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Diver shrugged.

"You could always sneak away at night." Mia said as she looked over at the group with Littlefoot.  She and her friends did at times to go and visit with their fastbiter kid friend Deon, when the night circle was in a certain phase.    They had gotten pretty good at it.  

"There is that choice." Rhyn said, "Or you can just forget the whole thing too." Rhyn said.


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"Yeah I guess," Littlefoot agreed with Diver. "But I'd still have to find a way to get to the island. I mean, I'm no swimmer, and Elsie is probably gone for good. Unless I can grow in size very quickly, I might be stuck over here." He then noticed how shy Skye seemed to be. Something seemed odd about her, but he didn't want to press upon it. Maybe I'll ask her some other time.


Chomper had found yet another flying buzzer to chase, and this one he finally caught. "That was not as spicy as before," he licked his claws, "but still good." He laughed to himself. "Littlefoot and the others would be so grossed out right now if they were here. Then again, I don't understand how they eat that green stuff. It's so disgusting."


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After she had moved a bit away from them, she sat back down onto the ground with a slight grumble as well "I guess it's good that they don't know at the moment...." Skye spoke to herself before laid down upon the ground with a bit of a sigh as well.

Her back was indeed, turned away from everyone else, as for now, she was alone, something she didn't seem to mind, as it was something she was rather used to by now.


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"Maybe I can fly over there and give him a message." Rhyn said as she got out of the water along with Mia and Diver.  

"That Elsie person may be certainly hard to find if she is not here.  Certainly harder if she is underwater." Diver said.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cera couldn't sleep with everyone talking at once, so she stood up and against her own instincts stepped over to Skye. "Hey...your name was Skye right? Well...nothing personal, but you need to loosen up a bit. I was like you once, and only listened to what I thought was right, but after getting separated from my family by the earthshake I realized that being on my own wasn't as great as I thought. So I guess being able to do what you want might be fun for a while, but being with a group of friends, or family is usually the best thing..." she trailed off in case Skye wanted to respond.

Spike had found some underwater green food and taken to eating it rather than swim. After eating his fill he stepped out of the water and smiled. He then sniffed the air and looked around knowing that the scent smelled new and unfamiliar.


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"Well, you have a choice, you actually have friends, you have a I have nothing" Skye snapped back at Cera almost instantly before stopping, looking away from the other threehorn "Sorry, I uh....I didn't mean to snap like that...."

At first, she didn't say anything, as if to wait for Cera to say something, but instead, decided to say something else herself first as she took a deep breath "It's just family's was in the great earthshake, I mean, after that had happened, I too went to the Great valley to try and find them, but they were there....I then left to search for them, but didn't find them anywhere....and I just realized that they were....dead....and I've been on my own ever since then...."

"You're just have people to care for you....I don't...." Skye trailed off and rolled over away from Cera by that point.


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"Well..." Cree began to Littlefoot saying he hoped they weren't intruding.

"Not at all" Lily cut him off and assured, "it is a big place after all and teens like us don't have any claim or anything to a whole land", she was talking more to Cree than the kids whom she said this too really.

She just, along with Tylr and Cree, listened to the kid's try to decide how to get over to someone named Chomper.

"Oh yes" Ducky agreed with her sister, "and there is lots of Big Water for her to be in, there is, there is" she told the others, "but I'm she did say she would visit, maybe it will be soon" she went on hopefully.

"Wait" it was Cree who spoke as he listened to the kids, "are you lot all trying to get over to that island with sharpteeth on it? Why would you do that?"

Before any of the kids had to answer, Tylr put his wing up to his beak, thinking, "Nah..." he said.

"What?" Lily asked.

Tylr sort of laughed, "I was just wondering if maybe I could help, if they want to get to this island anyway, with flying some of them over but except for Petrie and Ducky there I don't think it would work".

"No I guess not" Lily smiled, "We're not full grown yet...but...well I wouldn't want you kids searching the Big Water or anything, but...well I'm older, and I can hold my breath a bit, maybe I could see if I can't find this Elsie for you" she offered.

"Though, like Cree said, I should really ask you why you want to get to a sharptooth island, but I won't" she smiled, "Sounds like you kid have it under control anyway"

Petrie smiled, "Wow, you all nothing like Hyp and other big kids!" was the first thing he said.


