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Most annoying characters---your top 10

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Bruton the Iguanodon

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Who do you think are the most annoying characters in the films?

For me it would be...

Chomper in movie 5---whenever he talked, and then when he started to sing I wanted to slap him and when he was crying I felt like screaming at him and by the time he was in the water and crying "Mommy" and going "uh...uhh..." when Littlefoot had him I felt ready to blow my cork. And this goes back to when I was little!

Then there's Pterano---"Oh, the poor thing! So young, so full of life!" That didn't feel like mourning at all---it felt like an overdone theatrical performance. Really, he was overly melodramatic the whole time, which was god-annoying. For example: "Oh, stone of cold fire, it is I, Pterano..." Why can't he shut up? God...I'll stop to save myself from Pteranofandom hatred.

The idiot flyer judges in movie 12. Do I have to say anything more?

Dinah and Dana. So glad those twerps never came back.

The yellowbellies. Complete offense to LBT.

Every Imaginary Friend we see. See above.

Tippy of movie 8 is annoyig too.

Oh, and Grandma Longneck really annoyed me as a kid when she was singing her lullaby. Even years later I can't like it as it souds dull and monotonous.

And while not exactly the most annoying character, Rinkus is a really weird. I thought he was a girl when I first saw 7.


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HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY PTERANO!!!!!!! :lol  :lol  :lol Kidding! Kidding. I just couldn't resist.  :lol

Anyway, the only few characters I find annoying is the yellowbellies and Rhett. Most likely the yellowbellies.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol

Bruton the Iguanodon

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HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY PTERANO!!!!!!! dino_laugh.gif dino_laugh.gif dino_laugh.gif

Yeah, yeah, I knew that was coming...why does everyone like him so much? Cause of his "color change" from bad to good? Or just cause he's "hot" by flyer standards?  :blink:
Either way I respect anyone who does but my question is why?

And then back onto topic!


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Clearly you've never seen any of Michael York's prior roles :p .
I mean...when you've been in at least three Shakespeare films...and practically all his characters have had explosive egos (D'Artagnan, Logan 5, and Tybalt are big ones that I can think of...though he was quite a young fellow when he did those). Pterano's just another Michael York character...just in the 'old' stage.

Therrre is noooo sanctuaryyyyy

I really can't think of any truly annoying characters besides the Yellowbellies and Tippy. The Tinysaurs aren't too horrible. And Rhett? Makes me want to call him "Ratt" like in the Carol Burnette parody of Gone with the Wind.


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Note: All of these are in MY opinion and are not intended to offend anyone.

Yellowbellies - who doesn't dislike them? (no offense to those who do)

Rhett - Mean, lies, synonyms for horrible.  He is just so annoying with his feeling of power and superiority.

Tickles - cute and all, but just has the annoying sound when it speaks.

Nod - Hyp and Mutt are my favorites, but when Nod comes in, UGGGHH  he drives me nuts with his echo of what Hyp says.  He needs to learn how to speak and not copy others.

ALL OF THE TINYSAURUSES!!!! - Yeah ALL OF THEM.  They are just needy little things that just hog the Great Valley's food.

Mr. Threehorn - Archy Bunker in prehistoric times.  His the biggest egocentric prick I've ever known.

Dil - Is this the gator?  Don't remember.  Anyway if it is the gator, she is just way too violent.  She doesn't even care about Icky.

Spike - Yes Spike.   I dislike you.  I find him non-essential to majority of the plots.  All he does is eat which renders him useless.  For example, during the seventh film, he starts eating on the vines that the characters are crossing to get to Ducky.

Tippy - Not as bad, but pretty annoying with his (or her, not sure of the gender) voice.  It's just so raspy.

Anyway, here are mine.


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Spike - Yes Spike. I dislike you. I find him non-essential to majority of the plots. All he does is eat which renders him useless. For example, during the seventh film, he starts eating on the vines that the characters are crossing to get to Ducky.
And if he had not they would not have found Ducky ;)
To be fair, Spike is also the one who first senses the Big Water in LBT 5, he is the one saving Ducky in LBT 4 and afterwards giving Icky the final blow, Spike does save the day in some TV episodes...
I see your view and respect it, but one can also take a different view of Spike. Don Bluth considered him his favorite of the characters (according to the issue of his "Toon Talk" magazine that dealt mainly with LBT).

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Don't  find any of the characters annoying. Nothing really annoys me, really.


