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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 349367


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then lets feast ' toigerss said . her phone buzzed wuth a text from jing. "bachelorette night tonight girl! last night before i become mrs dragon warrior! i'm bursting with excitement!  I've got tihings planned for tonight that i know you will enjoy, including loads and loads of meat dishes! They'll have to roll both of us out of there with a stick.  Just let me know when you are frree and I'll pick you up. Jing"  Will meet up as soon as i finish training oliver for the day.  " toiigeress saidin her reply text. ' boy needs to eat after all."
- Pokitaru forest '
 Tigeress magcked hersellf and Oliver into a an overlook in the hjungle ' this is your starting point ' that clock will tick down from 60 seconds,. when it reaches 0 the hunt will start.  the only rule is that you cant leave the forest. as you capture prey. an x will appear over each of the targets.  if they plead for mercy, just punch them in the face ' Tigerss said.
 Po and Jing reached the final hole alongside lUca Tigeress and Tiger. tiger was at 31, entering the hole.  po was 1 shot ahead of jing he wa at 88 she ws at 89.  tigeress had 65, luca was at 72,. so were 19 behind ' luca said tallying up the scores.  the only question left is whether po beats jings or they tie. " i have omne last gift for you  PO at the end of the ganme Jing said.
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Oliver's stomach just then rumbled. It rumbled loudly then it ever had before, as if it was aware of the type of meal it was about to receive. "I got it," Oliver nodded eagerly upon hearing the rules. "It's my first big hunt."


"I look forward to it, my bride-to-be," Po said in sincere warmth. He had really come to appreciate Jing over the last few days. Her feelings for him were genuine, even if they all happened so suddenly.

Tai Lung and Tigress then got a notification on their phones. "Seems the Panda King and Mr. Ping have sent out the wedding invitations," Tai Lung noted.

"A decent sized crowd," Tigress added, seeing the number of names that these had been sent to.


"You're the expert on King Ozai," Ollie whispered to Zoai during the climax of the movie, "Just how many movies about him are made on your planet in a year?"


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well by lasat count theres are 768, 998, 997 films about ozai .'  zoai said as she pulled out a  game from bebneath her sewat ' for now we can [play ' who tried to kill ozai?' in it  ozai is invoted to a party full of gods and mportals and  afer the party in found knocke out in one of the rooms. you have to discover who did it- an immortal jealous of his greatness- a mortal trying to gain immortality,  orone of eother  trying to take over mawashhi? you have to find out the culpriot. using the rooms on the board abnd the weapons.' zoai said as she used the chair  betwen herself and mona as the space to play the game ' the crediots take an hour to run through and theres a 30 minute break after that .' she said ' can i play as the masked teror?' flash asked. ' i'll take suntor the sun god ' mona said. hmm i'll take perry the politician ' zoai said.  ' ollie theres 7 other characters you could play as. this game is designed for 10 players. ' i', looking forward to face the gratr ozai' Flash grinned ' praise to ozai!' praise to ozai ; zoai grinned.

 on the last hole po had a 10 foot putt to finish 2 shots ahead of jing.  jing had finished with a 5,  Luca and Tigeress both had 3s and Tiger finished with a 2.  once you finish po ' tai lung said ' we;re going out. ' tigeress will join me once she finishes training OLiver ' Jing said.  Luca you are welcome to join us as well. we have some foods i'm been wanting to try , and this is my last night as a single lady. ny this time tomorrow, i will be mrs Dragon Warrior.. and noshing on pokitaru peaches .' she laughed.
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"We're so happy for the both of you," Tai Lung and Tigress said to the bride and groom-to-be. "Maybe after you're wed, the 4 of us can double date, eh, big guy?" Tai Lung suggested.

"Sure thing," Po said to the snow leopard who was his best friend.

Mantis and Monkey grinned at each other. "We already have your bachelor party planned," Mantis said to Po, "We know you'll like it."

"With you being a panda and all, we can assure you it involves something literally big," Monkey winked.

"What are they talking about?" Po whispered to Tai Lung.


"Ooh, a wedding invite for tomorrow," Kovu said, checking his phone. "I'm sure Kiara, Kopa and the others got ones as well."

"Stop! Thief!" a cashier at the restaurant called. Kovu and the lionesses turned and saw a jackal trying to run off with money from the register.

Kovu smirked and leaped out of his seat. "Leave this to me!" he exclaimed as, despite his immense size, he was able to zip towards the criminal. With a mighty pounce, he pinned the jackal to the ground with his gut.

The jackal pitifully tried to get out from under the lion. "Get off me!" he demanded.

"Not.....a...chance," Kovu smirked in smug confidence, earning his applause from the staff and patrons.


Ollie went and chose his character. "I'll be Candet, the god of candy," said the kitten. "Wish Oliver was here so we could have another player, but we can play again after he turns up again."

"Say Zoai, do you have a signature move of Ozai's you hope he uses to defeat us in the ring?" Flash asked the Mawashiian cat.

Ollie was still amused that his friends were looking forward and hyping up being defeated in a competition.


Surprisingly, Kitty found herself not annoyed at having to open the peanut butter. Perhaps it was Tiger's new godhood status that gave him a charisma Kitty had never noticed before in him. "Here you go, my lord," she bowed.

"Thank you," Tiger grinned, applying the peanut butter to the bread. "Now, open the jelly as well. Both the grape and strawberry kinds."

The still-fattened Kitty nodded. "You got it," she affirmed.

"Scooby and the others are putting together the first worship ceremony for me along with my mice followers. As my chief priestess, you'll be expected to attend."


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(Myaardi - Surface)

The trail led to a rather large cave in the side of a mountain. Mr. Bigmouth manuevered the sled inside. Thanks to the torches placed on the walls, there was no need for the headlights.

