The Gang of Five
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Plug in! Dinosaurs EXE! Transmission!

Keni · 92 · 35633


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Tanner hacks and slashes away and deletes as much viruses as he can.  Tanner in the real world is now enraged, "GOD DAMN IT!  DON'T LET THEM TAKE YOU OVER!  I WON'T TOLLERATE ANY LOSERS!  YOU HAVE TO WIN! WIN! WIN!" he slams his fist down and tries to take deep breaths to calm his anger, "God f***ing damn it, I should have brought that kid with me, his navi would really help out a lot."


  • Spike
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(Um, Netra used a battle chip to summon more viruses. The viruses are the ones who lunged after Tanner to attack him, not Drone ^^; )


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Kiraa didn't say anything to Kaden, but did nod once, and said, "Grayscale, follow the Navi!"

Grayscale had also sensed something, and was racing alongside Rex.


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"Treestar." Netra comments as he slots in a TreeStar battle chip, recovering 50% of Drone's damage.

Now Drone was angry, and he would laugh at Tanner's attempt at deleting the viruses if he wasn't doing so well. Drone sees Tanner busy with one virus and he takes that chance, charging him and kicking Tanner's back, knocking the Alimon down to the ground. "This is as far as you go..." Drone grins as he's about to stomp on Tanner's back...

"Gah!" But he was knocked away by a shot to his shoulder. He snarls as he clutches his shoulder and turns around. "Who dares to shoot me!"

"I do." Rex stands on top of a pillar in the area, his buster raised and trained at Drone. "Back off if you know what's good for you." He orders as he spots Grayscale coming into the scene as well.


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"Wait a minute," says the Tanner NetOp, "Is that the navi owned by that kid I met in the park?" He looks closley to make sure, "Hold shit!  It is!  Just when I need him." says Tanner, finally cooling down from his explosive temper.


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Grayscale stopped beside Rex, and looked for the Navi that had attacked Tanner. Though she couldn't see color, she didn't have a hard time recognizing Drone and his gettup. She smirked. "Oh dear...I thought it was a real threat." She said mockingly, referring to Drone. "Only Netra and his lackey Drone would be stupid enough to even challenge an Alimon Navi or attack a place like this." She took a step forward. "When they were handing out the brains, Netra and Drone played hooky!"

Kiraa winced. "Oh here she goes again..." She knew it was a bad idea to act cocky in a battle. "Grayscale! Cut it out!" She demanded. "Don't get cocky!"

Grayscale laughed half-heartedly. "I know, I know." She then noticed the viruses that Netra had summoned not long ago. "Netra never did know how to play fair. The coward..." She shook her head, before turning her attention back on Drone.


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Netra and Drone practically fumed at the same time, Grayscale's insult took them right through the roof. "That's it!" Drone snarls, charging and jumping right at Grayscale and Rex, leaving the remaining viruses to take care of Tanner. "Come here and say that to my face!"

"He's coming, Rex!" Kaden warns.


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"Boy, I can't wait to waste you in real life you mind-f***ed little prick!" The real Tanner yells at Netra, "AIR BOOT BATTLE CHIP IN!" yells Tanner as he inserts the air boots chip into the slot.  The alimon Tanner jumps out of the way of the velociraptors and the picks them off one by one until they're all deleted.  "Oh I hope he does." says the red and green alimon, giving Netra the finger.


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Grayscale laughed. "What's the matter? Can't handle the truth? Is it too much for your cowardly minds?"

She heard her Op's voice say, "Grayscale...ex-nay on the sulting-inay!"

"What are you worried about? You think they'll be bright enough to..." She noticed Drone charging forward. Addressing Rex, she said, "Get ready to dodge in 3, 2...Now!" She leapt out of the way, allowing Drone to barrel past her. She turned towards him and shouted, "What's the matter, Drone? Losing your touch?" She couldn't help but laugh mockingly as she continued, "Maybe if you and Netra had at least half a brain in there, you would at least pose as a minor challenge!"

Kiraa, who normally wouldn't be affected by this, gulped. She looked over to Kaden. "She is so asking for it..."


