The Gang of Five
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Into Cyrodiil


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Thank you, My lord' The guard bowed.
- Nick and Nicula made their way down the road. nicjkk shivering underneath his armor. while it wasnt freezing, it wasnt really warm enough either to dry him off very much from being in the water.' hurry it up1" nicula said ' I'd like to reach Roxey inn before midnight!
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Glides went to the stable briefly to tell the main person there that he was going out and if he could get his horse ready.  That done he went back into the priory to where the armor and weapons of the Crusader of the Knights of the Nine were on the stand.  He could have sent someone to the stable to deliver the message, but he liked to do that himself, unless he was in a large hurry.  

The armor and weapons were nearly instantly brand new again.  That done he put on the armor and put the weapons away in the places he carried them.  Then he set out.  He thought he would use a horse, the usual one he used, and he would travel around the area a bit.  He was going to wait till tomorrow morning, but decided instead to do a bit of a ride around the area not to far from the priory.  

Once the armor and weapons were on he checked everything, then he went to the stable and his horse ready he got on his horse and set out.  He had done some enchanting of the horseshoes, saddle and tack & bridle with minor enchantments.  Stuff so they'd last longer, not be as effected by weather, be more comfortable for the horse, give the horse some protection from the weather and temperatures.


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Dru essa continued walking down the  road and it curled past ruined castles ad headed up alongside the lake to the left. no one else was on the road, that she could see. she held a lit torch in front of her so she could see.
dar maa helped  her mother close out the shop for the night by locking away the cupboards and locked the door for the evening. ' well mother i think its time for us to go to bed' she said to seed nues
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"This one bids you good night." Qa'Dar spoke as he left, leaving the two argonians a sack full of cloth and materials from all across Cyrodiil.

The khajiit headed back to the Oak and Crosier, he had a long ride back to Anvil ahead of him and hoped to stay the night to recover his strength.

Qa'Dar entered and lay ten septims on the counter for Talasma, who graciously accepted before pointing to his room for the night.


As night fell, John had left for the Oak and Crosier, the one inn he knew was in Chorrol. Luckily, it was still open, he just hoped there were still rooms available.

And thankfully, there was...




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Nick and Nicula finally reached Roxey inn close to midnight. Marlene , the innkeeper looked at them with a bleary eye ' guests.. reat.. ' i suppose you'll want a bed for the night.. well i've got a bed.. of a sort.. at least aleswell is back to normal after that guest fixed that invisibility issue, so i'm not completely broke.. you want it.. its 10 a night. so theres two of you so thats 20 gold. you'll have to share though..'' fine' Nicula said handing the gold over.'' don;t bother with baurion, he sleeps in his bed, or drinks.. all he does' Marlene said. as ru essa stumbled in the room' a bed please' Dru Essa said, panting. ' well you'll have to share with these two' Marlene Motioned to Nick and Nicula.' fine fine . How much?' dru Essa asked ' 10 gold' marlene said and Dru essa tossed the gold on the counter.' rooms on the second floor top your right' swet dreams' marlene said.
 nick was tired and he wasnt up to argue about sharing a room with Nicula or this newcomer.' hello. I'm Dru essa said to nicula  who smiled at her' hi i'm Nicula.' i'm Nick Nick said ' nice to meet you.. well sorry to cut our conversation short but well i'm beat and i need my sleep.. i've.,. had a long day..' he noticed dru essas supplies ' you sell things? he asked as the trip reached the room.' yeah i'm a merchant. i sell well decent-level stuff, unfortunately with all the chaos going on, i'm not getting many customers' dry Essa said 'I';m headed to cheydinhall, to sell some of my wares to anyone who will buy them, hopefully the mages Guild has interest.'
 mind if we tag along? Nicula asked' theres safety in numbers.' sure Dru Essa said." i was nearly robbed by bandits on the way here, fortunately i know how to fight and i scared them off..''i'm a traveller myself Nicula said , done a bit of this or that. Picked up nick here in the imperial city. he was.. being chased by bandits.' not my finest hour' Nick admitted, as he set his  possesions down. the bed was barely big enough to hold 3 people, there would not be much room to move or anyting in the way of personal space. Dru Essa took the left side of the bed, Nick the right side and Nicula the middle.
 Dar maa took the gift and put it away under the counter before heading to her room for the night.
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Being a bit to far to make it back to the priory.  He instead looked for a good place to make camp off a bit from the road.  He set up the tent that he carried and once camp was made he went in to the tent and set it up.   Then he went out and walked around the camp at a good distance.  As he walked around he laid down a simple spell at each spot he paused in.  It was a simple spell. If anyone or any animal above the size of a bird or house cat, entered the area it would start to make a lot of noise to awaken him.  Making it safer to sleep away from inns.  The spell would end around sunrise, about the time he would awaken.  This done he want inside the tent and went to sleep.


