The Gang of Five
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What you don't like

rosie · 81 · 21449


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What are the things you don't like besides the songs. I want Chomper to bit Cera more. More pain. :unsure:  Seriously, Those yellow bellies look too much like cartoony sterotypes  and how did they manage to survive for so long without becoming extinct. :blink:  They look defenseless even more so than Tricia and chomper and Ducky's siblings. They look like Carebears and those Charming bears.  :huh:


  • The Circle
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So many 1 shot characters.  The tv series has some of these also.  Skip, Guido, the bullies.  It is odd that they would appear only once in the series and never be seen, even as background characters.  No sight of Pat, unless he didn't make it back to the great valley between the 10th movie and the start of the 11th.  

  As well certain other things.  

Though I do enjoy the movies, even certain scenes of 10, though not the whole movie, and the tv series.

Cancerian Tiger

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Quote from: rosie,Aug 10 2008 on  10:18 PM
I want Chomper to bit Cera more. More pain.
If he starts pulling that nonsense, I'd give him roughly a thirty-second lifespan :p.  I can't understand wishing pain amongst anybody unless they have murdered another individual or violated a child <_<.  Back on topic :bang.  If there's anything I don't like about the series, it's how the suspense level has drastically decreased since LBT V :blink:.


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Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,Aug 10 2008 on  08:31 PM
If there's anything I don't like about the series, it's how the suspense level has drastically decreased since LBT V :blink:.
Yeah,  I agree. I think the producers were starting to loose good ideas once they made the ninth sequel. :p


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Maybe one reason at least some of the team of writers, producers, directors, ect, should be changed from time to time.


  • Ducky
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i don't know what i must think from this topic...


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The TV series themes are pretty simple but I like how fast paced it is.  Just take out the songs and they'd be great.  Perhaps spend more than 5 minutes while you're brushing your teeth doing the animation and it'd be even better. :rolleyes:


  • Ducky
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Like what Kor mentioned the "One Shot" Characters, they don't give them enough screen time.


  • Banana Egg
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If the songs were cut out, i think the movies would be great......well some of the movies will be better.....(the tenth movie)


  • Ducky
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Think about the songs for a second - what do you remember most about the second movie? For me it was "Peaceful Valley" at the very beginning. Kids watching the series nowadays will probably relate to the songs more then us LBT Vets will - its natural with age.

What I don't like is the lore gap between the TV series and the movies. Lots of unanswered questions such as where characters went and why the new ones came in.


  • Banana Egg
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I have always wondered how did chomper get off of the island if the landpath was destroyed??? and what also get's me confused is how his parents didn't try to eat ruby and her family.......also how did ruby come to care for chomper?......................i'm so confused....


  • The Gang of Five
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I'm not sure how they did that either... they probably had some sort of earthquake which opened up another path or something... then, they probably met Ruby and her family.


  • Banana Egg
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i guess so, but that still doesn't answer why Chompers parents didn't try to eat Ruby and her family....


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I have some own theories about both questions and I might put them into a fanfiction some day. As for Chomper's parents apparently not attacking Ruby's, there are different possibilities. One is that we cannot be 100% certain if the parents of the two ever actually met, though the TV series suggests that Chomper's parents and Ruby definitely did. I suppose in some ways these Sharpteeth parents are rather practical thinkers. If there was a benefit of leaving Ruby alone (e.g. her teaching anything that might be useful to their son (I am not the only one whom it struck as odd that after a few hours of contact with leafeaters on the first day of his life Chomper apparently gained sufficient command of leafeater language to speak fluently in LBT 5, am I?) or taking care of him while they are out hunting) that outweighed the small benefit of what morsel she would make, I reckon those sharpteeth would go for the greater benefit IF there is sufficient other food around.


  • Spike
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I didnt like how in the Land Before time TV show mostly all the chracters who returned like Ali, Doc, Hyp, etc werent acting themselfs anymore.
Ali was my favorite character because of her bravery and smartness, but in the TV series she's ldoesnt care about Littlefoot anymore and she just acted really dumb. Doc turned really mean, Hyp was suppose to be good now but they made him be a bully again. Bron I didnt like his voice they put on him. He sounds too young and not older like in the 10th movie. Chomper was my favorite character also and they turned him to a coward. Ruby I still dont know why it was necessery to add her. they really should improve the series  by the second season and movies, after the the 10th it just turned to childish now. I like how Cera gets a step mother and a stepsister, but what the deal with adding the tinysaurus and the yellowbellies??? They werent even part of the dino world. Land Before Time has turn to imaginary now. its not like the realistic anymore.


  • Ducky
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Quote from: Littlefoot3897,Jun 23 2009 on  07:52 PM
its not like the realistic anymore.
Now that is something I can agree with! Between 11 to 13 alot of things that toke place didn't look real at all.  I still like enjoyed the plot for all the movies but I know you can't find the Tinysaurus and the Yellowbellies in any Dinosaur Species List.


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The yellow bellies are based on Beipiaosaurus, a small therizinosaur from early Cretaceous China. (It says so on the back of the DVD case.) Of course, the real Beipiaosaurus was covered in primitive, hair-like feathers (not just tufts on the head and tail), and had three (not four)-fingered hands with long, scythe-like claws on them (in spite of this, it was a herbivore). I suppose the LBT people thought the claws would look too scary. <_<

The tinysauruses were probably based on Mussaurus ("mouse reptile"), a prosauropod (an early relative of longnecks) that is so far known only from fossils of hatchlings and juveniles. Adult Mussaurus were almost certainly much larger than Big Daddy, :p but I am more than willing to attribute this decision by the LBT filmmakers to artistic license.

For the record, I rather enjoyed LBT XI, :yes though I think it could have been more interesting (or at least made more sense in terms of the dinosaurs' initial disgust towards the tinysauruses) if an altogether new kind of dinosaur was used, rather than simply a miniature version of a familiar type.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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I didn't think a dinosaur like a tinysaur existed until I went to a foreign LBT site and the owner had labelled them as mussauruses. Curious, I looked it up, and sure enough, a skeleton of a baby mussaurus was about the size of the tinysauruses.

So even the tinysauruses are based on an actual dinosaur find.

As for the yellowbellies, I already knew they were based on a real dinosaur. Although not everything is shaped correctly, I could tell, just from their basic structure, that they were a therizinosaur of some type. What gave it away was their two-footed stance, their huge bellies, and their heads attached to relatively long necks.