The Gang of Five
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The Tri-Foundation Tournament

Nick22 · 671 · 79672


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I imagine it was.. Why didn't you say something to me when she laid the eggs/ Or better, tell your parents off the bat? " Stripetail looked  at them "Ali's mother will likely freak out.. although your grandparents littlefoot have experience two generations of offspring, so they won't be as hysterical as Ali's mother. but we'll have to see..."
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"We wasn't sure to do, and before we could decide they hatched a night ago and we had to try and get them to eat and walk around. it took all day and this morning we came to you. that why we haven't told anyone till now... it was all sudden each time we had to deal with the three little ones... we couldn't just have one of us leave and the other deal with them as the other tells. we made a promise we will deal with the problems together even it might take a day or two to tell the Grandparents and Ali's mother" Littlefoot explained what happened for the last few days and why they never had the chance to tell them.


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"one of you should have told them.." Stripetail said, shaking his head. "As the father Littlefoot, it would have better if you would have let Ali watch them and go tell your grandparents and her mother, Ali has a maternal responsibility to them . In the first weeks and months of any child's life, the mother MUST be present to nurse them and nurture them.... you made a decison that is logical for the young mind, but not the experienced one."
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"I guess it was a mistake... but it was happening so fast in the last few days that niether of us thought about telling them till this morning..." Littlefoot told Stripetail "If it was you that was turn into a adult when you was a kid with the one you love and this happened would of you reacted like I did? or simlair?" Littlefoot stats to Stripetail

That comment made Stripetail pause he thought about it and saw that the point Littlefoot was saying was very much true in anyones place like Littlefoot's and Ali's none would be prepared for this t o happen and would end up doing almost what Ali and Littlefoot would of done, dealt with what was happening first and then would realise that they would tell after wards. A point and answer that was a maternal one


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A good point.. littlefoot. However, when I was young  having kids at a young age was not as shocking as it is now...and I can't speak for what is considered an apprioriaate age for longnecks. Then Hen stopped speaking and Saw Ali's mother coming up to them... All the color in Ali's face drained away. "DOn't say anything Littlefoot' ali whispered, let me handle this...
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Littlefoot nods sliently.

Q appears on Ali's mum back "I old you what I knew and you understand what happened to Ali and Littlefoot with this chain of events happened but not their fault, so don't explode at them tresure this as a new step to life these kids are your grandchildren no matter what.." Q told Ali's mum "If you need to talk to me about any other problem you know how to call me." Q whispers with a smile and vanishes.


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I'm going to erupt because they didn't tell me immediately... I could haave helped them.." Megan replied. She came up to Ali. "lift up your back leg Ali, I want to look at something" Ali reluctantly did as she was told. Megan stuck her foot into the space and touched Ali's privates. Her Face hardened, and she pulled it away, looking at Ali , frowning. "alright, who's the father?' She said coldly, removing any suspense."littlefoot" Ali said, tears running down her cheeks. "How many?' Megan was direct and too the point. "3" Ali said, her voice cracking..  Megan turned and went over to Littlefoot. "Congratlations, because of you, I'm now a grandmother." Her voice was dripping with sarcasm.
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Littlefoot lower his head. Q's voice is only heard by Megen "What if it was you? in her place what if this happened to you and it happened all the sudden in a space of two days? egg laid then hatches quickly afterwards. It will suddenly happen and you will not know how to react and not think about the others around you till the event settles" Q told Megen about it.

"And remember what happened to me when I was stuck as one of your kind and mortal two weeks after your child became a adult. All i asked was a vactorion from working in the contimum and then I was stuck as a dinosaur mortal for 11 months you helped me through it and when I found out of this when I got my powers back I told you at once. didn't I? sorry about the late news but when it happened already was the time I was still mortal as a dinosaur till yesturday. In that event I couldn't have knew till I was there." Q told her

"But your a very close friend now... you even gave me a name Quizen... if you need me to be there as support in the longneck appearce I will be there, just let me know. your my very first friend I had... your... to me... special... opps said to much bye" Q's or Quizen's voice disappeared quickly as he said just to much for his own taste.

Littlefoot then look at Megen then whispers to Ali "Look at your mother it almost like she in some trance... or spaced out for some reason for the last few minutes and staring into something" Littlefoot finished quickly as Megen then look to Ali again after what Q or Quizen said bring up a very good point since if it happened to her it would of been her own mother doing what she was doing right now.


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I would have told my mother right away and dealt with the consequences.." Megan said to him... "My mother raised me like that. I told her right away once I was pregnant with Ali.."
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"But just think about it... if your just suddenly changed like that and being careful like that had been and all the sudden this happen it would make things crazy" Quizen replied in her mind "it would be enough to make anyone forget to tell a parent if this happened.

"I've seen something like this happening billions of times I can give you all accounts but this is something new they was turned into adults by a force greater then the Q,  someone changed them into adults and that when it happened someone planed on this finding this amuzing... I think your playing the role whoever this is wants you to play on. Maybe if you act more with a smile and talk understanding to Ali speaking of what I just explained to you might make himself known for a second enough to see who this he or her is just for a 1 10th of a second" Quizen suggested


in the Void the being watched with a frown "she should of had a go at them already? what the deal?"


