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Ask Flathead770


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I never ended up making one of these back in the day so I figured I'll get one started now. If you have any questions, ask away!


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Who is your favorite LBT character and why? Also, I'd like to know what are your favorite films besides LBT?


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How did you first get into Land Before Time?


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Thanks for the question! Favorite character...hmm.

Littlefoot was my favorite hands down way back in the day though it was usually because I always like the leader type character the most in shows (red ranger in the original power rangers, cyclops in the 90s X-men cartoon). Him being the main focus of the first movie especially helped as I find it easier to get attached to a character when you experience everything they go through first hand.

Chomper was the next character that I really liked. I think I really liked the idea of a supposed by guy was good. He was also purple and I liked purple haha. I also like his personality and how he is profoundly nice. One of may favorite parts of the TV series is everyone being so afraid of him despite how kind or nice he is.

I used to pretty much hate Cera as a kid due to her attitude. I think her being mad made me like Littlefoot even more with his more cool headed rationale in response to Cera's outbursts. I've come to like Cera a lot more now that can better understand her situation. Going from her indoctrinated superiority upbringing and traveling by herself to following the gang to survive to fully becoming their friends makes her the most dynamic out of all the characters in the first movie in my opinion. I do like how when they find the fake valley she brags, saying "I found it!" to saying "Littlefoot, you found it" for the Great Valley. I also like her development focused parts in the sequels. I feel like her part in 12 far outshines Petrie's even though it seems he was supposed to be the main focus.

I really like Ruby's character design. Part of it is just because shes a raptor but I also think her feathers make her more unique as well.

Spike's a hard pass. He's the static "always has to eat character". He's the best version of this character archetype that I know of though since him not talking means we don't have to listen to him complain about being hungry. That's a plus I guess.

Ducky and Petrie I've never really felt to strongly towards one way or another. Petrie's just comedic relief to me so I've never given him much thought. I'm not sure why I've never really bothered with Ducky. It could be because it was my mom's and my friend's favorite character back in the day and out of some weird sense of requiring variety, ignored her.

I guess since my username is Flathead that can be the deciding factor for an overall favorite :lol


As for favorite movies other than LBT, I'm honestly not too sure as well. I've never been too much of a movie person and LBT is the only ones where I have watched them multiple times in recent history. As a kid I used to watch GoldenEye all the time and thought James Bond was pretty cool. I also watched Dragonheart a lot as kid as well.

(As a random note. One day in grade 6 I was talking to my friend about why James Bond is agent double-o-seven. Why not double-seven-o? That conversation ended up being the reason for my number choice in my usernames.)

If I had to think of a movie that I really like  and still watch somewhat frequently would be...The Fifth Element. Kinda out of nowhere and completely random, like the movie in many regards.


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Decided to bump random Ask me thread...

@Flathead: Please, tell us how you see good version of prequel movie to events of LBT TV series in your head! :P

How did Chomper escape island?
Where is his parents?
How did Chomper and Ruby met?
Why Redclaw is so terrify so group of Mysterious Beyond residents came with plan to use Chomper (with Ruby's help) to learn life of Great Valley residents, and somehow defend themselves from this sharptooth?
Why did Ruby's family not go to the valley, when they had two baby hatchlings?


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Hmmm so that's some interesting questons. Let's see.

How did Chomper escape island?
Chomper escaping the island could probably be easily enough explained with Elsie. Chomper's parents on the other hand...I don't know how they would ever escape.

Where is his parents?
Like I said, I can't imagine a way for them getting off the island but I honestly wouldn't even care if they were just somehow not on the island with no explanation.

Why Redclaw is so terrify so group of Mysterious Beyond residents came with plan to use Chomper (with Ruby's help) to learn life of Great Valley residents, and somehow defend themselves from this sharptooth?
I'm not so sure it was a whole group decision that came up with the idea. Since the plan is to observe and find out how Great Valley dinosaurs work together then I imagine that most groups and herds are isolated and separated from each other. Larger herds like Bron's or other farwalkers that have visited the Great Valley are not likely targets for Red Claw due to their large sizes so they are not likely bothered enough to care.

So what you end up with is a lot of smaller groups like Ruby's that don't know how to deal with him and his unorthodox method of hunting with Screech and Thud. I'm pretty sure that this idea originated with Chomper with having experience with teamwork with different species through the gang.

