The Gang of Five
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Insane Cafe 3: The Curse of the Haunted Hotel

Nick22 · 8631 · 303148


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Hello?' came a voice from the hallway, it was a starling , bonechilling voice, and it made the hairs on Nick's neck stand up. "What the heck was that?" he asked clearly spooked
 a white circle soon become visible in the far corner of the city. "There it is, its never appeared this early though" Hunter said.
 Stitch found a parking spot, and Nani, Lilo, Angel and Stitch got out and race inside. there they saw Bulk slip on the puddle of water Dixie had left and fell on his butt. 'Lilo laughed hard, she couldn't help it..
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Mikoto's reaction was considerably clamer, as he turned to stare down the hallway. "Apparently it was one of your ghosts," he raised his voice and shouted down the hall. "Why don't you come out and let us have a look at you?" He pulled his sleeve up so he could get at the Dino Minder if he needed to.


Spyro and Cynder landed and stared at the white circle.

"I guess that's it," Cynder said.

"Hunter, if anyone from Warfang comes looking for us, can you tell them we decided to stay here for a while, or something?" Spyro asked, not taking his eyes off the portal.


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Sure "  But as hunter turned to move, he found himself going backward. "Oh my goodness.. its.. its SUCKING ME IN!" He yelled, as the vortex grew larger and larger as Hunter was dragged to it. "He-Help me, Guys' He pleaded, as he began to be sucked in bodily by the vortex.
"Enter the portal. " Stripetail said from the ring. " hurry, the vortex won't last very long!"
Suddenly the figure of a woman in white appeared "Hello, boys " the ghost cackled. "Here, have.. a PIE!" and both Mikoto and Nick were hit smack in the face with pies.  The ghost laughed fiendishly and vanished..
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Spyro and Cynder glanced at one another, unsure of what to do.

"I guess we don't have any choice," Cynder said. "Let's go!"

The two leapt forward and each grabbed one of Hunter's arms. Spyro felt a moment's guilt to be literally dragging the cat into this, but it was all he could think of to do and he had no idea what would happen if Hunter entered the portal by himself.


"Was that supposed to be funny?" Mikoto asked, wiping pie off his face. His face was twisted with barely contained fury. He twisted the key in the door and stepped into his room, flinging the door shut afterwards.

"Human..." Topgaler started, but Mikoto interrupted.

"I don't want to hear anymore of your worrying," Mikoto snapped. "The best thing these so called ghosts can come up with is practical jokes."

"We just saw some people enter the hotel," Topgaler continued. "Most were humans, but there were some two-legged dogs and small furry creatures."

"Really?" Mikoto smirked a bit. He went into the bathroom and washed the pie off his face, before heading to the door and leaving the room for the lobby downstairs.


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the partal expanded a s the the three of them entered it, and a second after they entered it, it vanished, Hunter was flung forward in a mist of fog and ahadow. a light appeared and grew larger and Hunter, Cynder and Spyro were flung.. into a huge pile of mud some distance from the hotel. the three of them were literally coverred in mud.
 Bleech" Hunter recoiled. 'I'm filthy!"
 Don't mind" Her" came another ghostly voice from the corner, as a figure of a young man entered Mikoto's room. "She always throws pies at people. She loved pieing people in life as well, until she pied the wrong person. Furious, he came up to her room, the very room you are staying in, and shot her in the head.."
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Once she was finished Velma sat down on her bed for a moment to think what to do next.  She decided to walk around the hotel a bit perhaps.


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"This is not funny!" Cynder growled pushing herself out of the mud and shaking herself, sending the substance flying in all directions.

Spyro also stood up and shook himself off, though he wasn't quite as upset as Cynder, he felt a little annoyed Stripetail hadn't made the portal lead to someplace drier.

"That must be the hotel," Spyro said, pointing to the building. The two dragons quickly flew over to it, eager to get out of the rain.


"Tell her it would be best to stay out of my room," Mikoto said, his voice returning to being cold, rather than furious. "Or I shall find out if death has truely left her invulnerable."

He pulled the door to his room open, waiting for a moment to see if the ghost had anything else to say.


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"Your threats are empty.. you may be more powerful than a normal human, but nothing can harm the dead..and spells you cast would simply past though us, and damage the walls..' the ghost replied. "She'll pie you again, hoping to get a reaction from you.. I think she likes you" He grinned..
Yeah lets get inside.. You don't happen tio have any money on you? Hunter asked sheepishly. "I spent my last pay on a new fishing rod.."
 Nick wiped the pie of his face. that pie had been hard as a rock, and blood trickled down from a cut in his chin.. "Pied by a ghost.. what next?"
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Velme made sure she had put things away then headed towards the door to go outside, thinking a tour around the hotel may be a good idea first.


