The Gang of Five
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A sudden change of species

Ducky123 · 289 · 53773


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Ducky's words were not heard by Spike as he was too busy considering his situation.

The gang had finally stopped after they were some distance away from the valley entrance.  They had made it.  Against all odds (and the newness of their bodies) they had escaped from the combined forces of the valley's herds.  A wave of euphoria threatened to overtake him, but it was soon overshadowed by the reality of what they had lost.  

Which was everything.

Their families thought that they were dead more than likely and they no longer had an opportunity to explain themselves.  Even if they could regain the use of the leaf-eater language, who would believe them?  As far as the valley was concerned they were simply brutal predators who had quite possibly killed the valley's children.  Their would be no forgiveness.  No reunions.  They could never reenter their home.  Their home was the uncaring beyond now, the land of the sharpteeth.

Because he was a sharptooth now.

He spoke with great hesitation.  "What... what do we do now?"

The unreadable face of Cera turned in his direction as she seemed to consider how to respond.  Her predatory face made her seem even more intimidating than she was during her threehorn days.  As she began to speak, however, a very familiar flyer came crashing in-between them.

It was the broken body of Petrie...

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Ducky's question was answered by said flyer crashing down. "Petrie! You're okay!" but when she actually got a look at the flyer-she realized he was not okay,far from it.

"Petrie!" she cried out "Petrie is hurt everyone,we must do something!" she looked around frantic-she had to help her friend "What can do we do? We can't just go and ask the grown-ups for help,nope nope nope."

We need to put something over the worst wound... she looked around "We put something where he is injured...thats what the grown ups do when we get hurt.." Ducky could not control her emotions at this time,she couldn't handle all this sudden change. Her mind couldn't process it.

She leaned down to the flyer "Don't worry,'ll be okay...we'll take care of you..yep,yep,yep...I guess now...we all have to take care of each other..our mummy and daddys don't like us anymore...we sharpteeth now..I do not understand,how dd this happen to us?"

She decided to brush those thoughts aside for the moment and focus on saving what she considered her closest friend,besides Spike. "W-w--where does it hurt,Petrie?"


Tria caught up to her mate,panting from breath from the frantic chase. "They're..they're gone...I saw them..leave through the main exit" she glanced quickly to the exit "I've seen no sign of Cera or her friends..expect...welll"

The pink threehorn paused "Those sharpteeth that left...well Chomper was with them,he seemed to know them"


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"We put something where he is injured...thats what the grown ups do when we get hurt.."

Spike looked upon the flyer with grave concern.  He had significant lacerations over much of his body, one of which nearly covered his entire left wing.  It was a ghastly sight to see his friend in such a state.

But nothing was worse than the smell.

A mixture of disturbing scents reached his nostrils, many of which he had never smelled before.  There was a smell that he could only describe as metallic and salty, which he immediately recognized as Petrie's blood.  But there were other smells imbedded within that larger smell.  Hints of something that his brain identified without his conscious effort.  Fear... Despair... Confusion...  He was smelling the flyer's emotions and deepest inner turmoil.  This sudden violation of his friend's privacy both surprised and horrified the former spiketail.  It seemed with a sharptooth's nose there was nowhere to hide.

Maybe I can find the right treestars for Petrie...  Spike considered for a moment.  I remember the plant smells from... from before... with this better nose maybe...

Without further thought he sniffed the air deeply and nearly gagged at the sensory onslaught.  Shaking his head and trying to calm himself down, he tried again.  Being prepared for the onslaught this time, he ignored the smell of blood and the multitude of details that were coming from Petrie.  Instead he focused on the dull smells that were coming from the nearby plants.  Plants used to make up a majority of what he could smell when he was a spiketail, but now they were simply minor details in a far bigger picture.  After all,  why would a fastbiter care about plants?  However, even with this shift in focus, he soon discovered the scent that he was looking for: a plant that he had seen his mother use on Ducky when she had a buzzer sting long ago.

Rushing into the bushes he soon discovered the needed plant.  Its leaves were non-distinct compared to the other bushes and would have been overlooked by most leaf-eaters, but his nose did not lie that this was the proper plant for the job.  He quickly grabbed some of the leaves with his mouth.

And nearly became violently ill.

Bad idea... I am not a leaf-eater anymore.  Had he not been in a panicked rush then he might have reflected on the fact that that thought did not disturb him as much as it should.  He might have wondered about what changes were happening in his mind to complement the changes to his body.  However, he had no time for such introspection and instead grabbed a large helping of the healing leaves.  

