The Gang of Five
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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5699 · 424682


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"GOod to finally be here after so long." Jason said.  

"Been long for you?" Velma asked.

"Eons, literally, with what happened, or will happen, to the digial world, then spilled over through some parts of time & other places.  " jason said.

"Sounds unpleasant." someone said.

"Part of the time I was to busy to see if it was unpleasant or not.  With having to, reknit or save parts of the digicore digicode, and go to what you may call the time corridor, time vortex, time itself.  I experienced I'm not sure how much time I spend, though we are here at this fun party." Jason said taking a drink.  "I don't age, or need to drink, eat or sleep anymore, but I can indulge if I wish."

"Not long for me." Guilmon said.

"Yes, those others in the digital world, & other locations, didn't experience the time I did, with my having to dive into and out of time, even while I was rekniting the digicore code, and other things."   Jason said.


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"And you too," Mr. Bigmouth said. He handed a gift wrapped package to Scooby.

Deimos was enjoying some fish balls while Zachary and Dr. Zanasiu were chatting over some wine.


Captain Fairchild and his two companions were chatting with some of the more curious guests. At the same time, they sipped some "cocktails" made from a combination of jet fuel, alcohol and other addtives. While this mixture was outright toxic to organics, living machines enjoyed this as a mild intoxicant.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Angela slowly got her bearings and grabbed a glass od fruit punch that was ditting on a nearby table " you don;t mind if I help myself to some punch she asked a nearby White Great Dane, who happened to be Scooby's cousin Scooby Dee 'Not at all, help yourself. we've got loads of drinks and food,Stripetail added some magical desserts, they never run out no matter how much you eat . Which is perfect for such a huge gathering.' Dee said "Thank you.. so this is big party? Angela said " My Cousins wedding reception. " WEDDING RECEPTION? Oh geez, if i had known today would be the day i finally leave my er, former job, and I get whisked away to a wdding reception..
-Bart went over to Spyro and Cynder ' Hey guys! Good to see you again.. well I've been working on this armor set for the past couple months, I was hoping you'd give it a try..
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Jason took a cup from one of his pockets and started to sip the drink.   "Great party this is. "  

"Fun, and lots of food." Guilmon said.

"If you are into food." Longstride said.  

"I can use my imperial dragon body to conjure up some liquid energon if you wish." Jason said.


"Wow, they have some pizza here.  I got several types." Gnash said.  

"Yea, it's great." Pete said.  


"There is so much food I do not know where to start." Exile said.  "I think even muzzle has had enough."


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Dr. Kerzach finished unloading all the food from his repulsersled. By now, people were starting to file into the resturaunt.

"Nick, is there anything else that needs to be done?" he asked.


(Wedding Reception)

Mr. Bigmouth and Ms. Swimmer were chatting with other guests as they ate some vegetarian snacks. The candied hibiscus flowers were quite popular.

"These are good," Ms. Swimmer said.

Dr. Zanasiu swallowed his mouthful of hibiscus. "I know," he replied.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Not at the moment.. just wait on some of the guests and take their orders.. Nick replied. Nick said taking his spot at the front of the restaurant..
- Arlene took a seat at a table near the brides table..
 Miss Kitty entered the wedding reception along with her mate Tiger both of them were carrying gifts for their friends, Scooby was good friends with Tiger, miss Kitty was great friends with Dixie and had performed on tour with her, the girls were real close..
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Dr. Kerzach nodded as he finished up setting the tables.

He stopped by a Human couple dressed in military uniforms. "Hello," he said. "What will you be having?"

"And some hot tea for now," the man said.

