The Gang of Five
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Never Do Anything Together

Kit12 · 120 · 14466

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix sighed as he heard  Tylr ask his question.
"No..its okay. I was just thinking to myself is all." He then turned to face Tylr as he asked, "What would you do....if you ever lost your daughter, or any of your nieces or nephews?"


Grandpa Longneck chuckled at his grandsons enthusiasm and the smile on his daughters face.
"Don't worry Littlefoot, we'll get there when we get need to rush." he said as he looked to the horizon hoping to see the valley soon.


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Tylr looked shocked by the question, yet then thought, even if he didn't really have to. "Well...of course I would hope that wouldn't happen, but...I'd search every area of land physically possible until I did find them again" he answered, knowing it was the truth.

"So are you from around here?" Kit asked Skylar in curiosity.


"But when is that?" Littlefoot asked. "We don't know quite yet" Grandma answered with a chuckle of her own. Littlefoot let out a huff of breath in annoyance, then, as they moved, he noticed a threehorn herd off a ways from them...and one member in particular.

"Hey! It's Cera!" he said. "Who?" his mother looked confused a bit.

"The threehorn from yesterday" Littlefoot answered quickly, "Hey Cera!" he quickly darted towards where the herd stood.

"Littlefoot...oh dear" his mother knew this wouldn't end well and began to walk over after her son.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix nodded at Tylr's answer knowing it was the truth.
"Good...I'm glad to hear you say that."


Grandpa Longneck grinned and said, "Don't worry my daughter, I'll watch Littlefoot for you." He then stepped over to where Littlefoot had run to and saw his grandson talking to Cera.


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"Yeah, family's pretty important" Tylr said.

"Tylr!" just then a sharp voice rang out, "what do you think you're doing?". Tylr's face fell as his oldest brother, Cree, landed on a branch.

"Well...most of them" he muttered. He turned to face Cree, "I'm talking with others who are heading towards this Great Valley themselves" he answered, "they...".

"Other non flyers ya mean? and with the kids with you" he indicated Petrie and Kit, "oh that's a good example".

"He's very perceptive" Tylr commented to the others on Cree's first statement, hoping to show he didn't hold with the views his brother was spewing out and also alleviate some of the tension of Cree being associated with him and acting like this.

The commotion drew Petrie's mom and Pterano's attention as well though. "The Great Valley? i-it exists?" Petrie's mom asked, flapping over.

Tylr smiled, "Yep, and we were just talking of heading there, or trying, I think..." he turned to the others, "not sure if we actually said yes on that yet" he smiled.

"Of course you'd come up with a plan like that!" Cree rolled his eyes, "tagging along with non flyers, of all the stupid...".

"Oh I don't know" Pterano voiced his opinion for the first time, "we flyers could probably aid alot to their cause, fly above, help lead the way and all that".

"A group does sound safer..." Petrie's mom had to admit.

"That's what Im thinking" Tylr replied, turning to the others, "So, are we actually saying we're doing this then? Gonna try to find this Great Valley?".


Littlefoot jogged over to the Threehorn herd, "Hey Cera!" he cried, rushing up, "I see you made it back safe".

"Oh it's you" Cera sighed, "Yeah well...".

 Cera didn't even have to try to say anything else to Littlefoot as Mr. Threehorn stomped between the two yet again.

"Hey! I thought I made it clear yesterday, you were to scram kid!" he said. Littlefoot backed up, surprised, "but...I just thought...after my mom saved Cera, maybe you'd changed your mind about...".

"Changed my mind?!" Mr. Threehorn asked incredulously, "about letting my daughter associate with longnecks?! Why would I do that?".


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Diver had gotten some water and was eating a bit of underwater food she had found while diving down.  

Mia walked to where the water was.  She looked at Diver who was nearby.  "How is the water?" She asked her.

