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Discuss: The Star Day Celebration

Ratiasu · 39 · 21617


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If their reason to send Ruby to the great valley was to learn what they said, it would make more sense for her entire family to go there. They could raise their younger kids in a very safe environment and they all could learn, instead of just Ruby.
I was thinking about this too, but maybe the reason is the somewhat "unclear" status of Ruby's parents in the food-chain. Unlike not-grown up Ruby they might be perceived as a threat to the eggs in the nest of the Great Valley, or even young hatchlings. Without teeth they could hardly be a threat to anyone who is a little larger than Tricia for example. They are also potential scavengers and this may be a little to much to swallow for the Great Valley dinosaurs (though a healthy ecosystem needs scavengers of course) and there may be more food for scavengers to be found in the Mysterious Beyond. Of course Ruby's parents did not come across as a threat of any sort whatsoever in the flashbacks of this episode. I don't really know where the line of tolerance is running which the Great Valley dinosaurs use to decide whom they allow in the Great Valley and whom they don't.
There may be yet another reason for Ruby's parents not to be in the Great Valley. Perhaps they feel more at home out in the Mysterious Beyond. Even if Littlefoot and the other would hear about a place "better" than the Great Valley they might not want to leave it anyway unless for some disaster transforming the Great Valley into a place where they can't stay.
As for Ruby's younger siblings, maybe their parents feel that they have not yet learned "the basics" to let them feel safe sending them away and maybe Ruby's parents don't want to remain all alone either.


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One thing about this episode I noticed was how more arobically capable Ruby was compared to the rest of the gang. If you watch her happy song at the end (unbearable as it is) you can see her jumping around on rocks and generally moving around a lot faster then any member of the gang can accomplish.

In most of the episodes they don't emphasize this quality in Ruby so much (ie she runs just as fast as they do and doesn't perform anything out of place).


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Maybe she doesn't want to leave her friends behind as she runs.  Though that is just 1 reason.    Likely they didn't think over certain things like that.  Most folks don't.

The Friendly Sharptooth

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I hope this hasn't already been mentioned. I did skim through this thread and did not see a mention of this, so I'll say it myself. Doesn't it seem odd that the characters mention in this episode that sweet bubbles don't grow on trees, but are found on vines in the Sheltering Grass? That alone is not odd, but if you watch Through the Eyes of a Spiketail, then it does become odd. Why? Because how does the episode start? The gang is trying to get sweet bubbles- that are growing off of a tree. Wow, it's amazing how reality shifts through the episodes. Maybe next time, Swimmers will be able to fly and Sharpteeth start eating tree stars.


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The main reason for that is most folks don't pay much attention to pre established continuity and some think if it gets in the way of a story it should be ignored.  I guess since paying attention to continuity takes effort.  Certainly more then ignoring it and doing what you want.


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Aye, sometimes there are continuity errors. One could try to argue if there may be different kind of "sweet bubbles" with the term referring to any kind of fruit that may have a bubble like appearance. Seeing how they look pretty much identical this would be an excuse though. On the other hand it is not a mistake of community so serious as to bring down the whole episode though one exemplary for a number of continuity errors where sometimes the world of LBT seems to be adapted to the needs of a story.

The Friendly Sharptooth

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Round (okay, I lost count) of The Friendly Sharptooth’s goofy episode reviews. Today, as you can see by the title of this thread, I’m going to tackle The Star Day Celebration. I commented here a while back, but I wanted to include this thread in my outrageous review series. For those who haven’t read my others, I am taking episodes and humorously tearing them apart. Let’s begin, shall we? Question: If you get a splinter, do you run around screaming and jumping? No, you say? Wise answer. You see, running around screaming and jumping will do as much good for removing your splinter as dressing up in a clown suit and break dancing on a concrete floor full of banana peels. That being said- WHY THE HECK WAS CERA TRYING TO REMOVE THAT STICK FROM HER HORN BY JUMPING AROUND AND SCREAMING!? Sorry for yelling. /Takes a deep breath and calms down So yeah, Cera gets a stick on her horn and decides to go ballistic. In fact, did she actually believe that would work? Maybe she was just trying to get attention so someone else would remove it. If that was the case, maybe she could have, I dunno- SIMPLY ASKED, “HEY, WOULD SOMEONE PLEASE GET THIS STICK OFF OF ME!?” Sorry again. /Takes long slow breaths So, Cera, if you have a problem, it might help your situation to do things that would, well, actually help your situation. And don’t wait an hour to ask. ëNough said.