That was when he felt a hand on his shoulder.  Quickly turning his head, he could see the rose-colored form of Ruby standing right beside him.  Despite her horrifying predatory form, he could recognize that she had him fixed with a contemplative gaze.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Petrie... hurt... Ducky's voice drifted into Petrie's thoughts as he lay sprawled on the floor, the side of his face pressed into the dirt. It felt cool, almost taking his mind off the waves of agony that were washing over him. Just leave me alone... he thought dimly, tired, just... just let me rest... He was aware of movement around him, a rustling of bushes.

Then Ducky's voice again. "We sharpteeth now..."

Petrie's eyes slowly opened. "Not... sharptooth..." he croaked, his voice a low hiss. Muscles trembling, he pushed himself up. He tried to put weight on his legs, to stand, but they gave way under him and the flyer slumped back to the floor on his side. Blinking blood out of his eyes, Petrie looked at the shapes around him, their forms slowly coming into focus. No... these couldn't be his friends, what had he been thinking?! His friends were back at the valley, this... they couldn't be...

"NOT... SHARPTOOTH!" he screamed, the effort searing his throat. Weakly, he dragged himself backwards until the solid weight of a tree trunk against his back stopped him. Wide-eyed, Petrie's torn body started to tremble. "Not... not sharptooth..." he muttered.


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Ruby was still too shocked to realise the consequences of their current situation and the fate awaiting the former fastrunner and her friends. There were more urgent things right now - she could always come back to these things later after all but right now there was a friend to take care of...
"Oh no! Petrie is badly injured and I have to make sure that he isn't injured anymore!" she thought to herself when she saw her flyer friend covered in crimson blood, collapsing on the ground after a rough landing. "I need to help Petrie but first I need to know what to help against!" Ruby walked closer to the sharptooth flyer to get a detailed impression of his injuries, analysing what she saw in order to treat him correctly.
"Hmm, he has gashes all over his body which means he has been in a fight, in a fight he has been. But who was he fighting against?" Ruby mumbled more to herself than to her friends. "Not important!" she scolded herself. She had to take into account Petrie's injuries and not how he received them. "Hmm, these don't seem to have been inflicted on him very recently... They're not bleeding very much so the bleeding isn't that bad. Therefore, I need to find this plant against infections. If I find that plant against infections, Petrie will be healed!"
It was that very moment when Ruby noticed Spike. It was odd to think of Spike as a fastbiter with pointy teeth and all that but then again she was just stuck in the body of the same horrifying creature. Likewise, it wasn't easy to refer to the blood-stained sharptooth flyer as Petrie. Or anyone else for that matter...
While Ducky rushed to Petrie's side, Ruby was wondering what Spike was doing. "Why of all things he could do is Spike looking into the vegetation?!" the fastbiter considered but then realisation hit her. "Oh right..."
Ruby walked towards Spike to help him search for the plant but when she arrived he had already grabbed what Ruby was searching for: Petrie's curing leaves. Ruby noticed a slight absentmindedness and sign of comtemplation in the dark-greenish fastbiter and responded with a similar gesture, placing her claws on his shoulder.
"What a mess, huh?" she spoke up softly. She didn't wait for a reply but carried on the matter on her heart. "Let's fix Petrie, shall we Spike?"
Inactive, probably forever.


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Spike followed Ruby with haste as he carefully held the curative leaves in his hands.  Hands... Spike still found the sensation of having two freely moveable appendages to be an odd one.  To finally have the ability to carry something with something other than his back...  It was almost as weird as walking on two legs.  Despite the inherent strangeness of the situation, however, Spike continued on.  He would not let anything, even his conversion into the stuff of his nightmares, get in the way of helping his dear friend.

And Petrie certainly needed his help now.

Spike put the leaves down and stared at the gashes on Petrie's body.  His mother had somehow wrapped leaves around Ducky's snout when she had been stung by the buzzer, but she had done something else as well...  He tried to think back...  She crushed some of the leaves!  That was it!  But how would she keep the leaves on Petrie's chest and body?  That was a different situation entirely than wrapping it around a nose...  That was when Spike had a thought.

Why don't I ask, Ruby?  After all I can talk now...

Spike blinked at that revelation.  He could indeed talk now, but it was a new ability for him.  It will still take a while before he thought of himself as a being capable of speech.  Nonetheless, if he could deal with the growing of sharp teeth and claws then he could handle this.  He quickly spoke to his counterpart.