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Quote from: Bruton the Iguanodon,Dec 29 2011 on  09:18 PM
Or just cause he's "hot" by flyer standards?  :blink:
lol yes, he is^^
I got the sense he was ratehr melodramatic, but I could tell he got quite upset when he thought that Ducky had in fact fallen to her death :o

Charries that I find annoying: well, at first Hyp, Mutt and Nod. but AT FIRST! XD
Ducky at times as well. Same with Cera. I liked Icky and Dil (ish) but from what I hear, the yellowbellies are PRETTY annoying *shrug* lol
Hm, I need to see more LBT films, I've just seen up to 8 and some of the TV series^^
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J. R. R. Tolkein


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Don't think I can come up with 10 but here are some:

Tickles: His voice is annoying and I fail to see his role in the movie...

Rhett: for obvious reasons...  :rolleyes:

Yellowbellies: Well, they ARE annoying but I can see why they're made dumb and stupid.

Tinysaurusses: Well, slightly. They're okay at least.

Several characters from the TV-series I can't quite name atm...
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I'm one of the few people who actually didn't find the tinysauruses or yellowbellies annoying - they arent going on my favourite character list anytime soon but i didn't mind their presence in the films.

I can't think of a top 10 but the only character who i can think of who genuinely annoyed me was Rhett in the TV series, but I suppose he is intended to be quite annoying so that makes sense.


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Hmm come to think of it, for me PERSONALLY , all of the gang have been annoying at times throughout the franchise. I mean I find Petrie's voice a wee bit annoying at times, there's Littlefoot been winey in most of the 5th film, and Ducky is quite winey too in the 8th film, and as much as I love Cera, her Mad song in the 8th film was dreadful in a annoying sort of way.
Bit still I like all of the gang and when they are annoying it's not to a point of disliking them

But characters I do find annoying and are in my list are the following.
NOTE* I don't have a top 10 but here they are.
the yellow bellies (even though I've only seen clips from the 13th film)
Dinah and Dana. I found them annoying from the second they came into screen and onto Cera's head. All they did was arse around, talk gibberish, and make a fool out of Cera and get her in trouble off her dad. Give me Tricia any day!
But Cera's dad aka Topsy is the number one character that dose my head in.
I said this in another topic but he's one of the worst dad's I have ever seen in media.
I mean in the 3rd film there's him been a control freak over the water, finger pointing at Littlefoot for wasting water, endangering Cera's and his own life to escape the fire......
In the 5th film he finger points Littlefoot again....
In the 6th film he bosses Cera around about looking after bloody Dinah and Dana.
In the 7th film doing the old I'm not angry I'm furious thing when he starts blaming the kids about  Pterano....
If I were a character in the LBT world I'd most likely give him a run for his money and be throwing a lot of 4 letter words at him. When Cera's not around that is.

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Top 10 annoying characters

1: Ruby:  I don't hate her or anything, but, everything else about her is okay. Although, her manner of speaking is worse than Petrie's in my opinion. (i.e. "Hello my friends, my friends, hello,") That's just one of her quotes where she doesn't need to repeat herself.

2: Chomper: His voice in movie 5 is the only thing that bugs me. Other than that, he's a great character.

3: TV series Ali: She was a total pushover who let Rhett boss her around. I liked her in movie 4. I've waited more than 10 years for her comeback.  How disappointing. I seen the episode of her return a few years ago on youtube.

4: Rhett: He's a pompous and mean jerk who claimed to be brave and turned Ali against the gang.

5: Shorty: He's underdeveloped and was mean to Littlefoot in the 10th movie until near the end.

6: Rainbow Faces: No offence to people who like them; but they just aren't my cup of tea. (i.e. "Well, that would be telling, wouldn't it?")

7: Tippy: Okay, this guy's voice is just annoying. I thought he was a girl when I first saw The Big Freeze.

8: Ozzy: I don't really hate him; but, the way he treats Strut wasn't nice of him in the 2nd movie.

9: Petrie: Okay, this guy is funny; but, his grammar problem gets annoying for me after a while.

10: Mr. Threehorn/Topsy: This guy isn't a bad character. Although, he tends to be racist towards species other than his own. His personality in Land Before Time 3 annoyed me the most; because he was a control freak over the water consumption and instantly blamed Littlefoot for wasting water and calling him a bad influence. His personality seemed to change over the course of the series. That is why he isn't up at the top of the most annoying characters.

This is just my opinion.

 :bang  :(

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Quote from: StrutEggStealer,Jun 4 2012 on  04:54 PM
Quote from: Bruton the Iguanodon,Dec 29 2011 on  09:18 PM
Or just cause he's "hot" by flyer standards?  :blink:
lol yes, he is^^
I got the sense he was ratehr melodramatic, but I could tell he got quite upset when he thought that Ducky had in fact fallen to her death :o
Well yes, but the melodramaticness I felt killed Pterano's emotionalness, which was a key factor in the scene.

