The Gang of Five
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A new world...Same old faces

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix nodded his head. "That makes sense. Say you two haven't seen Longtails mother by any chance have you?" he asked aloud.


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"Maybe," Screech said, trying to recall.

Redclaw opened his mouth and brought it close to Cyrix. "You can check inside if you want, if there's any pieces of her stuck in my teeth..or in my stomach I'll know it'll have been someone I ate..." Redclaw said, both wanting to help and giving Cyrix a hint.


"Man, what's taking Longtail?" Guido commented.


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Nero chuckled as Longtail's tail wrapped around his neck and started to tighten, all the fastbiter could do was chuckle away "Good...very good indeed....a killer, I like that indeed, learning to kill...with no emotion, forgetting about your friends, your family, leaving them all behind as you turn yourself into nothing more than a monster....a monster that is only good for killing, uncapable of loving, caring...." Nero swung his claws and dug them into Longtail's tail and slowly, but surely moved them downwards along the tail to cause a rather big wound where his claws left.


Skye looked back to where Roux was walking off, then looked to Cera again "But what about her?"" however, she shook her head some and gave off somewhat of a smile to Cera "Yeah, you're right, let's get going, they'll need our help afterall"


Luna continued to fight Hazel off, but so far, she wasn't going so wel, Hazel had injured her a fair amount as it was, but Luna, for one reason, or another, did not seem to want to give up as she continued to attack Hazel, actually managing to land a few strikes in on the other fast biter, much to both of their suprise.

"So, the little one still has some fight left in her, that's good...I thought I was going to beating around a dead corpse after all" Hazel chuckled back as she stepped back slightly, a smirk upon her face.


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Chomper just kept walking with the group and his friends.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix chuckled lightly at Red Claw as he replied, "I don't think so. Longtails mother is too stuck up and wouldn't allow herself to be eaten by anyone even as a spirit."

Just then another spirit tapped Cyrix on the back as it spoke.
"Its not nice to speak unkindly of someone when they can hear you."

Cyrix sighed as he turned around and faced Longtail's mother.
"Hello again Sol. Nice to see you after all this time."


Longtail had his tail in just the right spot and if he tightened it anymore Nero would certainly die. But just as he was about to make the finishing blow, Longtail's eyes widened as he could swear he heard a voice on the wind. "Zaine..." he whispered. It was then that his emotions came back full force and he immediately let his tail unwind from Nero's neck, stepping back and take deep gasps of air.


Cera grinned as she and Skye made it back to the rest of the herd but frowned when she still didn't see Longtail. "Where is that flyer?! He's supposed to be helping us...and he's no where to be found!"


Hunter at that moment using her full weight pounced and pinned Hazel to the ground. "You know it's bad practice to let an enemy get you down on the ground like this... especially if that enemy is another fastbiter!" She grinned as he held Hazel.


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"Nice to meet you," Redclaw smiled to Sol politely. "And it would be even nicer to eat you..." he added with a smirk.


"You never know with Longtail," Guido said in reply to Cera.

Cancerian Tiger

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"C'mon, let's get back to what we were originally doing," Renn spoke up as his group caught up with the herd.


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Nero watched as Longtail loosened his grip around his throat and watched as he also stepped backwards, which caused him to just snicker "I knew it, you just don't have the guts to kill've gone rather weak, pathetic, useless...." he grinned in the process as he started to circle Longtail, all the while just eyeing him "It seems as though, hanging out with these worthless creatures have caused you to become nothing more than a weak and worthless coward"


"Yeah, wasn't he suppose to be here with the rest of them?" Skye gave off a groan as she looked to Cera and then to Guildo and took a deep breath "Wait here to see if he'll come back, I'm gonna go and see if I can find him around here....."

Skye grumbled somewhat as she turned and already started to walk off in order to try and search for Longtail "He just had to wander off, leaving everyone unprotected, that is, oh so brilliant...." she grumbled to herself.