"I think we're heading in the right direction," Mr. Bigmouth said.

Deimos looked around. "What makes you so sure?"

"Look at the walls; they're too smooth to be naturally eroded."


(Myaardi - Underworld)

Kire watched as Ratchet, Angela and Rivet flew up to where he was located. His celestial pickax quickly made a sizable opening into the hard rock, revealing a dark pathway that wound upwards. A few loose pebbles rolled down the path and fell down into the lava below.

He got out a torch and stuck it on the wall, illuminating the entrance. There were some small deposits of a bright red metal protruding from the rocks. Some deposits of other metals were visible as well. A few strange blinking plants grew out of the grey stone.


(Pottermore - Hogwarts)

Captain Carson made her way to the Muggle Studies classroom. She had already had a breakfast of scones and hot tea and her teaching materials were with her. Once she entered, she looked over the gathered group of students. As she did so, she noticed that a few students were not present.

"Good morning everyone," she said. "Now then, we will wait a few minutes for everyone to arrive before I start."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Stripetail strode into the classroom and turned to face the students" Good morning everyone. I am Lord Stripetail, professor of magical history. The headmaster was kind enough to allow me access to archives to create a  magical history course." Excuse me professor, but you look like a squirrel." Asked a girl near the front row. What is your name, madam?" Itena Longleaf, sir, from Ravenclaw. We usually don't have professors that look like you do, sir." Well Itena, I am not an Animagus, which is a human that can change his or her form. I am a squirrel and always have been. I wil not put up with any insulting comments on my appearance, so let that serve as fair warning to you all. Points will be docked from your house if I hear any insults." Stripetail pulled out a wand and pointed it at a blackboard

" instriptus he commanded and the board was filled with writing in a instant" The potency of magic varies greatly throughout the cosmos, not surprisingly the abilities of magickind varies as well. At the top extremes, there are beings with magical abilities great enough to revive the dead. " But professor, reviving the dead is impossible." Said a male student from the middlebrow ." Is it impossible as well to be immortal.. Mr?" Callus sir. Callus Lernat, from Hufflepuff. And yes sir. There is no way, that we know of, to attain immortality." And what of the wizard named Nicholas Flamel? From my records he has lived over 500 years." He died a few years ago sir" Itena said." Really? Well that I will have to update my records. " Stripetail said writing some words on a piece of parchment." As far as we know sir, immortality is impossible to achieve. Not for lack of trying. Of course. You know who has tried .." I know who?" Stripetail asked" the Dark Lord, sir." I didn't know that you knew of Lord Mertavius." No, sir.. er .. Voldemort." Calllus said in a soft voice." Speak up Mr Callus. You're whispering." We don't dare speak his name sir. We call him the Dark Lord or You know Who." I know of , or have heard of, several dark Lords Mr Callus. Morgoth, Sauron. Lord Zedd . Even Grindelwald, who, at least according to the records I was given, ranks as one of the most powerful dark wizards in your history." Stripetail said. " The wizarding war he unleashed nearly destroyed everything." Until Dumbledore stopped him" Hermoine spoke up." Ah Miss Granger. Good to see you again." Professor, there is no way to bring back the dead. All that would happen is an echo  - Priori Incantatum." The reverse spell effect." Stripetail asked" Yes sir." I know that reviving the dead is possible Hermoine. I know from personal experience . Because Mertavius revived a school friend of mine a rabbit mage named Sinor and bade him fight against me." Stripetail said ." Sinor was a very talented mage in life and He used my friendship for him as a weapon . The fight between us lasted nearly 2 full days before I finally bested him. The town I was in was a charred ruin by the end of it" Stripetail said" observe" Stripetail gestured and the classroom was magicked to overlooking the ruins of a town. Bright pink and red flashes of magical light filled the town and shouted spells and curses were present. Soon the forms of two mages were visible casting spells directly at each other , blocked by magic or debris.A standing wall shattered  as a large hare was thrown through it. The hate spat out blood its eyes glowing with a violet flame." Submit Sinor. You have reduced the town of Tanned Log to cinders. You would have never done this in life, this is not you." Said a much younger version of Stripetail , as he stepped through the debris and stood in front of him. He had his oaken staff out and pointed at his former friend." You hold back Stripetail. Mertavius will not do the same. He revived me. He will do the same to others you called friends." Sinor said as his eyes fixed in the young squirrel, whose robes wee full of tears , holes and burns. Stripetail face was flush from exhertion, and his face was set in a look of contempt. Why, To twist the knife?" No, to test you. If he wanted to twist the knife, friend, . there is someone else he could bring back. One.. dearer to you than any other. You and I both know who that is." Stripetail a eyes flashed and he struck Sinor across the face magically, sending him sprawling across the ground into the side of a house.
I was easier to rile up back then as you can see." Stripetail said sadly." That should be enough, I think I've made my point- it is possible to revive the dead."He gestured and the memory vanished. The students were veryquiet at the images they had seen, both at the scale of destruction and the scope of power both mages had displayed.
Now then.Any other questions, or can I begin the lesson?" Stripetail asked." Why would someone do that to you, sir?" Hermoine asked."When one has a enemy without mercy , nothing is out of bounds Miss Granger. Nothing is sacred. Not even the dead. Anything to cause pain and harm, even to turn a dear close friend against you. As you may have heard the saying" there is no greater enemy than a old friend." I can attest how true that statement is." Stripetail said with a sigh.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2023, 02:00:34 PM by Nick22 »
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Ratchet activated his armor and it turned a glow in the datk green." Any idea where this leads Kite?" Clank asked. " there seem to be several openings in the chamber." Possibly from those giant worm like things we fought." Saha said" Huge creepy and disgusting." I've fought Agorians, who aren't much better looking." Ratchet said." Then there's ameboids  the big ones." Ameboids aren't 80 feet long with 5 rows of teeth."!Angela said.

