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Top 10 Charactes you Hate


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I know that he was determined to keep them alive, but forcing them to continue on was killing them, if he just kept forcing them on, they would have died, if he didn't let them rest, so his determination to keep them alive would have killed them if they continued on without rest, and it seemd he was determined to just follow his mother's way, and he considered a rest or even going around the mountain as the wrong way, and not accepting Cera was frustrated and wanted an easy way to go, and I know it was uncalled for comparing him to Hitler, thats why I edited it, because I realize it was insulting, but still, he did act like a very, very low form of a dictator, not giving Cera a choice, and his bossiness, that was the only part I found bad about him, he was okay in everything else, but in that scene, forcing someone to stay with you even if they want to leave is what killers do to their hostages, so he did have a blackmark in that one scene, because his determination was killing them. So I know it was wrong to compare him to Hitler, but I only compared his disregard and refusal to accept other's views as the only, very, very, VERY vague similarity, he has a good heart every other time, but at that time, he was being a jerk who seemed like a benign dictator in that single moment.


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10,Littlefoot:becose it's cool to hate him :p

Now seriously I don't hate any of the characters realy,but there were some who I disliked,or had problems with(without order):

Mo:his voice was annoying,and I found odd how he made joke about serious things. it a boy or a girl?

Ducky in that sky color stones episode:She totally acted like Gollum in that episode,when she hold her stones i thought she was about to say "my precious"

Chomper in the lone journey episode:Yeah,im going to teach other sharpteeth to be nice!I will tell them to eat mud instead of meat.DUMB :bang

Ruby and Tricia:nothing serious problems with them,only that their collor is HURTING MY EYE!!

Imaginary friends::wow RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!that look.....they want your soul!I would rather face with a t-rex.


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I would have laughed if Ducky said "my precious". :lol


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I know that he was determined to keep them alive, but forcing them to continue on was killing them,

if he just kept forcing them on, they would have died, if he didn't let them rest,

so his determination to keep them alive would have killed them if they continued on without rest, and it seemd he was determined to just follow his mother's way, and he considered a rest or even going around the mountain as the wrong way, and not accepting Cera was frustrated and wanted an easy way to go, and I know it was uncalled for comparing him to Hitler, thats why I edited it, because I realize it was insulting, but still, he did act like a very, very low form of a dictator, not giving Cera a choice, and his bossiness, that was the only part I found bad about him, he was okay in everything else, but in that scene, forcing someone to stay with you even if they want to leave is what killers do to their hostages, so he did have a blackmark in that one scene, because his determination was killing them. So I know it was wrong to compare him to Hitler, but I only compared his disregard and refusal to accept other's views as the only, very, very, VERY vague similarity, he has a good heart every other time, but at that time, he was being a jerk who seemed like a benign dictator in that single moment.
First of all, he was in the same shape they were. It's not his fault they lacked his drive. Second, he trying to force them to stay with him because they'd have died if they strayed from the path. Disregard for them? HE WAS TRYING TO SAVE THEM. They were in a tough situation, so he had to be tough as well to keep the group going.
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Quote from: WeirdRaptor,Sep 3 2012 on  02:20 PM
I know that he was determined to keep them alive, but forcing them to continue on was killing them,

if he just kept forcing them on, they would have died, if he didn't let them rest,