"Um...  How do we put these on him, Ruby?"

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Chomper simply looked at the sharpteeth in front of him for a little while. They were busy tending to Petrie, but he was simply busy with what his frends had already been through, shock of what they now were.

''You... you're all my friends, aren't you? My friends? The gang?"


Topsy looked at her mate with worried eyes, something unusual for the threehorn who was raging just moments ago.

"Yes, I saw him, too, but then I lost that little b.... bastard. What do we do?"

He felt powerless right now. His daughter might very well be dead already, and the one responsible had went though a hole much too small fro any of the adults to go through. What could they do, now?

"The flyers! We have to get them to track those monsters, now!"
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Ruby slowly walked along the dark-green coloured fastbiter until they arrived at Petrie's broken body.
"Um... How do we put these on him, Ruby?"
Ruby wasn't surprised of Spike's question. Due to being raised in the harshness of the Mysterious Beyond, she had been taught things like knowing which plant helps against certain illnesses and injuries or what plants you're better off avoiding. She even remembered that her mother had once treated her with the very same leaves Spike was holding in his mouth.
"Wait no! He has arms and hands to carry things now, arms and hands he has!" The former fastrunner was so used to Spike grabbing stuff in his mouth that it had become a sort of automatism. Likewise, it was odd to hear him speak...
"I know how the leaves need to be used," Ruby stated to Spike. They were standing in front of Petrie now, looking down upon his numerous gashes. "We need to mash some of the leaves. Then we need to put it on his injuries, on his injuries we need to put it!" Ruby explained. "The rest of the leaves are to be wrapped around Petrie's injuries and tied together so they would cover the worst injuries, keep the mushed leaves at the right place and prevent dirt and anything else to infect the injuries."
Ruby gazed at Petrie again, who was meanwhile in the company of Ducky, and tried to analyse which injuries needed to be taken care of most urgently. There was a really nasty one across his torso.
"We should start fixing this one," Ruby suggested to Spike. "Fixing this one is going to fix his worst injury. Now mash these leaves; I will go get some more of them!"
With that Ruby rushed back to the bushes to gather more leaves. Even though they were think, they would need more of them in order to create enough of the mashed, gooey mass they would put on Petrie in a bit.


Mama Swimmer arrived at the scene at last but she was too late. The sharpteeth were gone... or so she thought since the threehorns stood next to an exit of the Great Valley in defeat.
"Are they-are they gone!? Did they escape???" she exclaimed, panting from sprinting through the valley. Fear arised in her chest. Was Ducky alright? Or was she just in the process of being digested by one of these horrible creatures?
Inactive, probably forever.


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''You... you're all my friends, aren't you? My friends? The gang?"

Cera looked over at the purple sharptooth with an exasperated expression, but soon relented.  He is just as confused as we are... I mean I can't hardly believe it...  The full emotion of the situation suddenly poured over her like a dam which had burst.  Why did this have to happen to us!?  Why!?  She struggled to contain her building grief, but only partially succeeded.  With a soft and breaking voice that seemed misplaced coming from her, she addressed Chomper.

"Yes... This is us, Chomper..."  She swallowed deeply.  It seemed that it was only as she made the admission that she began to believe the obvious.  "We are... we are sharpteeth now."


The conversations that were going on nearby were ignored by the green fastbiter.  Spike did not have time for such concerns, he had a far more pressing matter on his hands.

Oh right... he had hands now...

Carefully considering Ruby's words, he grasped one of the healing leaves in his clawed hands and began to smash it against his other clawed appendage.  A slight moisture in his hands and a cracking sound indicated that he was doing it correctly.  This gave him the confidence to continue on with the other leaves.  Soon he had quite a large mass of gelatinous goop ready to be placed on the wound.  Which led directly to the hard part...

Putting it on Petrie...

Spike licked his lips.  Petrie was obviously emotionally unstable in light of his change and refused to accept the obvious truth that he was a sharptooth.  Nonetheless, Spike knew that he had to try to calm the flyer before he began to treat his wounds.

"It's alright, Petrie... I am just going to put this healing plant on your chest..."

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Petrie gritted his teeth as his body burned, now accompanied by a sticky sensation as the blood began to dry. These monsters around him had his friend's voices... Petrie's eyes teared up. Why? How was that possible?! His eyes flicked left and right, scanning the area, seeking a way to escape. It looked like a few of the sharpteeth were distracted... Petrie swallowed, his throat bone dry. He started to agonizingly drag himself sideways...