 Dulcy and Cynder went around putting up fliers for Tiger." Well we only have a few more to go." Dulcy said ." Then we can get Dixie and Luca and go ." Good. I've dealt with immortals before, and I always wondered why some immortals think so highly of themselves . Especially when they are brand new at it. Congrats you have powers. Learn to use them and control them and do good with them." Cynder said" he's just trying to get noticed." Dulcy said." Noticed? This isn't like selling a cereal or cologne.' Worship'the new fragrance. It's divine on 17 planets" Cynder said and Dulcy burst out laughing." Good one. Ozai has similar stuff though. There's loads of stuff of him on Mawashii " Ozai has been around a very long time- he's far more established - and far more powerful. It's one thing when a immortal of long standing asks a favor. You know what they can do . Quite another in this case." Tigers not a bad guy. At all . He's er trying out stuff to see what he can do. He's like a hatchling learning to fly or breathe fire. He's a newbie immortal.  I would do the same thing if I became immortal." Dulcy said." Would you turn Samia or me into pillows and sit on us?" Cynder asked." Er.. no, probably not." Dulcy said. Probably? That's not a surefire 'no'." Well I would try things out.." Dulcy said as she hung up her last flier." Would you have" The Divine Miss D" stuff?" I .. would see if I could give immortality to my best friends." Why?" So .. I could have them with me.. forever."  so you'd be a goddess in a.. goddess community or something." Cynder said." Who would you grant it to. Specifically?" Samia, you and Skylands." In that order?" No, no order. " You'd have to give it to both Spyros too." Cynder said." Emanu too since Skylands likes her . Ember too. Dragon, Sara and Korin. You'd have enough goddesses to have a sports team." Cynder said." And some gods too. One plus is outliving Sparx." The black dragoness smirked.
" It's all what ifs? Anyway" Dulcy said " What about you?" Never thought about it." Cynder said as she hung up her last flyer." Ok, that's the last one." Cynder said.
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(Myaardi - Surface)

Kire shook his head. "This cave has never been opened before," he said, sticking a torch onto a pillar. He then looked up, revealing the ruins of what was clearly a wooden framed house dozens of meters above them. "If I can recall correctly, these houses usually have an alternate entrance — and of course, treasure. I'll fly up to the balcony and meet you up there." A set of glowing orange wings emerged from his armor and he shot up into the air with a burst of hot air. The solar knight then gently alighted on the balcony and waited for the rest of the group to join him.


(Pottermore - Hogwarts)

Captain Carson watched as the last of the class filed in and took their seats. "Good morning, class. I am Professor Carson of the Digimon Academy. This class will be an introduction to exotic wand materials and enchanted items. It is a combination lecture and lab class with both practical and paper final exams."

She then saw a dark skinned boy raise his hand. "Yes?" she asked, pointing to him.

"If this class is focused on wandcraft, why is it under Muggle Studies?" he asked.

"That is a very good question and it ties into our first lesson, which is the impact of technology on wandcraft and enchantments." She went over to the blackboard and began writing down notes. One of the first things she wrote down was the name of James Steward, the only known Muggle wandmaker in Pottermore history. "James Steward was born in Eboracum in 1600 and traveled to Parias, where he was one of the first founding members of the colony Tamari Ostia."

The lecture continued, covering his introduction to the Wizarding World, his marriage to Isolt Sayre and the eventual founding of Ilvermorny.

She eventually dove into his wandcraft. Unfortunately, while he had pioneered the use of novel woods and cores from Parias, the technique he used to work with magical items and craft such powerful wands without harm was never recorded and the technique died with him and his wife.

"That covers Muggles and wandcraft. Any questions?" Captain Carson put her piece of chalk down and looked over the room.

"Was there any proof that James Steward was a Muggle and not a Squib?" a girl asked. The fact that she was wearing a black robe with a serpent crest of Slytherin on the breast indicated what house she was from.
"Actually, yes, there is. Not only was it attested to by Isolt Sayre, who first discovered him after he was injured by a a broken wand that was left behind after an attack on a Wizarding family, numerous contemporary articles refer to him as a No-Maj, which is the Pariasan term for Muggle."

A boy with a robe bearing the an embroidered crest of a badger, indicating his affiliation with House Hufflepuff raised his hand. "So, has there been any attempts to recreate his techniques?"

"To my knowledge, not on Pottermore. However, in the Digimon Academy, wandcrafting is taught by both Muggles and Magicals."

"So, forgive me for being rude, but which one are you?"

Captain Carson paused for a moment but then recalled that Stripetail said that this was a safe place to reveal her non-magical status. "I am indeed, what would be referred to as a Muggle."

It was then another Slytherin student, this one a rather large boy stood up. "What can you teach us!?" he bellowed. "You know nothing, just like all the other Muggles!"

"Sit down and be quiet." Captain Carson's voice did not raise her voice but it became ice-cold as she focused her glare on the boy. "I may not be a Magical but as a temporary member of the Hogwarts staff, I will not be disrespected in such a manner. Fifty points from Slytherin."

(OOC - Parias = United States; Tamari Ostia = Plymouth.)

