The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.



  • Cera
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Alaska, 1927.

The seasons change towards the winter over the town of Nome, but snow has already begun to take its hold of the land, creeping down from mountains until it blanketed the region in white.  The call for sled dogs rose again to achieve the needs of daily life, especially the mail.  But things were to be different for those who live here...


The door to one of the homes opens as a paunchy husky steps out to take in the crisp fresh air of the chilly day.  The temperature was nothing of a bother to his breed.  He flops down on the porch and brings in the warmth of the sun as we waits for his owner to join him outside.  Too bad humans don't have the natural defenses against the cold...


  • Cera
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(OOC:  Sorry.  Should've added more to the intro.)

On the other side of town, a dark gray husky exited out of his home along with his owners, a young boy and his parents, as they headed around town for daily errands.  As he was very similar in looks to another particular husky, anyone who knew one or the other can recognize the differences...


Meanwhile, a Scottish terrier was in a rush from the Post Office, desperately in search of someone...


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Dixie a pomleranian, hurried across the snow. "better check on Jenna today" she said  Hopefully the pups aen't giving her trouble..
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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  • Ducky
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At Rosie's house, Jenna smiled as she watched Balto play with their Pup's. They were now fully weened and were as lively as pups can be. One Pup in particul was Patrick. He looked exactly like Balto and Jenna was kind of worried her son would't find a home in Nome. Jenna missed Alue, she got to see most of her first litter except her. Balto laughed as Patrick and one of his brother's Tackled him. then four more pups joined and soon they had their poor dad pinned to ground. "Jenna Help" Balto called out playfully. Jenna smiled as she came to his rescue, She jumped on as the pups scattered. She landed on balto. " Sorry." She said as they were now both tackled by six adorrible puppies.


  • Cera
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The Terrier rounded a corner when he sees Balto in the distance, and increased his speed towards him.  But when he was about to stop, he was on a patch of ice and slid like a rocket past the family and lands in a pile of snow...


The dark husky's family passes the porch of the red husky-mix, who picked his head up in a perky mood.

"Morning Kain!" Casey called.

Kain sighed and looked to Casey.  "Morning," he replied less enthusiastically.

"Taking the family out for a walk?" Casey chuckled.

"You already know that answer...  Enjoy the sun."  Kain then picked up his pace to rejoin his humans...


  • Yet another wordsmith
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  • Ducky
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A gray wolf by the name of Fenrir emerged from his den which was located on a hill overlooking Nome. It wasn't long before the wolf left to hunt, his wise gray eyes darting about as he stalked potential prey.

In Nome, a young man named James Taylor headed for his days work in Nome's mineral mine. He hated this job but as much as he would like to go to his boss and yell "I quit". He knew it was all he could get to earn a living.


She moved with nary a sound, her body in a crouching position, ready to attack the unsuspecting caribou. Aleu gave the rest of her pack the signal to close in...



  • Cera
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Just beyond the horizon hiding Nome, two shapes appeared over the white snow.  The first massive shape was revealed to be a rider on a horse, the other much smaller form a large canine.  Horse riders were rare in Alaska, especially in this time of age.

Trekking over several hills, they soon had Nome in sight...


A member of Aleu's pack, a silver-furred wolf named Kano, was crouching at another angle downwind of the prey...


  • Yet another wordsmith
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Then, the wolves sprung yet they still remained quiet, to avoid alerting their prey as much as possible. Then, one of the caribou noticed them and alerted the rest Which took off running.

Aleu began to pursue them, running as fast as she could muster. She was slowly gaining ground, her prey then attempted to throw the young wolfdog off but it was in vain as Aleu came closer and closer...




  • Cera
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Among the pack homing in on their quarry, Kano could see Aleu gaining on a caribou in particular, so he and a few other wolves near him changed course to assist their leader...


In due time, the rider and his entourage reached the town of Nome, and he dismounted to lead the team on foot into the rather vibrant town...


  • Yet another wordsmith
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When she was alongside her prey, Aleu leapt and caught the caribou's neck in her jaws, bringing the beast to the ground and suffocating it.


Fenrir was quietly returning to his den, a rabbit's carcass clenched in his maw.


James gathered his hiking equipment, he finally had some time off of work to admire the wilderness around Nome. He made sure to pack his M1917 revolver and pocket knife, lest he run into anything or anyone who could harm him.

With that, James headed out.



  • Cera
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Kano was quick to join in the tackle, taking one of the prey's legs and pinning it down over the other.  Others joined in on the other legs and getting on top of the quarry to hold it down...


The newcomer leads the group past the few cars in town towards the post office.  Luckily, there was still a place to tie up the horse, and he did so.  He turned to his canine companion and said "Stay here," more like a suggestion rather than a command, and entered the building.

The postman was inside behind the counter when he saw the newcomer.  "Good morning, sir.  You must be new in town.  How may I help you?"

The man approached the counter, and pulled out what looks like a badge from underneath his coat.  "I'm Jared Spires, United States Marshall.  I've been transferred here to do some work.  I should have some packages here waiting for me?"

"I believe so, Marshall.  I remember nearly everyone's names here in town, and yours was the only one I never heard of until now.  I'll go get them."

"Thank you.  I would also like to know where the sheriff's officer might be."

"I'd be glad to help!  The sheriff is just down this road to the end where it splits into a T.  You can't miss it.  Ah, here it is!"

Jared accepted a brown paper-wrapped package, signing the postman's clipboard, and then proceeded to open it.  Inside was a small stack of paper, on top of three smaller boxes.  He took a piece of paper from the top of the stack an examined it.  "Do you mind if I post this here on your wall?"

"Not at all.  It's not one of those wanted posters, is it?  We don't get much crime around here."

"I'm afraid so.  We've been chasing this particular one straight from the States, and we're certain he ran to this territory."  Jared places the wanted poster upon the wall.

"His crimes serious?"

"He murdered two families in Montana, and a local Washington deputy just before crossing the border.  Canadian authorities haven't gotten him yet, so he must've made it here."

"I hope you catch him fast, Marshall."


Meanwhile, the canine traveler was sitting quietly, when Kain's family had rounded the corner near where he was sitting.  Young Ken's eyes widened as he got excited.  "Balto!"  His parents were quick to respond.  "No, Ken.  That's not Balto.  Let's walk on by and leave him alone."

The canine watched, nonchalant and uncaring at the humans, but his eyes fell upon Kain's glare.  The canines passed each other, and they both snorted with disgust at each other as they parted ways...


  • Ruby
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Loki watched Aleu.He was a sleddog,but was still wild.He had a small crush on Aleu,and wanted to tell her.