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Stardust's LBT Art Nest


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Here is my submission for the Hurt/Fear prompt (the one-word version). This is the first LBT drawing I've ever done, and in fact my first time ever uploading my artwork anywhere.

Needless to say, I'm pretty unhappy with how this turned out. But I was touched that you guys were still eager to see it, and I still wanted to participate in the prompt challenge.

"The Preceding Silence"

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« Last Edit: October 03, 2020, 05:08:03 PM by StardustSoldier »


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First!  :bestsharptooth

Ah, Cera's classic oh shit face  :lol

I'm not that gifted at reviewing art critically so I'll leave that to the others but let me say that it probably looks better than my first drawing  :lol Certainly, the drawing is simple, even lacking colour for the most part, but the lineart seems pretty solid to me and the thick lines definitely improve the overall look in my opinion.

Overall, I'd say it's a pretty decent first try  :^^spike
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So I've already mentioned on Discord but this is a really great first drawing! Ducky mentioned already, the lineart I'd say is good. Cera I find is one of the harder characters to draw when it comes to the face so awesome job on that!

A couple things I would like to mention though, since you used a marker to colour Cera's eyes I'd recommend that you make sure there are no white spaces peeking through. Also more of a personal opinion to me is the fact that Cera doesn't normally have eyelashes so I always find it strange to see them on her but I am aware that there are some scenes in which she has them. The last one is with the tree itself, most notably with the bark/grain lines. They seem a little too unnaturally straight and consistent and more importantly they start running perpendicular to the direction of the root/branch on the right hand side when it should run more parallel. Take a look at this picture as it should hopefully show what I mean.

I'm glad that you managed to join in on this prompt and I hope to see you join in on more of them in the future! :smile


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Nice to see you do art! The fanart circle is quite small, so a new entrant to admire more artwork is always welcome! :cerahappy

The main part of the picture, the contours of Cera's face are very well-defined, with the thick lineart attenuating her horn and frill. The coloring of her green eyes means that it's the first thing the viewer's attention is drawn to, and I must say that I do like Cera's widened eyes and the touch of her mouth being hidden behind her tree so we have to imagine her jaw expression, almost as though she is ashamed of expressing her fear, pretty much characteristic of her frightened side which she tries to suppress as a threehorn.

If there's one thing I want to say, it is that Cera's face seems a little squarish, but it might just be the face-on perspective presented in the picture as the gang are usually seen in parallel or oblique shots. Face-on shots are hard even for the films to do especially once they got into CGI. Personally, the lack of her body bothered me at first but then I accepted it to be a limitation of the angle and most likely hidden behind her frill, so it's fine with me now. I also agree with Flathead about the tree trunk being unusually straight, but I do like the jagged pieces of bark and stalk with wilting leaves sticking out near the right part, it made it seem more like an actual fallen tree.

But yeah, it's still pretty good imo. Scared Cera is always a sight to see. :P
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Wow! You were definitely being too hard on yourself! Cera is a difficult subject to draw and I think you captured her emotions perfectly. I like that the attention is immediately drawn to the eyes thanks to only them being colored in. The tree stump/log/branch is a nice addition to the piece, with my only point of critique being that bark usually runs a bit more wild:

However this is very difficult to capture in a drawing and is definitely not the main focus of this drawing, so it's more of a nice extra. Your line art is very crisp, like others have said, and that is very commendable. Much better than my first attempts at drawing these dinosaurs, that's for sure!


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Let me just say that it is superb to at last see LBT fanart from you, and I’d agree with others that you do not give yourself enough credit for your work. The very first art may not be the best to an excessive degree, but it certainly will play a part in improving the artist’s abilities with drawing. After all, it is the personal experience and interest in the task that ultimately bring about a great change, if one will allow that to happen as it isn’t exactly the easiest thing in the world, but with enough practice, I believe anyone can become a good artist. I like to reference Ratatouille in scenarios like this:

''Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere.''

When it comes down to the picture, I would actually disagree with your thoughts on how unsatisfactory the conclusion was, as I really like this straightforward, but also an exemplary drawing deserving of respect as it is your very first one LBT-wise. What I enjoyed the most in it, was how detailed Cera’s eyes and by extension, her facial expression really was. I contemplate what could have caused the usually stubborn but venturesome threehorn to take shelter behind the tree, and it is evidence enough from her gaze that whatever it is, has shaken her to her very core.