How did Chomper and Ruby met?
I feel like Chomper would have to somehow get separated from his parents for his initial meeting with Ruby. Maybe Ruby does something to save Chomper since we know his parents become fairly accepting when that happens. Red Claw could be the initial cause which would lead to Chomper's idea as well.

Why did Ruby's family not go to the valley, when they had two baby hatchlings?
Probably because they're oviraptors and they feel like they wouldn't be accepted into the Valley, especially a whole family of them. With just Ruby along with Chomper there might be enough leeway given for them to live in the Valley and with the apparent importance of Chomper learning how the Great Valley residents get along.

Please, tell us how you see good version of prequel movie to events of LBT TV series in your head! :P
So a sort of breakdown of events based on the questions above:
-Chomper and his parents get attacked by Red Claw, Chomper gets separated.
-Chomper meets Ruby and her family
-Ruby and her parents tells Chomper about Red Claw's uprising after Chomper describes what happens
-At some point Chomper reunties with his parents, he tells them of his plan and they agree to it and let Ruby go with him
-Exit Chomper's parents for reasons? :p
-Ruby's starday/ Ruby and Chomper head towards Great Valley
-Maybe throw in some sort of escape from Red Claw on way to Great Valley to serve as a climax.

Honestly, I feel the most important parts could be done well enough within an episode duration and wouldn't need a whole movie dedicated to it.

Maybe I'll do my fanart prompt based on something here. That might be fun to do. Thanks for the question and for the potential idea. :DD


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Thank you for answers! :D

Tell honestly: do you have strong imagination, and did you play huge LBT story, like this one, in your mind somewhere somewhen? ;) Like you're watching cartoon TV in your imagination.


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Thank you for answers!

Thank you for the question

I never considered myself as overly imaginative and I haven't had any LBT stories play out in my head for a long time. All of these points are things I don't really think about and was thought out over the course of watching 3 hour speedrun of Mario Sunshine for Awesome Games Done Quick.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2018, 07:26:19 PM by Flathead770 »


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What is your favourite non-LBT animated film?


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Do you play anything? Soccer, football, tennis?  :)


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Do you play anything? Soccer, football, tennis?  :)
Hmm not really haha. Never been huge into the sports scene. I've never enjoyed the more competitive things in general as it seems to bring out the worst attitudes, at least with my experience.

Same thing applies with video games for me, which is why I like to focus more on single player and coop games.

What is your favourite non-LBT animated film?
I've honestly never thought much about it. Let me get back to you on that.


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In the meantime, what is the worst video game you've ever played?


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Hmm that's an interesting one. While not necessarily bad, I remember the load times on Turok: Evolution to be so awful that it really killed my enjoyment for the game.

Another more recent kinda bland game for me was Red Steel (though the sequel was actually good)

I also remember playing some roadrunner SNES game on an emulator out of curiosity and feeling like the game played like total crap haha


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Do you know what your favourite non-LBT animated film is? Or is it just too hard to decide?  :PAli


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It is pretty tough haha. I really enjoy Secret of NIMH after I heard how good it was. Toy Story 3 is up there for the fact that I feel like they nailed the ending. I also really like Walle for how different it felt with having a minimal amount of dialogue.

The problem is that while I really enjoy these movies (and some others as well), I have a hard time determining which ones stand out mor then the others.


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Good answers. I've never seen Secret of NIMH (though I want to), but I agree regarding Toy Story 3 and Wall-E.

Anyway, do you have a favourite video game?


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What are some small things that make your day better?


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Favourite video game would have to be Super Metroid. That game blew my mind when I was 6 and it just sorta stuck with me since. As a result I usually enjoy games within the Metroidvania genre like Symphony of the Night and Hollow Knight.

As for recent games I really like, Celeste is up there at the top and I'd say it's one of the best platformers to date.

Small things that make my day better? Hmm. Well working in retail, one good customer interaction can honestly improve the day by quite a lot (same goes for the other direction as well haha). Sometimes walking around outside taking pictures is nice too. Helps you slow down and enjoy the sights more, though I really need to do that more often.


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Yeah, good customer interactions get me in a good mood as well, and sometimes I just like to go outside and explore and think about my life decisions.  :)

What would be your first question after waking up from being cryogenically frozen for 100 years?


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What is your favourite musical instrument?