The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

Award voting 2011


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Everybody, please keep in mind that there are only about 24 hours left to cast your votes. 39 GOF members (out of about 118 members qualified to vote) declared their intention to vote in the 2011 award votes in the respective thread in the rock circle.
So far 21 GOF members did participate in the vote.
So I hope for a last hour rush of voters on the final day of the vote tomorrow :yes


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Coming in as usual but hey ho... here are my nominations:

Fanart: If there is one thing this forum is not short of it is budding artists and brilliant fanfic writers. This year there hasn't been as much on the scene as in previous years but what has been produced is always of high quality. Special shout out has to go to Malte for his efforts and trying new ways to show his own fandom of LBT through things like embroidery which hasn't been seen before. But, my vote goes to Sky for his continued work for LBT art and his supreme level of commitment and stunning digital artwork. Keep 'em coming matey!

Feedback: - Now fanfics and artwork, as grand as they are, need a critic to help guide artists on identifying their strengths as well as pointing out areas for improvement. Now, a GOOD critic is able to do that but in a method that is not offensive, contrascending or beats around the bush. They offer a true definition of the term "constructive criticism" that only looks to build an artist rather than pussy-footing about or utterly destroying them. I feel that Pangaea does this best. His judging eye takes in everything and feeds back with comments that are always meaningful without being limp or destructive. A real talent to have amongst people!

Friendly: Undoubtedly, a lot of us have found this one of the hardest categories to vote in and it's clear to see why. Is there anyone on this forum currently that is not friendly? Our members' attitudes and respect for each other helps to build this community into what it is and to single any one person out for an award about being friendly is a ridiculously tough call. Still, I'm going to vote for LBTDiclonius. She may have only been with us a short time but I feel that she has blended in nicely yet retained a lovely personality and conduct with members. That's not to suggest she is the only one but she stands out of me in my mind.

Helpful: - Again, like the Friendly award, a tough shout. Everyone tries to be helpful where that can but it's hard to point at one person in particular. My vote is going to Pangaea again for his amazing commitment to just aiding anyone in anything anywhere in any way possible. A great and unselfish quality that more people in the world need to mimic. Thanks again matey!

Philosopher: Many a good man can offer his own opinion, yet few can go into such a depth that a discussion can be born from a simple idea. That idea is one so thought-provoking that it branches out into a grand debate that just continues to roll on as new ideas are fed into it. Gotta say that jansenov has been a fine example of exploring ideas and developing a truly thought-provoking discussion, but it is our Malte279 that gets my vote. The level of discussion you can get into with this guy is almost incalculable. You can go on for ages discussing the most trivial subject but you always feel enriched by the experience when conversing with this guy! Keep on probing our minds Malte!

Proactive: Granted the forum hasn't been the busiest it has been for a while but hey, that's not to suggest that there hasn't been stuff to do. Plenty of candidates could be put up for this award for their commitment and selflessness and really taking charge of things. But, to pick out one from these many that could be selected, I have to say that it is Mumbling that has shown a great sense of duty towards matters on the GOF and always done so with pride and a smile on her face. Thanks again Mumbling for keeping things in flow! And nice job coming up with the Fanfiction awards for this year! Great job!

RPG: Now, sadly, as much as I love and RPG, I'm a bit limited as my kind of RPG normally involves a joypad and a levelling tree. So, in light of that fact, I am going to have to skip this particular award because I don't feel it fair for me to make such a haphazard judgement on a thriving area of the forum where I have not dwelled much. Sorry guys but gotta play fair! to get that helmet of disintegration...

Those are my nominations. Big thanks to all those who have taken part this year. And even if I didn't mention your name, the forum is lucky to have such a great bunch of guys and gals all looking to communicate and better the forum everyday. Couldn't do it without you! ;)


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Here are mine:

Fanart:  I feel that, this year, the most deserving member of the fanart award goes to Sky.  His use of emotion in his drawings is what clinched it for me.  

Feedback:  This year, the member that earned this award from me is Camcerian Tiger, for his response to my second fanfic.

Friendly Member:  I vote for Saft as the recipient of this award.  Despite what is going on in her real life, she always takes time to help out anyone on the GOF who needs it.

Helpful Member:  In this catergory, I must nominate Darkhououmon.  Because of a chat I had with her, I was actually inspired to complete What have we done?

Philosopher:  I must, this year, vote for Malte to receive this award.  He can really dive deep into issues, and hope he keeps it up.

Proactive:  For this award, I must cast my vote for Mumbling, for her work in the fanfiction award.

RPG:  For this award, I must use my one skip, since I have not yet participated in any of the RPGs.


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Fanart Award - Oogaboo. Your LBT comics are genius and I really hope you keep them up :)
Feedback Award - Pangaea. You have been there for every artist on this forum to give fully detailed and interesting feedback, to the point where you tire yourself with it. You deserve a big THANK YOU from all the people here who have read and used your feedback, and I hope that my vote for your award will help that a bit :)
Friendly Member Award - Malte. You've always been up for a talk when needed, been extremely understanding towards my personal problems and always wanting to teach me one or two or a million things about history. There are many members which I could have voted for in this category: TFS, Campion, LF1616. You guys rock.
Helpful Member Award - Pangaea. Always there when someone is in need of useful advice or in need of a service. You're an amazingly helpful member on this forum and I'm sure you'll stay that way. :)
Philosopher Award - The Friendly Sharptooth. Michael has been creating some very good topics which go in depth about both the characters or plot twists in LBT. The detail and thought he puts into these topics is too much for me to handle which is why I don't reply to them :P: But in all honesty, you've deserved this award for sure this year, as you try to keep the LBT discussion alive as well as possible :)
Proactive Award - The Friendly Sharptooth. You've also made a start of reviving the old trivia section. Along with your many caption topics and interesting discussions about LBT you've tried to put some life into these forums.
Role Play Gamer Award - Skipping this one as I'm not an active roleplayer.


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I didn't have much time recently to participate in forum life, so I will only vote in a couple of categories. Maybe I'll do better next time. ;)

Friendly Member: Campion - quite friendly person to talk with, even though he can be very harsh for some fanfic writers (although they usually deserve it).

Philosopher: Malte - you just need to read his posts in discussion topics to know why I nominate him. He has big knowledge of history, which makes his posts even more interesting.

Proactive: Pangea - if he wasn't so active with managing "In the Land Before Time RP" (in Rat_lady's absence), then this RP would probably be long dead now.

Role Player Gamer: Malte - he can create very interesting characters. Even though he sometimes writes short posts in RP for long periods of time (who doesn't?!), he is good role-players and many of his posts are great and fun to read. I would like to mention other people, who I think are good role-players: Campion, Petrie, Great Valley Guardian, Raptor, Chronicler, MrDrake and many others.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


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Okay, this vote session of 2011 is concluded. The votes will be counted to see if there is need for any tiebreaking votes and also to determine in which fields there may be runner up awards. After such possible tiebreaking votes the votes for the appreciated member awards will start at the end of which the awards last be issued.