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I'd say Yellowbellies are as annoying as much as they are [dumb].  Felt like watching last movie was a waste of my time.
Also, Spike would be somehow annoying too... 13 movies so far & all you see is him eating & sleeping & eating & sleeping & eating & that doesn't make him any smarter to say more than just "Ducky" he once screamed.  Kinda think he's  a useless character in the gang & probably was put in there for the sake of tagging along & putting them in danger every time he starts eating in inappropriate situations.
Those  alligator & bird in 4th movie are awful, especially when they sing... one of the worst things my ears tasted.


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I'm actually mad at Chomper at the moment.  I feel he's been telling some lies.

I had wondered for years if he's been eating leaf-eaters in secret.

For instance, there are some really creepy indicators.

1.) His comment of having longneck for breakfast seems to pass with his parents, which, if he'd been only eating bugs, shoulda raised an alarm to his parents.

2.) Why he would chase them for so long without revealing himself in the fifth movie.  It's almost like he was hunting them.  Also, that creepy look he gave them.  It's just good (for him) that they had their eyes closed.  It's only when he recognized them that he backed down.  One wonders if he had encountered, say, Ali, that Ali might not have walked away that day.  


I know he's nicer afterward, but still, tell the truth dude!   Littlefoot will get over it eventually.  

(Note: I LOVE his character and he's one of my top three I love.  Just hope he doesn't become a villain.   :unsure: )  


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Another thing that annoys me, though I guess we still have to love him, is Daddy Longneck, Bron.

His reason for being gone for so long was so poor!  I'm surprised Grandpa and Grandma Longneck didn't slap him with their tails for leaving their daughter for years.  

(If you're gonna go looking around, at least come back within five years man!  Also, perhaps you could go to the Great Valley with your wife and kids (who haven't hatched yet).  Just a thought!  )

Shorty lost BOTH his parents and probably wanted a full family and wasn't formally adopted by Bron until the end of X.  That HAD to suck!

As for Rhett, he's now in the way of Littlefoot and Ali getting hitched and is likely to create a love triangle between them.   (I think Chomper should have tried to find out what Rhett tasted like.  Littlefoot can keep a secret.  

  :yes    )

As for Ruby, why do so many hate her?  She's adorable and I want to give her a hug!  



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2.) Why he would chase them for so long without revealing himself in the fifth movie. It's almost like he was hunting them. Also, that creepy look he gave them. It's just good (for him) that they had their eyes closed. It's only when he recognized them that he backed down. One wonders if he had encountered, say, Ali, that Ali might not have walked away that day.
I'm not quite sure what bothers you so much here. Chomper is a predator by nature and he's just acting according to that. He just didn't know WHOM he was hunting until he recognised his friends. I admit that Ali might not have survived such an encounter indeed (I know I'm annoying but Malte279 has that very situation in one of his fanfictions and Ali would've died weren't it for Littlefoot...).

His reason for being gone for so long was so poor! I'm surprised Grandpa and Grandma Longneck didn't slap him with their tails for leaving their daughter for years.
I know it's rather poor but, in a way, I can understand Bron.
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Quote from: Dalekdino,Feb 12 2014 on  10:00 AM
Hmm come to think of it, for me PERSONALLY , all of the gang have been annoying at times throughout the franchise. I mean I find Petrie's voice a wee bit annoying at times, there's Littlefoot been winey in most of the 5th film, and Ducky is quite winey too in the 8th film, and as much as I love Cera, her Mad song in the 8th film was dreadful in a annoying sort of way.
Bit still I like all of the gang and when they are annoying it's not to a point of disliking them

But characters I do find annoying and are in my list are the following.
NOTE* I don't have a top 10 but here they are.
the yellow bellies (even though I've only seen clips from the 13th film)
Dinah and Dana. I found them annoying from the second they came into screen and onto Cera's head. All they did was arse around, talk gibberish, and make a fool out of Cera and get her in trouble off her dad. Give me Tricia any day!
But Cera's dad aka Topsy is the number one character that dose my head in.
I said this in another topic but he's one of the worst dad's I have ever seen in media.
I mean in the 3rd film there's him been a control freak over the water, finger pointing at Littlefoot for wasting water, endangering Cera's and his own life to escape the fire......
In the 5th film he finger points Littlefoot again....
In the 6th film he bosses Cera around about looking after bloody Dinah and Dana.
In the 7th film doing the old I'm not angry I'm furious thing when he starts blaming the kids about  Pterano....
If I were a character in the LBT world I'd most likely give him a run for his money and be throwing a lot of 4 letter words at him. When Cera's not around that is.
I wouldn't put Topsy as worst dad in media or even LBT for that matter.  What about Bron?  Where the heck was he all those years?   That excuse is as bad as some politicians's!!!!  

Also, I dislike the Old One.  She seems pretty uncaring about Grandpa Longneck and even is going to kill Chomper, even after he begs her not to and she knows there is something different about him.  (Also Chomper is my favorite character and I find any attempt to harm him to be cruel. )

I dislike Dana and Dinah as they made me feel sorry for Cera and they are SO annoying.

