Role Play > Random Role Play

Sonic The Hedgehog: Freedom Fighters RPG

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Gentle Sharptooth:

--- Quote from: Nick22 on February 28, 2020, 07:47:25 AM ---interaction isnty just oneliners   like " i think you're cute' you have to describe the room they are in, the colors of their clothes, perhaps have a clock ticking away on the wall. things like that. creates an mental image of the scene, normally you wait to start a story until after other people sign up , and pick out chars to play. you need 3, likely 4 others to sign up first.

--- End quote ---

Oh I did not know that. Well, I see there’s little interest. Can You move it to a fan fic?

The style I am writing in is Screen Writers type, as seen in the “Star Wars Dooku: Jedi Lost,” and The Old English Star Wars Book Series.

 It makes fixing dialouge easier and I can go back and add the details of what everything looked like later.

you dont know that. a new roleplay on here just might attract a few posters, and goodness knows this section needs more rpers. i've been rping on here since 2004, and have been running this section for nearly that long. i think theres quite a bit of potential in your story, and i would be happy to play as some characters, as stated before. the trick is however you cant really  roleplay using ' movie script ' setup
 Enter sonic
 Sonic takes a seat in a chair, starts to eat an apple
 Amy walks in wearing a new outfit.

 a roleplay post looks more like :
 Exhausted from his latest fight with eggman and his robots, Sonic collapsed into a chair with a heavy sigh and reached for amn apple. as he took a bite , the door opened and Amy strolled in. the pink hedgehog had recently bought a new dres and was hoping that sonic would like, or at least, comment on it.
 See how the second is more descriptive?

Gentle Sharptooth:
I hope you sre right. This is the first RP I am not main character like Sonic or Shadow. I wanted Shard, because Metal Sonic was my favorite antagonist turned ally.

I see that’s more descriptive, I intend to go back and add more description to the scenes, bit I need the dialouge to set up what’s happening.

   Screen Writing format is becoming a new writing form, and this new gen likes it because you can track what is said between characters:

Charles: Shard, you are a threat to many Mobians. So many are stuck in their robotic prejudices. You respeesent change, and change frightens them.

Shard: Yes Uncle. I understand.

Charles: Give them time to see you are more than bolts and brawn.

Even in schools this style is becoming popular, and bondfids option for students  to use. It’s alao calles Playwrite format, Shakespeare described little of a scene, and yet his characters like Hamlet conveyed more through dialouge than description, “to be or not to be, that is the question.” 

the thing will rolep[laying is that there is more give and take. this whole thread section will be moved to discussion once the roleplay starts. You dont want to have a whole bunch of characters,because a conservation between them doesnt leave room for other posteres to latch on. its almost a monologue really. and if a rp is to be successful, you have to have dedication, and stamina. for instance I started the current insane cafe chapter all the way back in 2011. yes its been NINE years and still going. why has it lsasted so longg, because the rpers enjoy it and theres plenty of action.
 With sonic, my advice is to play as a few chars at first, just to get them covered. you also need to get people committed to the story before starting it. otherwise,  you're putting the cart before the horse. you need to get posters locked in, before you start.

Gentle Sharptooth:
@Nick22 Understood and thanks for the advice! :)


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