so his determination to keep them alive would have killed them if they continued on without rest, and it seemd he was determined to just follow his mother's way, and he considered a rest or even going around the mountain as the wrong way, and not accepting Cera was frustrated and wanted an easy way to go, and I know it was uncalled for comparing him to Hitler, thats why I edited it, because I realize it was insulting, but still, he did act like a very, very low form of a dictator, not giving Cera a choice, and his bossiness, that was the only part I found bad about him, he was okay in everything else, but in that scene, forcing someone to stay with you even if they want to leave is what killers do to their hostages, so he did have a blackmark in that one scene, because his determination was killing them. So I know it was wrong to compare him to Hitler, but I only compared his disregard and refusal to accept other's views as the only, very, very, VERY vague similarity, he has a good heart every other time, but at that time, he was being a jerk who seemed like a benign dictator in that single moment.
First of all, he was in the same shape they were. It's not his fault they lacked his drive. Second, he trying to force them to stay with him because they'd have died if they strayed from the path. Disregard for them? HE WAS TRYING TO SAVE THEM. They were in a tough situation, so he had to be tough as well to keep the group going.
Disregard to other's views! He never let anyone disagree with him! That's why he was being dictatorial. Look at them when they're climbing, they're obviously exhausted and needed rest, but Littlefoot thought they were quitting. Come on, exhaustion can cause death, and they looked near to it! If I were in Littlefoot's position, I would let them rest, instead of trying to force them to go on.


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What other views? They didn't have any better ideas. He was literally the only one who had an inkling of which direction to go in. Cera just wanted to wander off and hope for the best. I'd disregard that stupidity, too.
Littlefoot was just as tired as they were, and they were on the side of the mountain. He and the viewer both knew they couldn't stop before reaching stable ground. If they had stopped to rest, the ledges they were sitting on could have given out. It's a bloody good thing he was there to force them on.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf

RainbowGirl 39

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.Ceras dad
.herd of migrating longnecks
.Old One


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^ Gaah, you hatin' on the eggstealers? Prepare to face my wrath!
I'm just kidding, seriously no wrath-inflicting, I promise.
Why is it you hate them, though?

Ehh okay, Top Ten I Hate.... ish?

1. Topsy at times. I don't hate the character, just his attitude... "Tough", anyone?

2. Flyer Judges - seriously, it would have been so cool if Pterano had resurfaced in XII, as a judge!! but nooo, we got whack jobs! :(

3. The Sharpteeth as the series goes on... just don't act bloodthirsty and nasty like in the first one. THAT sharptooth was the badass boss, y'all! We want-ses VIOLENCE!

4. Petrie's siblings! They were so MEAN! :anger

5. Cera at times, too. Her unrealistically stubborn attitude gets at me, even if she is one of my fave characters :(

6. The velocis or whatever they were from III - kinda dim, wot?

7. Hyp - really didn't need to act that way. I like the character, but there was no call to act nasty. I know, I know, the controlling dad and all, but... heck, TOPSY even got it!

8. Mutt - he makes me laugh, but he's also a little minion

9. Nod - same thing, except he's a little more nasty :p

10. Ozzy - even though I really liek him (not as much as Strut ;P) he's still a nasty, cranky-pants, who is devious and calculating...

-- Tippy and Rhett are not on the list because I actually like those guys, same with the Tinysauruses. I really thought they were interesting charries.
Ali is awesome, even if she wasn't in the series :( and so were Dil and Ichy. Rinkus and Sierra were also bomb! XDD
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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I don't really hate any LBT characters since they're all needed for the plot(mostly)
Best example: Cera, I hated her before I thought like I think now, because she is always mean, but it's needed to make LBT what it is now
Inactive, probably forever.


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10. The Original Sharptooth: I hated this guy so much as a kid, but for reasons that basically amount to why he's such a memorable villain.
9. I didn't like Petrie too much as a kid either. I started liking him as I got older, though.
8. Ali in the TV series. I dunno, she seemed really out of character for me. I wouldn't have pictured her as someone who resigns herself obediantly to others, like she does to Rhett. Speaking of which...
7. Rhett. I get that I was supposed to hate him, just like scuttle and the original sharptooth, but I still found him REALLY obnoxious.
6. Shorty: At first. When I first saw the tenth movie, I hated the idea of this punk being Littlefoot's brother. Now I realize he's actually among the best characters introduced in the later sequels. But still, I hated him at first.
5. Squeakers: I thought he was annoying.
4. Mr. Threehorn. I think everyone hates him at some point.
3. The Narrator: In the later sequels I'm like: so we really need you here anymore?
2. Scuttle: Methinks the crustacean doth resemble, in temperament, a particular orifice betwince the peaks of yond rosey mounds... and Mr. Krabs. In fact, I'n virtually certain much of his character was inspired by him. Also, if I recall, didn't Cera nearly die trying to get food to him?
1. The Yellow Bellies: The only characters I actively hate.