Whoa! Amazing fact! There are astronomers in The Land Before Time! Not joking- really. Ruby says a star can only be seen three nights between cold times. Did some dinosaur(s) see a star one day and decide to see how many times it would show up each year? Kind of a lot of work, isn’t it? “Dear, let’s go to bed. It’s late.” “Sorry, sweetheart. I have to stay up until it gets dark so I can see if this one star will be visible.” “Why are you doing this, again?” “Because I want to know how many times a year it shows up.” Sighing, “Yes, but why?” “Why? Why!? Because, that’s why! You never know. Knowing how often this star shows up may one day help some random child know when her star day is.” “Okay, get to bed, now!” “No! I have to keep watch. If I don’t, who will? Then some random child may have no way to know when her star day is!” “That’s it! I want a divorce.” “Can dinosaurs even get a divorce?” “If dinosaurs can be astronomers, they can get a divorce too! Now good night!” So yeah, one can only wonder what fueled a dinosaur’s passion to see just how many nights a particular star shows up in a year. That’s almost as weird as some of the things I do… Almost!

Let’s look at this line: “Saying I love you doesn’t say how much I love you.” … Ruby, ever hear of the phrases “a lot” or “very much”? Try using one then reevaluate your statement. Your dilemma here is almost as lame as Littlefoot and company wondering where the Smoking Mountains was when it was in PLAIN SIGHT! If you have a problem, it helps if you at least try to figure out a solution.

“You must learn how Chomper’s friends in the Great Valley learn to live together.” “Yes, Ruby, that knowledge may one day save us all from Redclaw.” Um… Okaaay… Let me get this straight. You parents are sending your daughter far away so that she can observe some children in hopes that what she sees may help those who live in the Mysterious Beyond survive against Redclaw? You, my good fellows, are insane! What kind of idiocy is that? You think some random kids you’ve never met may hold the key to survival against a vicious meat-eater? Good night, I actually have to THINK to find an example that STUPID! Okay, I think I got one: “Son, I want you to go dive into the ocean and observe some jelly fish in hopes that what you learn may save mankind from obesity from fast food. Best of luck!” I mean, seriously, what kind of blind request is that? You know what, the reason behind Ruby being sent away is so ridiculous that no insult could do it justice. I’m just going to shut up and move along, as the moronity of this whole thing speaks for itself.

Plot hole alert! Plot hole alert! While Chomper is leading Ruby to the Great Valley, he sees Saurus Rock, calls it by name, and realizes they’re nearly there. Hold the bloody phone! Before the television series, the last time Chomper saw Littlefoot was in movie five, The Mysterious Island. Littlefoot and his friends learn about Saurus Rock in movie six, The Secret of Saurus Rock. Yes, in movie six, grandpa Longneck said, “So they called it Saurus Rock, and it’s there to this day.” If the kids knew about this before the story, he would have had no need to tell them it was still there, because the kids would have already known. So then, ladies and gentlemen, HOW IN HEAVEN’S NAME DOES CHOMPER KNOW ABOUT IT!? “Hey, Chomper?” “Yes, Ruby?” “How did you know that was called Saurus Rock?” “Easy, silly. The writers had a little too much beer during the scripts.” “Oh, that explains it, explains it it does.”

“Where exactly are we going to find sweet bubbles around here? They don’t exactly grow on trees,” says Cera. Come again, Cera? “I said, ëWhere exactly are we going to find-’” Shut up! I know what you said! I’m just trying to comprehend the sheer foolishness of that statement. “What was that!? How was that comment foolish?” You really wanna know? “Yeah! Tell me!” I’ll do better, Cera. I will SHOW you.

Now, do you feel stupid, Cera? “I- I- yes…” You are the weakest link. Good-bye!