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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any signature moves of his will leave us as pancakes ; zoai said. ' most likely he';ll use the gut push or chin push to beat us. that is what usually happens in exhibition matches. no stakes, no need to go all out.  usually he has several kids ' challenge' him at once. allows for more to be part of Ozais wins record.' zoai said as they finidhed the board game.  ' this next movie is called to kill a gosd - or try ' she said ' it imvolvew several things ozai has done to prove is immortality- like jumping into an active volcano, or swimming in a lake filled with giant piranhas. ' zoai said.
laval and eris handed out snacks to kairel vitani, greg and beatrice.  kopa was sipping from his soda as their movioe cpjntinued, the lion was beginning his journey across the pacific, and he was only about 3 hours ahead of Monstro.  ' lets hope i dont get too seasick said the lion as he boarded a ship to America. '  why doesnt he take a plane?' wirt whispered ;;'' because the contest rules forbade it.  by land or sea, but not air ' eris said.
 i never got your names, ladies ' kovu purred to his three female followers ' I';m Miku' said the middklre one ' i';m Tura ' saod the tallest opf the 3, and i'm Suna ' said the darkest furred lioness ' we';ve been following your exploits for awhile, scarred one ' Suna giggled ' how would you ladires.. like  to be my throne.' kovu grinned, as the  restaurant owner handed him a large tray of deserts, on the house. ' pick whatever you like ' the owner said. ' just a small thanks for catching that crooks.'
 ozai had arrived at the charity event , in style as usual, escorted by dozens of the strongest sumps on mawashii- who neeed all their strengty to carry him. ' as Ozai stuck his head out, he was bowed to with reverences by all mawashiians present ' hail great ozai1' was mixed wih praise the great ozai. ' now now, this is for a good cause- sumo worlds that arent run by me, the poor devils ' ozai laughed mirthfully . ' this will be the 1, 205, 798rth exhibition i've participated in. in the technical sense i've ' won,.  12, 057, 980 matches." he added. 

Sima continued prayting at her shrine while kiara read a book she had brought wioth her' sima chanted siftly under her breath, moving around the shrine. ' her voice was tiioo quiet for kiara to pick up much of what she said  at best she could hear ' underkind, gusard us from the heavenms wrath '  she repeated this phrase 3 times at each location, saying it 30 times in all.
  viper took jing along to a heya reserved for her bachelorette party.  everything was decked out in jings favorite colors and there were plushies of po on the sofas. ' these werent easy to finds ' viper said. " tigeress should be joining us soon, shes running oliver through his first hunt. boys already nabbed 5 of his prey so far, and he only started 20 minutes ago. at this rate, he should be done in about 40 minutes.  we have some presents coming for you to open. now dont ask what they are, she told me tio keep them a surprise. Luca  is coming too, shes bringing some deserts and sweets. " Thanks Viper.' jing said  as she brought some dancing games and koraoke video games for the girls to play.

- Po and TRai lung entered the arena where the  warrior masters were to appear. blades a large female bear warrior was waiting for them in the 7th row to the left ' so he;s the lucky groom ' blads smirked as she hugged PO and shook claws with tai lung. ' Congratulations Po. i got your nuptial invite and already had my formal attire ready for tomorrow.  but we're to see the masters butt heads, kick butt and spew blood onto the spectators.' the bear chuckled.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2023, 07:26:46 PM by Nick22 »
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"Be glad you're not wearing your tux now, Big Guy," Tai Lung smirked to Po, giving him a teasing pat on the stomach. He and Po had become the best of friends ever since the snow leopard had accepted he was not meant to be the Dragon Warrior.

"It would get messy," Po nodded.

"You'll soon know how great being married is, Po. Trust me, Tigress and I love having tied the knot," Tai Lung added.


"Wow," said Ollie, the cat was becoming impressed by all of this.

"And it's not just that the great Ozai manages to survive these things, he gets through them without a scratch," Zoai smirked.

Ollie nodded at this. "Immortality sounds like a good gig," he said as he passed the popcorn.


"Almost as cute as the real thing," Jing smirked, giving the Po plushies a hug. "He's so handsome, and tomorrow, he'll finally be my chubby hubby." She had some special things prepared to give to Po tomorrow. "I'm so happy father sped the wedding date up."

Carmelita arrived next with some donuts. "A police cliche, I know, but congratulations, I'm so happy for you and Po," the Interpol inspector offered.

"Thanks Carmelita," Jing nodded to her fellow Cooper Gang member. "I'm sure Sly and the others are stealing a nice gift for us."


Now, normally one might think the lionesses following Kovu would at least hesitate before giving an answer, but the trio of Tura, Suna, and Miku were sure of what they wanted. "We will be your throne, Oh Scarred One," they bowed.

"Full time?" Kovu grinned as he ate his Mawashiian dessert reward for foiling the thief.


Oliver was pleased with his progress. He had eaten people alive now.....and he enjoyed it. It filled up his stomach the same way his favorite treats used to before he became aware of his demi-god nature.

"So tasty," he purred with a chortle. From a distance, Panty was watching her son in action, and she could not have been more proud.


"Great Ozai, how many opponents do you hope to defeat today?" one of the Mawashiians asked their god king, which obviously led into a round of Ozai's boasting.


