The Gang of Five
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Enemies Inside

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail turned around hearing Vylor's voice, deciding it be best to answer him Longtail lowered himself out o f Petries nest and said "Well I  did at first, but now that I know you a little better, I don't feel as scared." then he gave a short laugh as he then said "Unless you actually plan to hurt me."


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"I personally am not planning on hurting anybody. It is just that the reaction to me you had made me assume that I was threatening you in some way." Said Vylor. She's here! Finally!


Now, time to reach out so he can sense me. Thought Argaya to herself. Lets just hope that he can recognize my appearance.


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Petrie looked down at Vylor,  "How you get here so fast?" he asked.


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Dante looke at the tall tree in front of him, and deciding it would be a good vantage point to look for Vylor's friend, ran at it, scaling it easily.  Looking into the distance, he noticed a Longneck that matched Vylor's description, and decided...

     That must be her!  I guess I'd better tell him that his friend is here...

With this thought, Dante leapt off the treetop, and kick-jumped off other trees to land on the ground, running to announce the good news...


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"I was wondering the same thing. How did you get here so fast?" asked Littlefoot. He was out of breath.

"I am good at running." Replied Vylor. I should be working harder at concealing my physical abilities. They should not have noticed my speed or endurance.


Argaya noticed Vylor. He was with others. Good, he has made friends. Now we can integrate ourselves without much trouble.


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Just as Vylor and Littlefoot finished their conversation, Dante ran up, skidded past them, and promptly hit a rock.  Dazed, but unhurt, he turned around and walked back over to them, proudly saying...
    "Hey Vy!  I think your friend is here!  I saw her a few minutes ago!"


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"I feel here. Thanks Dante!" said Vylor. I finally shall have some help in my magical control. I should warn her that her magic might be leaking out.

"What is her name?" asked Littlefoot.


Argaya listened to Vylor. She found out what was happening in the forest. That is why those trees were changing. She quickly began trying to seal up her magic.


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"Hmmm, you know, based on where she was when I saw her, she should be gettin' kind of close to here by now. Funny thing is, some of the trees near where I was had... changed somehow...  Wierd."

Dante said, thinking about what had happened when he first met Vylor...

I wonder...Is he an alter too? If he is...Then he must be... No!  

Dante shook his head, trying to supress the Sankakku's will, and maintain his sanity...


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"Her name is Argaya. She is not just a friend; she is my sister." Said Vylor. "Strange things seemed to happen to us in the Mysterious Beyond." That should be getting rid of any questions on our relationship. We can avoid more questions about our past.


I should be going down to meet him. Argaya began running to Vylor.


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"That's Cool.  Hey... what do you mean by Strange Stuff?  Like what?"
Dante asked, glad that Sankakku hadn't awakened again...


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"It mainly affected trees. They began to change their shape. Sometimes, animals appeared that we had never seen before." Replied Vylor.


Argaya was only a few minutes away. Good, the trees aren't changing anymore.


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Petrie looked at Vylor, not sure about him anymore.  "He get around fast like rainbowfaces." He said, meaning the rainbowfaces that had visited the valley shortly before the falling rock hit the area and his uncle Pterano was up to his tricks and Ducky was taken.

((Feels like I should bring in a magic character or the tourist, with all the magic and such going on ))


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"Argaya!" "Vylor!" The two ran forward to meet each other. You need to show me how to seal up my magic. Vylor told Argaya.

(OOC: I should let you know that the two share a mental connection.)

The Great Valley Guardian

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For reasons he couldn't explain Longtail suddenly started feel cold, and tired then began to wonder 'Being a guardian seems to bring me nothing but trouble, but I wonder if Vylor and his sister are guardians as well.'

He then asked "Well Petrie my uncle is a rainbow face, and he can run very fast....well when he wants to anyway."


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"It is finally good to see a familiar face Argaya. Here are some people I would like you to meet." Said Vylor, gesturing at the group behind him.

"My name is Littlefoot." Said Littlefoot.


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Petrie said, partially to himself.  "Maybe those rainbowfaces behind this, they behind trouble with falling rock before."


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"And I'm Dante!  Dante S. Starfall, at your service.  Nice to meet you!"
Said Dante, a goofy grin on his face...

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail spread his wings, lowered his head, and said "My name is Longtail. Nice to meet you." Then a thought crossed his mind...'I don't know why but I can't shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen...and soon.'


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Petrie flew off in a certain direction talking to himself.  Magic and weird things going on, me tell Mim, she grown up and know what to do, she lived in mysterious beyond all her life till she get here.


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As Dante made eye contact with Argaya, he felt a cold shiver run down his spine, and he thought to himself...

These two... There's something that tells me that they're going to make life a little more... interesting...