Littlefoot fan 1990

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I don't hate any of the characters except for the Yellow Bellies.


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Hmm, let's see...

10. Spike, I know there's more to him than this but his character is very simplistic when compared to the rest of the Gang, I don't find his "contributions" to the songs and the Stranger from the Mysterious Above and Through the Eyes of a Spiketail were close to being the worst episodes IMO.
9.Wild Arms, a pure comic relief and not a very successful one. Stole Shorty's rightful place in the film.
8. Dana and Diana, very little entertainment value and I didn't find them needed in any way.
7. Hyp, Mutt and Nod: I find When You're Big a horrible song and their inclusion in the 3rd film was its biggest problem.
6. Mr. Threehorn, Sorry, the herd disputes and bossy adults aren't the reason I love LBT.
5. Mr. Clubtail/ Kosh, Usually pointless, gross and annoying character.
4. Tippy, just looking at him and listening to his voice makes me want to skip his scenes.
3. Tria, I just hate her character and the "dynamics" she brought into the franchise.
2. Big Daddy: terrible personality, terrible design, terrible voice, terrible name. :x
1. The Yellow Bellies, very original I know.


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wow, thanks for bumping this thread.

Well, here is TWO lists of characters. First on is least favorite characters. Second one is who is HATED by me.

Here we go:


Least favorite characters: (OK, it seems I placed more important and major characters more closer to "prize" places, because they kept make huge influence on general universe and still, their bad sides of character for very long time, so I more and more disliked them.)

11-12) Shorty+Rhett.
Hehe, almost always I consider them as two sides of one character. XD
I dislike Shorty just because of his bully, irresponsible toward others, and great lying temper character in LBT10 and TV episode. (Perfect match for Cera, I would say! XD)
I dislike Rhett for what he did, of course. Maybe he would Rehabilitate in future, but creators were stupid and din't make another episode with Ali an him.

10) Yellowbellies.
I see guys, they're the most hateful characters for you, guys.
I understand why...
But for me, they are not!
But reason you dislike and even hate them is the same reason I dislike them.

9) Hyp's gang.
Mostly because I just dislike bullies. Even hate them. So more reasons why they're here is in my HATE LIST. But even if I close my eyes on it, they acted stupid and disattractive. And they're even elder than our gang!
8) Ichy and Dil.
Sigh... They could be SERIOUS THREAT. (as in my imagination of alternate version of the movie.. *rollseye*) BOTH of them almost doomed Littlefoot, Petrie and Ducky. But they ended as SERIOUS FAIL. Thanksfully to moments when they are like wife and husband who tired of each other in some B class show!

7) Pterano.
Oh, Pterano, Pterano... His bad character and actions... Hope he will be better. :D
6-5) Rinkus and Sierra + Ozzie and Strut.
I hate all of them for what they did and intended to do (see HATE LIST). but despite that, they could be GOOD BAD GUYS, it means - they could be very good sinister villains and I would actually LIKE their evil character appearance... But their comic relief spoiled everything, and they acts very stupid sometimes.

4) Red Claw. (with or without his fast biters)
Well, if he was yet another guest sequel-stupid-Sharptooth character, I wouldn't say a word.
But what the hell, he is main antagonist of the TV show arc, who is reason our two friends are living in valley, and Chomper with Ruby dared to call him "the most mean and dangerous Sharptooth"!!!!
No, I can't stand still when such things happen. I dislike him a lot. You're epitome of sharpteeth's general fail.
And your character wasn't described a lot... Nah. You're awful.