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dru essa struggled to get to sleep, as she tried to make herself comfortable on the old lumpy threadbare bed. she was sharing the bed with two strangers, travelers from the Imperial City, the human, Nick looked like a honest sort, he wouldnt be a problem. nor, hopefully would the Argonian, Nicula, who was, Dru Essa had to admit,  very pretty.   they hopefully would be able to reach Cheydinhall before nightfall the next day, and Dru essa liked having company to talk to, her trip so far had been a lonely one.
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Qa'Dar was about to let sleep take him before he heard a loud crash in the neighboring room. Pulling the covers off of him, the khajiit pulled on a loincloth and exited his room before knocking on the next door down.

"Is everything ok? Qa'Dar heard some rather...alarming sounds."


John hissed as he got up, and found that his left hand was cut from a shattered urn. As he heard the khajiit's words, he remained silent debated weather to answer. But his mind almost halted at the name - Qa'Dar.


Qa'Dar couldn't wait any longer, he quickly opened the door and dashed to John's side.

"This one thinks you should sleep...further from the side of the bed."

John cocked an eyebrow.

"Very funny."

The khajiit ripped off a bit of the sheets with his claws and used it as a tourniquet for the wound.





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nick tossed and turned on his side of the bed, trying in get to sleep

 nick found hi,mself clothed in only a loincloth. around him came heat from blue flames hung in midair. despite the light, nick felt a bitter chill in the air ' well well ' came a booming voice out of the darkness ' my little toy comes before me. well mortal, how do you like my domain? far more interesting than your drab world, isnt it? " who are you? and Where am I? Nick saidm, trembling. ' you do not of me mortal? come on... surely you have heard the harvester of Souls, the Lord of domination, or the king of Rape? i am all these things mortal.. and of those titles, i must admit, i prefer the last title. the pleasure i get from the moans of my servants as they give themselves to my pleasure.. most do not survive.. its why vampires are relatively rare, at least the pure ones.' nick was shaking in fear as a towering bull like creature loomed over him.. the bulls eyes glinted with power and disdain, he did not consider Nick at all as anything but something for his amusement.. Nick backed away then turned and ran as fast as he could, but it felt like he was running in place. Bal reached out for him, and a fiery hole opened before him, nick stumbled near the edge then let out a cry as he fell down towards the red lava below..-

 nick awoke, sweating profusely and fell to the floor with a crash. his breath came in slow, raged gasps, and his crash caused both Nicula and Dru Essa to awaken. ' what going on? Dru Essa said a bit put out ' yeah, Nick i was trying to sleep. this bed is hard enough to get accustomed to, what with it feeling like a rock. and you waking me up now.' sorry.. sorry i.. just had some sort of  , well nightmare' Nick said. i'll sleep down here ' he said quietly..' give you ladies more room..'

- just take a bit to.. recover.. then get to sleep' dru Essa sighed.
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Dar Ma stirred from her slumber before sunrise. today was her normal day to visit the baths, as Dar Ma visited it once a week. She tried to go early, so she could have the place to herself for a few hours, to soak in the warm waters heated by the fires in the corner. hopefully luck would be with her, and no one else would have the same idea of going in early... Dar Ma got out of bed, went over to her wardrobe and pulled out a bra, bathing suit and towel, while there was no law against swimming nude in the baths, Dar Ma preferred covering her sensitive areas. this done, she headed out of her room, went down the stairs to the front door of "Northern Goods", unlocked it with her key, and headed outside, heading towards the building which housed the baths, the male baths were on the left side of the building, the females baths were on the right side. Dar ma unlatched the lock, and went inside.

- Nick had finally managed to get a small amount of sleep, despite the horrifying vision he had seen. Dru Essa and Nicula had had a little better luck, but given how hard the bed was, it was not comfortable for either of them, even though Nick's absence gave them more room.. ' Dru Essa woke up and got out of her side of the bed..' well, may I suggest we get out of here and try and get to Cheydinhall before Nightfall? hopefully, if we do, we'll find better lodgings and beds..'She said. Nicula stirred as Dru Essa moved away, her leaving the bed had tipped it up like a seesaw and she began to slide slightly across the bed." sure.. fine. lets get out of this dump. I've slept on rocks more comfortable than this' Nicula said her eyes bleary from limited sleep. She tapped Nick on the shoulder and woke him up, and he slowly got to his feet. ' Come on.. give me some time to sleep..'he grumbled.' I barely got any last night..'sorry' Dru Essa said firmly' we need to be on the move.' Nick sullenly grabbed his belongings and put his armor back on. The two Argonians gathered their stuff as well, and the trio headed slowly down the stairs tossed Marlene a few gold for the room, and headed out of the Inn, and back onto the road.
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Glides awoke and put his camp stuff away, including his tent.  Then he went over the area to try to make it look as if he had not been there as much as he possibly could.  Once done he took out a map to see if he was close to a city or to the Priory.


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Talasma awoke with a sigh. Her fur was matted and a bath was her first thought. "this one could give the public baths a chance for once." she thought as she got dressed and made her way to the bath house.

