The Gang of Five
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Planet Alimon

Threehorn · 137 · 32755


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Tanner quickly places the cloaking rods in five points around the team and supplies.  Then he activates the rods before the alimon notices they were even there.


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(need to place them in 5 points on the ground and activate them, they are cloaking rods not hand held devices. it stated a few posts back)


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Sorn continued to scale the rock, heading towards this strange new rock that seemed to appear out of nowhere. Then he thought he saw something in the corner of his eye. He quickly turned, but nothing was there. But still filled with curiousity, he approached where he saw what seemed to be a flash. But then he stopped in his tracks before he even took a second step. A roar echoed across the mountains. He grumbled. It was Sniper calling all pack members. It was mandatory that even he must report back.

"So close..." The bright yellow alimon shook his head in disappointment. He started going back down the rock, but then took another glance back up. He winced as a red alimon approached him, an angry female voice yelling at him.

"Didn't you hear him? Let's go!" She snarled at him. The adolescent bowed his head, and sighed.

"Oh all right." The young male followed the fiesty female, named Genta, as they hurried back towards their homes for a meeting.


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"That was close" one of the team members of the cliff team spoke

"Indeed too close. I thought for a second it saw through the holo cloak" team leader mutters then look at the screen on his panel "looks like Alpha team in place and the cloaking field around the camp activated." He sees the Alimons gathering "zoom in on that area and turn the audio on, lets see if we can listen to what they are saying if they say anything that the translater understands though" Cliff team, team leader said to the others as they zoom in on the meeting that about to take place.


  • Ducky
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"You don't need the translator on," says Tanner, "They can speak perfect english." He grabs the device, "Now where's the translator on and off setting on this thing?"


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"Sir cliff team is up there. they are on comm slience and viewing some sort of meeting about to take place. they stat that we should stay here in camp and set things up" a officer said

"That what we going to do crewmen." Turla spoke "We will sent up the tents and prepare camp, today is Cliff Team's day, we just getting camp ready today. so you and you will be keeping a eye out for anything we can see through the cloak but they cant see us. so we will have to keep quiet." Turla gave out the intrustions and orders "Cretaceous will be back above in orbit by nightfall tonight." she stats.


  • Ducky
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"Acknowledged," says Tanner as he keeps searching the device for a setting switch,  "Ah!  Here is is!" says Tanner, pushing a button on the device that turns off the translator setting.  He points it at the gathering alimon pack and listens in carefully.

(Dark's cue)


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Sniper sat in front of the ever-growing group of multi-colored alimons. He scanned the area with his watchful eyes, trying to pick out any stragglers. He noticed, out of the corner of his eye, the yellow male he spoken to earlier, walking away from the cliff. Sniper narrowed his eyes. Did the young male deliberately disobey orders?

"Listen up! This is not a drill!" The leader shouted as the last two alimons, Sorn and Genta, took their places among the group. "I believe you all have seen it; a shooting star that freezes in the skies!"

The alimons mumbled and whispered among each other. Had they heard right? Was some out-of-the-ordinary shooting star really frozen in place? Could it really be possible? Was it magic?

"I have witnessed it freezing myself!" Sniper announced. "Just like some of you may have." He turned towards Sorn. "For example you. You told me about it yourself."

"Yes, but when I tried to find out what it was, you stopped me!" The adolescent cried, feeling furious.

"Precisely. It is too dangerous to make a move right now." Sniper responded seriously.

"Oh come on..we're a large pack. We could take them." Sorn said, and a few alimons nodded their heads in agreement. He stood on his hind legs. "What if they came here to hurt us? Hunt us down?"

This got a laugh from the fiesty female, Genta. "Oh puh-leaze, Sorn! You don't even know if there are any 'aliens' with that 'magical' freezing shooting star."

Sniper sighed as he listened to Sorn's concerns. Frankly, this had worried him as well, but not to the same extend as Sorn. "I'm afraid I share similar fears." Genta and Sorn looked up at their leader in shock. "Experience taught me to be cautious and observent of any strange new object. But I also agree with Genta; we shouldn't let ourselves feel threatened by this. After all, there might not be any hostiles with this shooting star."

"I saw one do a Hocus Pocus!" Sorn suddenly shouted, causing all attention in the meeting to turn to him.

"Hocus...Pocus..?" Another young male asked, snickering. "Dude, you pay too much attention to daydreams, ya know?"

But the yellow dinosaur wasn't relenting. "But I saw it! On the mountain! Out of the corner of my eye, something just..disappeared just like that!" He snapped his claws to prove his point. The other alimons began to laugh at his story, a few cracking jokes about how the yellow male has a wild imagination. But one alimon wasn't laughing. It was Sniper, the leader of the pack.