Hazel simply laughed at Hunter as she just eyed her "Yeah, you are absoloutly right about that, but you see, there is one thing I should point out about your flaw...." she moved her head clser to Hunter's head, to the best of her ability in order to whisper into her ear "You shouldn't leave your pretty little face all expossed...." and with that, she snapped at Hunter's neck.

Luna just watched as she gave off a little gasp at what Hazel did, but yet, winced in pain from what injuries she had recieved so far.  Her legs were now begining to her rather badly, to the point in them giving way as she fell to her knees with a small yell.

"Oh, and one other thing too, I don't think your little girlfriend over there, is going to last all that longer by the looks of it....granted, she is rather weak as it is...." Hazel laughed at Hunter as she attempted to snap at Hunter's neck a second time.


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((OOC: Wow, I completely dropped the ball on this RP. Let's see if I can get back into the swing of things)).

In the Great Beyond, Zaine noticed a group of dinosaurs conversing. He instantly recognized them all, and he smiled. "I guess I'm not up here by myself anymore. I don't know if I should be happy about that or not." As he looked upon Cyrix, he couldn't stop thinking about Longtail. "Poor Longtail. He lost Cyrix too. I can't imagine what he is going through right now." Zaine walked up to the group and cleared his throat. "So, I guess I'm not the only one up here after all." He looked over to Cyrix and Sol. "It's good to see you two again. I just wish it were under better circumstances."

Littlefoot continued to fend off fast biters one after the other, now developing some sort of rage after seeing Cyrix dead. "You guys just don't know when to quit, do you?" First Zaine, and now Cyrix. They're taking everybody out one by one. Who's it going to be next? I can't let it happen to anybody else anymore. We have to survive.

Viega recoiled after Nero's assault. He wanted to attack, but he noticed Longtail was already ahead of him. He then noticed that Longtail was backing off, and that Nero was belittling him. "Longtail's backing off when he could easily kill that fast biter. What's he doing?"

"He's gaining control over his emotions. Something in his mind reminded him about our bond, and he's calming down. This is a start at least, but Nero is still a problem. Keep Longtail safe."

"I'll do my best." With that, Viega rushed forward towards Longtail and stood in front of him, glaring at Nero. "You're the weakling here, relying on your lackeys to do the work for you. You killed the rainbowface, but you won't kill Longtail. I won't let you."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Sol turned to face Zaine and was torn between smiling and frowning. In the end she simply chose to speak. "It is indeed good to see you but how sad that you're here."

Cyrix smiled at seeing Zaine.
"Hello Zaine. I'm sure you remember Red Claw and Screech." He then sighed. "I never imagined you of all of the herd being here so soon Zaine." he then chuckled. "Although I have to admit I was expecting Longtail be here before any of us. He was really stubborn when he was a hatchling."

Sol then stepped forward and said to Zaine. "Have you seen your mother yet dear?"

Longtail continued to stare at the ground, all the while hearing Nero's words, but paying them no heed. His emotions were still spinning inside his heart and he was having trouble deciding how to feel after all he'd lost. He closed his eyes and tried to calm down and in that instant he felt all his inner turmoil and emotions stop and as if after a large storm, a bright light filled his heart. He then slowly turned to face Nero as he said,
"I will not bow, I will not break, I will not fall, I will not fade. I will survive, because I unlike you, have found the will to change." Longtail then spoke to Viega. "Go back to the others, and tell them I'm on my way."


Cera stepped in front of Skye and stomped her foot. "Look I'm upset Longtail isn't here, but trust me when I say he will be coming back. If being friends with that flyer has taught me anything, it's that even in his darkest hours he'll still find his way back to us. So let's just wait for a few moments okay?"


