The Gang of Five
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who would you like to meet?

rosie · 86 · 16103


  • Chomper
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I would love to meet that chomper in a dark canyon just to cuddled him.


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I bet he'd like that a lot more then Cera would.   :yes


  • The Circle
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Being cuddled by a total stranger of an alien species in a dark Canyon?  :blink:
Guess it might take some introductions first.  :lol

Cancerian Tiger

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Quote from: Kor,Aug 25 2008 on  08:56 PM
I bet he'd like that a lot more then Cera would.   :yes
With Cera, it would take some getting aquainted first as she takes a while to start trusting folks ;).


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I was just thinking she may react similar to the way she does in the Yellowbelly bounce song to being picked up and hugged, even by someone she does now.

Cancerian Tiger

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Quote from: Kor,Aug 27 2008 on  09:49 AM
I was just thinking she may react similar to the way she does in the Yellowbelly bounce song to being picked up and hugged, even by someone she does now.
We see her act very differently in LBT III and VIII, when Ducky embraces her once in each film.  There is also a TV ep(Return to Hanging Rock?) in which Ruby embraces her.  Perhaps she is more accepting of those she is fond of, as opposed to some hyperactive wacko of a stranger who just snatches her up and bearhugs her.  I don't know anyone who would feel comfortable in such a scenario :blink:.  Anyhoo, I would enjoy meeting the others, especially Ducky, but Cera's on top of my list :yes.


  • Cera
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The top on my list to meet is obviously Littlefoot, but I think meeting Petrie for the first time would be pretty funny.  We both can get startled easily.


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I can't really decide who I would want to meet more, Littlefoot or Cera.  I want to meet them all!


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How about instead of meeting just one meeting 1 or a few at a time.

Dash The Longneck

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I really don¥t know who I would like to meet really,Or cera or Ducky
Hmmm  :bang


  • Chomper
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I'd like like to make some sweet music with that mama sharptooth!!


  • Chomper
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topsy is jerk! pure and simple.

if i met him i'd say,"I'm sorry now that i see your silly little face a bit closer!"


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I don't regard Topsy as a jerk. He has good intentions in mind, as far as I'm concerned. He's just rather..what's the world.. gruff? Misguided? Either way, I don't agree with your statement that he's a jerk.


  • Chomper
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others have their feelings hurt because of him.

And cera is just has bad.  I mean really. you don't see me insulting other dinosaurs beacuse of their looks.

If topsy met me,a human, he'd have me out the great valley faster then you can say"run for it!"

And threehorns are bunch of hard heads who don't care who they attack.

they are just trying to prove something.


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And threehorns are bunch of hard heads who don't care who they attack.
Do I hear a whole species being judged? True, many threehorns are rather tough skinned and even aggressive, but you are judging Mr. Thicknose just the same as Tria, Tricia, Dinah, Dana, and nameless threehorns in the background of whom we don't know anything at all. In a sense your attitude towards threehorns is that of threehorns against longnecks or other kinds.


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Not all the threehorns are "hard-headed" as you point out. But overall they are not as bad as you're trying to make them out to be. I don't hate threehorns. They're not much different than anyone else in the movies. They have feelings. They have the capacity to care for others, to show affection. Both Topsy and Cera have had moments where they show their softer side.

I don't really agree with thinking they're just "jerks" when, really, there's a lot more to them than that, just like with any character. You can't judge them by negative actions alone; you have to understand the character as a whole, in my opinion. Far as I'm concerned, Topsy is just an overprotective father who thinks he knows what is best for everyone, but can be reckless in his decisions. This behavior may be the result of him likely losing his family (we never see his original mate or other offspring after the first movie, I don't think). And I view Cera as someone who is insecure and just acts tough to she doesn't seem "vulnerable", so-to-speak.


  • Chomper
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the others are alright but threehorn is still a jerk.

if he'd met ether me or you he'd think we were up to no good.

He'd say"i say send them on their way."


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I'm sorry but I still agree with your notion that Mr. Threehorn is a jerk. I view him as a more complicated character, even insecure. In LBT 5, I believe it was, he wanted to blame Littlefoot for the children going missing, but when LF's grandpa questioned him on this, Mr. Threehorn said he had to blame somebody, and as he said that, he seemed hesitant, reluctant, even regretful. This, to me, is a sign of insecurity.

As for why he would think we were "up to no good" as you say, you have to think about where Mr. Threehorn grew up. He grew up in the Mysterious Beyond, where predators were free to attack, and there was no valley wall protection. Out there, especially after the plants died off and the migration occured, it likely paid to be suspicious and cautious about pretty much anything that he didn't know. Mr. Threehorn's "I'm suspicious of this/distrustful of that" attitude was likely a smart way of thinking.

I can understand Mr. Threehorn's perspective. He doesn't really wish harm on anyone, not even Littlefoot, whom he isn't overly fond of. I just think Mr. Threehorn is so used to living like he did in the Mysterious Beyond that he just hasn't learned to adjust to the Great Valley. He probably thinks being cautious and skeptical about any strange thing is the best route to go, and I partially agree with him. You never know what is bad, what is good, who can be trusted, who can't be trusted.

If you still think he's a jerk, that's fine. But I don't agree with you.