What’s that, Chomper? You say you’ll go anywhere to get something that’ll make Ruby happy? “You bet!” Even the blazing Mount Doom in the fiery land of Mordor? “You bet! Sweet bubbles are precious to Ruby.” Chomper, shush! Don’t say- “Did someone say precious? My precious… Give it to me! My precious!” Gollum, no! Get off of him! /Yanks Gollum off of Chomper and slams him to the ground Not THAT precious. He was talking about sweet bubbles. “What sweet bubbles?” You know. Sweet bubb-les. Boil ëem, mash ëem, put ëem in a stew. Ugh, gosh! I got Samwise stuck in my head now. I meant, sweet bubbles are a fruit. They aren’t worn on your finger with magical powers like your precious. “Oh. Gollum is so sorry.” Apologize to Chomper, not me. He’s the one you nearly bit his head off of. “Gollum sorry, Chomper.” “It’s okay. This is a children’s cartoon, so I can’t hold a grudge.” “Children’s cartoon?” Okay, we are getting off topic here. Next!

Okay, so the kids go and find some sweet bubbles. What else do they find? Why, Kosh/Mr. Clubtail buried beneath a pile of grass! Either he was in a coma for a month, or he somehow managed to place grass over his entire body. /Key eerie music What strange phenomenon has gripped this world? What unseen force is at work in the life of Kosh? Is he really a dinosaur, or perhaps something more, something much more… Such is the kind of thing one could only expect to see in- the twilight zone. But seriously, how did he manage to get covered like that? “Mr. Owl, how licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie roll pop?” “Let’s find out! A one! A two! A three! Three. Any more questions?” Yes. How many fans does it take to figure out why Mr. Clubtail was covered in plants?” “Let’s find out! A one! A two! A three! … A one million!” “Wait, Mr. Owl.” “What’s wrong?” “Just forget it. As the announcer used to say on commercials, the world may never know.”

They return with sweet bubbles and Chomper places them on a rock. Ruby starts coming, and they are dismayed. Why? Because they “Haven’t finished setting up.” Uh, what? What more is there to set up? The only thing you have is sweet bubbles and they were nicely set on a rock. What else is there to adjust? What, did you order some spotlights? A choir to sing Ruby a song? An orphan to show Ruby so she doesn’t feel as badly about being away from her family since the orphan has none? Come on, what else is there to set up? Gosh, I think Littlefoot just says things sometimes because he likes to hear himself talk.

Okay, when Ruby gets her request to play turned down, she decides to go to her thinking place to watch her star day star. Um, in the day time? Well, let’s give her the benefit of the doubt, folks. Maybe stars can be seen during the day at this time. Let’s take a look at  a picture of the sky directly after she says this.

Hm. Anyone see any stars out? No? I didn’t think so. Hey, Ruby? “Yes? What is it, Michael?” Why did you say you’d watch your star when it can’t even be seen right now? “Sorry, I just say whatever the script writers tell me to.” Oh. Well, next time, I’d recommend thinking for yourself so you don’t look silly. “If you say so.” No! Think for yourself! Enough saying things because others want you to. If the writers give you a script, improvise sometimes. You’ll be a lot better off. “Thank you, Michael” The Fast Runner and human embrace in a warm hug as beautiful music fills the air as the sun sets.

Okay, so they save Ruby from being trapped in a cave, and Littlefoot is all like, “Chomper knew just where you’d be.” Uh, duh! Of course he knew! Last time he was with Ruby, she said she was going to her thinking place. He would have to be deaf to NOT know where she was. “I’m going to the store, mom.” “Okay, drive safe, dear.” “Hey, honey, where’s Michael?” “He went to the store.” “Amazing! You knew exactly where he was. I am so impressed.” Yeah, you can see how silly this is.

Wow! The Land Before Time is magic! It has instant regeneration. Here, have a look, and look closely at the thing in her hand:  Simply breathtaking, is it not? If we build a time machine and go back to this era, we could end world hunger! Whew hoo!

