The Gang of Five
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Nick22 · 6008 · 174961


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Stripetail walked outside looking at the various brackets. Eva's Bracket was one of the easier ones, although with so many low-level wizards it would prevent Eva from casting many powerful spells. "But considered how skilled she is, she'll only need one or two to advance" He Thought. "if She can give me a good duel, then she should have no problem with bonnita"
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(you can do Dirah if you like, she the parasauroloton that Wayne meet and beginning a relationship)

Eva looked at Stripetail "before tomorrow I will do some trainning so I am prepared."


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Good thinking Eva. One can never be too Prepared" Stripetail nodded in reply
Well' She said, I Was bored and wanted to see you.'
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Wayne smiled "I am always happy to see you Dirah. It been a few years since we've been together, I am sorry for being on Station of the Tri Foundation so much in the last year. I'll make it up for you while we here." Wayne put his claw hand on Dirah's looking at her in the eyes.


"Lets start the training in the gym hall" Eva said looking over to the building.


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"All right Eva" Stripetail Said. They made thier way over to the Building and got set up."3000 points Let's go" Sendar." His face reddened as Eva's score went down to 0. "Oops. Sorry Eva. Let's set to 10000. The Scores were quickly reset. "I Forgot that at this level, even my weaker spells can wipe out my opponents life points in one go. Fortunately , We're only practicing. Sheldus." Three Rose-colored shoield appeared on his side of the field, andv i place one card face down, and Bring forth A Giant and Ancient Dragon to the field. Now, Let's try this again. Sendar" Eva's score was cut in half. "Alright that ends my turn. It's your move Eva"
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"Sheldus" Eva said Three Rose-colored shoield appeared on her side of the field. "And I place one card face down and summon The Light Golem, the Dark Golem and a Tresure hunter making him dig two meters deep." A blue gem appears out the hole then hovers over the two golems. The Tresure Hunter comes back out of the hole and stand just behind the two golems of Light and Dark. "Now that is luck... I will use a attack of Light and Dark fusion from the Gem of Blue Light" A beam of three types of energy fused into one beam that smashed right through all the defenives right at Stripetail.


Wayne let go of her claw hand and still looking at her "Would you like me to ask them to get a guest room for you? or would you like to stay in this room with me?" Wayne asked Dirah "I only asked beca..." Dirah put a claw finger on his beak


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Stripetail's score went down to 7000. "Good Move Eva. You're impoving. But that attack triggered my Trap. Reveal face-down card" "Lifeguard." A Creature appeare on the field. "This creatures special ability allows me  to fully recover from an attack" His score went back up to 10000. "In addition I Can summon 2 monsters to the Field and  i choose Forbidden Fiend and Giant Shark. Now Giant Shark, Attack with TiDal Wave" A Huge wave flowed from Stripetail's side of the Field, washing Eva's defenses and creatures away. 'now FOrbidden Fiend Attack Eva Directly!," Eva's score went down to 2000. "I Restore my shields and that ends my turn. "He smiled at Eva. "You're doing very well Eva. You'll be fine forv the next duel. While your attacks won't be as powerful against Bonnita,  It won't really matter. You're far more powerful than she is, and I Expect you to win easily" He Said with a smile.
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Hush' She said, I 'll find a guest room on my own, lover-boy" She smiled att the embarassed look on Wayne's face
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"Thank you Stripetail the gem was reacted" Eva smiled as the Blue gem glowed and a unknown creature to Stripetail appeared from the gem as it was not affected by the attack but used it to summon a creature. "The Creature of Blue Moon. Now watch what it does" Eva said as the blue creature raised it arms and all Stripetail's creatures and defences vanished "It has taken all your shield and monsters and now using all that energy it will target you and create a shield around me and undamageable and can't be breached while my life points below 5000." Eva said as the creature formed a powerful energy field and fired it right into Stripetail with a blinding flash lighting the whole gym up.


"Well you don't have you Dirah... you well... could stay here" Wayne said partly nervous in his words.