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Littlefoot nodded in agreement. "You're right Petrie. These guys don't seem to be bullies at all." He looked back at Lily. "I know it sounds crazy, but this sharptooth is younger than us, and he's our friend. We got stuck out on the land in the big water, but Chomper helped us out. I also raised him when he was just a hatchling, so you can say I have history with him." But to Lily's request, he shook his head. "The big water is really dangerous. There's a swimming sharptooth out there, and I don't want to risk anybody for our sake. But thank you for offering to help us."


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"Just him him with a big stick.  That calmed Hyp down the last time he tried to bother us." Mia said.  

"Or just tell her older brother and he'll wrastle with them." Rhyn said.

"Yea, that was funny to watch." Mia said, laughing at the memory a bit.

"I don't know about sharpteeth, but not all fastbiters are mean.  Most certainly are but not all.  Certainly not." Diver said, thinking & remembering Deon and his family and herd.  "And not all older kids are bullies, certainly not."

"Some can be nice." Mia said, "My older brother is only a bully to bullies."


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Littlefoot laughed. "I don't think I want to hurt Hyp though, and I really don't think I'd be able to reach his head even if I tried. He is bigger than us, but then again he hasn't really bothered us too much after the water incident." Trying to start conversation, he looked towards Lily. "So how long have you guys been here? I know we just got here and we didn't expect to find any other kids around."


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"Quite a while" Lily answered, "though even though all that it hasn't always been empty, herds would move through, just not as big as yours" she smiled.

Tylr nodded, "We were with our own parents and younger, actual kids ourselves when the earth shake hit too and Cree and I were left on our own before we met up with Lily here who'd also lost her parents".

Lily nodded "I remember even among my old herd the Great Valley was talked of, but...none of us were heading that way and to be honest sort of doubted it existed".

"Yeah and plus what chance did three kids like us on our own have of finding it, so we just wandered for something and luckily stumbled upon this land and set up here".

"Me being the one who found it" Cree bragged, though he was still trying to give these kids who's parents had intruded in (sister included or not) the cold shoulder.

It still being hard for Petrie to put two and two together and realize these two teen flyers were his uncles, since he hadn't even met Cera's own similarly younger than her niece and nephew of Dinah and Dana yet to help with the concept, he nonetheless was intrigued by being related to them somehow and even if the yellow teen flyer seemed to be brooding and refusing to talk much, he paid great attention to Tylr and his friend's story, finding the last bit interesting.

"Oh, but that what Littlefoot do" he offered with a small smile, "he help all of us find Great Valley, even when Cera get us all turned round-ed". Petrie glanced about nervously for their three horn friend after saying this, and was relieved to find Cera wasn't there at the moment.

"Really?" Tylr looked at the younger kid in surprised.

"You must have a good sense of direction" Lily praised with a smile.


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(LBTFan13 said I could use Littlefoot while he's away)

Littlefoot gave off a nod back "Yes, that's true, it was my mother who had told me the way to the Great valley, and I knew that deep down in my heart, that she was right, even if Cera wouldn't believe me to begin with"

However, he too had a look around as well, seeing that Cera was over with Skye at the moment, seeing that Skye wasn't really talking too much as he looked back to the others "And, just ignore what Skye said, the Great Valley will become green again, you've just got to believe it that it will"


Skye sighed some as she rolled back over, seeing that Cera hadn't left her alone "'re still here?" she asked with a slight grumble as well, but sighed again having taken that small amount of time out to think a little bit "And, I guess I'm sorry for snapping like that just before...."


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Diver nodded, "It will get green again.  It certainly will. It just needs time." Diver said as she looked at the others.


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Meanwhile, while all of the usual Valley inhabitants are talking amongst themselves in their temporary setting, a couple of new faces walk through the parched barren desert. A green One-Horn and a young, pink Fast-Runner are seen trudging through the unfavorable conditions. The adult dinosaur seems tired, but persistent; however, the child is not so lively. She falls over the hind legs of the larger companion, complaining. "Kel, I'm so tired! When are we going to get there? We've been walking around for ages!"

"I know, I know. But Blossom you have to understand that it takes patience; if it's taking us this long to get to the Great Valley then it's got to be worth it, right?"

"I guess. Well what are we going to do about tonight? We can't sleep out here. I'll just die! I'm certain I will."