"Oh nice, it certainly is, have some. "She said.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix suddenly gave a wide and sly smile as he turned to face Cree.
"Well now, if I had to guess...Cree was it...that you are the black tar-pit of the family? It seems you have a bad habit of saying the wrong things...but this is our first formal meeting." He then turned to Ptami and said, "My name is is a pleasure to meet you and your brothers."

Cyrix smiled as he said to Tylr, "Yes, I'll be more than happy to accompany you to the Great valley! It would be my pleasure."


Grandpa Longneck sighed aloud.
"Excuse me. I don't mean to intrude, but this longneck is my grandson. I would appreciate it if you didn't yell at him. After all my daughter did save yours yesterday."


  • Ducky
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Ducky leapt into the water after her sister herself, diving down under and then popping up. "Oh yes, the water is very nice, as Diver said" she smiled at her sister before looking to Mia, "you should come in too".

She started doing backstrokes in the water swimming across.

(Is this different water than the others are around? It seemed like it was)


"What did you just say?!" Cree's eyes narrowed. Feeling both amused and horribly shocked by the rainbow faces words, Tylr held a wing out to stop his brother, he wasn't the one who did such though.

"Cree, stop...doing what you always do" Ptami (Petrie's mom) sighed, turning to try and have a normal conversation with Cyrix if her brothers would let her. Pterano was already scouting where they would be heading next probably and building up his own idea of where to go it seemed.

"Well then I dare say we might just find this Great Valley with so much help" Ptami said with a smile.

"and if you don't mind one more..." the little swimmer, Cory's, mother approached. "I was coming to get my son after an argument with my herd who don't really believe in this Great Valley and...well I'm not going to starve myself and my son because they're being stubborn".

"Welcome aboard" Ptami answered for the unasked or half asked question, with a smile.

"Yay, Cory you get to come!" Kit hugged her new friend who just smiled. "Who carry Petrie?" Petrie couldn't help wondering, unable to fly. "Oh no worries dear, I gotcha" his mother assured.

"I'll flap up ahead and help guide!" Pterano suddenly offered, flapping up to do such. "Now hold on squirt, I gotta make sure you have atleast half an idea where we're going!" Cree cried, flapping after.

"You're brave" Tylr commented with a smile to Cyrix, looking to the swimmer's as well, "traveling with them" he thumbed after his two squabbling brothers.


Mr. Threehorn glanced up at the approaching longneck, his eyes narrowed but he did seem to relent yelling at the kid now that the larger longneck was here. "Yes...well..." he couldn't find a good answer to that one.

"probably his fault Cera wandered in the first place" he muttered.

"Oh no sir, Cera was chasing after that hopper too" Littlefoot answered honestly. The old threehorn grumbled.

"What's with you anyway?" he asked the elder longneck and his lectures to him, "don't you know about sticking with one's own kind? Of course...I guess Cera is lucky a longneck knows when to break that for important things..." he realized and muttered.

"Well...then thanks and head your own way!" he next grumbled, still stubborn about breaking any ideas just yet.


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(OOC: I"m ok with it being the same bit of water but another side, a short distance off, or another one totally.)

"Thanks." Mia said and entered the water, drinking some and enjoying it, settling down to enjoy the coolness.  

Diver finished what she was eating, waving to her sister and started to float on her back, using her legs to slowly swim around as she put the palms of her hands under her head.

"It is great, it certainly is, and the underwater green food is good to." Diver said.  

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix gave a smile as he heard Tylr's response to travling with his siblings. He however just took a step forward.
"Sometimes its best not to show your anger physically, but in spoken word..that way, you can feel better without hitting anyone. Well that's my thought anyway."


Grandpa Longneck smiled at Mr. Threehonrns apology.
"Its alright.  My mate and I taught our daughter well. I was surprised to hear she'd saved a young threehorn by breaking the tradition." He then asked, "But I don't see why the young ones can't play a game together, they seem to have fun at least."