3) CERA.
Oh, Cera. You're one of five main characters, but you're so... sigh.
I will place first part of why I dislike her in my HATE LIST.
Second part is: I just dislike her temper character nature. And her actions that were led to dangerous troubles.
I absolutely not like such dinosaurs. I'm sorry, Cera. But that's my nature. I know about your father's and threehorns's herd influence, but still... I think you forgive me for that as I forgave you for what you did in first movie. You should be happy I DID START to like your character and find something good in you in many last years. ;)
2) SPIKE. SPIKE. SPIKE. SPIKE... Oh, Spike...
Surprise? Wanna know how one of main characters and partly the most harmless and cute member of the Gang and LBT universe ended here? Even one place below Cera herself?!! Do you want?
If yes, then I will write (at last) small article in his character discussion thread.

and OF COURSE, first place is:

1) Topps.
I *almost* don't care his character went to *good* a bit with last movies. For what he did during all this time, he's still my least favorite character.


Characters I HATE for some reasons:

10) Spike. AGAIN...
You're one of my least favorite character, ok. I don't hate you generally, and you didn't do worst things like others characters... But dammit, sometimes, even you with your general appearance and actions make me mad!!!

9) Yellowbellies. The whole herd. One stupid herd.
And again, I see guys, they're not only the least liked characters for you, guys, but as well as the most hateful. But for me, they weren't. I facepalmed about their eternal stupidity, I disliked them. But.. I didn't HATED them for that so much. They're stupid from nature itself. It is not great reason to reeeealy hate them for their actions in context of movie.

8) Hyp's gang.
Here, in my life, I really was some kind of good child boy, lol. And I knew a lot of bullies of different level of "evil". And when I watched their characters in movie, I was hating them by default.
Heh, with years, some bullies in my life became absolutely normal people. So now I don't hate their characters so much. Almost only past experience of first watching left.

7) RedClaw and his fast biters.
This time, it is said that they "hound" other sharpteeth for not natural reasons. And I believe they are hunting for Chomper and Ruby for more not natural reason.
And I don't talk about my personal hate about his stupid appearance as main antagonist and "threat"!!! :P

6) CERA.
Oh, my girl... No excuse what you did in original movie. For only this, I hated you FOR ALL 13 MOVIES during my very first LBT marathon.
And your awful temper and character in next movies only feed my inner fire. >:[
After some time, I  *forgave* her. But aftermatch... It makes me place her here. Even after I did really start to like her in last years.

5) Topps.
His actions is awful. But he can be happy I didn't posted him in "prize" plces, since even him didn't do the most horrible things.

4) Pterano.
Man who had endless selfish-ness, almost sinister character. Doomed many dinosaurs AND didn't repent in face of others at first time. Plus, he almost repeated situation in his last movie, and he obviously had, at least, HUUUUGE sprouts of becoming pure villain.

3) Rinkus and Sierra.
Example of not-carnivores and pure VILLAINS of LBT universe. (NOT LIKE SHARPTOOTH FROM FIRST MOVIE!!!) They would not have a doubt in killing someone for some not-nature reason, for fun. Even killing harmless CHILD.

2) Ozzy and Strut.
Another example, like previous ones.
At first, I wanted to close my eyes on stealing eating eggs, since it's nature laws. BUT. Since Strut wasn't mind to eat green food, I assume that they're some kind of omnivores: they WON'T die if they doesn't eat eggs (at least for days). But Ozzy wanted to eat something more tasteful. So, no excuse.
And for trying to kill childred just for fun... (and killing my favorite character!) I wish Chomper's parents killed you. No supise MYSELF killed one of you in my LBT fanuniverse. D:<
And I do NOT make excuses for Strut... He's idiotic, but still, he offered to do that thing to Littlefoot. :/

and of course...

1) Guess what characted gave me nightmares and endless tears?
Funny: This character is my third-fourth FAVORITE character in LBT universe, but, at the same time, I have hated (and still hate) him for all this time. For what he did. I DON'T CARE IT WAS NATURE!!! I KNOW!!! BUT I DON'T CARE!!!
Guess who?