"Don't worry, we're not going to. Now I know I smelled water not too long ago. C'mon, let's head this way. Where there's water there's bound to be some green food. We can spend the night there." Kel slightly changed course, now heading due Northwest. Blossom moaned out in exhaustion before following closely under the shade of Kel's tail.

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Cera looked almost insulted at Skye's remark, but then she sighed quietly.
"It's alright...I shouldn't have been so pushy about it. But still...we threehorns have to stick together right?" she asked hoping to at least get a good response from Skye.

At that moment a lone rainbow-face stepped into small sea-side landscape. He was tired, hungry, but above all else he was simply tired of being alone in the Mysterious Beyond. He yawned from his exhaustion and stepped forward until he reached a small stream of water and quickly deciding sleep was better than thirst he laid his head down and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Spike had laid down for some time, but smiled as he watched his friends talking and resting. He then mumbled to himself, 'This is a good adventure, no danger...just us relaxing.'  But then he picked up a new he didn't recognize...and that made his curious. Spike stood up, and using his sniffer began to track down the scent.


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Skye sighed with a little shrug "I guess so...." was all she could really say, although just being reminded of her family no longer with her had her mood vanish a little bit, well, not really vanish, more just, diminish.

She looked over at Cera for another moment or two before sighing a second time and giving off, what seemed to be a smile of some sort....well, one could call it a smile anyway coming from her as she was doing her best to smile as it were.  Although, the smile in question only last a second or so before it left her face.


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Littlefoot noticed that Cera and Skye were having their alone time, so he figured it was best to leave them be. He forgot that he had commented on his mother without fully explaining everything, so he decided that if they were going to be staying with these new dinosaurs they should know about him. "See, when I first met Cera, we were in two separate herds looking for the Mysterious Beyond. We didn't associate with others of a different species. Well, Cera and I were playing when Sharptooth came after us. My mother died saving us." The event replayed through his mind as if it only happened yesterday. "After that happened, I ran into somebody who told me that I couldn't let her death stop me, so I looked for the Great Valley on my own, and I met all my friends and found my grandparents. Who would have guessed that we would have left the Great Valley and ventured again."


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Lily found she had to smile at the optimistic view these kids were presenting, "Well, if you kids seem so sure than I'm sure it will" she smiled.

As Littlefoot went on, though, she frowned a bit and Tylr as well.

"I...I really am sorry to hear that" Tylr said sincerely, "as someone who knows what it's like to lose your parents before you feel your ready".

"And to then lose the Valley again..." Lily sighed.

"We just happy to be together, though" Petrie said, "since our parents were gonna split up again before we founded this place".

"Then we're double happy we could help" Tylr grinned, "Right Cree".

"Yeah, yeah, happy to help" Cree shrugged.

"I guess you could say Lily I kinda did the same too, putting the whole herds keeping to themselves thing aside" Tylr went on, "since even our parents and the flyers about them worked the same, keeping to just flyers, but when I stumbled upon Lily all sad over her parents being gone I...well I just had to ask her to come along with me and Cree".

Lily looked a bit embarrassed yet smiled remembering Tylr's kindness, "Tylr...I wasn't...helpless" she argued. Truth be told now that they were teens, and if she felt she was allowed by the world to do so, she'd formed a sort of crush on Tylr just for his being such a good friend.

"Oh sorry" Tylr smiled. Neither of the teens had noticed Spike's wandering either as they told this filling in of the gaps a bit of their own story.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cera could see that Skye was trying to be sincere with her smile, and that in turn made Cera give a genuine smile of her own. "Come the very least, join me for lunch. All this talking is making me hungry." she commented while still maintaing her smile.

Spike had walked almost to the edge of the river and was rather surprised to see a rainbow face fully asleep leaning against a rock. He wasn't sure if he should tell the other elders, but in a momentary decision Spike simply sat down in the grass and began eating as he waited for the sleeping rainbow face to wake up.

Cyrix still lost in his deep slumber was unaware of the spiketail sitting a few feet away as he continued to dream about finding the one thing he was searching for.


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Skye took a quick deep breath of air "Okay, I guess joining you for lunch would be a good thing, yeah, alright....I'll take you up on your little lunch offer thing, although I have eaten something.....but that wasn't really much, so yeah, I could use some more lunch" she told Cera, still doing her best to keep up a smile of her own.