I kind of dislike Rinkus as, though he's a kind of good villain, his appearance makes him dorky whereas Sierra's says "I am evil and I'm proud!"

I dislike Rhett as he is a nasty liar and bossed Ali around and also is now a figure I'm going to have to deal with if I want a Littlefoot and Ali romance.  

Topps.  I really hated him for years.  I almost chalked him up to a sort of villain in film 3.   (Ramming that guy over water!  Come on man!  And your fire escape plan almost got you and your daughter killed!)  After seeing him be nicer after marrying Tria, I stopped hating him.  (Especially when Tria bosses him around in film 12.  Love that!  True, he picks on Chomper in the TV Series with the tooth thing but Cera also helps grow Chomper's fears of Doc in the TV Series too.)  

However, Topps doesn't win LBT's worst father award as that goes to Bron, a character who lives his pregnant wife and never bothers to come back for five years and then never bothers to go looking for Littlefoot, never brings his herd to the Great Valley so he can be with his son, and also isn't there for Shorty (who I also kind of dislike, though I blame his bad past and lack of love from Bron for his behavior like I blame Topps for Cera's behavior.) )

Also, and I can't quite say why it is in film VI, other than he never bothers to deflect Littlefoot from his hero worship thing or confirm whether or not he actually is the Lone Dinosaur, but I dislike Doc kind of too.   Also, his treatment of Chomper is shameful and I totally agree with how Littlefoot, who hero worshiped him, was gonna cut all ties with him.  

I also dislike those dinos from "Amazing Threehorn Girl" who seemed ready to banish Cera over her fib (a fib she kinda kept being urged into, mostly by Topps, but others too.) .  Totally harsh guys!


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Quote from: LittlefootAndAliTogether,Jan 7 2015 on  07:38 AM
I wouldn't put Topsy as worst dad in media or even LBT for that matter.  What about Bron?  Where the heck was he all those years?   That excuse is as bad as some politicians's!!!!

Topps.  I really hated him for years.  I almost chalked him up to a sort of villain in film 3.   (Ramming that guy over water!  Come on man!  And your fire escape plan almost got you and your daughter killed!)  After seeing him be nicer after marrying Tria, I stopped hating him.  (Especially when Tria bosses him around in film 12.  Love that!  True, he picks on Chomper in the TV Series with the tooth thing but Cera also helps grow Chomper's fears of Doc in the TV Series too.)  

However, Topps doesn't win LBT's worst father award as that goes to Bron, a character who lives his pregnant wife and never bothers to come back for five years and then never bothers to go looking for Littlefoot, never brings his herd to the Great Valley so he can be with his son, and also isn't there for Shorty (who I also kind of dislike, though I blame his bad past and lack of love from Bron for his behavior like I blame Topps for Cera's behavior.) )

I dislike Dana and Dinah as they made me feel sorry for Cera and they are SO annoying.

 Well that just my opinion, I mean Topsy is a dreadful dad. I'd hate it if he was my dad. I mean he nearly got himself and Cera bloody killed in LBT 3! And at least Bron (while the reason he'd been gone for soo long was very poor) didn't set bad examples or fill Littlefoot's head with crap when they finally met, and he's not a dick to everyone or has bad temper.
I stand with what I say I PERSOANLLY think Topsy is one of the worst dad's in media I've EVER seen! I guess it's not been a dad person as I wasn't very close to my dad growing up....

Still nice to Know I'm not the only one who hates those little buggers Dana and Dinah. AKA the core reason I HATE LBT 6.


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I honestly don't really see Topps as that bad of a father. He obviously cares for Cera and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect her. The incident in LBT3 is merely a slipup; he let his pride get the best of him and he made a mistake. I have my doubts that he would keep repeating that mistake From what I've seen, he learned from that, and he has gotten better as the series progressed. I mean, near the end of LBT3, Topps realizes what kind of jerk he has been after he witnesses Hyp being verbally abused by his dad.

Another thing to point out, in LBT3, there is a severe water shortage and food is drying up. I can see why Topps would be more on edge during these times. He is right when he says that survival doesn't really include fairness, and he merely wanted to ensure that the residents didn't run out of food or water, lest they have to move. This extra tension would have contributed to his increased vicious nature in the movie, but as pointed out, he does get better at the end when he finally realizes his foolishness.

And let's not forget LBT5, where he does express guilt when the children leave. He at first blames Littlefoot, and then he backtracks and admits he just wants to blame somebody. It is clear in his voice and expression that he does feel bad for being part of the reason the children left. If he were honestly a terrible father, then he wouldn't show any kind of regret.

Considering that it's very likely that he lost his entire herd (his other children and his mate), can you really blame him for being overprotective of Cera? Or having a rather tough, overly cautious attitude?