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I'll probably be editing this post a good bit, FYI. There really are no characters that I hate, and there are some where I'm sure I'm going to get A LOT of scorn for not hating them. However, there are some that I don't particularly like, and some that I do full-on dislike (but not necessarily hate):

Does anyone like him? I know I don't. Do I really need to explain why? I'm trying to decide whether to make him change or feed him to a sharptooth when I start writing LBT fan fiction.

-Yellow bellies
I probably like them more than most of the the LBT fandom does, but that's NOT to say that I love them. I just don't really like them OR dislike them. They were kinda cute and good for a few laughs plus a decent song (yes, I like the Yellow Belly Bounce song *grabs popcorn*), but they were SO DUMB!!!!!!! I may not dislike them as much as you probably do, but I do get why they're among the more hated LBT characters. :bang

I REALLY hated him as a child, especially because of how mean he was in the third movie. He has kinda grown on me now that I'm older, but in the end, he's still a racist d*****bag, so while I no longer hate him, he stays on my list of characters I don't particularly like. Sorry, Cera! x(cera

-Ali in the TV series
I love Ali from Journey Through The Mists, but come on, what the heck did Universal do to her?!?! I'm happy that she finally reappeared in the LBT canon after they promised she would at the end of the fourth movie, but I'm not happy with how she did. When I start writing LBT fan fiction, I'll definitely be reviving the Ali that we all know and love.

-Petrie's imaginary friend
I'm going to echo everyone else and say BIG-LIPPED ALLIGATOR!!!! The song was okay, albeit nowhere near as good as the likes of Always There or certain songs from the credits sung by certain people named Donny Osmond and Diana Ross, but the character was just plain cringe-worthy! I'm glad he had such a small presence.

-Rinkus and Sierra
Pterano got barely knocked off this list because of how his conscience caught up to him. As for Rinkus and Sierra, I don't like them because they were just pure evil, whereas Pterano wasn't.

-Dana and Dinah
Like the yellow bellies, I probably don't dislike them as much as many other other LBT fans do, but they really added nothing to the movie but a little bit of token cuteness/comic relief, and they were a bit annoying at times. I don't particularly dislike them, but I don't particularly like them either.

-Hyp, Nod and Mutt
I don't like bullies. That's all I have to say. I especially don't like Hyp. He's by far the meanest of the three AND he's ugly as heck!

He was so mean to Littlefoot!

See Rinkus and Sierra. There's also how mean he was to Strut. The comic relief was petty good though, which is why I like him more than Rinkus and Sierra.

-Mr Clubtail
I know many LBT fans hate him, but I really haven't ever had any strong opinions on him either way.

And then there are some that I do like, but I also can see why people might not:

I love her, and I never disliked her overall, but when I was a kid, I didn't like how mean and bossy she was. I liked her all in all, but she kinda rubbed me the wrong way sometimes.

I just find him cute and funny. I understand how people can think he's annoying, but I personally don't.

I've always loved him, but he can often be quite a fifth-wheel

-Dil and Ichy
They did some reprehensible things, but I think the friction between them is hilarious. They're actually my favorite of all the LBT villains.

Now for some where I don't really understand all the hate on them:

I know she basically appeared in the Great Valley out of nowhere, but I think she's a nice addition to the gang. When I first started revisiting LBT, I was pretty happy when I heard about Ruby. In fact, if you go over to the welcome center, notice that my introduction thread's title is her catchphrase.

I know he's not nearly as hated as Rhett or the yellow bellies, but I'm flabbergasted by how many people are hating on him! He's always been my favorite character and he always will be. I'm not going to lie and say that there have never been any 'wth?' moments with him, but I just could never find it in my heart to not love him anyway. I always thought he was a beloved character in the fandom, but I guess he's one of those 'polarizing' ones you either love or hate.


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I'm gonna treat this more like a "Top 10 Least Favorite Characters" list, since I don't really hate many characters, but here goes.

10. Nod. Hyp and Mutt had their own personalities, I'll give them that, but Nod is a purely mindless follower who does almost nothing but parrot what Hyp says all the time. I have a hard time finding any redeeming qualities for him...or any qualities at all, for that matter.