"You saw something disappear?" Sniper yelled, causing the yellow male to wince. He had been found out. "And just how did you get close enough to see someone disappear? I am not saying I believe this disappearing act, but please, enlighten me; how could you have seen anything disappear on the mountain when I told you to stay away?" The young male bowed his head in shame. "I'm very disappointed in you, Sorn. You directly disobeyed my orders. I'm afraid I will have to have Genta here accompany you from now on."

"What?! But..sir..I..."

He was cut off by Genta. "You heard him! I'm your cubbiesitter now." She grinned. The male groaned and sunk back down on the ground. How did he get himself into these messes?

"So anyway, I want all alimons to stick close to the caves! Do not wander too far outside! I will have our best scouts, spies, and assassins patrolling the area for any suspicious activity! If anyone just so happens to come across a stranger, bring him or her to me." He paused, and then continued, "Unharmed. Oh and the assassins are not to kill unless given a direct order by me, got it?" The alimons nodded. "All right then, meeting dismissed!"

Slowly the alimons began to disperse, going inside different entrances to their cave tunnel home. A few remained outside, discussing their opinions about the situation.


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The star had now disappeared and that star the ship was now on the otherside of the planet at night time over a massive jungle "Captain we over Beta site"

"Beam the team down and get us to Delta site before going into a high orbit. we got a report from Cliff team that they saw our ship in the sky at a low orbit. being at a higher one will keep us clearly out of sight" Captain spoke out to Cater.

"Yes captain." Lt.Cater beam down team Beta and the ship moves on to the plains.


back on the surface at Alpha base camp "Tanner unlike you we have our translators implanted inside our skulls so we can't turn them off" Commander told him "But we too far from them to hear anything any way. Cliff Team has a sound scope and just sent this recording to us." Turla said and place the pad data in the computer.

"Computer play recording of Alimon meeting" Turla ordered

"Processing.... begin in 5... 4... 3... 2..." then a image appears on the screen and they all sit around it listening and watching it


"Commander this is the captain, we moving to Delta site for Delta team then going into a higher orbit. Cliff team reports that we've been seen in the sky. so not to spook them we staying just out of transporter range. But I have had Gegen place a cloaking device of his own design on one of the shuttles so we can still get re-supply the 3 sites if needed. other then that you and the other sites will be alone for the next few days. Threehorn out" the comm closes.


"You've heard the captain. so we have to be extra careful for the next few days. I have a feeling those Alimon going to be sending some of their own up this way to scout around to see if there anything funny as a human would say." Turla began to tell the Alpha site team. "if you are spotted don't act hostly at any means. we of the federation and one thing we don't do is act first. we try to keep the peace. do you all understand?" Turla told them they all saying 'Aye sir' "Alright lets get back to setting up camp"


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"Tanner you've know a bit about these Alimon. How did you find out about them over 200 to 300 years ago?" Commander Turla asked him


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"Well, they're also inhabitants of earth as well.  I never knew there was an entire planet full of them.  One possible theory I have it that an ancient race that's probably extinct now, abducted several of these alimons and placed them here back in the dinosaur era.  Quite possibly for study.  I guess the alimons were eventually forgotten and multiplied on this one planet.  In the 22nd century we never knew much about alimons because there wasn't a fossil record.  Did all of that change while I was in cryogenic slumber?" says Tanner.


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"Well Cretaceous came across a 300 year old remains of one in a ship well frozen since the deck was exposed to space. So we brought it back to Earth for study and that when the lab was found with you in it a sleep and records about Alimon on the database so that how the story begun and continues to this point forward" Turla explained to Tanner


  • Ducky
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(Listen, I'm trying to go by my story and the first encounter with alimons is on prehistoric earth as of chapter 30 and I'm trying to stay true to that.  Even though this isn't canon to my story at all because there will be something in my fic that's entirley different.)


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(alright I will reedit the post and post it below.)

"Well we can across a fossil by chance while Cretaceous was over Earth for a few days. news spread about a new fossil found on a island near the open oceans of the Pracfic ocean (bad spelling) to the very south. the fossil is in one of the Earth Research labs" Turla replied to Tanner. "We soon found out something about these creatures from Guinan that she saw a live one at a space station of sorts then it was all progress from then till we found this place on a probe of ours by luck"



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(Yeah, that's better)

"Ah, I see.  I forgot that a lot can change in a few centuries," chuckles Tanner, "And oddly enough, I thought I eliminated all of the alimons at the Mars station after Kruger released the virus."  He thinks back to that event, "Anyways, that's another story."


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"Are you talking about the Alimon mutation virus? or for short the AM virus" Turla asked


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"Well, yeah.  It was branched off of a bio toxin that some alimons were able to produce.  But I think it has to do with environmental setting and habitat in which some alimons produce this potent mutigen.  It's not very likely we will encounter this obstacle here." replies Tanner.


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"I believe your not telling me everything about it." Turla spoke to him