Well, that’s enough bashing for one night, folks. Not a bad episode, just too much absurdity for my taste. I’m The Friendly Sharptooth. I tear apart The Land Before Time so you don’t have to! /Gets out of chair


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This episode was overally nice to watch. Solid plot, some good explaining about Ruby's character but also some... bugs (as pointed out above by TFS).
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I thought this episode was pretty good. At least we know Ruby's minimum age, I think 6 or something. Could be older. I hate the "Feel So Happy" song though. I never liked it much except occasionally.

What I find curious is that Red Claw's blue fast biter, Screech, is credited as "Howler" for some reason.
Could this have been his old name during production, but was changed for legal reasons?
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)


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This is close to my favorite episode in the series. Not only did we learn the things we did of Ruby's past but the overall plotting was pretty solid also. I liked the way the Gang tried to do a surprise for Ruby even if the notion of Starday was new for them. I thought that the songs were pretty nice here, too. One of the things I noticed in this episode that there was very little completely bad animation and the starting scene actually looked really good. This episode had a decent atmosphere and it had more substance than many other episodes.

That Howler spotting was pretty interesting though. I didn't even know he had an old name. :unsure:


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Apparently it was for legal reasons, according to a 2008 revision of the old Red Claw article on the wiki which had Screech and Thud there back then, but it wasn't sourced, so don't count on it.

Uh...that flying rocks song had terrible animation - er, CGI animation, at one point...
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)


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Flying rock song? Are you sure you're not confusing this with Return to Hanging Rock? I don't remember  flying rocks in this episode.  :unsure:


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I remember not liking Ruby until this episode. It did a good job with developing her and it's good that they did it fairly early in the season. "Remembering" is my personal favorite out of all the TV series songs by a long shot and I actually think that "Feel so Happy" works well in this scenario (though this being the first time I heard the song helped for sure).


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Quote from: Sovereign,Aug 25 2017 on  09:47 AM
Flying rock song? Are you sure you're not confusing this with Return to Hanging Rock? I don't remember  flying rocks in this episode.  :unsure:
I didn't, of course not! :oops
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)

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I liked this episode; Ruby misses her family and for some reason, Littlefoot and his friends didn't know what a Star Day was. And yet, they knew what a Giving Ceremony was; I found that kind of weird. Remembering is an okay song; Ruby has a good singing voice.


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shortly: one of three my favorites episodes, of episodes I consider as good!
I could feel Ruby's character here, and I got feels. VERY not bad episode for this TV series,.


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This episode was a mixed bag for me. I didn't really care for the main adventure. I also think it's kinda funny that "I Feel So Happy" debuted in "The Mysterious Tooth Crisis", the show's second episode. Now it's only the third episode and they're already playing that song again. :-P

But the segments showing Ruby's backstory were captivating, and the "Remembering" song is lovely. That said, even the flashbacks left me wanting more. I still want to know why Ruby separated from her family like that. In fact, it kinda makes me wish they'd just gotten rid of the main storyline altogether and devoted the entire episode to her backstory. It definitely seems like there's some missing chunks to the backstory as it currently stands, although granted, it is only the third episode of the series. I really hope this is something that will be further explored in some of the later episodes. I want to see more of Ruby's family as well.

I do like it they have Chomper in the show, and I don't want him to be a temp character. However they could have explained how and why he got there in the first place, and how come he's allowed in the valley. I don't like how they just have Chomper appear like that without explaining the why or the how, or even the when.

I don't recall Chomper ever mentioning missing his parents.  Though maybe since he initially imprented on Littlefoot he may, at least subconsciously reguard Littlefoot as another family member, another father type, so may miss them less since he's with his other family while in the great valley, though they should have had him mention them now and then.
Agreed here too.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2020, 09:25:32 PM by StardustSoldier »


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Not too much to add on this one that hasn't already been said. The writing is about on par with the show so far, kinda juvenile, but that's to be expected for a show pretty squarely aimed at a preschool audience. What I do have are some funny screenshots where the animation crew seem to have cut a corner or two.

A lot of kind of weird, undetailed, seemingly unfinished faces in this one.

Ruby loses some detail on her beak between angles.

Also, Littlefoot may be a vampire now. Perhaps some teeth stolen from Chomper's head?  :rainbowThinking


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Vampire Littlefoot. That one got a good chuckle out of me. :p