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"In that case, I shall request a different room," Mikoto said, stepping out of the door and closing it, taking his key with him. He ignored Nick as he stepped past him as well as the nerdy woman (Velma) who appeared to be inspecting the hotel. He headed down the stairs and into the lobby. He examined each of the arrivals one-by-one, making each feel as though they were being inspected by some apex predator, rather than another human being. The two bikers didn't look like they would be any fun, neither did the little girl, or the woman he guessed to be her mother. The dogs looked frail and the short furry creatures looked like teddy bears. He sighed. This world so far was turning out to be a disappointment.

And then three mud covered creatures stepped into the room. One appeared to be some sort of humanoid cat, a bit similiar to the dogs, but the other two were quadrupedial and unmistakable even covered in mud. This world had dragons, they might not be as large as in folk tales, but they looked strong.

"Some friends of ours should be here," Spyro said to Hunter. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind paying."

Cynder glanced over at Mikoto and the two locked eyes for a moment, staring at one another. The man for some reason made her think of Malefor. A shiver crawled up her spine as a faint grin appeared on Mikoto's face.


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Scooby and Dixie reached the fourth floot, and looked around, the carpet at one time  had been of fine quality, but not was moytheaten and faded in color. "Ris rlace rives re rhe reeps" Scooby said as they moved to thier room.. "Scoooby, much on a Scooby Snack.." dixie said.."Lets just get to our room, unpack and see what our room looks like.."
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They stopped as they heard their names being called. "Its" Dixie's eyes lit up. 'its Spyro and Cynder!" Come on Scooby, lets go meet them!" Dixie began flying down the steps. Spyro and Cynder wore rings just like theirs, and the four had become good friends, in fact, secretly Dixie and Cynde had become a lot more than "friends", but the girls hadn't revealed that yet to the boys..
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Really? What are their names?' Hunter asked.
 Stitch stopped as they saw the three mudcovered creatures "Spyro!" Stitch saidexcitedly. "Mesa glad to see you" stitch ran up to Spyro and higged him, and in the process got mud all over himself. 'Why you so muddy, and who issa this guy?' Stitch asked pointing at Hunter.
 Everyone sign in" Briggin motioned to the newcomers..
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"Hi, guys," Spyro chuckled as Stitch hugged him. "We kind of landed in the middle of a mudhole. Right, Cynder?"

He turned to find his mate staring at something. She snapped back to reality and glanced at Spyro. "Yeah."

Spyro frowned and turned back to the others. "Hunter, this is Stitch, Angel, Lilo, Nani, Scooby, and Dixie. Everyone, this is Hunter." He had pointed at each as he said their names. His gaze lingered a moment longer on Dixie than it did the others.


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Spyro! Cynder! Goodness you guys are a mess! and why are you looking at me like that Spyro?' Dixie asked.
Re'll ray ror all rour rooms" Scooby said.
Hey can you pay for us too" Skull asked. "Turns out, we've.. only got 16 bucks, and it isn't enough for the night' He and Bulk looked Sheepishly at each other.
 Rine. " Scooby said.  "rree.. ro, rour rore rooms rease.  rall around ry rour room. "
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"Like what?" Spyro asked.

Cynder rolled her eyes in Spyro's direction and silently mouthed. "He knows. I told him."

Mikoto turned and headed back up to the stairs. He opened the door to his room and stepped inside, locking it behind him. "And thus my next game begins..."

"Has Stripetail shown up yet?" Spyro asked, glancing around in case he had missed the old squirrel in his first glance around.


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Dixie blinked.. then motioned to Cynder to come with  her upstairs.. "You told him? How much did you tell him?" She whispered as they began to climb..
mesa Not see him " stitch said. "Where might he be?"
 Right here" Came a strong voice as a large squirrell stepped out of mid-air in the  entranceway. "Good to see the six of you made it.  and sorry about the vortex openning being in a mud pile, but it has been raining steadily.." Stripetail said.
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"Well, everything..." Cynder said. As they reached the top of the stairs, she glanced around, looking for the man in white, but found he wasn't in sight.

"Hey, Stripetail," Spyro greeted. "Cynder wasn't very happy about that..."


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"and how did he take it? The fact that we're .. lovers?"Dixie said slowly, giving Cynder a glane as they rounded the stairwell to go to the  third floor.
 "I'm nor surprised that she would be upset.. but a hot shower will take care of everything.  This is a very old hotel, and there have been many strange occurances here" stripetail said, as he plopped down a few gold coins on the counter. "Spanish doubloons" Briggins exclaimed.. "This will pay for everyone's stay... your key sir number 300" he handed Stripetail his key...
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"Well, he was surprsied to say the least," Cynder said, recalling Spyro's shocked reaction. "Then he was afraid I might be leaving him for you and before I could get a word in, he went off on this whole chivalrous speech on how if that's what I wanted he wouldn't stand in my way. It was kind of cute really. But I explained to him how we're going to be splitting our attention between each other and our respective mates, so that's all more or less taken care. How are you and Scooby doing?"

"I wish I had brought some gems," Spyro sighed. The last time he had visited someone else had always paid his way. He swore that next time he would come prepared.