Hunter reeled back from the bite she'd recieved in her neck, but held onto Hazel as hard as she could and placed a single paw against the fastbiters neck slowly squeezing and cutting off her air supply."Just shut up will you?!" she said through gritted teeth


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"Weakling? Me? Why, I'm insulted" Nero simply chuckled,not taking Viega little insult seriously "Now go on, listen to Longtail here and get out of here before I decide to kill you as well"

He then turned his attention to Longtail again "And I see you've come back to reality once again, good" he chuckled again as he took one step forward "I was starting to think I was talking to myself all the while"


Skye stopped as Cera stood in front of her "Yeah, but what about...?" she started, but stopped as Cera continued to talk, to which Skye, in the end, just gave off a small groan "Okay, okay, fine....I'll wait here as well, but if he takes too long, them I'm going to look for him"

She looked at Cera for a moment and smiled at her somewhat before stepping up closer to her and giving her a little loving nuzzle without really saying a word to her.


Hazel narrowed her eyes at Hunter and gave off a small laugh "Oh, now this is more like it" she spoke, sirking away, even as her air supply was getting cut off "So go on, what are you waiting for, an invitation? Kill me, go on, rip out my throat, rely on your instincts to take over, give in to your killer instincts"


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"Screw you!" Viega yelled back. "I'll take you on!"

"Viega, don't do it! Listen to Longtail and go back to the others. He can handle Nero. I know he can."

"Are you sure?"

"Longtail doesn't know how to quit. He never has, and he won't start now."

"Okay then, if you're sure." Viega looked back at Longtail. "Please be careful, Longtail." With that, he sprinted past the flyer in the other direction.

Littlefoot noticed that Viega was leaving, but he didn't move. There were still too many fast biters around for him to leave. I have to help Longtail, and if I have to go through all of these fast biters to do it, then that's what I'll do!


Zaine laughed a little at Cyrix's comment. "You could say that both of us were really stubborn when we were young. Longtail's really grown since I first met him. I guess we both have." He looked over at Longtail's mother when she asked him about his own. "No, I haven't seen my mother yet. I'm sure she's up here somewhere though."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail chuckled aloud at Nero's comment.
"I know your types Nero... after all a fool like you only likes the sound of his own voice. To you your voice is even better than a fresh kill at the end of the day... so shut your mouth and just attack me already!"


Soul smiled gently as she addressed Zaine.
"It seems you've found a way to speak with at least one of the living, very good. It is a skill that usually takes a while to learn." She paused for a moment and spoke again. "As it seems your mother and I get along very well.. and are never too far apart. In fact here she is now." she then stepped aside as Zaine mother walked into view.

Cyrix looked around for a moment and then looked up at Red Claw.
"Red Claw do you happen to know how to speak to the living?"


Pearl and Sweetie could both see Longtail and Nero clearly from in the air, both were hesitant to help lest they get hurt, but neither one wanted Longtail to fight too much longer knowing the rest of the herd was getting upset at waiting while protecting themselves from the fast biters around them.


Hunter grinned crazily as she leaned in close to Hazels face and spoke. "I... unlike Longtail... LOVE to kill. It's something I'm good at... and something I truly enjoy doing. Tasting my enemies blood is the best feeling of it all... but today, your death shall be slow... and painful! Hunter then began to push down harder and harder watching with mouth water satisfaction as the life slowly left Hazel's eyes.


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Redclaw thought about Cyrix's question for a moment.

"I might know a little, but nothing significant," the big sharptooth replied.


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Zaine looked past Soul and saw his mother appear before him. He wasn't sure if he should be happy to see her or just sad that he was dead, but he smiled anyway. "Hi mother," he greeted. "I wish our reunion could have been in a better manner, but it's nice to see you again finally."


Littlefoot decided that there was no point in staying. The majority of the fast biters had already left, leaving only a couple left. Longtail was still fighting Nero, but it seemed like he was able to handle himself. "Longtail, kill that b****** and come back," he called out. With that he turned around and left the battle area.

Meanwhile, Viega was already making his way back to the group. "Should I have left?"