9. Mr. Thicknose. A smug know-it-all for way too much of the movie. His attitude towards Littlefoot early on is really hard to stomach, combined with that egotistical attitude of his.

8. Hyp's dad. As a mean father who doesn't know how to do anything but yell, he's another Mr. Threehorn 2.0...I get that he had a point in the moral of the story, but that doesn't mean I have to like him.

7. Petrie's siblings. :opetrie Mean to Petrie. Mean to Guido. Probably mean to everybody. Not really anything else to say here.

6. Saro. Not only did he want Grandpa Longneck to uproot his family life to go tell longneck stories again, he was really immature when Grandpa's answer was (surprise) "no." The rockslide that trapped Littlefoot and Chomper in the Mysterious Beyond was caused by him stomping his foot in anger, and he never even apologized or showed any shame over it--instead, he scolded the kids for coming after him. Too bad, because his character had more potential than others in the TV show.

5. Old One. Nothing but doom and gloom with this one. "Who knows how long that will last," she says when Grandma Longneck reports how nice the Great Valley's climate is. She's barely even sympathetic when Grandpa Longneck gets sick.

4. Mr. Clubtail, aka Kosh. I don't know what happened to him since LBT V, when he was just a friendly guy who enjoyed tree stars in the morning, but boy, did he go downhill. No character who bonks Guido right in the face for no reason whatsoever is a friend of mine. Plus, he was really immature and obnoxious in that TV episode where he was hogging sweet bubbles, burping right in Cera's face when the Gang was trying to get some.

3. Shorty. I know some fans like him, so I hope I don't offend anybody, but his turnaround was way too last-minute for me to really believe in it. One smile at Littlefoot (by the time the movie is just about over) isn't enough for me to forgive him for flinging a rock in Littlefoot's face as hard as he could. He spent too much time in that movie being an angsty punk for me to like him.

2. Tippy's mom. I can't stand how she constantly tries to drag Spike away from his real family. :sducky Obviously, she was someone who was raised under the "threehorns don't play with longnecks" mentality. Unlike the originator of that quote, however, she's got such a nauseatingly sugary demeanor (which can only be phony-baloney as far as I'm concerned) that not only is she cemented onto this list but in one of the lowest spots, even. "Really? How nice!" Gag, you can practically smell the phoniness!

1. Milo, Lydia, and Plower. You don't remember them, huh? Well, that's because they're some of those random TV series characters who were just "there" and not much else: the underground mammals who basically mistook Spike for some sort of god. No offense to anyone who enjoyed that episode, but it was my least favorite of the whole series. It just wasn't funny to me--it's actually one of the very few LBT moments that ever irritated me. :anger The TV series had some really good Spike moments in certain episodes, but this sure wasn't one of them IMO. Spike seems uncharacteristically dumb, and I'm sure it's because they figured the dumber he was, the funnier it'd be when these weird little animals think he's their savior. Milo and Lydia seem like they must be incredibly dumb in order to think that Spike as he's characterized in this episode is some legendary, powerful being. As for Plower, the lone mammal who isn't ready to join the Spike-worshipping cult right off the bat...he irritates me even MORE than the others, with his constant snide remarks and chipmunk-ish voice! He's gotta be my least favorite LBT character of all time. I actually was going to rank these characters as individuals at first, but then I realized I couldn't, due to one of the most annoying things about them being that the episode insisted on shoving them all in your face at once throughout their screentime. I maybe could've handled one of these things, but three? Nooooooo! And don't even get me started on that embarrassing "Beyond the Mysterious Beyond" cover they sang...that was awful. :rolleyes

Funny, I can't believe Ichy and Dil didn't make it on this list, considering I thought they were my least favorites when I first joined the GoF. My recent rewatch of all the LBT movies sure changed my viewpoint on a lot. Can't believe no one from LBT XI made it on here, either, since that movie is my least favorite...I guess those characters were just too purely generic for me to even take note of here.

