The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Can anyone help me...

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Bruton the Iguanodon

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I can't, for the life of me, it seems, find a site where I can watch the tv series. I don't wat to waste money buying it, so could someone help me? Much appreciated.

Pokeplayer, I should mention, had them all up not three weeks ago, it seems,  but they're gone now and all it says is "try again later". I asked about it and was told he took them all off cause off copyright vio. I was very frustrated at this cause he said he'd be puttig them all back up, never to be taken down again.  <_<

Anyways, when is this universal studios lawsuit that's apparently making it impossible to find the movies online gonna clear up? I can't even watch them on megavideo anymore cause all the megavideo links hav e been removed.  <_<

Luckily I do have a site to watch them on, but everytime I press "pause" the play button shows up on the screen, so I can't pause it to take a proper screenshot and can only do so if I get it at just the right time.


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Bruton the Iguanodon

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Oh god, I knew this was too close to what I said before.

I'm sorry, it's just...frustrating!!! A lot of stuff is available online. Is it because LBT is universal that it's so hard to find?


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I'm sorry but I just can't accept you saying you're sorry.

Will you finally get the point that what you want is illegal?!  :anger  And just how much of a cheapskate are you if you refuse to pay the less than 10...heck, less than $5 for the DVDs?!


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Sorry, Bruton, but as Brek said before, it's illegal to put stuff like that online. Are you deliberately ignoring this fact? Do you not care about the consequences people would suffer by putting the stuff online, should they get caught? Did you know that the copyright industry charged a *single working mother* about $250,000 per song she downloaded, which was about 24? That's around $6 million dollars she is forced to pay. Do you think the copyright industry cares she's a single working mom? Nope! The copyright industry is ruthless, and that's just with 24 songs. Imagine how they'd react to an entire series being posted online. Imagine what kind of punishment the person caught would have to deal with.

Do I like it? No I don't. But it's the way things are. You don't seem to understand this whole copyright thing. You seem to be so used to finding things online that you don't stop and think if it's actually allowed to be up or not. People upload movies and episodes all the time on sites like Youtube, at such a rate that YT and other sites can't keep up to take them down. Just because you see a full length movie or an entire series on Youtube does *not* mean that the site or the copyright holder is okay with the stuff being there.

Your best way to get the TV episodes is to buy them. There's no reason why you can't do that. There's no reason why you have to be so cheap that you can't spend, what, $5, $10 on a DVD? If you really don't want to "waste a penny" on a DVD as you said before, then you must not have that much of an interest in watching LBT.

So here's my advice for you, Bruton. Either cough up money for the DVDs or just forget about watching the TV series. And don't say "So much other stuff is available online!", because, while some of that stuff is legit, put up by their copyright holders, a lot of it is not and is illegal. Universal has *no* intentions on uploading the TV series for free anywhere, so you're only legit option is paying money for it.

This is the only link I will provide for you in regards to watching LBT:


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To tell you the truth, Bruton, I had removed them under my own free will.  It was not due to copyright violations, but rather due to the responsibility I would have to take if I were to continue with such copyright violations.  I could not meet the challenge that would be provided.

I will tell you all that I am being tempted to put them back up in the same fashion I did before. (Even going so far as to do it for the movies as well.) However, I will say that I am going against said temptation until further notice.  Even despite the fact that some lawyers would argue that my site falls under Fair Use.  Then again, that's rather tricky to say if it ever was in the end.

EDIT: Anyways, like everyone said, stop being a cheapskate and cough up the money if you want a copy of your own, because that's the way the law works.


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Enough guys. I hope you're reminded of the point Bruton. One more topic like this and we're done.