It was calm when she entered and shed her garments, before stepping into the warm waters. The khajiit smiled as it relaxed her.


John began to stir, as his eyes opened. His hand still felt painful, but the bleeding stopped at least, and he felt his back against something warm and furry. Gasping and quickly jetting our of bed, John turned to find the khajiit from last night laying there.



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Dar ma was bathing in another part of the baths when the door open ' oh! Talasma! you startled me she said as she looked at the Khajiit ' would you mind if i join you?' she asked as she moved into the tub Talasma was in. ' I'm guessing you wanted to get some private time to yourself as well' she said with a smile. there were no other females in the tubs, it was them alone. Dar ma blushed slightly as she saw Talsma was nude.
 nicula, Dru Essa and Nick made their way down the road, it was still night out, with their only light coming from a torch held by Dru Essa.' we should be in Cheydinhall in three or 4 hours' she said ' good right around the time the shops open. i have a friend in town at the Mages Guild" nicula said ' Her names Deetsan, kind sort,  been running the place for a few weeks now after the previous leader ran out in a huff.i've run into her a few times in my travels and shes always been nice to me..quite a powerful mage too."
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Talasma smiled as Dar Ma entered the bath. "Ah, good morning Dar Ma. Pleasure meeting you here." she greets, standing up a bit to help the argonian in.


"I guess I have no choice but to wake him up." John whispered, thinking aloud. He leaned in when his hand slipped, and accidentally squeezed his crotch, causing the sleeping khajiit to moan softly as John pulled his hand away, it was then that the khajiit stirred and sat up. "Good morning." he chimed as he rubbed his eyes.


"So, how is your hand."

John rubbed his right hand a bit.

"Better. I never got your name."

the khajiit smiled.

"This one is called Qa'Dar."



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well. i was expecting to have the place to myself' Dar Ma admitted as she entered the tub, which was about 10 feet wide, enough room for both girls to relax, but small enough so that they were pretty close to each other." i usually come here once a week so i can keep myself clean. its close by, and its free so why not? I usually have the place to myself, so i can just let my body soak in the water and let my cares slip off of me..' dar ma was a bit self conscious that both girls were naked, and she had confided to her diary about a week ago that she had feelings for the khajit. whether to act on those feelings.. now that she had the chanxe ' she pushed them aside for a moment' So what brings you here? do you normally come here?"
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"This one usually prefers to bathe privately. But I decided to give this place a try this day." Talasma replied. Her furry hand landing on Dar Ma's shoulder. "This one must say, you have quite a graceful form." Talasma said in a slightly sensual tone.


"Qa'Dar....but...he's a character....I created...I never thought he would be here." John thought, he managed a smile back though.

"I...go by the name of John." he replied.

"This one is pleased to meet you, John." The khajiit replied and placed a hand on the human's shoulder, causing John to blush.

"Breakfast is on me" John chimed as he made his way to the door.

"Have you any gold."

John stopped in his tracks and facepalmed.


"Its ok, this one is feeling generous"  Qa'Dar replied, handing John some septims, albiet a bit more than enough to pay for their meal.



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Talasma's tone caused Dar Ma to blush as red as her lips ' well, you are quite beautiful too Talasma' She stammered, beginning to look at Talasma's breasts intently ' i imagine the  must have a line of boys running from the Oak and Crossier to the city gates full of those who would take an interest in you.' she said as she felt talasmas furry paw on her shoulder. talasma was a few years older than Dar Ma, and they saw each other daily with the inn being right across the street from her mothers store. dar ma moved closer and put her claw on talasmas shoulder ' i'm flattered you think so highly of me' she added.'because.. well i feel the same about you.' she admitted, blushing again.
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Talasma blushed at the argonian's words. "I-is that so. Well, I-I am flattered." She replied, her hand having moved downwards to tease Dar Ma's chest.


John and Qa'Dar descended the stairs to see that a Bosmer woman was now tending the bar instead of the khajiit female from last night. John took a seat and paid 15 gold for a plate of grapes and lettuce for himself, mutton and tomatos for Qa'Dar and tankards of Argonian Bloodwine for the two of them.

The meal was better than anything John had eaten before, the only thing that came close was a Greek salad that he had once in the past. And the Argonian Bloodwine was just right, coming from someone who rarely drank.

Qa'Dar was enjoying the mutton and tomatos, indeed it was true, the mutton in Chorrol was the best in all the empire.



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Dar Ma started as Talasma touched her breasts.' Talasma.. I'd... like to kiss you, if you.. dont mind ' she finally blurted out. ' I've.. wanted to.. for awhile, but I wasnt sure if you felt strongly enough about me that way to let me do it.. so.. well I've held back until just now' she finished.' I do hope I haven't offended you..'' she waited for Talasma's reaction to her request..
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Talasma smiled, she didn't say anything and instead enveloped the argonian in a lustful kiss. the khajiit moaned into it as her hands explored the young argonian's body.