The sudden noise shocked Petrie, and in surprise he jolted back against the tree he'd been leaning against, looking wide eyed for where it had come from. The green fastbiter was slamming some leaves between his claws, the clapping noise deafening to Petrie's ears. The fastbiter then started to approach Petrie... And spoke.

"It's alright, Petrie... I am just going to put this healing plant on your chest..."

Petrie pressed himself back against the trunk, grimacing. Healing?! Why would a fastbiter want to heal him?! "...Away! Get... AWAY!" he hissed, slicing through the air before him with his talons in an attempt to ward him off - and paused, his eyes widening. Talons? He didn't have talons. He wasn't meant to have talons. His tongue brushed against his razor sharp teeth, and as he probed them in bewilderment, he locked eyes with the green fastbiter - and froze. Spike?

Everything that had happened began to collapse down on Petrie. Waking up, his mother attacking him. His sister... His arm slowly falling to his side, Petrie tried to speak as his throat seemed to close shut. "This..." He'd tried to forget what had happened, to wish it away. But he couldn't - this was real.


Landing beside Mama Swimmer, Guido nodded. "They're gone. The ones that we were following, at least." Looking at Topsy, who hulked over him, he gulped and raised his voice. "Before we go after them, maybe we should use the flyers to check the valley, to... to see if anyone's hurt. There could be someone who needs help."


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When Ruby returned with her hands loaded with a pile of leaves, the former fastrunner noticed in satisfaction that Spike had performed his task excellently.
"Very well done, done very well, Spike!" the girl called, giving the somewhat thoughtful green fastbiter a slight smile. "Now cover him with the gooey mass while I will make more of it," she instructed, unloading the leaves in question as she proceeded. "Oh, and perhaps you should let Petrie know that it will hurt," Ruby added, quietly hissing. "If it hurts, it helps my daddy always told me..." Sighing deeply, she turned away from Spike and began turning the leaves she brought into life-saving medicine...
Inactive, probably forever.


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Spike nodded absentmindedly at his friend's explanation.  Something in his mind told him that a hissed response would have been translated as incomprehensible sharptooth vocalizations back when he was a leaf-eater, but that thought was quickly brushed aside as he considered the task that lay ahead of him.  He had to treat Petrie's wounds and this would be quite difficult on account of something that Spike was uncertain about treating.

Petrie's mental state.

The flyer was noticeably panicked as his eyes darted from side to side.  He had even appeared to attempt to move to his side a few moments ago... but now he seemed quite overwhelmed... as if a sudden realization had come to him.

Good... at least that is getting across...  Spike thought to himself.  But how do I do this?  

Spike had always been silent for the most part.  Sure, he would hum or give affirmative grunts from time to time, but actual speech was something that was new to him.  As a result, he had no idea how to reassure the injured flyer or to effectively assure him that everything would be alight.  In any case, he wasn't sure that everything would be alright.  They were the monsters now... and they had to find out how to deal with that horrifying fact.

"Okay, Petrie..."  Spike began uncertainly.  "This will probably hurt a little, alright?"

Spike watched the flyer for a few moments as he appeared to look absently into space.  What was going through Petrie's mind?

"Me... can't be sharptooth!  Why me sharptooth?!"

Spike swallowed before carefully going on one knee in order to better see his friend's wounds and to address him.

"I don't know, Petrie... but we are now..."  He sighed.  He obviously needed Petrie to focus on the reality at hand.  "It's me, Spike... okay Petrie?"  Upon seeing Petrie's uncertain expression, Spike continued again.  "And that over there is Ruby.  We are trying to help, okay?  And these leaves might sting a little..."

"My sister..."  Petrie spoke softly.  "Why did me..."

Spike paused at this.  There was great pain behind the flyer's words and the obvious tinge of regret... but Spike did not have time for this.  They had to get to work.

As gently as Spike could manage, he placed the goop on Petrie's major chest wound.  A terrible screech emanated from his friend, which cased Spike to feel immense regret.  Then he could feel Petrie convulse with pain for several seconds as the plants obviously did their work.  It was odd that healing plants sometimes helped take away hurt by hurting you more.

"Petrie?  Are you okay?"  Spike uttered tentatively.  He was now quite concerned.