If I would have to say something in terms of constructive criticism, I would concur with Mumbling’s insight with the bark being more wild as shown in the picture she so kindly displayed. Believe in your abilities, Stardust, you have the potential to ameliorate your proficiency when it comes to drawing, and I believe in you 100%. This is but the start of the great journey of drawing you have chosen to partake in. :)

(I totally made a Halo quip in my feedback. Can you spot it?)
« Last Edit: November 14, 2019, 11:19:22 AM by Anagnos »


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Hello everyone.

Once I had finished with the drawing, I guess it was all the little imperfections that were so jarring to me. As was already mentioned, the bark lines seemed off, I noticed that I hadn't coloured in Cera's eyes nearly as well as I could have. And more generally, imo, it just didn't fully capture the mysterious and creepy atmosphere that I had in my mind's eye. I had planned on adding more detail around the sides; some leaves and branches to show that she was hiding out in a jungle, and/or I was going to draw a dark, ominous cloudy sky above her. Eventually I settled on just Cera and the log, but it left the drawing feeling more bare-bones than I'd originally intended, which may have contributed to my dissatisfaction.

But as I said, I need to remember that this is only my first time, and I may have been stacking myself up against unrealistic expectations. You guys are probably right in that, yeah, I was being too hard on myself. Probably just my inner 'you are your own worst critic' voice talking. That, and I've often struggled with being able to appreciate my own work in general; it's something I've experienced with my fiction writing as well.

Cera I find is one of the harder characters to draw when it comes to the face so awesome job on that!
I would like to mention that her face wasn't drawn entirely from scratch. I was using an image still from one of the movies as reference. But I didn't want it to be an exact copy of the scene from the movie, so I did tweak some of the details, including changing the setting to what was planned to be a jungle (as the log was a new detail not in the original image I was using as reference).

Also more of a personal opinion to me is the fact that Cera doesn't normally have eyelashes so I always find it strange to see them on her but I am aware that there are some scenes in which she has them.
As it happens, she does in fact have eyelashes in the reference image I was using. I'm aware that she usually doesn't have eyelashes in other cases. For my own personal preference, in any future drawings I do of Cera, I probably will give her eyelashes just because it makes sense to me. As in, how come Littlefoot often has eyelashes but she doesn't? Shouldn't they all have eyelashes?

This was intended as a monochrome drawing when I started out. Partway into it was when I got the inspiration to colour only Cera's eyes and nothing else. That's one thing I was happy with.

I'll try not to be so down on myself in the future. Admittedly, because it was my first time ever sharing a drawing I made, I was rather nervous and squeamish about it. But ultimately I am happy I did it, and I would like to do more of these. I already have a couple of fully-formed ideas for the humanization prompt.

And lastly, I really appreciate the feedback and encouragement. You guys are all awesome. <3

(I totally made a Halo quip in my feedback. Can you spot it?)
@Anagnos: I don't have much familiarity with Halo, so you'll have to enlighten me. :P

Edit: Was it this quote? "After all, it is the personal experience and interest in the task that ultimately bring about a great change, if one will allow that to happen as it isn’t exactly the easiest thing in the world, but with enough practice, I believe anyone can become a good artist."

Edit II: Anagnos tells me it's the "great journey" quote, which was going to be my second guess.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2019, 10:37:24 AM by StardustSoldier »


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Hello, StardustSoldier! It’s pretty exciting to see a new artist amidst the community, so I can’t wait to see more future drawings from you. Thanks for taking your time to showcase this particular drawing, despite the fact that you may have been unhappy with the final result at first, which you still are as I can tell. But without further ado, let’s analyze this drawing, shall we? ;)

Upon first impression, I notice Cera’s bright green eyes immediately, which was obviously the one and only focal point of this drawing in my opinion. It was the main component that made up the entirety of her expression here, which I think you conveyed pretty well. As for the rest of the drawing, it suffers from a lack of color or any shading. Not to say that it’s necessarily a bad thing; In fact, I’m actually okay with it for some weird reason. I was trying to visualize how your picture would look as a whole with other colors and a colored background, but yet I wasn’t fully satisfied and it didn’t feel any better than the current state it is in now. Since I’m not artistic at all like the other people on the forum, perhaps that’s why my better interpretation was a failure. But anyway, I’m really mesmerized by those eyes honestly. The eyelashes further complemented the fearful look she has, although it still looked fine without it. The eyes could’ve been filled in better as well, although it’s only a minor complaint at best. Despite the simplistic and barebones picture that you drew, I’m overall content with what you have to offer as your first drawing. The contour lines on Cera are pretty clean, and the more rough and irregular lines on the log that she’s hiding behind was a nice touch of realism on your part. As for Cera’s entire body itself, I will say that it is a little bit disproportioned, with the right half of her looking more slumped and shorter than the left half. I tried looking from a different angle to see if that was the problem, but yet I couldn’t perceive the desired result.