Dr. Kerzach scribbled the order on a notepad and went into the kitchen.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Miss Kitty! Tiger! Oh How good to see you again! Dixie said, noticing the pair and coming up to them. She kissed Miss Kitty on the lips, then kissed Tiger as well causing him to blush. Scooby Hugged kitty then shook paws with Tiger. " How are things in Green River/ ' after the Laffalympics/ Well They're doing ok/ Tiger replied.." you guys did make a big mess...which took several weeks to fully fix.. but the money we got from winning sure helped..
 Stripetail meanwhile was trying to contact ratchet and Clank, and not getting any reception.. " ah well I'll try again later.. He said..
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Aves mumbled to himself as he went about his work. It was already looking to be another long day in the Cafe. never mind that they were in outer space and it was often hard to tell when a day began or ended.

once more the wrist computer started to beep and Aves groaned as he tried to ignore it but just then there came a girlish giggle from the device

"Arent you ever going to answer my calls you crazy fox thingie?'


Aves glanced at the device at first startled that there was a voice coming from it. The screen still showed the strange picture of balloons over a pink background. still the voice came.

"When are you coming back? We still have plenty of cupcakes to bake!"

"Wh - who are you?" asked Aves

"Why, dont you know? I'm Bizzarro Pin -"

the voice cut out to static and there was a click sound as if he had lost connection.


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Where exactly did you get thsat thing Aves? Did you win it as a prize or something? or is that just another of the long list of things you don;'rt remember about the past year.." Nick said ' Table 5 ordered double breaded chicken with mashed potatoes..
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GoldenStriker drove as quickly as she possibly could towards Dixie's and Scooby Doo's wedding.  Sincerely hoping that she was not late for one of the many formal ceremonies that united two different beings. As the female Autobot had wished that all her months spent creating on their gift-- a holographic photo album. Would not have to go to waste, as it was fully compatible with any electronic digital device and whatnot. And had many features that no other 'ordinary' album would ever have.

One being the fact that it allowed the user to upload any 2D photo and convert it into a 3D hologram. With the unique option to animate any photo, add background music, and change the picture's original colours to the one that was desired by the owners. And could revert back to the original colour scheme anytime, while having enough space to fill hundreds of photos all at once in a matter of seconds.

And it would be a gift unlike any on earth.

But right now, if she wasn't fast enough, she had a fairly good feeling that she would become late...


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Cynder and Spyro gazesd at the Chests Bart had brought them inside gleamed two complete sets of amor. man these look really nice' Spyro said.. 'Yeah.. theylook incredible ' Cynder agreed ' i've been wirking on sets for the others, but you guys were the first one I finished.' Bart said " I mean you shpould see the wizards house! Its amazung.. all this magical stuff. not stuff fiounfd in movies or videogames, but literal magic!' Bart was going all "nerd ' on them..
So where are you going for the honeymoon? ' Kitty askled "oh a trip to Jamiaca for a number of months. I'm looking for a lot of time to tan, Scooby can eat as much as he wants in the buffets at night..and every night will be incredibly romantic..' dixie smiled.
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Sara went to get a bit to eat and drink.  

"I suggest some of this." Jason said indicating some drinks and certain snack foods.  

"Thanks." Sara said, not surprised at having just left Jason and having him pop up here before she got here.  "Quite a party they are having here."

"Indeed.  Many folks here.  Some of them I think I've even met." Jason said.


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Jamaica, er where is that exactly? Kitty said.. " Its an island in the carribbean..' Dixie said ' We'll be flying to mIami then taking a cruise there.. we'll be there for about 5-6 months.. " I wish we could come with yiou" Tiger said ' But i have a job to do as Sheriff,and.. " you can join us after we've had a month or so to try everything..we'll cover it.. Scooby will need some guys to talk guy shop and I'll need some girls too hang out with.."
 Well if anything happens' Stripetail said that will have to be put on hold..' " Like what? Chong escaping.. hes in a magical prison.." Dixie said. 'And you took away his powers.. " Not all of them, and Chong is still a formidable magician " stripetail said.

(Prison Planet) meanwhile in row -8, the deepest level of the prison where the most powerful magiciabs were kept " Chong stewed in his cell.. the anti-m,agic forcefields in this place were potent, and Chong soon found that trying to fight the shield was a pointless and painful waste of time and energy  so he had been reduced to making plans for his escape and plotting revenge.. getting though 8 levels of guards was not going to be easy, and creating an illussion of himself that would last long enough to fool the guarrds would be tricky..he would need help..
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(Wedding reception)

"Don't remind me," Rime growled as he sipped some champaign.