Petrie let out a few hisses of pain before speaking in barely comprehensible syllables.  "Hurts..."  A shuddering breath escaped the sharptooth flyer's beak.  "It all hurts..."  Not knowing what had happened back at Petrie's nest, Spike simply assumed that the flyer was talking about the pain from his injury... and not also about the pain in his heart.

Spike nodded.  "That was the worst one... Momma always said that it was easier to get it done with quick than to drag it out..."  At the mention of his adopted mother Spike nearly broke down.  It was only his commitment to the task at hand that allowed his to stay composed.  That was when he realized something: Ducky and Petrie were close confidants, so maybe his sister could help make this process easier.  With that in mind he gestured towards the light green fastbiter.

"Ain't that right, Ducky?  The sooner that we get this stuff on you, Petrie, the better off you will be."

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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filling in for Nahla on request...

Littlefoot looked at the confused purple twoclaw in front of him. It was the very biter he had once hatched and grown to like... almost like a big brother. The fact they were naturally hunter and prey never mattered... and now it was of no significance anymore.
"I've just been chased out of the Valley... my home... by our parents!" Littlefoot realised as he finally had some time to catch up on what had happened these previous moments. Because I'm a Sharptooth now! I'm like..."
"I'm like you now, Chomper," the brown twoclaw adressed the purple one. "I used to be Littlefoot the Longneck... but-but I'm a sharptooth now. J-just like you!" That realisation had been present in the former longneck's mind but only now he got around to think about it. "It's really me, Chomper. I hatched you and I saved you from drowning in the Big Water. I might have changed my body but I'm still I deep inside. A-and so are the others," he spoke. "Probably."
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Ducky nodded "If we do it more slowly,the more it will hurt" she said after a moments silence,still not believing Spike could actually talk-he never talked,now all of a sudden he was talking perfectly.

Ducky gave Pertie a small smile,"We just want to make you better,the more you move around and the longer time you make us take the more it will hurt"

She edged closer to the flyer "Trust us,Petrie you know we'll never hurt you on purpose,nope nope nope-you'll get through just need to trust us,we may be sharpteeth on the outside-but on the inside we are still your friends,Momma always said sometimes things must hurt before they get better"

She was not sure if her words would help,but she at least hoped they reached Petrie's mind,she turned her head slightly to face her brother "How much longer will he hurt for? I do not like seeing my friends hurt,I do not. I do not"


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Chomper, finally starting to come to terms with what happened, came forward to embrace Littlefoot. The brown sharptooth was bigger than him, since he was older. For the momenth, though, he was looking at his friend like a little brother. Like someone who's just entered a new world, and is confused.

I'm... terrified right now. Terrified of being chased out my home. The little purple two-footer thought to himself. If I'm terrified, then what are my friends going through right now? It's must be many times worse for them! They've been turned into what they fear most, and been chased, almost... killed by their own parents! He kept his arms wrapped around Littlefoot, as he started to cry. "I... I don't know what's happened. What's... happened to you all. I just want you all to know I'm here for you. We're... gonna get through this together... somehow!"
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Littlefoot kept his eyes closed,not wanting to be here anymore. He hoped for a moment if he closed his eyed and reopened them,he would be back at his Grandparents side and he would be a longneck,all of this would of been a dream.

But he knew this wasn't a dream,it was real. He opened his eyes and looked down at this two new clawed hands "H-h-h-how did this happen?" Littlefoot stuttered out "Leaf eaters don't turn into sharpteeth!"

Littlefoot would not deny it,he was terrified. The memory of the adults chasing them with the purpose to kill them replayed in his mind,their words no longer understood by him as if he never knew the leaf eater language to begin with.

"We....have to run away...get as far as we can..." Littlefoot's voice broke as he looked back towards their former home "We're...we're not welcomed here anymore."


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"How much longer will he hurt for? I do not like seeing my friends hurt,I do not. I do not"

Spike sighed.  As much as he would like to answer his sister's question, and what an astonishing thing it was to actually be able to answer her now, he did not have an answer.  For once in his life he had the ability to speak, but not the answer to put his sister at ease.

"I'm not sure..." Upon seeing her face fall, he quickly amended his answer.  "But I am sure that he will be better soon..."  

The green fastbiter turned back towards his rose-colored friend in the hopes that she agreed with his positive outlook.

"Won't he, Ruby?"

However, that was when Littlefoot's words hit everyone like a rockslide.

