The Gang of Five
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Ask Flathead770


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Those pictures are beautiful Flathead770! :^^spike
Can you use a normal camera to capture the eclipse or do you need any more special fulfillments for it?
I'm also curious as to what you're going to back to school to study for.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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What is the longest duration of time you've ever lived in a single home? Conversely, what is the shortest you've lived in a single home? (Not counting vacations and the like.)


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Those pictures are beautiful Flathead770! :^^spike
Can you use a normal camera to capture the eclipse or do you need any more special fulfillments for it?
I'm also curious as to what you're going to back to school to study for.
Thanks! This trip is what inspired me to look more into photography.

Those pictures were all taken with my phone so yes you can take a decent shot of the eclipse, though obviously much more limited then an actual camera or DSLR.
My phone has a "pro" setting that can be accessed by swiping right when taking a picture. From there you want to set the ISO to the lowest value (in my case 100). This setting is basically changing how sensitive the camera is to light. The lower the value the lower the sensitivity. This makes sure that your phone doesn't try to compensate for the dark landscape by auto bumping the ISO up (and as a result would over saturate the eclipse). You could also shoot in HDR mode (High Dynamic Range) that takes 3 shots in quick succession at 3 different exposure levels (low mid high) and averages them out so that the shadows are brighter to show a bit of detail and the highlights are a little less over exposed. The last thing to be aware of is to manually set the focal length to infinity so that the eclipse is in focus. Auto focus has a hard time focusing in low light conditions. I actually had to download a free camera app to set this.

And that's it really. Mostly just 2 settings and it works reasonably well.

As for school, I'm thinking I might take some form of Engineering, mostly towards getting into the renewable energy industry, which would most likely be Civil Engineering. Application deadline is March 1 though so earliest for me to go back would be September 2020.

What would be a perfect day for you?
That's a good question. Probably something camping related, or at least nature related in general. It's too far and few in between daily life for me so it's nice when the only goal for the day is to look at scenery.

What is the longest duration of time you've ever lived in a single home? Conversely, what is the shortest you've lived in a single home? (Not counting vacations and the like.)
I've only ever lived in 3 different homes across 2 different cities in my life so this one is easy. First home was in a trailer court for the first 5 years of my life, then we moved into a more traditional home for about 15 years until I moved to my current place so I could go to University and I've been living here for about 9 years now.


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That was simpler than I thought. I'll take note of that. Thank you, Flathead770! :)

In one word, describe your GOF experience. Also give a rating from a scale of 1-10.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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How much free time do you usually have for yourself every week?


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I've only ever lived in 3 different homes across 2 different cities in my life so this one is easy. First home was in a trailer court for the first 5 years of my life, then we moved into a more traditional home for about 15 years until I moved to my current place so I could go to University and I've been living here for about 9 years now.
You're much more consistent than I have been. I've lived in at least fourteen different homes in all my life. Although my current condo I've been in for almost 9 years now; once I moved out on my own I finally managed to settle down a little.

What book, movie, video game, etc. do you most wish you could forget, only so you could experience it for the first time all over again?


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About time I get back on this.

That was simpler than I thought. I'll take note of that. Thank you, Flathead770! :)

In one word, describe your GOF experience. Also give a rating from a scale of 1-10.
Now that's an interesting question. I'd have to say 'absent' as I've been gone longer then I'm around over the past 12 years :lol

It's hard to rate it back in the day as that was a long time ago, but for the 2 or so years that I've been back it's been great! It's nice to be reacquainted with old members as well as meeting all the new ones. Not sure how it would translate into a scoring system though.

How much free time do you usually have for yourself every week?
Well I'm currently single and not going to school so I generally have a decent amount of free time as long as I'm not working haha

What book, movie, video game, etc. do you most wish you could forget, only so you could experience it for the first time all over again?
For me it was always Super Metroid. Exploring that game for the first time back when I was around 6 years old was so exciting. The game is still fun to play today but not knowing where to go and getting lost is always a fun experience that can only be enjoyed once for games.


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Do you have phobias of anything in particular?

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Have you ever dyed your hair?
I have not and have never really had the desire to do so.

Do you have phobias of anything in particular?
Funny enough, despite never being stung by a wasp I've always been scared of them haha. I've gotten better over the years but still feel quite nervous when they're near me, I just don't act as crazy anymore :p


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Do you play any board games? If so, name a favorite if you have one.

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Do you play any board games? If so, name a favorite if you have one.
I don't play them that often I'm afraid. My friend loves playing Settlers of Catan so I've played a good amount of that before (and getting kinda sick of it tbh :p ). One board game that was fun was a Game of Thrones one. Takes several hours to fully understand the rules but can be quite fun to play. I've only played it a couple times though.


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Can you tell me 5 things you like about yourself?


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If there is one thing you could change about the LBT franchise (if anything), what would it be?


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Have you done any homemade cooking before?

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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What fanart piece that you have made so far are you the most proud of?


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Oh man, I guess I should finally answer some questions  :PLoofah

Can you tell me 5 things you like about yourself?
You've stumped me for the past year and a half or so haha. I honestly can't really name things that I like about myself

If there is one thing you could change about the LBT franchise (if anything), what would it be?
Hmm I'm pretty sure I've also answered this question before  :PLoofah

Have you done any homemade cooking before?
Not really haha. It's something that started back in my old University days where you try to maximize both time and money saved, so I never really bothered with cooking much. I guess I had plenty of opportunity to do better when I was out of school but I guess that's no longer the case now haha.

What's your favourite cartoon?
That's a tough one. As a kid I remember really liking shows like Reboot, Beast Wars, Pokemon, Dragon Ball Z. I didn't end up watching Avatar: The Last Airbender until years after it concluded and binged it on Netflix, that was a good one as well. The first season of The Legend of Korra was good too, not so much a fan of the later seasons though.

What fanart piece that you have made so far are you the most proud of?
Oh this is interesting. There are a couple that I would say I'm proud of, most of which I really like how the backgrounds turned out. A couple of them are:


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Do you have a least favorite character in the LBT series?

~*And I'm something called a Jared Padalecki*~