The Gang of Five
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Lord Shen Fanart


  • Petrie
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Shen is too awesome to be contained in my general arts topic!! I already have tons of drawings of him and I'm currently finished with one and busy coloring another. Here it is:

Yup, its a gag in the movie for Soothsayer (who's a goat) to nibble on Shen's robe, much to his chagrin. The story behind this was that I went to see Kung Fu Panda for the 10th time probably :lol , and this time the only ones in the theater was myself and a random group of girls. Apparently, they were Shen fangirls too and I figured that out when one of them shouted "Eat his clothes off!!" when Soothsayer began eating Shen's robe and Shen angrily replied with: "Will you stop that?!" We all broke out laughing at her random yet eager shout, though I still wondered what she expected to see; Shen's a bird, after all... :lol

But it inspired me nonetheless and I made this for the sheer fun of it!! In this drawing, Soothsayer ate every last one of Shen's robes and he catches her as she finishes the last one. He's not happy about it, and she's just amused at his reaction.

I don't expect this to be too accurate, since the movie's not out yet and references are limited. I see tons of mistakes I don't like and a few things I purposely left out, e.g. the patterns on Soothsayer's clothes, feather detail on Shen, details on the eaten robe, etc. If this was one of my serious works, I would be gravely disappointed in how it turned out, but since this one's just for a laugh, I let it pass. Really, this one's currently the best of my Shen drawings and that's why I submitted it first. I can't wait for the movie to come out on DVD so I can have unlimited references to use!!

Hope you guys like this, there will be plenty more to come!!


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  • Ducky
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As I read Shen, I first thought about the char in League of Legends :p But nice drawing anyway :)


  • Cera
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Nice job with the drawings there. I like them a lot.


  • Petrie
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I've been feeling very unmotivated recently and my lack of activity at this site is showing it. Well, I'm gonna change that right here and right now, by submitting a couple more pics of my fav obsession (hopefully, that'll get my spirits up!!) Thanks for commenting on my previous pic, Nimrod and Petrie85!!

For the next pic, it's a rather sad one:

AHHHHH, CRAPPY BACKGROUND!!! SHIELD YOUR EYES!!! I actually didn't put too much of an effort into the background, as it hates me, as usual...

LORD SHEN IS DEAD!!!  :cry  :cry  :cry But at least he died under his own will and with honor and kick-buttery!! But at least a mention of Shen will be inevitable in the third movie!


"What's wrong with her? What did Shen do to her?" Po's bold voice made them all jump; the kitten noticeably, as she was quite sensitive to loud noises right now. The next noise, a furious and loud snarl only worsened her sensitivity.

"What did I do to her?" the peacock snarled, his feathers making a marvelous fan that just about knocked over his nanny and smothered the kitten. Kurisu whimpered at the painful noise, and the soothsayer sharply ordered him to calm with a 'ix nay, Shen.'

"Shen did nothing to her, you did," the old goat snapped to the panda, who inadvertently lowered his ears. "You nearly cracked the girl's skull open – we're lucky you didn't!"

"I was trying to protect her-"

"From what? Probably just being thrown into the waterfall or something?"

"Actually, I planned on tying her tail from a tree," Shen decided to add with a pleased smirk. (He never got to do that, but it was still a hilarious mental image.)

This was based on the mental image. Anyway, this is Lord Shen and an OC named Kurisu from the fanfic "Redeeming Light" by Cryssy-miu. It's an awesome fanfic and my favorite Kung Fu Panda fic along with "The Life and Times of Lord Shen".

"Redeeming Light" is beautiful story and keeps the elements that made the 2nd KFP movie awesome: Funny, but able to be serious when needed; capable of darkness and just plain tearjerking at some points, but perfectly balanced out with heartwarming scenes. And the OC, Kurisu (a Russian Blue domestic kitten from Japan) is very fun to know; for once an OC that isn't meant to be a love-interest :rolleyes:  :lol (which is good, I don't think Shen's ready for that kind of love when he obviously needs the love of family and friends first). Shen is kept in perfect character, and even though he eventually has a change of heart, it's done very gradually and believably. The story itself is almost finished, needing only two chapters to be complete. I recommend this read to anyone interested in KFP, it's awesome!!

You can probably expect more drawn scenes from "Redeeming Light" as well as some from a RP I'm doing with my RP friend.


  • Ruby
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  • Petrie
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I just love the color you used.

Thanks! As far as I can remember, it's my first time coloring sunsets using photoshop. Looking back, I think  could do a bit better. :lol:

I got another Shen fanart done. Here it is:

Been a while since I submitted another Shen fanart. Oddly enough, I wasn't intending on drawing this at first. I saw some gorgeous pictures of peacocks in flight and started to draw one. Then, at the last moment before inking, I thought 'Hey! Why not make this peacock Shen?'. I made the proper changes and this pic was born.

Male peafowls are great gliders (as Shen demonstrated in the movie), but not so good at long-distance flying due to their heavy tail-train. Regardless, I think Lord Shen might've genuinely flown a few times in his life and I imagine such a scene to be quite majestic and pure AWESOME!! :DD

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy this pic!


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  • Cera
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Oh, that is awesome! :wow

Not only were those the first words to go through my head when I saw that picture, but I spoke them in realtime at the same moment (under my breath, but still…).

My only complaint would be that his wings look overly simplified, but even so, this is an epic picture. :D The perspective is great, and many of his details are very nicely done. :yes

I'm sorry my comments on this piece are so limited. I'm afraid I have little time for the GOF right now, but I fully intend to speak with you again (and review more of your work) as soon as I find the time. ;)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


  • Petrie
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Oh, that is awesome!

Not only were those the first words to go through my head when I saw that picture, but I spoke them in realtime at the same moment (under my breath, but still…).

Yayz!! If I managed to get those words out of ya, then that means it must've been really good! :DD Thank you!!

My only complaint would be that his wings look overly simplified, but even so, this is an epic picture.  The perspective is great, and many of his details are very nicely done.

That's a very understandable critique. I remember not wanting to deal with wing feathers at the time, so I don't blame ya for noticing the slight lack-of-effort :oops !!

I'm sorry my comments on this piece are so limited. I'm afraid I have little time for the GOF right now, but I fully intend to speak with you again (and review more of your work) as soon as I find the time.

It's really not a problem. I certainly don't wanna add to the burden of every-day life and although I really enjoy your super-long reviews, I'm just as equally satisfied with any response from you! You're just that awesome!! *hugs*

Oh! I got another Shen fanart that I forgot to submit before! It's probably one of the most adorable that I've made:

I love how birdies sleep with their beaks tucked under their wings, so it's inevitable that I'd make something like this!! :D


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  • Cera
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I can't help but feel strange saying this about a character who invented a lethal weapon of war, tried to make pandas extinct, killed his own right-hand man wolf, and attempted to conquer an entire country, but you're right; he does look surprisingly cute. :lol And not happy about being woken up. :p

This is a really well-done picture, too; I can't think of anything to suggest as far as how it could potentially be improved.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.