"We....have to run away...get as far as we can... We're...we're not welcome here anymore."


"We....have to run away...get as far as we can... We're...we're not welcome here anymore."

Littlefoot's words seemed to bring everything to a standstill in the former threehorn's mind.  Sure, this was the course of action that was only possibility left to them now, but to have Littlefoot say it aloud was something else entirely.  Gone was the normally upbeat and optimistic Littlefoot.  Now what remained was a fastbiter who was simply thinking about their survival.  Normally Cera was the one to bring a harsh dose of reality to a situation; the fact that Littlefoot was the one saying it indicated the gravity of their situation.

They only had themselves now.  They would have to fight and struggle in the Mysterious Beyond and never see their beloved home again.  It was as if they were cast out of paradise and sent to toil in a hell that was unimaginable to them mere hours ago.

"Yes, we have to leave..."  Cera found herself saying before she realized it.  "We need to get out of here now...  but where are we to go?"

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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"How much longer will he hurt for? I do not like seeing my friends hurt,I do not. I do not"

It was a sort of relief for Ruby to see and hear that Ducky's soft, gentle and caring nature was still intact despite the change in species she just performed.

"But I am sure that he will be better soon... Won't he, Ruby?

Ruby took her gaze away from the gooey medicine she was just creating and fixed it on Ducky instead, who seemed to be rather upset about Petrie's current state, while she slowly continued to smush the healing leaves. It was no different for her of course but, unlike Ducky, Ruby wouldn't express her sadness as openly.
"Why of course he is going to be alright, Spike. If we give him the curing leaves, the curing leaves will cure him. He should be back to his full strength in a few days. Don't worry, Ducky." Ruby directed a slight smile at the former swimmer and continued her work which was almost completed. Now I just need some..."

"We....have to run away...get as far as we can... We're...we're not welcome here anymore."

Ruby stopped. With a frown, she let Littlefoot's words sink in. It was obvious that she and her friends wouldn't be welcome in the Great Valley anymore after being chased out of it with murderous intentions of the residents - their parents. Not her parents of course, since they lived at Hanging Rock, not Chomper's parents since they lived somewhere in the Mysterious Beyond but the parents of Littlefoot, Cera, Petrie, Ducky and Spike.
Their current situation filled Ruby's mind with a lot of concerns. Where should they go? What dangers would await them in the Mysterious Beyond? How was it like to be... a Sharptooth? The fact that they would have to feed themselves on meat was completely ignored by the pink fastbiter for the time being. First they needed to get to move... as soon as Petrie was being treated that was.
"You're right, Littlefoot. We are as welcome in the Great Valley as we are welcome in the Mysterious Beyond so we might as well just run somewhere and see where that somewhere is... as long as that somewhere isn't anywhere close to the Great Valley."
Ruby looked at her handiwork, considering the gooey mass gooey enough to be put on Petrie's injuries. "Spike, here's the rest. Put it on him and allow it to dry," she instructed.
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Petrie sucked in a trembling breath, his talons stabbing the ground as Spike pressed the sticky substance against the lacerations criss-crossing his body, the substance they leaked causing his wounds to burn... but as the green fastbiter stepped back, the pain started to fade, to be replaced by a strange numb sensation that seemed to wash in waves from where the paste was applied. Whatever they'd just put on him, it seemed to be working.

Still feeling weak, Petrie gathered his legs beneath him and struggled to his feet, leaning on the trunk of the tree behind him to steady himself. He struggled to think clearly. His beak opened and closed, then finally he managed to speak. "Must... leave now," he croaked, agreeing with Ducky. "Could still be... hunting for us. Must... not stay still." He looked around at the others and took a staggering step from the tree.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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As Littlefoot left his embrace, Chomper heard some other members of the gang start talking about leaving. When he heard Petrie's few forced words, he realized the injured sharptooth flyer had brought up a good point. They could still be after us! They could mount a excavation or something to hunt us down! They probably think we killed the gang!

"Yes, we have to get out of here. They might still be after us!" He thought about the next course of action, he thought back to his loved ones. They could protect them. "My parents! My parents could protect us from them!" He yelled that out, not even thinking of the possible ramifications of what he was saying. His parents 'protecting them' from the valley could very well turn into his parents killing some of the valley's residents. Some of his friends family, possibly.

Even then, they could possibly be in another dire situation soon, and they needed some allies. There was no one else to turn to in his eyes. "I... I know where they are, or... where they should be, at least."
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!