Don’t beat yourself too much on this drawing StardustSoldier; After all, it was only your first. Trust me, I have seen much worse than this (and so have you. :lol) But with everything said, I hope this served as a good learning experience for you and it would lead to much desired improvements in your future drawings.

Also, one question. What scene from what movie inspired this drawing for the Hurt/Fear Prompt? I seem to not really remember much from the movies I’ve watched already, but then again I only watched them once so far. (Yikes, and I still need to watch the rest of them! :sducky)

P.S: To make this review as unbiased as possible, I didn’t read any of the other posts here present. Usually I would read the others, but I wanted to be as honest as possible for the first drawing you showcased here. :)

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Thank you for the analysis.

As for Cera’s entire body itself, I will say that it is a little bit disproportioned, with the right half of her looking more slumped and shorter than the left half.
The reason for that is because, in the reference image, she's at a slight angle. As we look at her, her head is turned a little bit to our right. Notice that her horn is curved on the one side as well. I don't think I quite captured the sense of angle as well as I could have. But oh well. It's all part of the learning process. I'm going to be really busy this next week with client work, but once my schedule clears up, I would like to get started on my next set of drawings.

As for the reference image itself. In your defense, it's a brief and easy-to-overlook shot. It's from the first movie. I never really noticed the shot myself until my third and most recent time viewing the movie in this past year, but once I did it immediately stuck out to me. It's right after the kids cuddle up together and go to sleep for the night. Then Cera wakes up the next morning, and she creeps up to the edge of the footprint mound and notices Sharptooth in the distance.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2019, 11:34:55 AM by StardustSoldier »


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Yup, I agree the picture looks pretty solid. While it isn't that complex, Cera's expression alone makes this a pretty decent fir posted drawing. I don't have much critique about it and certainly, this is a promising start for this thread. I just hope to see more detailed works from you in the months to come but for now, decent job. :)
« Last Edit: November 15, 2019, 03:19:49 PM by Sovereign »


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I would like to mention that her face wasn't drawn entirely from scratch. I was using an image still from one of the movies as reference. But I didn't want it to be an exact copy of the scene from the movie, so I did tweak some of the details, including changing the setting to what was planned to be a jungle (as the log was a new detail not in the original image I was using as reference).
Yeah I figured it was the one from the first film. Not that there's anything wrong with trying to replicate from a reference. In fact, I do find that that is the best way to learn as it gives you a way to see where you need improvement and does help with a sort of muscle memory to draw them in the future. While there's a good amount that I draw that's unique I still like to look at some image of the character to help me out.

As it happens, she does in fact have eyelashes in the reference image I was using. I'm aware that she usually doesn't have eyelashes in other cases. For my own personal preference, in any future drawings I do of Cera, I probably will give her eyelashes just because it makes sense to me. As in, how come Littlefoot often has eyelashes but she doesn't? Shouldn't they all have eyelashes?
Haha fair enough


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Late response, but yeah I kinda knew what you were trying to go for. You still tried your best though. :)

Hey, can I ask? What will your next set of drawings be based on, and have you started any of them yet?

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Thank you, Sovereign. :)

Impractical: While I don't want to give away the full surprise just yet, I will say that I have two fully-formed ideas for drawings this time around. One of them is for the current prompt:
One Word Prompt: Humanization
Descriptive Prompt: Haven't you all been wondering what the Gang would look like in our human world? For this prompt, it is your task to design as many LBT characters as you want in a human form. Let's get creative!

It was originally going to be my only drawing for the Nov/Dec prompt, but then Mumbling suggested an alternate prompt:
I'm no good with drawing humans, but would enjoy drawing the dinosaurs among humans/in our civilization.

And that inspired me, so I'll be doing another drawing based around that idea. :DD

I haven't started them yet, but that'll be a December project for sure.


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At last, I am updating this thread with new drawings. Here is my submission for the Humanization prompt, specifically the descriptive version.


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« Last Edit: March 24, 2020, 02:45:29 PM by StardustSoldier »


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And here is my other submission for the Humanization prompt. As noted above, I decided to do two drawings this time around, this one based on the alternative idea Mumbling suggested; going with the theme of "the Gang in our word" rather than drawing them as humans.