Deimos muttered swears under his breath at the mention of Chong's name.

"So where's Nick and Kerzach?" Zachary asked between bites of wild green salad.

"Where have you been?" Deimos replied caustically. "Nick bought an old starship and retrofitted it to hold his resturuant and a small mall. Yuri's helping him."


The three living planes were slightly tipsy and now sharing raunchy jokes amongst themselves.

Unfortunately, they were also quite loud, owing to their large size.



Dr. Kerzach returned with the tea ordered. He then took another table's order of shrimp and grits.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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He bought a starship? Stripetail said.. then we should visir him you know i've always wanted to travel on a starship. teleporting to other planets takes a lot of magic..
- by now the planes wren't the only ones drunk.. kovu had thrown back a few much to the surprise and disgust of both Kopa And Kiara. Kovu was making eyes at all the female cats in the room.. which caused Kiara to grot her teeth hard..
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(Somewhere near Las Vegas)

 In a small non descript cemetery outside of las vegas, there lay a particulat grave.. the name on it was not famous or important , in the eyes of the world, but today, that creature lying there would get an extremely extremenely rare gift, a second chance at life.
In a flash a  dark portal opened and a creature stepped out of it, appearing to look like a large, green squirrell, but the red eyes, pools of malice, hate and almost incomprehensible power, revealed that this was not ordinary squirrell, this was Lord Mertavius. Today Mertavius was going to perform a spell which was utterly forbidden by the magical arts, and which only a small handful of beings had the magical power to perform- the spell of reviving the dead. He stopped over the grave  which read simply " Hailey" and stretched forth his claw ' manos implasi Revicum autos Sentik immedici! he commanded at once and huge burst of energy shot from his paw and split the ground causing the small mound to shift violently and tear open,   the coffin was lifted out and moved over next to the headstone, then split wide open.inside the body of a young vixen lay in pieces, she had died horribly. metavus  made a slight gesture and restored her body, reconnecting the neck restoring the  heart and covering over the wounds with flesh " Revivere! Mertavius commanded and dark electricity shot from his claws, causing the body to lift off the ground and in a trinkling open its eyes.. mertavius lowered the now-revived vixen to the ground and stood over it 'greetings mortal, mertavius said in voice that held tremendous power and made ones hair or fur stand on end. there was only one other being in all of existence whose powers were a match for Mertavius' , and he was on the other side of the a toast
Wedding Reception
Stripetail was in the middle of giving a toast for Scooby and Dixies health when he suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, His eyes narrowed and he bowed his head' Something unforgivable has just been done somewhere he said finally.." Someone.. has brought someone back from the dead.."
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She had been revived.  That was something she had not expected to have happened to herself.  Hailey had looked at her arms for a moment then touched her neck.

It was no longer ripped out.  Her throat was there again.  A voice called out to her as she looked up at the being "You....were the one that had bought me back to life?" was all she could really ask as her paws caught on fire for a moment then stopped.  It appeared that she still had her fire powers available to her.


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Yes, hailey, I have a number of questions to ask you. ' mertavius said.. 'and an offer to give.. tell me.. did you have a girlfriend once? i don;t care abut mortals love lifes, boy girl, both doesn't make any difference to me. what matters ois whether the mortal is useful to me.. and hailey, i think you could be very very useful..which is why i have undone what the so-called 'death' did to you. tell me everything about your past life and i will snd you on a little mission..'
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Hailey shook her head "No, only real love I had was Neku, but other than that, other loves didn't work out in the end" she answered him back as she stood up straight "Don't remind me" she added in with a sigh "Couldn't even harm Death as it was, my powers were no match for his....."

"So, what is it that you want to know in the end anyway? And, well, what is this mission you want to send me on? What....what if I refuse to help you out?" she almost snapped back, but already knew the answer in her mind.  He could easily undo what had had just done.