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"Oh yes, it is, it is" Ducky agreed with her sister's statement


As this small herd of theirs began to head out, Tylr turned to Cyrix in a bit of surprise, "You know...I never really thought about it that way...I guess, I should give Cree more credit".

As Ptami kept track of all her children who could fly, she looked a bit perplexed that Pterano was already up front. "What are you doing?" she asked her brother.

"Why, making sure of where to go of course" was Pterano's answer. "and I'm...keeping him in check" Cree's smile this time was actually not as mean as other times and just the typical "messing with one's siblings" smirk Tylr had seen many times.

As they continued on, Cory soon spotted some others in the lake as they crossed to the other side of it.

"Hey look, it's other swimmers!" he said going over towards the lake Ducky, Diver and Mim were at.

"Hello" he said, "We're going to the Great Valley, wanna come". With a small laugh, Cory's mother walked after him, "Dear, don't wander off like that" she said, nonetheless amused by Cory's bold inviting of just met swimmers to come with them.

Kit and Petrie, as about the only other kids with the group, flapped over to see what Cory was doing as well.

"Oh what's going on over there" Pterano sighed, noticing the group slowing due to this.


Mr. Threehorn's whole facial expression hardened and stayed that way for a while, as he seemed to take in the words.

"Yay!" Littlefoot exclaimed happily, "come on!" he called to Cera, taking off. Cera frowned much like her dad, "what are you doing! That's not what threehorn's play, oh you longnecks are so hopeless!" Cera now stormed over just to show Littlefoot the proper way to play with a rock, mainly head butting it rather than leaping all around it.

His daughter's statement did pull a smile from Topsy. "Well, I suppose it could do your boy good to learn a few things from the experience" he admitted.


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Diver waved as did Mia who sat up.  

"It would be more fun to travel together then alone, it certainly would." Diver said, happy to me a new person and be traveling in a larger group with some being added in.

"Yea, more folks means more to put the hurt on those sharpteeth & keep them away." Mia said punching her right hand into her left palm.

"More is safer then less." Rhyn said, glad to see more maybe traveling together.


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"Well then welcome aboard" Tylr smiled. "Yeah, yeah, whatever can we just get on with it" Cree grumbled, flapping ahead once more.

Ducky immediately found the other kids of this small herd. "Hi, I'm Ducky" she held out her hand to shake, "it is very nice to meet you all, it is, it is".

"Uh, hey, I'm Cory" Cory said. Kit smiled, "and I'm Kit and this is my cousin Petrie" she thumbed behind her, "I got others around here too but they're kinda shy".

"Oh, well this is Diver" Ducky pointed to her own sister, "and that is Mim, she watches out for us". (ooc: if I phrased any of that wrong in regards to your OC's, Kor, I'll change it).

Kit and the others nodded.


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(OOC: it's Mia is the one with DIver and Rhyn, but I can add Mim, though her family will be kept offscreen, not to far away, maybe with some of the other adults and their kids offscreen, since I don't want to rp all of them, whichever ones they are.))

Mim, who was a short distance off waved to the newcomer.  She had just returned from getting some leaves (and eating a few crawlers while away from where flatteeth could see her.  She looked at Mia and shook her head a bit, "Sometimes fighting is necessary but it shouldn't be a first choice."

"Yea, but ifn there is a fight, best to hit where it hurts em." Mia said where she sat in the water, drinking a bit and enjoying the feel of water on her scales.  

"A good tactic in battle, as well as working with others." Mim said.   She offered the leaves she had gathered, "Are any of you hungry?" She asked.


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(OOC: Oh sorry, that was seriously just a typo, I mean Mim is more than welcome but you don't have to deal with her if you don't want to)

"I am! Thanks" Cory rushed forward. "Cory" his mother stopped him, "that's not nice to rush and grab". The little swimmer ducked his head, "sorry".

"Um, thanks" Cory calmly took some of the leaves now, along with Kit, Petrie and Ducky. They gave similiar thankyous.


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"You're welcome." Mim said while smiling.  

