The Gang of Five
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LBT Dreams?

Littlefoot Fan

  • Ducky
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Ever had any LBT dreams before? I can only really remember 2 at the moment (Well 1 is actually absolutely nothing to do with LBT except for one little reference that just seemed interesting to me)

1: Happened a long while back. Basically I dreamt that me and my sisters and all these other friends of ours were watching a show on tv. There was arabian type music playing as it flashed "Land Before Time [something]" on the screen. Then it showed each character individually, laying on their backs in cardboard boxes, floating on a bright orange sea.

2: Happened just last night or so. I dreamt that I was playing a game and my sister was watching me. After finding a treasure chest in the game I had found all these rare weapons and one particular item was called Ali's card. Indeed it had a picture of Ali on it.

Dunno, just thought this would be an interesting topic :lol:


  • Ducky
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I had one about two or three years ago where I went through the Stargate and wound up in the great valley and some wierd malfunction turned me into a longneck.

I had another dream a few months ago when I was in Hawaii that involved two of Littlefoot1616's fan characters from "Battle of the Sacred Essenses"  But that was a Halo oriented story insted of the Land Before Time.


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  • Littlefoot
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Hmm, the only dream I can really remember having was back when only LBT 1 to 5 existed. (Ah, the good old days. :^.^:)

Anyways, I dreamed that Littlefoot's mother somehow, by that of even beyond a miracle, had not died from the sharptooth's wound.  Yes, she was still severely wounded, but she was still miraculously alive.  She just arrived at the valley much later than Littlefoot did.  There's not much else I could remember about it.

In fact, for a time, I believed it could actually happen.  How wrong I was. :rolleyes:


  • The Circle
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I have had a few LBT dreams, but regretably most of them are very vague. Just a few days ago I had one dream involving the LBT characters and Mo mixed with stuff from everyday live. I don't remember any details, but I'm afraid it was not a very sensible dream.
Back in 1999 I had one very detailed dream actually in which Littlefoot's grandparents left the Great Valley to find another place to live (there must've been something about the Great Valley, apparently not bad enough to force out everyone instantly, but I don't remember). Feeling uneasy about his grandparents departure Littlefoot followed his grandparents (and so of course did the others).
Both of Littlefoot's grandparents were very ill (similar to Littlefoot's grandpa in LBT 4) but they had found a place and when Littlefoot and the others found them they asked them to lead the others to that place. They also asked them to bring one particular egg there (but there wasn't any more information on it). I might include scenes from that dream in a story some day.
I already did in case of one dream I had when I was six of seven years old. Littlefoot and the others were climbing up a rocky wall (very much like the one they climb after finding the rock that looks like a longneck in the original movie). They were all very worn out and finally Cera said that she can't go on anymore and will have to die. Ducky woefully called she didn't want Cera to die. It ended there and I never learned how it would have continued. However in one story I inclueded a similar scene with a happy end.

Littlefoot Fan

  • Ducky
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I've also had 2 others that I can just barely remember at all.

3: Happened a looooong time ago. I can't remember what had happened but I know I had dreamt that Littlefoot died and I actually woke up in tears :lol

4: Can't even remember when this happened O.o. This one is also very vague. I know I was Littlefoot and I think I had just seen Ducky's mom die. So I went over to her and she knew but wasn't really upset. Then we ended up on hovering pods soaring through mountain passes. :blink:


  • The Gang of Five
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I might of had a few. but all different types i don't really tell of what I dream of to others kind of something I ususally keep to myself. But one of the dreams I once had was that I dreamed of being a pulled into the LBT world stuck as a dinosaur but not sure what happened next kind of forgot but most of my dreams I have is weird cause I can seem to dream being in places that almost very real to view. it seen real but like a black dotty cloud around the rims of view.



  • Petrie
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i just now remember i had a lbt dream last night it was a unusuale one at that i dreampt that i was a dino my self and that i was sent back in time unfortunently i whatched the terminator before i went to bed and i was the terminator and right now im working on a story for it and dont worry i was a good terminator i need to stop watchin movies before i go to bed its messing up my lbt dreams and yes i have them as often as possible there manly the most normal dreams i have


  • Ducky
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You write storys about your dreams?  Good for you!  :DD  :DD


  • Petrie
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ofcourse wered you think i came up with the rise of the reptilic empire well actually the rise of the empire didnt come untill later the real subject that grew in to rise of the reptilic empire was littlefoots mom ya see the idia also came from a dream see i dreampt that littlefoots mother was somehow turned into a cyborg and when i awoke the idia was still in my head and that became the germ for rise of the reptilic empire of course the reptilic dragon war didnt arrive until later.

im also making a short comic book story with the ninja turtles being in lbt that popped in my head hear this mornin also a day dream


  • Ducky
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Cool.  I write stories based on imagination.  I mainly come up with a good idea when I listen to music.  I come up with a character or scene that fits well with the atmosphere of the music.


  • Petrie
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really same with me you should read the story i wrote wile back its called CARNOVORE ah you'll love it its about a biomechanoid called MECHA-REX a cyborg trex clone ill have to write it on the computer but i allready have the story writen it works real well with rock music in the mornin ill rewrite it and email it for ya ok


  • Ducky
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OK.  :)   Sounds like an awesome story.  I can't wait to read it.  :DD


  • Petrie
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the story takes place in 2018 one thing that you'll notice is that i tried not to make it like jurassic park im already working on the sequel carnovore II blood brother i know i have a lot of work to do you know i might just stay up to night or whats left of it no sence in sleapen for a measly 6 hours well i might just go to bed right now bont want to run up the electric bill good night


  • Ruby
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LBT dreams always make me very hapy (didnt have any bad dreams).
Do they make you happy to?


  • Ducky
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Normaly I remember violent, and sometimes very wierd dreams.


  • Petrie
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last night i had two dreams one about being jason voorhees it was cool i chopped people up it was cool
chee chee chee ha ha ha
then i wookup i tossed and turned for a bit and dreampt i was going through some sort of tunel and at the end of the tunel i felt strang cause it was like a vidio game there was a HUD and it turned dark then i turned in to a biomechanical T-rex with metel rock music in the background then i saw littlefoot saying whow he makes sharptooth look like barny.i desided to use the biomech rex as a new design concept for MECHA-REX in CARNAVORE


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  • Cera
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It seems this is becoming a little bit off-topic.  Perhaps we should attempt to direct picture and fanfic discussions to the appropriate board, as opposed to having discussions like this one appear around the forums, as they have been lately.

Just a thought for you guys, Cyberlizard and Titanosaur.  Perhaps you could direct conversations regarding your pics and fanfics to the fanart board or PM messages, as opposed to scattering conversations around the forums, for the sake of organization on the boards.  This would also allow you guys keep better track of your conversations. :wave

Anywho, getting back to the topic of LBT dreams.  I regret to say that I can't recall any directly LBT-based dreams off-hand.  If anything comes to mind though, I'll be sure to post it! :wow

Littlefoot Fan

  • Ducky
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As of this moment, I'm keeping a sort of "Dream Journal" :P: Especially since most of my dreams I forget the next day, so this would be interesting to look back to :D

I've had about 10 dreams in my mind for the longest time. Strange how some stick with you while others just dissapear.


  • Petrie
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I had a dream hear when i was off the computer i got real tired and went to sleep for a wile i dreamt i was in the first LBT strang cause before the dream could go any further my mom desided to wake me up and i was pissed i was wanting to see what happens next