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The My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic Thread


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Um.....not winning me over on this one.  This partially is probably because I remember some of the old show and this is a bit different.  The fact the ponies all look like Powerpuff Girl wannabes isn't thrilling me either. :p


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Quote from: Petrie,Mar 12 2011 on  08:04 AM
Um.....not winning me over on this one.  This partially is probably because I remember some of the old show and this is a bit different.  The fact the ponies all look like Powerpuff Girl wannabes isn't thrilling me either. :p
So the creator of a Land Before Time fan forum wont even give this other little cartoon a chance because of its scary girlish history and the uber kawaii Powerpuff Girl design?  :blink:

Come on Adam! You must at least give one episode a try!

You must do it for great justice!


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Just because a cartoon has a really cutesy design (like in Powerpuff Girls) doesn't mean it's a bad show. In fact, behind that design can lie a good story, well developed characters, etc. Trust me, don't let the cutesy design fool you.

Give the first two episodes a watch. It's not going to kill you. If you don't like the show after the first two eps, then don't watch it anymore. But don't knock the show before giving it a watch.


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I agree, even though it does have designs that aren't exactly the best, it has great characters, plots, and pretty nice morals.

And the first two episodes are just awesome, they have to be my favorites, like Darkhoumon said, it won't kill you to watch them, and if you don't like it after, just don't watch the rest of it then.


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You know that pet peeve of mine for the old show?  Yep, it's still yelling at me whenever I watch one of these new episodes.  It makes it difficult for me to enjoy something I know I like.

So, I decided that while I'm busy struggling, I should put up in order which of the main ponies I like most.

1: Rainbow Dash

2: Applejack

3: Twilight Sparkle

4: Fluttershy

5: Pinkie Pie

6: Rarity

To be honest though, this might change a little.  Fluttershy is really surprising me.  When I think I finally got her down, she does something that ends up making me like her more.  At this point, she's very close to beating Twilight for me.

However, she'll NEVER beat Rainbow Dash and Applejack.  I just love them too much. :D

Now, to get back to the episode that's mainly focusing on Rarity. *looks at list again* Hmm!  Maybe that explains why I'm having trouble with this episode.  Oh well! :)


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Quote from: Rat_lady7,Mar 11 2011 on  05:37 PM
I just saw a few episodes of this. It's pretty cute! :D

My favorite one of the main cast is definitely Fluttershy, I feel that I can relate to her the most with her love towards animals and all around social awkwardness. ^^

However...who I REALLY like is the little Cutie Crusader girls. Especially Sweetie Belle, she reminds me a lot of myself as far as writing and lyrics go. :)

I have yet to see the full fledged pilot episodes, but I bes looking them up right now.
If you like Fluttershy now, I know you'll love her when you see the episode where she babysits The Cutie Mark Crusaders.  Seriously, the plot alone called for nothing but disaster.


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There are a lot of good things to say about this show! X3

Not only did it start off pretty epic with Nightmare Moon and all, but the humor, lovable characters, and the life morals, make the show worthwhile! ^^


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Okay... I'm just gonna say this... It all started with me finding out my subscriptions on YouTube making YTPs out of the show. Then curiosity got the better of me and I started watching the pilot episode and a few more episodes after that. was then I realized that this show has made me more manly than before. Addiction initiated.

That is all.


:lol :p


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Watched a few episodes to give it a try...still a no-go.  Definitely is more epic as you guys put it and less conservative than the older show in regards to mannerisms.  Still isn't something I'm going to watch regularly.


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Pinkie Pie, you are REALLY pushing it to hit the bottom of my list.

Seriously, practically stalking someone for nearly the whole episode, I do not approve of.  Which is sadly what she did to Twilight in the latest episode.

Oh, and the new saying I apparently didn't like, even though I get it.

Pinkie Pie: "Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a cupcake in my eye!"


It's all that needs to be said.


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I've seen some clips of Pinkie Pie stalking Rainbow Dash and personally I found it hilarious. No I don't think stalking in real life is hilarious. The reason I found it funny was because of how she would trot after Rainbow Dash slowly even though the pegasus is going at mach speed, and how she would appear with Rainbow Dash no matter how hard Rainbow Dash tries to get away from her.

Pinkie Pie's one of my favorite characters. I think she's just adorable and I like her bubbly personality. She probably does know that she annoys some of the other ponies, I'm sure. As for her stalking, until I see more episodes that prove otherwise, I think this is partly due to her being extremely (on an abnormal level I'd say) social. I mean the girl had thrown a party in Twilight's home, inviting everyone, without her permission after meeting her only once, for instance.


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Mar 20 2011 on  06:44 PM
I've seen some clips of Pinkie Pie stalking Rainbow Dash and personally I found it hilarious. No I don't think stalking in real life is hilarious. The reason I found it funny was because of how she would trot after Rainbow Dash slowly even though the pegasus is going at mach speed, and how she would appear with Rainbow Dash no matter how hard Rainbow Dash tries to get away from her.
The kind you are pointing out is more of the funny kind, while the one I pointed out was more of the scary kind.

I guess I should have been more specific. :)


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Stalking seems to be a common thing with Pinkie Pie. It may be just because she's extremely social on an abnormal level, causing her to want to socialize with anyone even if they don't want it, or it may be combined with, or due entirely to, a personality/social disorder. Either way, from what I've seen, she means no malice and she hasn't been kicked out of Ponyville because of her stalking yet.


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Okay...despite my initial misgivings about this, I came back and had a look at the show.  It was okay.  I think the first episode was well thought out and had some okay characters with a good moral.  So, it's not that bad....


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Ok, to show off my first reactions, I guess I will use the smiley feature...

Seeing Topic Title:  :huh:

Dismissing and not Viewing both Youtube Clips:  <_<

Finding out the guy who worked on the Powerpuff Girls and Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends worked on it:  :o

Watching both Youtube Clips:  :spit

Finally watching the first Episode:  :angel

Thank you so much! I can never thank you enough! You have just shown me the most epic rendition of My Little Pony EVER! The plot, the characters, the animation, the humor, its all perfect! And that is coming from a man! Guess I am not the only male who likes this  :lol

PS: To anyone new on the internet, expect My Little Pony to be Rule 34'd on 4chan, and brace yourselves for it, because it isn't pretty at all  :(


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Quote from: Bongo,Mar 21 2011 on  05:52 PM
PS: To anyone new on the internet, expect My Little Pony to be Rule 34'd on 4chan, and brace yourselves for it, because it isn't pretty at all  :(
Their rule is that if it exists, it must be given this treatment, so I'm not surprised. -_-


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You know, 4chan is the reason that this show itself became an official internet meme. XD

There are already a lot of YTPs, YTPMV remixes, cross-overs, 8-bit mixes, etc. for this show. My personal favorite would be the TF2 "Meet The" crossovers, which I think Rainbow Dash and Applejack fit perfectly as the Scout and the Engineer respectively. :lol

I have yet to find the ultimate YTP-er for this show. (kinda like JitteryDragon with his LBT poops) And when I do, I'll be laughing my a** off all day! :lol


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Quote from: pokeplayer984,Mar 22 2011 on  12:27 AM
Quote from: Bongo,Mar 21 2011 on  05:52 PM
PS: To anyone new on the internet, expect My Little Pony to be Rule 34'd on 4chan, and brace yourselves for it, because it isn't pretty at all  :(
Their rule is that if it exists, it must be given this treatment, so I'm not surprised. -_-
I thought Rule 34 was "If it exists, there's porn of it. No exceptions", not "If it exists, it must be given this type of treatment".