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Dulcy and Cynder soon returned to Tigers room and they found Tiger piling jam onto sandwiches, there was a stack of them on a plate already." We're back." Cynder said" all the fliers are up. Change then back, like you promised." Oh, you're back? Good. All the posters up then? Good , good? Either of you want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? " No thanks . I just want my girlfriend back" Cynder said"  Dulcy went over to where Dixie and Luca were lying both had more or less nodded off after Tiger had gotten off of them and they had finished making out." Dulcy shook the Dixie pillow awake" Ahh ahh . What?" Dixie yawned." Tigers changing you back. Time for you girls to wake up Dulcy grinned." Luca woke up a few seconds later." Ok girls time for you to go back to normal. We'll start with Dixie first" Tiger said and gestured . Dixie's pillow flew into the air and Dixie changed .. into a dragoness than matched the color of her disguise in Dreadzone." I'm a dragon Tiger" Dixie said looking at him" Ah oops. Let me try again." Tiger said before Cynder stepped in" Just turn Luca back." Tiger cast a spell and turned Luca into a red dragoness." Well you got my color right at any rate." Luca said as she looked at her reflection in a mirror."  Lead the way girls.. and if you could kindly stop and get some food along the way that would be great."
Dulcy walked up next to Dixie and Cynder next to Luca ." Follow us please." Cynder grinned as she walked out the door , followed by Luca. Dixie and Dulcy were just behind the other girls.
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Sly and Carmelita took a seat across from Kovu." Nice pun on the thief." Carmelita said." No style no experience no panache. Just grab and run." Sky said. Amateur." You don't think. I could stop you Sky?" Kovu smirked." No, all that extra padding is good for the ring. Climbing up drainpipes? Not so much." Sly said." But that bulk could be very useful in a job I'm putting together." Oh really? What is it?" I haven't finalized  everything yet, but it's going to be risky." What is? And the earliest we could try is after Po and Jing get hitched." Sly, what are you.." Ringtail , tell him or you get the shock pistol!" Carmelita cut in." Fine.. fine. We're gong to get Murray and the others from Clockwerk. Carmelita and I can't do it alone ." Sly said." Haven't your friends been prisoners for months?" At least. Could be a year by now." Sly said." And you want my help to break  them out." The 'too long, didn't read' version is, we need you to keep the guards off Carmelita Bentley and I , long enough so we can get them out. Don't get captured obviously, or we're all dead. So no pressure." Sly said. De programming them is going to take awhile, especially after what clockwork has done to them." Sky said.

- Kiara continued reading as Sima continued her invocations. A buzz on her phone showed images of Tura Suma and Miku. My new throne parts." Kovu texted." They are looking forward to Sima you and me having fun on top of them. If you get my meaning." Kovu winked." Looking forward love." Kiara texted back.

Ozai continued on the way to the ceremonial arena, praise heaped on his every step and his followers with bowed heads the entire way." I hope you all will enjoy my cheeks of power move. And no I don't mean the face." Ozai said to laughter from the gathered.
Mona and Ollie went back to the concession stand to refill soda and popcorn for the next movie. Zoai put the game away- which she had won naturally- and put it underneath her seat. Any new Ozai films coming out that I should watch?" There's a Ozai Mystery one. The Divine Detective." Zoai said. A sumo immortal has been demawashiied and undefined to boot. Great Ozai has to solve the mystery, catch the crook and fix the victims mawashii." Zoai said." When is that coming out?" I'd like to go to it with you if you don't mind. I like mysteries." Flash said" Sure, just know that I probably will have to see it after it premieres. They are usually  sold out for the first few days, after all it's a new Ozai film." Zoai said" That's fine, pick a date and time. Flash  said." Oh, and my dad might have me tend the shrine too. I'll get back to you." Zoai said. Zoai  rested her head on Flash's shoulder as she yawned.
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"My big size does provide me a shield against most attacks," Kovu nodded to Sly and Carmelita.

"That's why we wanted your help, specifically," Sly nodded, prodding Kovu's belly.

Carmelita spoke up next. "We can use the techniques we used to undo the Contessa's brainwashing on our friends. We can promise you there will be a reward, Kovu."

Kovu raised an eyebrow. "What kind of reward?" he asked.

The latest in the Cooper family gave a smirk. "We've heard about how you look up to your father. What if I told you we have a possession of his we'd be willing to give you?"


"I look forward to being part of your throne, too," Kiara added in a text. She kept quiet out of respect for being at a shrine, and waited until Sima finished her prayer session.

When the Mawashiian lioness finished, Kiara asked "Is it ok if you tell me what you prayed for?" she smiled.


"You two should ask Oliver when he turns back up if he can get stuffed autographed by Ozai for you both," Ollie suggested, "Since he's a god now, he probably would have an easier time getting that kind of stuff."

As Mona ate the popcorn, she remembered something. "We should probably bring some popcorn and candy to Sneed before those matches," she commented, remembering who had employed them.


Meanwhile, Oliver had finished his first hunt with an obvious success. All who had been deemed as potential meals for him were now resting in his gut.

"I did it!" the demigod cat smiled to Tigress.

"I'm proud of you, and both your moms are," Tigress added as Panty appeared by them.


Jing drooled at the food at her bachelorette party. "A massive feast the night before my wedding, and another massive feast awaits tomorrow."

"Mr. Ping provided a lot of noodles," Viper smiled as she showed off the menu options.


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Ratchet Angela Rivet and Sasha reached the porch of the ruined house and looked around." There seems to be other houses in the vicinity.0 Clank said." Look around for any openings." Ratchet said pulling out his wrench. "" Watch where you step everyone , this wood could be rotten. " Sasha said as she walks led around the landing . Kit was scanning the structure."" This house is about 125 years old0 the yellow robot said.0 it has been abandoned for about 100 years.0

There was break at Hogwarts for lunchtime and Young Spyro Ruskin and Emanu were eating some meat pies.0 Classes are going ok.0 the blue dragoness said" Granted it's the first day. Things will get tougher as we go along." They take a lot of notes" Spyro said as Old Spyro walked into the hall wearing a chaperone sash.0 Spent the morning walking around trying to get my bearings0 Spyro W said.0 This place is huge and the stairs are constantly moving. They really should have a " You are here" map somewhere." Gabuna and Isla walked in followed by Beatrice the girls were taking a short break before going to potions, which Isla had already warned them that Professor Snape was very strict, and did not suffer fools or hijinks.
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My prayers are normally meant for Ozai alone. Hence why I am so quiet." Sima said.  But I will tell you one thing I prayed for, peace for my family. That's you and Kovu, obviously , but it is not limited to you two. It extends to my dear friend Vushu as well as your extended family." Sima said." Thanks ." Kiara said." Is there anything I can do for you?" Not really, since you aren't a devotee of Ozai. . I could go for a double burger though, praying always leaves me hungry." Sims said." Burgers it is Kiara smiled." Let's go find a burger stand. Also Kovu found some girls to make a throne , so you won't have to bear my weight as much while Kovu and I have fun." Malady those are 3 ways anyway, he's also kissing me." Yeah he's a very lucky lion to have us."  Kiara said. Lead the way." Sima said.