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face

Dr. Rex

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Oh, God. I don't think I'll make it to 10, because there's not a lot of characters that I hate in LBT. Maybe there are characters that I just go "Eh" at, but never any downright hate. That's how good the characterization is.

1) The Yellowbellies. 'Nuff said.

2) Rhett. How dare he try to steal Ali away from her beloved Littlefoot! *shields OTP protectively* The only value I see in him is his potential as an antagonist in Littlefoot's future as an adult.

3) The Tinysauruses. Don't get me wrong, I like the ones that we got to know individually, but as a whole... In hindsight, I realize the movie they debuted in was the start of the flanderization of LBT. At the time, I never saw kid-friendlier characters than them...that is, until the Yellowbellies. Them being super-tiny Longnecks felt like such an unneeded gimmick.

Told you guys I couldn't make it to 10. Heck, I couldn't even break the 5 mark!


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Hate is a strong word to use rather you should just use the term unhappy. If I were to say I was unhappy, it would have to go to Ozzy and Strut. At first, I wanted to close my eyes on stealing eating eggs, since it's nature laws. BUT. Since Strut wasn't mind to eat green food, I assume that they're some kind of omnivores: they WON'T die if they doesn't eat eggs (at least for days). But Ozzy wanted to eat something more tasteful. This made me very unhappy.
And for trying to kill childred just for fun... (and killing my favorite character!) I wish Chomper's parents killed you. No supise MYSELF killed one of you in my LBT fanuniverse. D:<
And I do NOT make excuses for Strut... He's idiotic, but still, he offered to do that thing to Littlefoot. :/


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Hate is a strong word to use rather you should just use the term unhappy. If I were to say I was unhappy, it would have to go to Ozzy and Strut. At first, I wanted to close my eyes on stealing eating eggs, since it's nature laws. BUT. Since Strut wasn't mind to eat green food, I assume that they're some kind of omnivores: they WON'T die if they doesn't eat eggs (at least for days). But Ozzy wanted to eat something more tasteful. This made me very unhappy.
And for trying to kill childred just for fun... (and killing my favorite character!) I wish Chomper's parents killed you. No supise MYSELF killed one of you in my LBT fanuniverse. D:<
And I do NOT make excuses for Strut... He's idiotic, but still, he offered to do that thing to Littlefoot. :/
Your intuition is good, I'd say. In real life, struthiomimus was likely eating plants with maybe some omnivory, similar to a lot of modern herbivores. My headcanon is that Ozzy is just a weirdo struthi who's obsessed with eating eggs and drags his brother along too. Not to say Strut is entirely innocent, he sure does make threats of his own towards the end of the movie.

Another thought is that maybe Ozzy and Strut come from a "culture" of struthis who are egg-eaters, while other cultures tend towards plants. Kind of like different modern day killer whales pods having different diet preferences even when they live relatively close to one another. Either way, eating eggs when you clearly could eat plants is kinda messed up, yo. And I'd guess Ozzy and Strut probably are dead, considering we never see them again after they're chased by Chomper's parents.

Dr. Rex

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Another thought is that maybe Ozzy and Strut come from a "culture" of struthis who are egg-eaters, while other cultures tend towards plants. Kind of like different modern day killer whales pods having different diet preferences even when they live relatively close to one another. Either way, eating eggs when you clearly could eat plants is kinda messed up, yo. And I'd guess Ozzy and Strut probably are dead, considering we never see them again after they're chased by Chomper's parents.
That's actually a pretty interesting hypothesis there. It doesn't really explain why Strut is so unlike his brother when it comes to diet, though. Maybe his herd came across a plant-friendly one when he was a child? Obviously we're not going to have a canon explanation for that in the near-future, though.


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Having recently rewatched some TV series episodes I hadn't seen in ages, I may have to revise my list here one of these days just to add that annoying talking crab to it. You know the one...that character that looks like he came out of SpongeBob. :p

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face