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Rex jumps out of the way and trains his buster at Drone, "Buster shot!" He shoots at Drone, but the Navi retaliates and jumps out of the way, snarling and growling in pure anger.

"Let's see how stupid you think I am!" Netra shouts as he takes out three chips and slots them in at once. Soon enough three huge Sharpteeth viruses, the T-Rex types, shows up. Roaring up in the air and stomping around in the net, bearing their razor sharp teeth as they roar again.

"Oh...My..." Rex gasps as he stares up at the two towering viruses.

"Not good..." Kaden comments.

"Hah! How's that for "stupid"!" Drone grins at the Navis, "With those two viruses this place will be broken down in no time. Hahah! Let's see you delete them!"

"This is not good." Kaden comments and soon screams in surprise as the battle chip machine acts up and causes a small explosion, blowing some battle chips around the room. The viruses are destroying its mainframe!

"You jerk!" Rex insults as he glares at Drone.

"Hahahah!" Drone laughs. "Well I guess I did some good damage. Time to go." With a sneer Drone jacks out, leaving to fight another day.

"Wait! Get back here!" Rex roars and soon gets smacked off his feet by one of the viruses' tail, sending him to the ground and sliding across it. "Gaah!"

"Rex!" Kaden cries as he witnesses his Navi being smacked away like that.


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Grayscale narrowed her eyes, unfazed by the large viruses. "This just further proves how much of a coward Netra and his pathetic Navi really are!" As she ran forward she said, "Only cowards would hide behind giants like these!"

Kiraa pressed her hand against her face and shook her head. "Just focus on the viruses!"

"Way ahead of you!" She lunged toward the virus that had attacked Rex, and her tail glowed brightly. The sharp blades that projected from the tail tip, looking like a pincher, moved together, and grew into a single, long, serrated blade. "Dagger Tail!" She shouted as she whipped herself around in midair, bringing her tail forward, the blade poised to slice right through the skull of the T-Rex Virus.


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"That cowardly putz.  He just jacks out and runs away like, f*** him." says the real Tanner.


  • Spike
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"Buster shot!" Rex cries as he aims and shoots at the two remaining viruses, one of them already deleted thanks to Grayscale's Dagger Tail attack. The two viruses roar as the shots hit them, but they don't seem to have any effect on them, they just roar in annoyance.

"Cannon! Battle chip in!" Kaden announces as he slots in his Cannon battle chip, turning Rex's left arm into the Cannon. Rex aimed and shot at the viruses, and while the Cannon did some damage, it just wasn't enough. One of the T-Rex virus swung its tail at Rex and while he dodged it the tail struck a pillar of the mainframe.

That strike caused the battle chip machine to fume and blow a fuse, causing more battle chips to be thrown in the room Kaden and Kiraa are in. "Agh!" Kaden yelped as he covered his face from the flying chips.

Rex was getting frustrated. He lands next to Tanner and kneels down at him, helping him up. "Get up! Or else we're toast!"

"We're toast anyway!" Kaden comments in anger as he slams his fist on the machine, an anger he rarely lets out. Suddenly, as if a prayer answered, a strange symbol shows up in the screen of Kaden's PET. The symbol breaks slightly in half and two rings swirls around the symbol as it glows a blueish color. Kaden gasps and soon beamed, he recognizes this symbol.

"Alright!" Kaden grins and presses a button on his PET. "Style Change! Rex!"

Rex blinks and he too starts to glow, two golden rings sorround and swirl his body. His body color turns a more aqua-ish color as his shoulderpads turns more sleek, giving them that aerodynamic look. He then dons a helmet, it too having that aerodynamic look. On his back a backpack-like accessory digitalizes in, and his gloves gain a more sleeker and aerodynamic look. With the transformation complete, his armor gaining an aqua color look, Rex crosses his arms and spreads them out, shattering the golden rings sorrounding him as the transformation ends.

"Aqua Team!"


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"Hmm, Aqua team.  Nice choice!" says the real Tanner to Rex.


