indeed. After such close follow-up with various tests Scuttle finally came to a conclusion.

His very words were “ Avast Scallywag! Ye issue withers my noddle of what is left of it matey, but I have come to an answer and that is you could eventually die soon by all the gibberish you are vomiting by your foul mouth! Ye-he-he.

Turok rolled his eyes by his lame joke but was slightly anxious of what to come.

Scuttle continued “ The good news laddy is that this is highly likely to be a habit that has strongly been enhanced by excessive and frequent doings of that action through the years, and the bad news, well, as what I said earlier that this is highly likely to be habit would also mean there is a chance that I could be wrong and this surely is a disease.

How am I sure to trust his words? he does not seem to have any expertise in medical matters.” Turok thought out loud.

Ye old uncle Scuttle has been here and there, and seen this and that, that answer should suffice ye knucklehead, but for your case I had to check with our local physician for some advice.” Scuttle replied.

We have a physician! I'm been here for so long how would I not know!” Turok confusedly commented.

Beats me, did you think my shell pain just magically disappeared a few weeks ago” Scuttle replied.

Well...Yes! Since you said I don't need any assistance, I just need to sleep it off and everything will be alright” Turok said disappointingly.

Scuttle had a very long pause and he finally answered “ I was kidnapped and he healed my injury while I was unconscious.

Turok made a tiring sound and gave up, he further continued by asking what was needed to be done to break free from the supposed habit.

differentiate between inner thoughts and speech whenever you start a conversation, and you do that through sharpening your awareness” Scuttle said with a serious look on his face. 

Turok nodded and understood that this is the very first step needed.

Through some months Turok put Scuttle's advice to practice and surprisingly his effort paid off, he started to notice progress and also having a realization. That there is a connection between awareness and actions. He felt a sudden excitement rushing through his body, even though he was not completely sure that this little progress would lead to complete success. The thing he would know for sure is that time will definitely tell. 
« Last Edit: May 04, 2022, 02:06:41 AM by Mumbling »


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Hey folks,

I have been at one point wanting to delete me account, discussing it with Mumbling, which was a good while back. One of the biggest reasons was letting stuff of your work or doings hanging around publicly for people to see online, so I thought the best way to deal with it was to eradicate every trace of me here. But I understood that would cause some issues on the functionality of the forum and mess things up, so I decided rather to change the name to Loire ( which is a beautiful sounding name you chose Mumbling!) from my previous name Talset. Since that was a personal issue at first, after some thinking many months back, I decided it would be okay after all and thought I would share it here today. This place is such a wholesome and comfortable enviroment to be part of, so I am glad that I am able to come back (And at the same time glad that my first initial decision of deleting the account all together didn't get executed). You will also notice that many of my previous postings has been edited, so not to confuse the reason why, now it might be clearer to most for why it happened.

My plan right now is to finish off Turok's story-biography. I remember how fun it was writing a story of his background and character, and using Sand Creepers as a main focused race from the The Land Before Time world.



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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Very interesting! Never heard of a Sand Creeper OC before.

Considering this is basically a story by this point, you might consider asking an admin to move this thread to the Fanfiction section, just because you might get more readers over there, this section is mostly used for characters being controlled in a roleplay


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Thanks Mumbling, I am happy that it turned out as it did.  :D

Thanks Aabicus, yes, since you mentioned it, that would be a wise choice considering how much content it has grown and developed into. My comfort-zone was just adding series of small biography stories, which its purpose being that it would be a part of the OC-information-body, and ultimately intending for it end up as a 3 parter story. But the aim was also a way for me to train writing in general but I just ended up adding more and more due to how exciting it was.

So yeah I will consider moving the work over to the fanfiction section, no need to move this whole tread considering it might cause technical issues , so I'll just make a new thread and organize it such that it becomes an actual fanfic.