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StRipetail's points raced down to 100. "Most impressive Eva. But When my Lifeguard is taken away, The total Damage I incur is reduced by 1%. In this Case, I'm left with 100 points ." He Drew a card. "And Now I play Switcheroo, this card switches the life totals of the higher and lower player. I Gain Your point total, you're left with mine." Stripetail's total went back up to 2000 and Eva's dropped to 100. Now To Strengthen my life points further, I pLay Flute of the Beast, and Singing Elf. The Elf Grabbed the Flute and began to play . I Gain 500 points for every time your monsters moves to the music. The Blue Moon began to sway back anf forth. Stripetail's points began to grow., The movement of the creature became faster as it swayed in tune to the music. Stripetail's points went up to 6000. 'Stop" The Elf Stop playing and the Monster stopped swaying. "Now I Transfer 5000 of my life points to you Eva, bringing your total up to 5100.Now that your point total is above 5000 I Can attack your shield and monster and destroy thrm both. " Stripetail said. Sendar Triplus" Three blasts of light erupted from his staff. "The Power of the blasts increase as yourt shields and monsters are destroyed. The First one will be worth 5000, the next 6000, and the one that attacks you will be 7000 points, enough to wipe out all your life points." The First blasts destroyed the blue Moon monster, the next destroyed the shield and third one hit Eva. Her Point total raced down to 0. As the Dueling field disappeared, StRipetail sank to his knees. "I win. But You're going to pound Bonnita tommorow, Eva." sweat dripped down his chest as he got up slowly and walked over to Eva. "Very,, very, VERY Well done Eva" He panted as he came up to her. "That was the closest you've ever come to beating me. I'm very proud of you" He went over and sat down in a chair, collecting himself. Eva Came over and sat down beside him. Stripetail breathed Heavily, slowly recovering from the duel.
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"I learn fast" Eva smiled "You look wiped out from using those attacks. I will do well for you Stripetail..." Eva smiled then her head turned "I sense another ZPE... it sliently greater then Wayne's!" Eva stuttered "and it right next to him... both ZPE are almost right on top of each other"


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Dirah" StRipetail said heavily.
"I'll try to get a room close to yours Wayne." Dirah sat down next to him, and kissed him gently. She pulled away and got up and walked to the door. "Good Night Wayne. I'll see you in the morning"
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Good night" Wayne smiled with a soft look in his eyes looking at Dirah


"Who Dirah?" Eva looked at Stripetail


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Wayne's girlfriend." Stripetail replied. "I Read his mind, and her image came up. Even though he's much stronger than the last time I saw him, I Can still read his mind. Just A casual mental  scan, I Promised him last time that I wouldn't try to throughly read his mind, and I keep my promises" he said, getting up from the chair. He turned to Eva. "It's getting late. You need a good night's sleep if you want to perform at your best tommorow."
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"Yes I tend to agree" She gets up and walk with Stripetail


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STripetail Led Herto  the second year girls domitory. "There you go Eva. "Good night. I"ll be watching tommorow and cheering you on, as  will Wayne" He eMbraced her and watched as she entered the domitory. Stripetail then vanished.
DIrah went down to the main desk. The ferretr was still there. I'd like a guest room please, as close to number 208 as possible. "she asked. "Well the closest we have is 217, will that do? "Well, I'll take it" She heard a noise and turned around. Stripetail was standing there. "You must be Dirah" he Came foward to shake her hand. 'She smiled. "and you must be the great Lord Stripetail. wayne has mentioned you quite often" she said as  they shook hands. "I was just checking in, I"m staying close to Wayne, we're on the same floor. " The Ferret gave her the key and she walked upstairs with Stripetail. "From what Wayne has told me , you're very skilled at reading minds. What am I thinking right now?' She asked. Stripetail looked at her. "Well you are slightly embarrassed after Wayne offered to share his room with you, your relationshoip with him is relatively new and you're still not sure how intimate you want the relationship to become' Her eyes widened. "Yo-you're exactly right" She stammered. "And you also have a great store of ZPE energy" He remarked casually. A look of fear entered into her eyes. "Please', she said quietly, "Don't mention that to anyone, i beg you, my lord. Wayne was absolutely right about you. I haven't told him about my powers, at least not yet. I beg you to keep this a secret. He Told me that you always keep your word" Stripetail raised a paw. "Relax. I promise to keep this a secret, i know many secrets, and I never divulge them." Her face relaxed at his words. "Will you be watching Eva's match tommorrow" 'Sure I'll be there. Thank you so much for doing this for me, I'm eternally grateful" She Smiled as she opened the door and bade him good night
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Hours passed and morning creepoed into the girl's domitory. Another girl shook Eva's bed. 'Wake up! It's nearly nine! Your match starts in an hour!"
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Eva sat up "Alright, I'm up thanks" Eva said looking at her "Ready for today?"


Wayne stood looking out the window as the sun was raising "A new day..." he said quietly then hearing the door knock. "It opened" Wayne said looking to the door.


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Dirah stood in the doorway. "Comeon Wayne. Eva's match starts in an hour. We need to hurry to get a good spot."
Yes, I"m Ready" she replied "I'm nervous. I didn't make the tournament last year, and I'm playing a fourth year , talk about a bad draw. Who did you draw?" She asked as they got ready.
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"Right coming" Wayne put on his jacket and opened to door "Ready to go." Wayne smiled "Sleep well Dirah?"


" bonnita is the one I am vs first" Eva responded getting up.