Diver continued to float in the water, stretching out a bit.  Mia had had enough water for now and walked over to sit in the bank near the water.  Rhyn continued to swim around a bit before she decided to rest and float like Diver was doing and rest.


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Alright well I'm moving on" Cree said in annoyance, flapping up and off,  "anyone who's coming better just keep up".

"Cree, I believe you are forgetting that I am officially showing the proper way to go" Pterano hastened to remind as he flapped after. Tylr just sighed, "there's no harm if they want to rest a bit" he tried to persuade his brothers.

"Yes, I could show you flyers how to swim! I could, I could!" Ducky said excitedly. " gonna keep up and make sure we not lose Uncle Ptarno" Petrie said, walking off in that direction. Kit flew after, "How are you going to do that if you can't fly?" she asked in interest. "Me figure it out" Petrie said.

"Come on, let's swim with Ducky, it sounds fun" Kit tried to convince Petrie. Her cousin turned to her, "no it not, it sound like me just sink like rock and not swim at all" he said.


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Mia stretched a bit, "That was fun.  What do you guys want to do once you get done with the water?" She asked.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix looked up to the three flyers.
"Excuse me, but if you three can't deiced on a proper course of where to go, may I suggest that all of us take a vote and decide as a group...wouldn't that be easier for all of us?" He asked with a curious tone.


Grandpa Longneck laughed.
"I suppose each of our younglings learning from each other can only help. I must say I am glad Littlefoot has made such a good friend out here, and I am also glad you are letting them play together Mr.Threehorn." he said with a truthful voice.


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"Who asked you?" was Cree's first shot out response. Tylr moved to answer Cyrix though, "I think a vote sounds really good, that way no one can be upset with..wherever we go, since we all get to decide".

"Yes, it sounds like a wonderful idea" Ptami smiled to Cyrix, "your tolerance level to just up and think about a vote between other kinds should probably be commended".

"Sounds stupid is what I think" Cree muttered, moving off, yet not so far as to not have a say in the vote when it came time.

Pterano didn't really let on to what he thought of the idea, it didn't sit completely well but then maybe it was best to let them have their vote and not agrivate out an argument.

Kit pulled Petrie along half willingly, "It'll be fun" she reassured as to their swimming, "and no one's going anywhere yet".

"Yes Petrie, do not worry, Kit and I will make sure you do not drownded, we will, we will" she smiled.

"Now", she jumped into the water, "it is sort of hard to teach how to swim, since swimmers just swim, but you move your arms like this and your feet like this" she tried to show.

Kit nodded, "looks easy".

"look like flying in water, and me can't fly in sky" Petrie muttered. He watched as Kit jumped in to try though


"Well...don't get use to it!" Mr. Threehorn said. Just then his mate walked up, "Dear, Carley (ooc: I'm pulling another name for Dinah and Danah's mother) says she's heard some other threehorns talking about a Great Valley and that it might be advisable, in this changing land, to head there" she threw out as a suggestion, knowing what her mate's first response would probably be.

"That's just a bunch of rambeling nonesense!" Topsy said, "there's no Great Valley".


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"I'm not sure yet." Mia said, "Thanks." She said taking some of the leaves and starting to eat them.

Mim looked at the others, "So are you headed towards the Great Valley?" She asked.

"My mommy and daddy talked about it, they certainly did." Diver said.  

"Mine say it's a place where no sharpteeth at all live and it is safe." Rhyn said.  

"Does it exist though, or is it just stories storytellers tell?" Mia asked.

"I've not been there so can't confirm it from first hand evidence, but my family and I did meet and briefly traveled with a longneck heard lead by an old one who said they've been there before and they would return one day and she said some directions and what to look for." Mim said.

(ooc: Hope it was ok to mention them, though they don't appear till the 4th movie I assume they had been to the Great Valley sometime before the first movie, I can always edit it to say her family met an old onry longneck (Doc) instead.