Vushu entered the theater carrying a big bag of snacks." Sorry was going to watch the movie after this. Mind if I squeeze in?" She asked." Not at all" Laval said getting up so Vushu could squeeze in. Kopa and Laval moved a couple rows behind and which had a better view of the screen."
Eris rested her head on Vitani's shoulder" if I nod off or start drooling, wake me up." The eagle princess said. " Just don't snore." Vitani grinned as Vushu sat next to her and passed out snacks." Forgive me Vitani but I'm going to steal some of your soda. All these salty treats is making me thristy " Vushu said." Go ahead, I just refilled it." Vitani said" Vushu took off the lod and gulped down a good amount of soda." Er.. leave some for me." Vitani said as Vushu handed her back the cup and Vitani gaped at the nearly empty cup." Vushu belchd loudly then apaologized." Sorry, manners." Manners would also include not drinking 99 percent of the soda. Vitani was cut off as Vushu kissed her on the lips. For a few seconds Vushu and Vitani's tongues wrapped around each other and moved between their mouths ending up in Vushu mouth. Vushu then pulled away shooting Vitani a grin." That was an apology kiss. I'll go refill your drink. Pepsi?" Diet please" Vitani said." Could I have a refill too? Dr Pepper please?" Wirt asked handing the sumo lioness his cup." Sure, just give me a minute. Anyone else need anything?" A refill of popcorn. Lavals been pigging out." Kopa said." You offered Kopa, and I've been taking you up on that offer."Laval smirked."  Any more popcorn buddy and you'll start to turn into a popcorn kernel." Kopa deadpanned." Very funny, sounds like something my dad would say." I haven't met your dad yet, at least I don't think so. Not face to face at any rate." Kopa said." I need to meet your dad too and your mom . Nala, right?" Boys , boys, just kiss each other already." Li Ella laughed." The bromance is off the charts." Very funny Li Ella Kopa said." All in good fun Kopa. You know me at this point. Not a mean bone in my body.." Li Ella giggled. That picture of Laval in his royal underwear?" Kopa replied." Not my fault he wasn't completely dressed when he answered the door. " I had tried Skinetts - well what he callls a soda." It was nasty and left me feeling sticky and slimy all over. Plus that Hoolefar hotel room was muggy as all get out." Laval said." Elida tried the soda too." Eris said." Threw up so much she  ended up losing her front feathers from her neck to her breasts well just above them. Took about 2 weeks, no 3 weeks for them to grow back" Eris said" It took 19 days" Elida groaned." There's a reason Skinnet is banned from serving homemade drinks."
I hope your drinks are better than that" Kopa said to Laval." I don't make my own drinks. Dad.. er thinks drinkmaking is beneath the crown prince of the Lion tribe." That's dads for you." Kopa shrugged.

Po Tsi Lung and Blades took in the fights which soon turned into a cascade of bloody teeth , low blows and face slaps. Several rows of the crowds were separated by blood as Master Ox punched Master Rhino squarely in the jaw sending a jet of blood out into the crowd along with 6 or 7 teeth. Po got a face full of hot Rhino blood and he desperately grabbed out a handkerchief to wipe his face." Need to duck Po." Blades said." Especially on the big punches.

Tigeress entered the heya carrying snacks for the girlsand found Viper and Jing setting up a karaoke system." Its sing and dance night girls." Viper said." Jing has picked some songs after all this is her party.  First song is Po's my man." Don't worry they aren't all about Po. Ok... many of them are." Jong beamed as she hugged Tigeress." You got back early. Oliver must have really enjoyed his hunt." Yes, for his first hunt he was really good. Comes from being the spawn of a hunter goddess, some abilities are just natural." Tigeress said" I sent him back to Arlene with a gift basket. His next session is in 2 days. Different location, more er test subjects. This time we got some condemned from Zordoom that the prison doesn't care how they are executed just that they are." Tigeress said." Luca should. Be coming along as soon as she locates some gifts for you Jing. She mentioned a painting of a Chinese castle standing on the middle of a lightning storm." Oh that sounds wonderful. Tell her to bring some munchies. Dixie is sending me a huge rice krispy bar along with a check for lengthing my honeymoon with Po to at least a month. Isn't it great to have super rich friends? Jing laughed." Saves me from having to dip into the family coffers." Dixie has always been generous to me Tiger and Flash. Something like 75 percent of Flash's stuff was bought with Doo money.

 " I don't doubt it.She also sent me pictures of this gorgeous dumpling maker where is air baked and takes less time than a traditional cooker. She's looking for a red one something that matches my earrings" Jing said as she took a seat as per custom both Jing and Viper were wearing mawashiis." Your Mawashii is hanging up on the peg over there. It's not quite your shade of purple but it's the closest I could find." Viper said." It looks great Viper. Tigeress  said after putting it on.  Now for singing dancing and jokes.. and food. Lots and lots of food." Jing said.

Count me in on the rescue raid ." Kovu said." I don't know how you found Scar's sacred royal scroll, but I would guess you probably stole it from someone." If you want it, help us get Murray and the others out. May need you to operate the debrainwash machine. Murray might take awhile to declutter , it toook awhile to get him off his ' folllow the no violence ' path." Sly said " Being enslaved by Clockwork will probably take longer to undo.
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Kire drew his solar pickax and hacked away a section of the wall. The door next to it had long since rusted shut. The interior smelled dank and musty with the hit of rotten wood. The solar knight drew out a glowstick and tossed it on the ground, bathing everything in a cold green light.