"You wouldn't have been able to help him. Longtail prefers not to let anybody he cares about get hurt."

"Does he care about me?"

"I don't know. Something about you reminds him of me. It could just be the fact that if you die, he loses his only connection to me."

"Isn't that a bit selfish?"

"In any other situation, yes it would be. You have to understand though. Longtail is a very fragile flyer. He always turned to me for comfort, and since now you are the only way of communicating to me he needs you alive. You don't want to see what happens to him when he really loses control over his emotions."

"I guess I just don't know that much about him." Viega finally returned to the group, noticing Cera and Skye were still all right. "You two okay?" he asked.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Zaines mother smiled lovingly at her son.
"I'm sad to see you here.... but now I can tell you how so very proud I am of you. After everything that's happened, all the adventures you've been on, and the dangers you've walked through, you always kept a smile on your face. And even more impressive, you kept Longtail in check." She stepped forward and nuzzled her son.

Soul couldn't help but grin at the mother-son reunion between Zaine and his mom. She then turned to Cyrix and Red Claw. "I can teach both of you how to properly talk to the living if you'd like.

Cyrix smiled and nodded his head. "I would like that alot. Thank you Soul." he commented.


Longtail took a deep calming breath and stood up straight as he faced Nero down. "This fight... is over. I'm done fighting you, my friends lives are more important... you'd know that if you were a true herd leader." he said with a serious but neutral look on his face.


Cera looked at Skye for a moment and then sighed. "Yeah, yeah, we're fine... nothing a threehorn can't handle!" She then ran forward to keep pace with Littlefoot.

Ruby who was walking along side Chomper asked gently, "Do you think everything... one day will go back to normal?"

Dil was still torn between stay where she was to watch Longtail fight, and keeping up with the rest of the herd. "What should we do Icky? Longtail can keep himself safe, but we shouldn't just leave him." she said with a worried tone.


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"At least 1 or two of us should keep an eye on him," Icky replied to Dil, the sharpbeak flapping his wings but staying stationary to the sky.

Guido was the kind of dinosaur to avoid confrontations like this.


"That would be nice," Redclaw nodded to Soul. He then, with a slight smirk, asked "Also, is there anyone in this realm who you'd recommend me..."inviting" for dinner?

Cancerian Tiger

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"Damn!  How long can this fighting last?" Renn said impatiently.  The group had been ready to move on with the rest of the herd, and it seemed like they were making no headway.

"Knowing Longtail, who knows?" Spike sighed.

"Well, maybe somebody should go break it up," Renn grunted before he started to head in the direction of the fighting, but was stopped when his mate stepped in front of him and gently held him by the shoulders.

"Please calm down, dear.  I think they will be done soon, oh yes yes yes," Ducky said.

"Well, I guess you're right," Renn sighed.  "I'm just worried, sweetie.  About the herd, about us...I'm just worried.  The longer we're out here, starving and exposed to sharpteeth, the lower our chances of getting out of this alive will be."  Renn choked back a sob, and Ducky lovingly embraced him.

"We will be okay.  We have gotten out of these situations before, and I am sure we will get out of this one too, yep yep yep.  We will find this place Littlefoot is leading us to, as long as we stay positive and work together.  It is up to those two whether or not they fight, but most of the herd and myself want a future for ourselves, and I want you there with me," Ducky said as she calmed her mte down.

"I want to be there for you too, which is why I'll stay calm like you said.  Thanks for talking some sense into me," Renn replied as he kept Ducky in a close embrace.  Meanwhile, Spike and Aurelia had decided to let the two converse in private and conversed nearby but out of earshot.


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As Longtail announced his intention to end the fight, a few slow, sardonic claps echoed around the area as Dante stepped out from where he had been hiding.  
"Good on you, Longtail.  Glad you didn't give in there.  But as for you, Nero..."
He turned and bared his teeth.
"I think you need to disappear."
He growled coldly...