I realize the image quality is a bit subpar. I want to get an image scanner soon so I can upload better-quality images, but in the meantime I am stuck with my phone camera.

"Urban Adventuring"

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« Last Edit: October 03, 2020, 05:08:31 PM by StardustSoldier »


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Very cool to see more drawings from you, Stardust! For the human-humanisation drawing, can you tell me who you went for? I'm assuming the tree star indicated Littlefoot, but one can never be sure :D The postures are pretty good - I can't draw humans very well at all. In terms of constructive criticism for that piece, I'd say that men's legs are generally a bit more "buff" than women's legs. The male torso  would probably also look a bit more natural if the part under the woman's arm would be a bit more to the left. I think the hair looks pretty good on both of them  :yes

As for the LBT-humanisation drawing, it's a pretty cool idea to recreate that original movie poster feel in the modern suburbs. Are they walking on a rooftop? :D Spike looks really good (and happy too, haha). Ducky and Petrie are both a bit oversized, but I assume this was done to give them more detail. Littlefoot's fourth leg decided to go into hiding  :lol All the criticism aside I know drawing all the characters can take quite some time and I actually really like this piece. I hope to see even more from you in the future!


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I missed this thread completely.

First picture of Cera is cool and good!
Like colored eyes.

Humans look good too. Who is that? :D
And these lines are from some actual song?

For the last one, it's sad to see that the most well-drawn here is background and... Spike. O_o
You have to work with proportions and smooth lines here. (I have the same problem though, so you can ignore me XD)

Looking for your future works!
« Last Edit: January 30, 2020, 06:39:43 AM by Sneak »


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Yes, these drawings are pretty decent and it's good to see you do more of them and make proper improvement with every drawing you create. The idea of the Gang visiting a present day city inhabited by humans is quite the milestone for them to experience. I imagine the first drawing is meant to be a depiction of Littlefoot, but I wish you'd make that more clear what this drawing was about. For the second drawing, while I find the catch rather amusing, the figures of the gang (except for Littlefoot and Spike) are slightly lacking in quality, but I did really like them in the end. This is a good start for your drawing career, Stardust. Never lose hope, because you can do great things. :)
« Last Edit: February 04, 2020, 04:09:40 AM by Anagnos »


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Decent job, Stardust. :) While not perfect, these drawings nonetheless are a nice addition to this page. As Sneak noted, Spike looks the best of them in the first picture and to be honest, he actually looks pretty good. As for the others, the most pressing issue here seems to be the characters' sizes as especially Petrie is too large here. There are some other problems but that's a good place to start. But as others said, it'll be interesting to see where your skills develop in the coming months. :)littlefoot


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Hello everyone. Thank you for the feedback.

In regards to the first drawing, I actually made it deliberately ambiguous who they are, to leave it open to interpretation. That said, I was specifically thinking of...
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Littlefoot & Ali. Littlefoot is easy enough to guess with the tree star on his shirt, but Ali's identity is less clear.

In terms of constructive criticism for that piece, I'd say that men's legs are generally a bit more "buff" than women's legs.
More muscular, do you mean? Any tips on how I could better convey that?

And these lines are from some actual song?
Yes indeed. It's from "The Things We Do for Love" by 10cc. One of my all-time favourite songs. :yes (Amy Grant also does a great cover of it)

As for the city drawing, to be honest, I think it looks pretty terrible. I'm even less happy with it than my first drawing of Cera. I can't even bear to look at it right now.
I know that, yeah, I'm too self-critical. But eh, it just didn't turn out the way I wanted at all. Spike looks good, but I messed up with everyone else. I'm probably going to stick to more straight-forward pieces from here on, at least for now. I think I bit off more than I could chew with that one by trying to draw something too detailed.

It wasn't really my intention to draw Petrie and Ducky that large. I didn't realize how big Ducky was until after I finished and compared her to everyone else. But by that point, I was quite far along with the drawing and I didn't feel like erasing her and doing it all over again. And then for Petrie, I decided to just draw him the same size as Ducky, even if it was still too big.

But yes, they are indeed walking on a rooftop. Or more specifically, they're walking across a platform connecting two buildings. :D

Littlefoot's fourth leg decided to go into hiding  :lol
Arrrgh, whoops! I completely forgot about that. Ironically, this was the second draft of that particular drawing, and on the first draft I actually did remember to draw in Littlefoot's fourth leg. *sigh* Oh well.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2020, 08:07:12 PM by StardustSoldier »