"Do you see anything in the other houses?" he called. The house he was in had naught but an anvil, a copper chandelier and a bookcase containing the tattered remains of various books. And a tarnished golden chest. Approaching the chest, he opened it and was rewarded with a bundle of arrows, some sundry potions, metal bars, silver coins and a machine that he had identified as an extractinator.


As Mr. Bigmouth drove the sled down the tunnel, he could see more evidence of mining work. "We're getting closer," he said.

Deimos sniffed the air. "I can smell machinery as well.



Captain Carson was eating some fish and chips with the rest of the staff. A mug of hot tea was at her side.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"You know, if I eat enough, maybe I can surpass you in weight one day," Kiara said. "I wouldn't mind some sumo training from you, honestly. Between that and my gymnastics, I can be very mobile."

"Well, the post-wedding feast tomorrow will have tons of food, you could start there," Sima winked in reply. "And I'd add to that.....we're lucky to have Kovu. He's big, handsome, fat, smart, and kind, everything you'd want in a guy," she felt her own fat folds as she thought of him.


"My first hunt went really well, mom," Oliver said as he and Arlene walked around the shops. Arlene wanted to get her son a reward for his first successful hunt. "Turns out eating people whole is really tasty...and fun."

Arlene smiled, she could tell Oliver was picking up some traits from Panty.


"You'll probably want to take a bath before the wedding, big guy, but don't add to the mess you'll have to clean," Tai Lung told Po.

"Hey, Tai Lung," the Dragon Warrior replied, "It's ok that you went and married Tigress. I can't say I blame you for taking the chance while I was......occupied. But Jing has proven to be really awesome, so the 4 of us can double date."

"We'd like that," Tai Lung affirmed.


"And I take it Jing will be sitting the mission out?" Kovu figured to the Cooper Gang.

Carmelita and Sly nodded. "She's so happy to be with Po, we figured we'll just let them enjoy their honeymoon and not worry about the mission," Sly said.

"The Guru, Penelope, and Murray need us to save them," Carmelita continued, "Hopefully Bentley's De-mind control device is in its final phases."