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Alright" Megan replied. "Look, Littlefoot.. I just didn't expect this... so soon. By rights you should only be 8 and 7 years of age, respectively, but your not, and I'll have to deal with it. Now what are their names?"She asked him, more kindly this time...
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Littlefoot showed the kids to her and said "This one is Stripes, this is Andrew and the little girl is Cerina" Littlefoot told her


in the void the being choacked what he saw then notice something when she was spaced out "Oh I see, trying to show I am there... the Q being and her... lets go back to when Q was mortal he waves he hand and sees it "now for a blood sample from both" and they appear in his hand "Quizen and Megen your son is born" he grins and the two bloods become together and a egg forms then place in Megen.

"That will be laid and as for Quizen or Q... as he known time to wipe his powers out and keep in that dinosaur form" he wave a hand and Q appears in the dinosaur form and feels the mortal heart beat inside and muscles. "still you will be clueless who did it and I will just give a hint for the fun of it a timer" suddenly appearing before Stripetail out of no where just like that a sand timer appears a big one.


"I can't use my powers... I am stuck like this... someone blocked my Q powers and turn me back into a dinosaur" Quizen mutters to himself and walk over to the group and whispers to Megen "my plan worked but he found me out and cut my powers and turn me into this again... it in some room filled with blood samples that all I saw." Quizen reported to her and sighed "I guess that the risk you pay for trying something that risky for my own sack" Quizen still whispering


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Megan Winced. "I think he punished you for that.. by concieving an egg in me...' She groaned..."We have to get rid of it. It was spawned out of evil...'
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"Wrong" a voice came and stood a cloaked figure "it your and his child. not that things and not made by evil but by both of your bloods. from you" Points at Quizen and then points at Megen "It your child not evil or not good. it what you do with your child shows that path like any hatchling, it normal like those three. this being always take blood from two unexpecting loves that form and put them in the middle of it by making the female pregeant with their own gens. I am not lying I know cause I faced him before and know I am speaking of events that repeating." the being spoke out to her

He suddenly feels cold "His going to take me any minute all these years he coming again a being of no connections to any dimension he not anything..." then he was gone


"Ah you had to ruin the party... party-pooer" it chuckled "oh well to the forever void you go"

"You won't get away with it you will lose again" he spat at the creature and he caught it and vaporize it

"Oh I am scared, bye" with a wave the cloak man falls into the endless darkiness and disappears.


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Stripetail's eyes flashed as Sensed the Figure... "this time You'll have nme to deal with. in reply he heard cold laughter.... The Figure was mocking him...
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"Oh I quake in fear. I will show you a tiny bit of my power" the being then raise a hand and vines come up from the ground and wrap Stripetail up like a mummy and something about them was unaffected by his magic and then they turn hard into stone then break off and thrown into the wall breaking to pieces Stripetail slid down the wall and touch his mouth and look to see blood whatever the being was it made Stripetail look like just a tiny ant against a giant.

"you will see what I have installed soon. when the sands run......... out" the voice echoed and then it was totally gone like it was not even there, Stripetail couldn't even pick him up mentally or any where it was like he wasn't really there just a imagation from thin air.


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Mister Stripetail' Ali rushed over to him... Strripetail wiped the blood off of his mouth as she helped him up... "that went well... his powers dwarf anything I'll ever felt... He then looked at Quizen, and then looked at megan who was touching her belly.. "Looks like you're going to have a half-brother soon Ali..." he sighed, rubbing his shoulder..
"Wha-a-what?' Ali was stunned.
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"That being... it your mother Megen pregent with a egg... the father... is me he took my blood from a past period be must of done and then using it with hers created the egg a new life that don't know right or wrong like any normal child" Quizen whispered "It was caused by a risky move... we was punished for it but I saw one thing... a room it has blood in it. Stripetail, Eva, Lurna, Incaunr, Littlefoot and Ali. all two by two" Quizen recalling what he saw for a second.


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let ,e guess.. He's going to concieve in Lurna... eventually. Incanur is not father material, and that would destroy their relationship..." Stripetail replied. "And it would do the same... for my relationship with Eva. We both agreed not to have any more..."
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"oh that isn't the plan at all. and your wrong I have shifted the mental affect on Meden and Quizen they have a deep feeling of care to the child now they going to have. and will raise it as caring parients and that the same affect I am going to place on all of you and that you will do anything to save your childs life and then you will forfite the game and my own entires will win the tourument and the CUP! then... I will enter your domain and freed from this cursing void forever!" he laughed out "Good and evil will die and I will be the only ruler and my rules will be placed on those that nor evil nor good!" he grinned. "You have no idea what unfolds for you and you will find out soon enough when the sands finish falling in 2 months time"


"Stripetail are you sure?" Quizen asked