The Gang of Five
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she meant no offense' ilsa said ' besides we have more pressing matters to deal with. we will need to decide where to stop for the night.. any suggestions? ilsa asked.
- my apologies, i did not mean to offend you' Minna said sincerely to Lura.
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"Keep it that way." she growled, Jake gripping her shoulder and nodding, a subtle sign that she shouldn't get agitated over something simple. Sighing, Lura calmed slightly.

After a moment, Jake spoke "This temple will do, but the floors are too damaged, we'll have to find some undamaged spaces"

(Small strips they can sleep on in pairs)


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alright, we'll have to find a safe place to sleep' ilsa said walking along the , as she did little sections of the floor gave way, it was obvious Jake was right, the floor was not a safe place to sleep..
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"We'll begin with the priests room, that should be the most reinforced part of the temple" commented Lura, jumping over the large cracks


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the preists room was large, but smelled terrible as if something in here was decomposing.. ' we cant really sleep here' minna said her eyes watering from the stench
 on to the next room then' ilsa said,as she  covered her mouth.
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Lura walked in, finding a decaying pig corpse "Travelers must have been attacked" she commented "Very well, let's move on"


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the next room thy found was smaller but cleaner. this room had large cracks in the middle of it, so it would be a mater of picking which side to sleep on.
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Looking the sides over, Lura deducted her and Jake would need to sleep on separate sides since they were the tallest. "It would seem I each of us will have to sleep beside one of your friends"

Jake groaned "Can't we just cuddle up?" he suggested, Lura giving him a death glare "...forget I asked" he rolled his eyes


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we'll flip a coin to see who gets what side'? ilsa said producing a gold coin' i call heads' minna said ' ok, idf its heads you get lura and i get jake. if its tails i get lura and you get jake ''pity we cant just bunk together" Minna said ' well not enough room for those two, so it wouldnt work.' Ilsa replied. she flipped the coin, and it laded on the heads side ' alright you get lura , i get jake.. both girls made themselves smile at thier bunking partners.
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Jake and Lura rolled their eyes, almost in synchronization. "Alright then.. guess we should set up" groaned Jake, walking over to his side


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ilsa gestured and created two small sleeping bags on her side, and minna did the same on her side. ' you get first pick Lura' Minna offered. ' well i guess this is going to be about the most awkward arrangement ever' ilsa said to jake '
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Lura nodded, appreciating the gesture "I will take the right" she told Minna.
"Indeed it will... just... don't bind me" he replied, recalling when she restrained him to a chair when he was injured "Deal?"


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fine, deal. we;re kinda stuck in this ordeal together. even though i'd rather have this matter between us settled by now, clearly the fates had other ideas.' Ilsa said ' lets just get through the evening as quickly as possible.
 you want anything to eat? minna asked Lura  i can magick up some grubb for us..'
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Nodding, Jake remained in a seated position, still wary of Isla

Lura shook her head "The offer is appreciated, although I have food of my own." she told her, opening her satchel and taking out dried meats and fruit for herself.


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More for me then" minna shrugged as she  munched on her summoned food, which was nice and cooked 'she was hungry, and not afraid to admit it.
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Taking his jacket and shirt off, Jake began to tune his mechanical arm, getting rid of sand


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ilsa got ready for bed and climbed into her sleeping bag. ' night minna, night lura. night jake' she said as she turned to the side facing the opening in the middle of the floor.
- night ilsa 'minna said as she continued eating.
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"Night" commented Jake, Lura remaining silent as she snacked quietly, getting into the bag soon after. Jake being the only one awake while cleaning his arm. Sighing, he leaned against the wall. "Can't believe i'm stuck with Minna and Isla..." he sighed mentally, loosening a screw to get out sand, putting it back in soon after.


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after a few hours of sleep ' Ilsa stirred from her sleep, and yawned ' well, since there is no daylight me, nows as good a time as any for us to get up' she got out of her bag magicked it into her knapsack then went over to rouse minna. ' time to get up 'Ilsa smiled.
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Hearing the disturbance, Lura woke "Why are you getting up?" she yawned