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In a room at Hogwarts set aside for those on patrol duty. Agumina and Agumon were brewing some coffee or trying to, as with everything else in the castle, even making coffee required magic. " Do they even have cream?" Agumina asked as she looked in a cabinet." Keep looking. Look for different flavors too. Gabumon likes the cinnamon swirl flavor." Agumon said as he kept fiddling with the magical device. One by one the other Omniderate entered the room and took seats around the table. " This place is huge." Tiger the wolf said as he climbed on a chair near the end of the table." Where's Tigeress?" Agumon asked" Bachelorette thing with Jing. She promised to bring me back some snacks when that gets done, although knowing those two, it will be in the wee hours before they wrap it up. " Tiger said."  Anyone see the wizard?" Stripetail is going to meet the Minister, he invited him for tea remember?" Agumon said as Gabumon grabbed some snacks from the counter." Well so far the students seem to be taking us in stride, for the most part. Except those kids in Slytherin, they keep trying to trip me or step on my tail." Gabumon sighed. Utsa entered the room followed by Dragon." Well that first class was a disaster." The large pink dragoness said." Forgot all the notes I wrote down and kept calling one student Shalley instead of Sally." Dragon said as she grabbed a clawful of snacks, to a dragon of her size, they would be at best a light snack." It was your first day teaching Dragon, ever. And most of your students are brand new too, so I would say it can only go up from here." Utsa said." You at least had some experience with teaching in Dramos." Dragon military tactics and strategy, not interspecies communication ." Utsa said." The staff seem friendly enough, and I did get to talk to Headmaster Dumbledore briefly as he was headed to his office. Very wise wizard, and a very powerful one too, even by wizarding standards. I did notice his left hand was discolored, when I asked him about it, he merely said, it was a result of dealing with dangerous dark magic. I offered to try and help him treat his injury but he said Professor Snape was working on it." Utsa said as the room darkened before the huge form of Tarrax entered." Greetings. Said the enormous dragon as he looked down on the gathered group in front of him. Tarrax dwarfed everyone else, even at their full height Utsa and Dragon barely reached Tarrax s chest." My Lord" Dragon bowed." I have received word that Gleeman Vox has been arrested, in the Starlight Galaxy." Tarrax said."Excellent " Utsa nodded." He will be facing at least a million related charges, including theft of sacred dragon artifacts." From what I have gathered he's facing a total sentence of 760, 475, 360 years and 6 months. If they run consecutively. And we have recovered more money that he had hidden away." Tarrax said." He won't have to worry about money where he is going, and the prison terms is longer than the lifespan of certain stars. Unless he managed to gain some form of immortality, he's dying in prison." Utsa nodded." Good, All of his accomplices and allies on my home world have been identified and are in the process of being prosecuted, none of them will have a gold coin to their names after this."
 Do you think the Minister will help us Tarrax?" Agumina asked ." Given the treatment that you have endured so far and the fact that the Aurors Obliviated Captain Carson in the first place, I would not get my hopes up. Minister Fudge is the type who fiercely guards his position, always looking for threats, imagined as well as real. He fears Dumbledore for his power, and he fears us because we are not from here. They also don't care for dragons, as Skylands and Dulcy no doubt have told you." Tarrax said.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2023, 08:55:54 PM by Nick22 »
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 ratchet used his wrench to bash in the door to his house. angela followed in behind him. 'this looks like it was a residence at one point' Sasha said shining a hololight on the walls.  ' there are still pictures on the wall. looks like a family of 5 , mom dad, two boys and a girl. ' kit and Clank scanned the room. ' careful where you step, Ratchet' Kit said ' the floor is most rotten in the corner where you are. the drop from here would be well over 200 feet.. and fatal. '  noted ' ratchet said. ' ' we;re not finding much of anyything in thois house/ just some old pictures and dishes.' he said in his communicatirs to kire. ' we're going to the next house..' hold on. ratchet'' angela said ' found some sort of box in here'' she pushed on the lid and it popped open. ' found sometghing.' she said as she reached in and  lifted out a sword with a dark red blade ' it was warm to the touch and pulsated with energy. ' found some kind of sword Kire ' has a red colored blade and seems to be.. hot to the touch.. any idea what this thing could be' Angela asked through her communicator,.
 kiara was looking through her online profile, which had millions  of followers, ranging from Fongoids, to fellow lionesses and lions, even a number of followers from Nal Hutta. ' just reached my 10 millionth follower - a resident of Gotham named Melanie Walker, she wrote ' love your Style" in her comment ' kiara smiled broadly. ' 10 million followers and you only set this thing up.. 'Sima asked  3 months ago ' Kiara said ' as she showed a picture of herself showing her figure at a recent show on hoolefar.  big brother took me to this.  this was before we got kovu back. i look tired , if you look close.' kiara said. ' well you had a lot on your mind ' Sima said ' for now, lets go eat. my treat.' the mawashii native offered. ' ' kovu is going on a mission tomorrow so i was thinking we try out his new throne hes put together. you know, before hes off on the mission.' her grin broadened.  ' which position could we try with him forst ? the lioness- lion - lioness sandwich, with him squeezee in between our.. he he backends. ? or  we could could try the double tongue squeeze- where we stick our tongues into his mouth at the same time..  or theres the mawashii mask move whee we blindfold him with a mawashii and take turns..,' kiara laughed.' those are all great ideas.we can definitely all do them..' kiara sat down next to sima for a rest and the girls turned to face each other.  sima produced an apple pie ' time for one of my favorite games- pie fight!" she giggled and smashed the pire in kiaras face. sima burst out laughing as toppings and whipped cream dripped down kiaras face.  kiaras ring glowed and a stack of huge pies appeared next to her ' of course you know, Sima- this means war!' kiara said tossing a french silk pie in her face. simas face was plastered in decadent chocolate.. and kiara had scored a measure of revenge. ' oh it is on.. milady' sima said, hitting kiara with a carrot cake flavored pie. kiara returned fire with a lemon meringue, and simas third pie was a custard. one by one, the girls traded pie blows, laughing and teasing each other with each hit.  finally kiara grabbed the final pie - a coconut cream- and threw it
 this time, sima caught the pie with her teeth , and a good chunk of it went straight down her throat, only about half actually hit her face.  Kiara thrust her claws into the air' i win!' the pridelander queen smirked.' that ws a good blow Kiara- and very tasty pie.' now.. do we have any napkins to clean ourselves off., we both have something like two doizen flavors  of pie on our faces.. " sima said. ' i'll have to go check. worst come to worse, we simply eat the pieces. ' kiara said. i'll check in my purse. i usually have some."
tigerss said you did really well and your next lesson is on friday. you keep up the good work and do as Tigeress says, ok?' Arlene smiled at her boy. ' yes mom ' oliver said ' can we go get some lunch? I'm hungry still ' oliver said giving her a winning smile. ' ok ok. we'll get you some fries and nuggets.. the mighty kids level.. you're too big for the little  kids menu ' Arlene chuckled.  Come along, dear ' Arlene said, as they headed into winterville.
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"Thanks mom," Oliver smiled to Arlene as they went inside. "I can't wait to show my friends my new powers!"

Arlene could only give an amused look to her son. "I'm sure they'll be impressed by your sharp teeth," she commended.

"Oh they will," Oliver smirked, showing off said sharper teeth.


"Say, since this is the first panda wedding I'll be attending," Viper said at Jing's bachelorette party, "Are they any panda-specific rituals that will get performed at the ceremony?"

The daughter of the Panda King recalled what her father said about his and her mother's wedding. "Well, besides just a kiss, couples also share a belly bump," Jing recalled.

"And perhaps some couples' hill-rolling?" Tigress figured, remembering her stay at the panda village.

"You got it," confirmed Jing, "I can't wait for me and Po to roll together a ball of flabby love....."


Indeed, Kiara thankfully had some napkins in our purse. "Of course, Kovu probably would've enjoyed cleaning this off of us at dinner time, but we shouldn't walk around the Spire covered in this," she chortled.

"He's earned having his own throne," Sima nodded, "He's plenty attractive, and after the wedding tomorrow he'll be on a heroic rescue mission." She clasped her paws together. "Mighty Ozai, give Kovu the strength to save the day."

The Pride Lander Queen did remember some prior timing. "He was rescued on the day you prayed for his safe return," Kiara noted.


"Wait, but I thought the movies we're watching today are new Ozai films," Ollie said, confused, "How is there another new one coming just days later?"

Zoai and Flash laughed lightly, they new about how often these things got released.


Kitty looked at her still-massive form from Frenchfry's food. "So, do you think we'll be able to get me a chief priestess attire at my current size?" she asked, her stomach squishy like blobs of jello.

"Of course," Tiger promised, "Cat fashion stores know to have everything in XXXXXXXL size if need be. Say, were you alone in that alien's stomach?"

"No, there were others in's bigger on the inside than it looks on the outside," Kitty explained.

Tiger hmmmmed. "Maybe I can do something about that," he suggested, resting his head against Kitty. "But first, the ceremony!"