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Flyer boy Jared's life

Jrd89 · 46 · 6254


  • Petra (He/They)
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Staying positive, I have this site, I have (Ptyra, Flipperboidskua, bushwacked) and other users here.

AND ME!!!!!! :DD

...I just had to add that... :lol
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • The Circle
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Great to hear you are working again.   :goodluck with things continuing to go well for you.


  • Petrie
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Just an update:

I just don't feel good tonight.. (i've sent this to some of the others involved in "flyers"  to see that they think.) anyways..

Btw, my dad's off tonight, he went to do some paintwork at the house (painting the LAST upstairs room to get done.. which is the guest bathroom).. he said I didn't need to go with him.. but he said HE DIDN'T want to catch me on the computer "goofing off looking at pictures of cars or my bullcrap cartoons"  Yes., he said that. He just doesn't like me staying up late at night, that's all..

Lbt is not bullcrap, dad!  :anger   (I guess he was just in a bad mood when he left, that's all. )

I'm just.. so stressed out now.. I've been working so hard at that grocery store.. (even though i'm only making between $180-$200 a week.. it's better than nothing at all :| .

I'm just so sad and stressed when i'm here at the condo, just because each day.. my parents are arguing about bills bills...and money money.. and "WE NEED this paid by THIS date"...and so on.. and I have to go through listening to all their arguing and worrying every day.  :(   <_<
I've been working, and have had to keep loaning money out whenever they ask for some.

ALL it's been for me is Work and loan, and work and loan, and work and loan.. My dad HAS been making enough for us to just get by.. (at least we're still managing to get by..) and i've been paying for the food/groceries when my mom needs me to (And the good news is, the last 2 times.. I HAVE gotten the grocery money given back to me the last 3-4 times, which is good. :) )

As for me.. I have about... $320 in my bank account.. I'VE earned about $3,500 at the grocery store since I started working there in the middle of last June.. my parents owe me $7,490. I know it's a lot. :(

and i'm still standing by... and waiting for a call from the power plant (for a possible.. i'm not counting on it... but POSSIBLE interview.. for a job as a utility worker.)

I should really stop dreaming about even thinking of getting a Chevy Corvette. Because that's not gonna happen with me working at the grocery store.. I need the job at the power plant for that to be possible.

BUT, the good huge news is, that I DID pass the entry test, which my dad said was HUGE for me. :) I was one of the 100 out of about 300 people who passed the test... now i'm waiting for the next step in the process.. which (I'm thinking) is a call for an interview. but I really don't know what's next for sure.

As for the house, the painting work has been coming along great and I think there's just 3 rooms left to be painted, and the room painting is done..

we had a satellite dish hooked up today, too. Now we have a tv signal at the house and we put in a tv (from the condo) to the house! :) and now we have a working tv at the house! :) which is another step in the right direction. :)

But i'm trying to hang in there each day. I CAN'T STAND the depression, worrying, and hearing all the money arguments going on between my parents and all the bills.

:( :( Wish me the best, guys. I'm trying my best to hang in there. Money is still very tight in my family. But i'm hanging in there.

I do appreciate your support. ;)  I'll make it through this mess somehow. Yes stress levels are high and money is very tight, but...

I'll be ok guys.. I will be ok. ;)

I'll be back with any updates in the future as I learn any new info. :)


  • Hatchling
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Did the house ever sell in Michigan?  Based on what your last post says, my suspicion is no it hasn't.  Depending on where you are living, maybe the condo is too much money per month....maybe a different place would ease the worry a bit?


  • Petrie
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Quote from: Petrie,Oct 29 2011 on  08:13 AM
Did the house ever sell in Michigan? Based on what your last post says, my suspicion is no it hasn't. Depending on where you are living, maybe the condo is too much money per month....maybe a different place would ease the worry a bit?
to Petrie: Yes, you're right. The house in Michigan has not sold yet.

And we DO have a "different" place we're working on right now.  :yes In fact Petrie, my parents are paying rent on it right now. We're in the moving process right now..

We DO have a house we're in the process of moving into) about 3 miles away from the condo that's right in town on the mainland (off of the island), we've been doing cleaning/paint work on it since early September, and it's been coming together really good so far. My parents are nearly done painting all the rooms to the colors they wanted them to be.

Thanks for your consideration, Petrie. ;) I do appreciate it.

I'll be back with any news/updates if I learn anything. Yeah i'm bummed guys, but i'm hanging in there. :( I'll get through this "rough, tight for money" time one way or another.


  • Petrie
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*ok.. i know i already posted this in the "how are you feeling" thread..*  life is not so sucky anymore. ;)  ....

WE GOT OUR NEXT HOUSE! we GOT IT.  :D  :D We're gonna start off renting it, then we are going to buy it. It's on a road called Sunflower Place in a subdivision called "The Pines". It doesn't need ANYTHING and it has a pool on the back patio. The pool is screened in, too so no bugs can get in it, and also has a light so you can go swimming at night, too.

All the house needs.. is the rooms painted the colors my mom wants them. NO REMODELING work nececssary. It also has a 3 car garage. *crosses fingers, hoping when I get my new car, that mom and dad will let me have that third space.

THE DEAL IS IN THE BAG, GUYS! After 2 years of dealing with living in our old cramped condo from August 2010 to December 2011, and then moving over to the pink house on Skyline Dr. and renting it from December 2011 to now (Sept '12.).

And now.. on we'll move... over to Sunflower Place.  OUR PERMANENT house in Florida!  Our first house with a pool, and *i'll say it again* no remodeling/updating work is needed at all. Just needs the rooms painted the colors my mom wants them to have.

The Kick family has their new permanent house! It's ours to own!     A 2 year nightmare looking for our own house to own here in Florida is over...

and finally, getting our new house comes 3 years to the month (September 2009) after my dad lost his job in Michigan  :( .. when the trouble first started. But the house hunt is OVER!   We're gonna rent it first, then we will buy it. We've GOT the house on Sunflower Place!  It is ours!

We did it!      :celebrate  :celebrate  :celebrate  :celebrate  :celebrate  

Flyer boy Jared will be swimming in a pool at his family's new house in a couple of weeks.