The Gang of Five
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Which order do you like the gang


  • Spike
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Which order of preference do you lkie the gang (Littlefoot, petrie, spike, ducky, and cera.). You can also include Ruby and chomper.

my order of preference



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Cancerian Tiger

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My order of preference:

*Ruby (since I hardly know anything about her)

If ties were allowed, the following would be a little more accurate:



  • Ruby
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I have to say...









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I've watched some of the movies again, so I'm pretty sure I can now rank 'em. I'm not including Ruby and Chomper though. I want to rate based on the first film.

1. Little Foot (Childhood fave is back)
2. Ducky
3. Petrie
4. Spike
5. Cera


  • Petrie
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In no set order:



  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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I guess...

Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Ducky
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It's a hard choice, but after reflecting on my personal preferences a little, i've decided that my chart would go as follows:

1. Littlefoot
2. Chomper
3. Ducky
4. Ruby
5. Cera
6. Petrie
7. Spike

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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Important thing to note:

Giving one-time examples in character analyses just don’t sound as good to me, so for the sake of a more-smoothly-flowing thought, a lot of one-time circumstances in this post are written as plural. Often, a lot, frequently, at times, sometimes, and so forth here may just be referring to a single happening, but I just didn’t feel it would sound the best in this to make them singular, so I’m just telling you now that most of this is about one-time occurrences. I apologize if this creates any confusion.

Ruby- She has a logical and philosophical way of doing things and knowledge, as well as her unique way of speaking. She is very intelligent, and she uses it for the benefit of her friends. However, she should learn to be as open with her feelings as she is with her wisdom. When she is unhappy with something her friends do or say, she quietly decides to be alone, even going so far as to intentionally try to hide what she really feels about her friends when they hurt her emotionally. She is very maternal, and her caring for Chomper really shows how great of a mother she’ll be. She takes everything seriously, but sometimes finds humorous ways to take things seriously, if you will. No matter how small of an issue, what bothers her friends is important to her. She is so brave, leaving everything she holds dear to help her kind. The burden her parents put on her, I feel, is too much to put on a child, but nonetheless, she obeyed with no real hesitation and is doing her best to fulfill her destiny. Even when her friends don’t believe her, she remains understanding and does not get defensive. Her personality clashes with Cera often, yet she never changes her behavior for Cera nor has a talk with her about accepting others, so it’s a mixed feeling. On one hand, she holds onto her individuality firmly, but on the other, she doesn’t seem to be doing anything to stop the frequent tension between them. Ruby is responsible, caring, and wise, so she gets my highest rank here.

Chomper- His innocence makes him a very adorable character. He addresses many matters in a simplistic way, taking things at face value. At times, he cannot even discern being mean from being nice. He really cares about his friends and is willing to do what they want, but on the same subject, he also is concerned about safety. If his friends want him to do something that may harm another, he will put his foot down. He is a bit paranoid, often jumping to conclusions, but when told he is wrong, he accepts it right away. He is very trusting, but that is both a positive and negative, as some give good advice while others don’t. One thing about him, debatably a right or wrong thing, is that he is trying to conform to those around him. He is a sharptooth. They start fights, hunt, and act aggressively, something even shown to be common between their own kind. Yet Chomper has dropped who he is, abandoned his own identity, to be how others prefer him to be. We all know it’s his friends influence, as he did try eating them before he noticed who they were. He started down the path his kind always walk, but others have come along and taken him down a detour. Basically, Chomper has been domesticated, and he’s let it happen, so when he is on his own, his instincts will be dulled down from spending so much time living a different life. No matter the danger, Chomper is there for his friends, and with his gentle and innocent personality, he has my second rank here.

Littlefoot- He is a natural born leader, but at times, his often role gets to his head, causing him to feel obligated and the best one suited to lead when the need arises, whether his followers wanted to come along or not. He seems to be somewhat moody, as sometimes, he takes verbal abuse and accepts it quietly and passively, and other times, he argues back fervently. He is quick thinking, and his ideas usually really help out. He has a strong conscious, but on the other hand, he is weak to peer pressure, giving in on more than one occasion. In other words, he knows what’s right, but he sometimes would rather do what would make his friends the happiest. He works very hard to keep his friends spirits up, but he is occasionally prone to personal depression when others are not. He wants to be liked and puts forth extra effort to get a better reputation, but if the situation may make him look badly, his first thought may be to misdirect the blame. Even when he really wants something, he is more likely to do what others would like. Furthermore, if two dinosaurs want different things from him, he figures out who could use his help more and acts accordingly. When new thrills arise, he can get caught up in the moment, but he always manages to recall what’s important. He cares far more about dinosaurs than their actions. When his friends do things that aren’t right, he can overlookactions because he cares about the dinosaurs, not being the type to hold a grudge. He is so unselfish that he would risk his life to save those who care nothing for him. Being able to guide affectively, think quickly when the need arises, and care unconditionally, Littlefoot has reached my rank number three.

Ducky- She is very eager to befriend those who might want it. Meeting new dinosaurs, provided they don’t make it clear they don’t like her, usually results in her trying to bond with them. At times, she lets her feelings affect how she treats her friends, and while this is normal, there are times when her feelings are not justified. She is often a pushover when it comes to her friends, but she can be very brave and decisive when it comes to their safety. Though not to the degree of Chomper, she too has a slightly naÔve innocence at times, needing obvious things explained to her sometimes. There are some times when she figures things out on her own but is very slow on the uptake. She is very caring and has tons of energy to back it up. When something bad happens, she is often one of the hardest to anger. Helping is in her nature; she is very quick to jump at the chance to assist someone in trouble. Her approach to nearly everything is being gentle. She is pretty smart, but at times lacking in maturity, needing advice from those much younger than her. She usually likes to share, but if others take things from her without asking, or she finds rare things she really admires, she can get a little defensive with allocating her possessions. She is very eager to express gratitude where it is due, even getting a little dramatic when someone only does her a very small service. She can jump to conclusions pretty easily at times, but once confronted with the truth, casually goes on as if nothing had happened. Being a kind and gentle soul, Ducky is my fourth choice.

