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Games that could have been much better if...


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There are some computer games out there which are really very good, but could still be improved if only they had done a few (sometimes almost obvious) changes. This thread is meant to be about such games, about what it is that you think ought to have been changed and (here's to hope) about mods which perhaps might fix the problems but may have escaped note so far.

Morrowind - the game was the predecessor of Oblivion and really I was VERY impressed by it. It is imaginative, largely free choice of action, and it has a HUGE world to play in. Unfortunately it lacks a manageable "to do list". Any talk or action of any significance, any quest etc. are recorded in a diary in chronological order. What this game really lacks with that hundreds of a pages diary is a function to just see those entries referring to quests yet to be fulfilled. A very simple thing to do I think that was regrettably not done making the game much less well arranged after you played a while and making it very tricky to get back into the game after you did not play for a while (forgetting what your character had to do in the process).

Diablo II - The whole point of the game was to collect stuff. Destroying the devil and saving the world was a nice side-effect (with most of the fights being little more than clicking in as rapid frequency as you can) but it really was about collecting ever better items and sometimes further improving them with gems, runes or whatever. It really would be the greatest fun if only they actually gave you some decent storage room to keep all that stuff! For some reason which I don't understand they seem to be unable to allow for you to have a treasure chest larger than 6x8 squares which usually ends up filled in no time (with six gems which would likely fit in one hand taking up as much space as a whole armor). Apparently they even planned to create a larger chest with one mod but then decided against it. Though I realize that the character can only wear one set of weapons and armor at a time it still is frustrating, especially in such cases where you have to leave a set item behind when you don't know if you wouldn't end up finding more items of the same set in the end. It really is frustrating to have a game focused on collecting stuff that doesn't permit for the storage room to do so :(


  • Petrie
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Quote from: Malte279,Jan 19 2011 on  09:54 AM
Morrowind - the game was the predecessor of Oblivion and really I was VERY impressed by it. It is imaginative, largely free choice of action, and it has a HUGE world to play in. Unfortunately it lacks a manageable "to do list". Any talk or action of any significance, any quest etc. are recorded in a diary in chronological order. What this game really lacks with that hundreds of a pages diary is a function to just see those entries referring to quests yet to be fulfilled. A very simple thing to do I think that was regrettably not done making the game much less well arranged after you played a while and making it very tricky to get back into the game after you did not play for a while (forgetting what your character had to do in the process).
I believe either one of the two expansions went some way, although the system wasn't perfect, to amend this rather obvious and annoying omission. You could view just pages relating to a specific quest or topic I seem to recall.


  • Littlefoot
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Diablo II - Make the game bigger, much, much bigger! Like....Oblivion bigger! Seriously, I've played the game, and it seemed far too short for my liking, and I would've loved to play it for longer too, but it still seemed just too short is all.

Littlefoot Fan

  • Ducky
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In regards to Diablo II, I know exactly what you're talking about Malte. I was thoroughly annoyed by the lack of sufficient space to hold stuff in a game where there was so much stuff to find. Fortunately, some very talented people actually created a really awesome mod for Diablo II that not only makes the inventory and stash twice as large, but also adds a TON of new content to the game. It is a mod so well made, that I can't seem to ever bring myself to play the original Diablo II again.

The name of the mod is "Hell Unleashed". I highly recommend checking it out.

As for my opinion of a game that could have been made better, I would say the game "Just Cause 2". This game is a completely "free to do whatever you want" kind of game, and is very very fun (I posted a short video of me messing around in the game in the "video game videos" topic"). You can essentially do anything from skydiving out of a jet plane high above the clouds, to driving trucks down mountains and jumping out of them :p However, the game falls short because of lack of multiplayer. Seriously, a game like this deserves multiplayer more than any other game, and I was greatly annoyed to find out it had none. Some people are working on a multiplayer mod for it, though who knows how long it will take them to finish it.

F-14 Ace

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The next gen version of Spider-Man 3.  This game had the potential to be the best game in the series but for some reason the game developers blew it.  

The game would have been better if:
1. They had left out the button mashing.  Making the player press buttons in sequence during a fight is not fun.  It is annoying and it deprives the player of strategy.

2. If New York City had felt more alive.  One of the things that made the Spider-Man 2 game great was that it felt somewhat like a real city.   If you bumped into a pedestrian on the street, they actually acknowledged that a guy in red and blue tights just ran into them.  You could also hear random people engaging in conversations with each other.  In the Spider-Man 3 game, if you bump into pedestrians, they totally ignore you.   Also, the characters have almost no personality.  In the PS2 version of Spider-Man 3, this was actually one of the few things they did right.  The pedestrians actually acknowledged that you were there and Spider-Man actually made the wisecracks that he is known for.  Why couldn't they have done this with the next gen version as well?  They could have used the same dialogue from the PS2 version of the game for the most part.

3. If Spider-Man was tougher and the villains were weaker.  Don't get me wrong.  I love a good challenge but when even a lowly mugger can K.O. Spidey with just a couple of punches yet Spider-Man must hit said mugger 20 times to beat him, you know something's not right.  Kraven the Hunter was the worst though.  Every time he hit you, you lost a huge chunk of health but you had to him him like, a billion times to defeat him.  Making matters worse, he could dodge and block almost every attack you used on him.  From start to finish it took me well over an hour to beat this guy because his health drained that slowly.  I kid you not.  It was not a fun fight.  It was redundant and boring.  By the way, Spider-Man was wearing the black suit, which actually enhances his abilities.  I hate to of fighting Kraven in the red and blue suit.


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oblivion. you can'r raise your social class or have a relationship with anyone. i always wanted to become a lord in the game, but that  didn't happen. i mean you can join about 20 different guilds and be a part of all of them at the same time, but you can't get married to a guy or girl?  seriously, after plunderingcavesa selling ancient artifacts and raising a fortune, you think there would be a place for you to call 'home' and a person you could come ho,me too.
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


  • Spike
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[color=a9c1ff]Ragnarok. Mind you it's a magnificent game. But as of a couple years it's becoming dead, and filled with trolls and haters. It's relying more on what it has now than continuing to make things like it used to ;A;  I miss the days where you'd get 3000-5000 people on one server and make friends and parties EVERYWHERE. Now you'd be lucky to find a person to help.
Honestly if they still cared it'd be better

Final Fantasy 9. If Zidane and Dagger kissed at the end >:V They should off, they looked at eachother like they were *bricked* <3[/color]


  • Ducky
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The Monster Quest PC Game. All you do at each location is search for different items. There's only five locations and usually anywhere from four to six sub-locations with in each one, the game is so easy, I can beat the game in less than an hour if I play straight through without stopping for any reason, there's two locations shown on the back of the case that aren't in the game. <_<

The game sounds better than it is, but its boring even when you play it the first time. :(


  • Cera
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Star Wars: Force Unleashed II

Now don't get me wrong. I love this game. I have so much fun playing through it time after time. However, I do recognize it is flawed. The most prominent of these flaws is the length. The game is short. Shorter than the first game? Probably, I haven't played the first in a long time. If the game was longer, it would be more enjoyable, but that doesn't mean raise it to the length of a game such as Final Fantasy XIII. Six hours though is not enough game play, so maybe if the game were eleven hours long, it would be better. Also, the enemies you face are not as diverse as in the first game. Adding some more variety would increase the skill and strategy required to battle through them.