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The two viruses were attracted to Rex's transformation, and like all T-Rexes they dive in for the attack. Rex skillfuly jumps aside and avoid the attack, leaving their muzzles to slam down onto the ground. One of them lifts its muzzle back up and swing its muzzle for the attack, but Rex rears back a fist and collides it with the T-Rex's muzzle. With his enhanced strength, the T-Rex is literarily blown off its feet and collide against a wall of the mainframe.

Rex growls and turns his arm into his buster, now a bulkier buster with a much more wider muzzle. "Aqua Buster!" What shoots out of his buster is not plasma shots or bullets but a high-powered water cannon, a powerful hydro pump bursts from the buster and strikes the downed virus. The super power hydro pump keeps trained on the virus' chest as it roars, trying to break free. Unfortunately the buster's aqua pump proves too much for the virus and the super pressure pump shatters through the virus' chest, piercing through its body, thus deleting the virus. Such is the power of the Style Change.

Rex turns his arm to normal and turns to the remaining virus. Kaden already knows how to follow this up and takes out a rather bulky battle chip with a plug on it. Kaden turns to Kiraa, "Kiraa! Lend me Grayscale's strength!" He asks as he reaches for Kiraa's PET plug-in cable...


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Grayscale looked surprised by this Aqua Team thing. She's heard of it, but this is the first time she's witnessed it in battle. And Rex's change... All she could say was... "Wow..."

Kiraa eyed Kaden curiously. "And what do you plan on doing?" But she made no move to stop him, believing that it would be necessary to take down the enemy.


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"Like I said, lend me Grayscale's strength!" Kaden repeated himself as he unplugged Kiraa's PET from the jack in port, rendering Grayscale stranded in the net. But that's not his intention. Kaden plugs in the cable to the battle chip he took out, this battle chip is called an Extention Chip.

"Extention Chip! Grayscale!" Kaden cries as he slots in the Extention Chip into his PET. "Download!"

Grayscale is suddenly sorrounded by 9 cyber blocks, her body soon turns into frames and dissapears along with the blocks. In a matter of seconds those blocks sorround Rex and a hologram of Grayscale shows up over Rex. The Navi soon glows yellow and bursts out in a light, and as soon as the glow fades Rex has obviously gone through another change. Rex still looks the same as when he changed into Aqua Team, but the change was his tail, the tip of his tail having the same pincher-like weapon Grayscale has. And his eyes, right eye yellow, left eye orange.

The T-Rex virus snarls and runs right at Rex, who in return charges at a rather impossible speed for his design, it was the speed of an Alimon. He jumps and kicks the virus' stomach, knocking it right off its feet and onto the ground. Rex lands on the ground and jumps again at an impressive height, clearly his jumping abilities were upgraded with the Extention Chip with Grayscale.

"Dagger Tail!" Rex cries as he hovers over the virus, the pincher-like weapon on the tip of his tail moved together and grew into a single, long serrated blade. Rex soon dived down and with a front flip he brings his tail forward and clearly stabs into the virus' skull, his sharp talons from his feet also cutting into the virus' face. The virus roared before succumbing and deleting in place.

"Alright!" Kaden cries out, "We did it!"

Rex stands there with his tail swaying back and forth, smiling to himself and nodding, "Yeah!" Soon the Style Change ends as Rex reverts back to normal, Grayscale materializing next to him as Aqua Team goes dormant.


Kaden recieves:
"Sharptooth's Claw" Battle Chip
Transforms NetNavi's hands and feet into Sharptooth limbs and claws, increasing speed and hand power.

Tiraa recieves:
"Earthshake" Battle Chip.
Reference of what the LBT gang call the earthquake. Shakes the ground with powerful spikes erupting from the earth's crust. Wood element.


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Grayscale wobbled a little, feeling a bit disoriented from the temporary fusion. "I felt like I was dropped into a washing machine..." She came to her senses quickly, though.

Kiraa looked a bit impressed. "Not bad, kid, not bad. That was impressive."


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"Hahah! Thanks!" Kaden grins at Kiraa. "Gotta love them Style Changes."

In the cyber world, Rex takes a few deep breathes to shake off the strain of the Style Change and temporary fusion of the Team Style. He looks at Tanner who's slowly getting up. "Hey! You OK?" Rex inquires as he makes his way to Tanner.