Cera- Impatient and short-tempered, blunt and forceful, she can sometimes be an almost-antagonist to her friends. Still, she herself has a very big heart that cares for her friends. Her father’s personality has rubbed off on her, and though she often tries to be different for her friends, her upbringing often gets in the way. She is the most conflicted character in the gang, but that makes her frequent acts of kindness all the more special. She instills a general fear over her friends, but she really doesn’t seem proud of that. It can take her a while to warm up to others, but when she does, she eagerly wants to help them when she can. She values friendship highly, usually enough to rebuke her own father when he speaks out against it. It can take her a little while, but she is very consistent when admitting to being wrong. She is not comfortable revealing her soft side often, likely from pride, but when she does, everyone in contact with her is encouraged and made to feel better from her kindness. Even when it’s very clear that what is needed to be done goes against what she wants to do, she does it anyway. There may be hesitation at times, but eventually, she does what others need, either because she agrees it’s needed, or she just feels badly for the character. It is clear how much she loves her friends, but her inner obstacles just don’t let this be seen as often as some would like. However, when the situation is dire, she does the right thing expediently and without question. Though often reserved about it, Cera’s compassion for her friends and others make her my number five position.

Petrie and Spike- I’ll say the rank at the start now to avoid confusion. They are tied for sixth with me, so there is no seventh rank when it comes to my opinion of the gang.

Petrie- It is almost frustrating how often he won’t believe his friends and has to experience things on his own for him to make them fact. When his fears arise, his friends shower him with comfort, but he tends to value his own opinion, otherwise, he would be calmed by his friends more often. When he is needed, he does not fail to help out in any way he can, so he is more dependable when others need him to be rather than when others want him to be. When he cares for someone, he may defend the dinosaur with all his might. He has a noble yet silly mindset about flying during danger. When he can fly way up high to escape from danger, he prefers to fly low, within danger range, apparently feeling that if his friends are in danger, he should be too, or something like that. At times, he sees a problem others don’t and points it out, meaning he can be pretty observant. He is very forgiving, being often sat on or verbally attacked, yet he rarely retaliates, just keeps going on as if it never happened. He is sensitive, with feelings that can be hurt easily, but such emotion in boys is not as common, so this makes him more interesting. Soft males really add some unique atmosphere. He misunderstands some things, but at least he tries very hard to comprehend them. When his friends want to do something and he doesn’t, he expresses his feelings, but he can’t seem to put his foot down. He always goes along with them, no matter how much he wants to stay, pointing to a possible miserable future with a mate if he can’t learn to take action for his own self interest at times. He is a very nice character, so he is easily liked. Because of his considerate, agreeable nature, he makes my sixth rank.

Spike- Being silent and mostly eating, he can almost never compete with how much the others can add to the plot of a movie or episode. More often than not, he isn’t so much a main character as he is just- there. Most of the time, all we can know about his opinion of something is a general emotion, as his responses are mostly just noises. He will frequently go against his nature if it means the safety of his friends, so he can be counted on when the need arises. He wants peace while others are aggressive, so his laid back attitude is refreshing on many occasions. His priorities can be misplaced, eating food when he isn’t starving to death and something much more important than eating is called for. He admires his sister deeply and would do anything for her, being nicer when she’s mad at him, and getting mad at another when she herself is mad at that character. He constantly carries her and others around, trying to let his friends relax while he himself now has extra work to do. He is often helpful, but at times, such actions are mistaken for intentional when they are not. He is shown as being more reflective rather than one of action in the gang. Even without words, when he is concerned for a friend, he always manages to make this very clear. In a lot of bad situations, he keeps a cool head when others don’t. When something is asked of him, he may hesitate momentarily, but he is not much the type to refuse unless it comes to being asked to talk. On the other hand, he somewhat makes up for this with his obvious expressions and body language. At times, he holds the group back, while other times, he really saves them a lot of time. He’s reliable when necessary, but what he deems dire can differ from the others. As someone peaceful and quietly passionate about his friends, Spike ties with Petrie for spot number six.


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I go with the original. :D


  • Ducky
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1. Chomper
2. Littlefoot (childhood favourite character, plus you can't possibly not like the main character of the whole series)
3. Cera
4. Ducky
5. Petrie
6. Spike
7. Ruby (to be fair, I don't really know that much about I can't really include her properly)


  • Cera
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My choices are:


2. Spike

3. Little Foot

4. Ducky

5. Cera

6. Chomper

7. Ruby


  • Spike
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Bruton the Iguanodon

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Spike (he's my favorite! :D )
Cera (I still like her a lot, though, so the fact that she's at the bottom isn't a huge deal.  ;) )


  • Ruby
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This was pretty hard, actually.

Here's the order I like them (including the TV characters):
- Cera
- Petrie
- Chomper
- Ruby
- Littlefoot
- Ducky
- Spike

(Don't get me wrong, I adore Spike!)


  • Petrie
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I like all of the characters, so this was kind of difficult:

1.  Ruby
2.  Littlefoot
3.  Chomper
4.  Cera
5.  Ducky
6.  Petrie
7.  Spike

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

The Anonymous Person

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Can't believe I didn't answer this one sooner! Anyways...

(TV series characters included)



  • *feels like Pterano*
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Same here, dunno how I could've missed this :bang

1. Ducky
2. Petrie
3. Littlefoot
4. Ruby
5. Spike
6. Cera
7. Chomper
Inactive, probably forever.